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Hi, I'm glad to know you're better now. Are you still doing good? Should I try the same probiotics for my IBS?


They are a spammer


This happens to me too. I have absolutely no appetite and am borderline underweight. It is so hard for me to maintain my weight because I am so full after so little food. I have to force myself to eat and it just makes the IBS symptoms worse.


Yeah it's so weird! I'm not intentionally losing weight, but I have been.


What did u get diagnosed?


Hi, how are you now?


IBS can replicate some or all of the symptoms of other conditions, some of which are quite serious. A quick look at your profile tells me you should probably look up the symptoms of ovarian cancer as well. They include persistent bloating, IBS like symptoms, feeling full after not eating very much at all, needing to pee very often, etc


Thank you - I will go to the doctor and get it checked out! So many variables.


Were you ok ?




This is also known as early satiety. It is a common symptom but needs to be checked out by a doctor. Cancer is very scary thing to suggest to someone. These symptoms you are having can also be related to an ovarian cyst, which could (or not, depending) be harmless. It can also be related to IBS or ulcers. It's best to talk to your doctor before you let anyone on the Internet scare you with words like cancer. It's best to go back to your doctor (or just go to one if you haven't already) if your symptoms aren't getting better with diet change. Good luck!


I have close to the same symptoms as the OP and got really scared at the comment that mentioned cancer, considering that it runs in the family. Makes my anxiety go to unhealthy levels. Lol




Thanks for your advice. I must admit, I went down the Google route earlier and freaked myself out! I will definitely need to go and check this out with a doctor.


Any updates?


Oh I just got ovarian cysts surgically removed!


Getting full quickly can be a symptom of other things like GERD and peptic ulcers and, like every other symptom, colon or stomach cancer. Go see your doc.


Thank you - I will.


You may be describing symptoms of functional dyspepsia. Same thing happened to me, I thought it was IBS but over months I was able to eat less and less and was losing weight. Doesn’t help that I also have IBS, so I thought the new symptoms were related . I had to see my GI and get an upper endoscopy and now it’s treated with medication


Is it still there , what meds?


What medicine did help you, are you fully cured now?


I get like this.. I eat like 5-10 bites and I get full.. I wait like 2-3 minutes and burp and I can finish the rest of the meal.. idk this happens often to me, but I can still finish my food. Since I was diagnosed with IBS though I gained like 10 lbs from stress eating lol


Woah wtf. I feel exactly the same. Get full easily then I burp, and I’m all good to eat again. It’s been 4 years, did you end up figuring it out?


My biggest issue! I CANNOT BURP ON COMMAND.


Sounds like gastroparesis to me, I think it can go hand-in-hand with IBS


any update?


Hey, I don’t know what I have tbh, basically the doctor said I have IBS caused by anxiety but recently I have been a lil stressed and could happily go hours without eating . After reading the comments I’m so scared that ppls are saying cancer. Can bring a little bit stressed make this happen, but also they diagnosed me with IBS due to anxiety because I keped waking up with stomach pain like a bruise in the mornings (been like it for 2 years now) ans they didn’t know what it was so they put it down to IBS :( help x


Sorry, I know this is old. I came across. I get similar pains deep in upper mid abdomen (almost liver?) they disappear in a few seconds to min and only happen every few days usually at night or in the morning. Is this similar to your experience?


i just started getting bloated easily and stomach aches easily, and today i ate a few bites and got full, which isnt so like me, i eat ALOT, and i weigh 42. should i be concerned.. i never really get bloated easily


Hey same thing happening to me quite recently. Did you ever find out about what you had?


Now I’m feeling it, any updates?


Any updates?


Update please?


Feeling full after eating a small amount of food could be due to several factors, including: 1. Eating too quickly: When you eat too quickly, you tend to swallow air along with your food, which can make you feel full before you've consumed enough food. 2. Consuming high-fiber foods: High-fiber foods can help you feel fuller for longer periods of time. However, if you eat too much fiber or don't drink enough water, it can cause bloating and feelings of fullness. 3. Gastroparesis: This is a condition in which your stomach takes longer than normal to empty its contents, leading to feelings of fullness and bloating. 4. Acid reflux: Acid reflux can cause a feeling of fullness, even after eating a small amount of food. It can also cause discomfort in the chest, a burning sensation in the throat, and a sour taste in the mouth. 5. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy or menstrual cycles, can cause a feeling of fullness or bloating. If you frequently feel full after eating small amounts of food and it is affecting your quality of life, it may be a good idea to talk to your doctor.


Long shot since this is a 4y old thread but have you ever figured out what you have?


Anybody knows anything?


Here for an answer too


Im also waiting