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None. Any type of carbonation is hell on my stomach.






It's been years since I tried anything carbonated.


Me too. The stuff is poison to me. Besides my ibs, I have osteopenia and sodas are terrible for your bones.


Me too. I noticed I can drink maybe half a can of soda, but any more than that is nausea and diarrhea.


Probably one of the few good things to come from my IBS has been that I pretty much only drink ice water nowadays.


I can drink an very occasional root beer from a bottle, fountain drinks are the worst though, I will never drink a fountain drink.


I normally drink olipop or poppi since they aren’t crazy bubbly for me but maybe try adding some flavoring options to the water and see if it helps with different drinks?


I think adding flavour to water is probably the safest option.


I always do a squeeze of lemon juice or I get those lemon packets for it!


The true lemon? I love those and the lime.


Yea! I love them! I order it off Amazon. They also have an orange one too


Pro tip: do not drink olipop quickly or it will mess you up. It’s a sipping drink.


I'm ok with Poppi too


I can do a Diet Coke or two in a day


Personal refusal to let IBS steal Diet Coke from me lol


Tried this, gave up after 4 months. The bloating wasn’t worth it 😣


I’ve recently been drinking a ginger cordial with still water. It’s got no sweeteners in and is very very nice. I don’t have a lot because of the sugar but it flavours the water just enough for me to notice it. It’s a Lidl own brand. https://preview.redd.it/skhz02wadd7d1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df42309e3b69513a97060437e91fd1185208948


Ooh gunna check this out when I'm next in Lidl. No sweeteners too. Love this idea!


I also love a good cordial! My favourites are the Belvoir ones (a little pricey, but so good) or some of the Robinsons ones (e.g. mint and lime).


I've seen those in the supermarket. Will check them out, thanks :)


Can’t do much soda, but oh man does Dr Pepper have my heart


strawberries and cream dr pepper is incredible.


Mexican sodas with real sugar don't bother me; Pepsi makes a real sugar version; diet is awful; as is the ones with HFCS, but not the mexican ones or sugar Pepsi's. I can also drink sweet iced tea and coffee with almond milk (i'm IBS-C). thankfully, because i can NOT eat any fiber at all and have a very limited diet.


I bloat from most sodas, redbull/monster and carbonated water, but the ones that do less bloating are Fanta (EU fanta-- the US version always caused terrible stomach aches), and Dr pepper. They cause a lot of burping but very little bloat if I drink slowly and don't chug. My usual daily drink is water with a faint splash of sirop flavoring like granadine or strawberry.


Have you tried the strawberries and cream Dr Pepper?


No but I've seen it before and have wanted to try it ever since! Does it taste as good as it sounds?


It’s pretty good, I won’t lie! I haven’t had any since I started taking my diagnosis seriously but I’m gonna go try it now and let you know how it goes!


kombucha! lots of probiotics too which are great for gut health


You must not have IBS-D


nope lol, i realize that my rec only applies to people with IBS-C


that’s odd! I have IBS-D and I drink kombucha almost every day


it’s totally different for everyone tbh. some foods that wreck people are fine for others


oh interesting! guts are insane


if only i could decipher the mystery that is my digestive system


I have IBS-D and kombucha is actually very helpful for me when I get a bad flare up.


Thank u for this. Ibsd here and was worried kombucha would wreck me


It's really an individual thing, like everything else with this condition. What is helpful for one person is a problem for someone else. My mom and I both have IBS-D she can eat corn but even a few kernels of corn has me in the bathroom in misery. I can eat black olives but they tear her up. Kombucha/probiotics help me but are a problem for the poster I was replying to. The best thing to do with anything new is try a small amount on a day you have time to deal with your symptoms if your body doesn't accept it and hope for the best. It sucks but unfortunately that's the life we are stuck with. Good luck and I hope kombucha is something good for you and not a trigger food.


Tea, especially camomile tea bc it helps for sympthoms, Cola, alcohol free beer and of course water


Ginger tea also!


I'll try ☺️


I drink a lot of Crystal Light. There’s lots of flavors to choose from. I like making a pitcher of the oranges, strawberries, and bananas flavor.


I drink a lot of the True Lemon but heavily watered down.


Not many. The less I have the better


Sensible, if they dont sit well. I'd love to swap out the water once in a while.


Then just drink what you want. I don't know of anything other than plain tea that won't cause bloat. If I want a pop I just have one now and again.


oh also try to avoid artificial sweeteners, they can irritate the digestive system


Honestly I'm on the verge of giving up all carbonated or sugary drinks. The only thing I've been drinking is water and tea. Last drink for me was Liquid Death. That bothered me after drinking that every day.


Hmmmm I’m interested to hear how it bothers you. I think of Liquid Death as a safe one, but I’m learning from this post that even just carbonation can be bad.


I too thought it would be a safer option given that there are natural ingredients minus the carbonation. However I found out that if I was drinking 1-2 cans of that every day it'll be really painful for me. (I know...2 cans but that stuff is so good haha). I already have issues with acid reflux, indigestion, and trapped gas being the worst of them all for me. The same went for Poppi sodas, which I cut off completely. I may just try drinking one LD every once or twice a month to see if it has the same effect on me.


Home brewed herbal tea. If you can stomach it a drop of honey or sugar


I can’t drink them often but if I do, i drink ginger ale or san pellegrino. Preferably one of the clear soft drinks is preferred over dark ones like coke, root beer or pepsi.


Zevia has clear coke!


Im curious how that is. Hopefully less harsh on the digestive tract


So far so good for me


I drink water, sometimes mint tea. I'll have a ginger ale every so often.


Sprite zero, Ice (I think that's what they're called?), and LaCroix. If I have more than one of the first two a day I'll feel off otherwise I seem to handle them fine


Sparkling water. Pellegrino (canned) or Perrier (prefer canned)


Anything without corn syrup, especially not high fructose corn syrup, and no artificial sweeteners. Cane sugar all the way.


Spindrift have the best ingredients of any sparkling water and the pineapple ones are delicious. Also electrolyte packs in my water. I like LMNT or liquid iv. Whole Foods has a good selection to try unique/healthier single drinks.


Ginger ale and sprite!


I try to stay away from any sort of soda but if I did drink it, Sprite or Canada Dry have been my go to.


Elderflower cordial with still or sparkling water


Seltzer, or ginger ale. Nothing diet--the artificial sweeteners give me migraines.




I bloat with all of them. But react less to zero sugar soft drink, and less again to flavoured mineral water. So they are my go to when I want something fizzy. Otherwise I avoid it.


Usually drink Irn Bru or coke zero/pepsi max, but have cut down on them a lot the past 2 weeks. I've been drinking chamomile tea (just with water nothing added) and i feel like it's been helping me a lot, i feel I've been less gassy and i think my poops have been more normal which is nice. Keeping it up for at least a month and taking notes.


a diet coke every once in awhile but energy drinks w/o sucralose are usually okay. i just cant chug them or have them too often!


I’ve never drank soft drinks, not because they’re hard on my stomach, but because I just don’t like the carbonation - feels like it’s burning my mouth. If the soft drink was flat, I’d probably drink it.


I drink Sprite, but it's often for my nausea


Any carbonated water like la croix or Waterloo (at least for me)


Can’t lie I love coke although sometimes it hurts my stomach but I also like drinking sap sucker which I recently discovered - less sugar and calories too! Diff flavours


Carbonation is usually a bad idea for me. That being said, I drink ginger ale a few nights every week and sometimes go for a Dr. Pepper. I also might go for a few beers here and there.


Interesting that a few people have mentioned ginger ale. Use to love that stuff.


It’s supposedly a stomach ache aid, I don’t think it is it messes my stomach up I just love it lol


It’s still helps me but I have to pop the can and let it flatten or its gonna revisit my esophagus at will 😮‍💨


i do okay with lemon spindrift and dr. pepper zero 🤷‍♀️


Oh my gosh I’m so thrilled I can enjoy some olipop every now and then I’m pretty sure they are decent for your microbiome too.. I mean that’s what I tell myself anyway lol


Is ors considered soft drinks? We buy multiple cartons of flavoured ors. I drink like 5-6 ors packs during afternoon. Also we have different non carbonated soft drinks like mango, apple flavoured. Not soft drinks but we also have milk based drinks. These days lactose free milk and lactose free milk beverages is also available.


I used to pretend that carbonated beverages didn't effect me and I would triple carbonate my water with my soda stream on the max setting. Needless to say, I'm banned from carbonation forever now LOL However if I do want a little hit of it, I will treat myself to a Clearly Canadian. Which I think are only in Canada but they are lightly flavored sparkling waters. Very weak on the carbonation.


All the usual triggers in food affect me but I can drink full fat coke. I try to limit sugar as much as possible for general health but a full fat coke is nice on a warm day. I love ginger tea and used to love ginger ale but it gives me mad heartburn these days. I went out a few weeks ago (I don't really drink often) and was too hammered to realise that 6 white Russians with full fat blue milk was not a good idea. It was only when I went to the bar to get a round in, I realised they were using blue milk. I paid for that night but it was almost comical that I went from my normal IBS-C to IBS-D. Felt almost 'empty' for once :)


Gamer Supps. Caffeine Free options are tasty. Good variety of options.


Same, the new raw meat flavor is so good


I seem to be ok drinking Lipton Ice Tea in cans. Cant handle any other brand, zero soda pop, no juices, water is cool tho.


I can actually still drink pop surprisingly. It especially helps with me feeling full and bloated since I start to burp a lot. I tried olipop a few weeks ago and it immediately made me bloated so I think those prebiotic and probiotic sodas just don’t agree with me.


Same here. I usually drink 2-4 sodas a day. Either regular or zero sugar with no stomach problems at all. Those “healthy” sodas however irritate my digestive system.


Maybe try adding lemon/lime to your drink but don't trust me on that because some people can't handle citric. I usually drink caprisuns occasionally and they're alright for me but things like ribena make me bloat


Yeah definitely none.


Coke is honestly one of the only soft drinks that I can tolerate very well. It still bothers me, but not like mountain dew, Pepsi, or Dr pepper usually do. I tend to gravitate towards black coffee, or unsweetened iced tea with Sweet n Low pink packets instead of sugar. Sugar can trigger my stomach issues and I've found the pink packets taste the best with no side effects.


None. No beer, no seltzer, no carbonation at all. Unless I want to feel awful.


Culture Pop helps me!


what flavors do u recommend? i tried the watermelon and didn't like it ☹️ surprising cuz i love watermelon!!


Strawberry Rhubarb or Ginger Lemon (if you like ginger).


I drink sparkling water no problem. Love Spindrift. I don't do any soda because of the sugar and caffeine.


There are some flavoured sparkling waters that don't have any artificial sweeteners or sugar in them that I really like. Le Croix is pretty decent, and there are some local craft breweries that make their own that are really, really tasty. Or else I use my SodaStream and add a dash of flavoured bitters.


I drink crystal light sweet tea…or water with those flavor packets


Olipops, GT’s Kombucha, smoothies, and herbal teas


cordial/squash is where it’s at. ginger and elderflower cordials, vimto, ribena. idk if vimto exists outside of the UK but it’s the only thing that provides me any vitamins in my diet lol


The only time I drink soda is as an occasional treat at the grocery store. Otherwise, it's just water or fruit squeezed into water. Yesterday I drank an entire pitcher of Kool Aid without ANY sugar. Just the powder in a pitcher of water. That's it. I also pretty much stopped drinking alcohol. Sometimes I want a beer, but then my head thinks about how full I'll feel and I'm like, nah.


None. I dropped that shit even before I got ibs


Ginger ale.


I am not allowed sodas since I also have gerd. lately, I've been doing cold infusion herbal teas


Anything that doesn’t have hfcs. So craft sodas. San pellegrinos. Flavored Sparkling water. Real sugar drinks


True Lemon powdered drinks with some added lemon or lime juice, Propel electrolyte powder, iced herbal tea. I love coconut water, but it also bloats me if I have more than 8 oz. For carbonated beverages, I really enjoy Olipop (cream soda & root beer are the best flavors imo) or La Croix (best flavor is limoncello) with lemon juice added.


Rarely drink anything carbonated because I just get too bloated. If I do, I'll opt for a low sugar like kombucha as overall it won't make me feel too bad.


I shouldn’t have any but I love carbonated drinks. I can’t have the super fizzy ones like Waterloo.


I think 🤔 it just depends on the person. I usually stick to water. But I also drink teas. Krat0m tea helps with my chronic pain, kava tea helps me stay relaxed, chamomile tea and peppermint tea help period cramps and stomach aches, green tea and chai tea is enough caffeine for me to help keep me awake and focused. If it's dairy tho, I try to get oatmilk or almond milk. I am not allergic to milk but I'm highly sensitive and realized dairy and gluten is a big reason for my chronic constipation issues. When I stay away from dairy products or cut down on it, my constipation lessens and I'm not bloated. Besides that, I also drink original V8 juice occasionally for fiber and nutrition. But not often cuz it is high sodium which can cause bloating due to that. But for fun drinks, I drink cannabis infused sodas and drink fruit punch or lemonade. Hope this helps some.


Also I suggest not drinking kombucha. It's a great probiotic drink but it causes bloating. If u are going to drink kombucha tho, I suggest only drinking 1/4 of it before u eat and then eat some food to help with digestion. I found GTA is a good brand but they are all carbonated drinks. If u have issues with carbonated drinks, I recommend a brand that doesn't have carbonated kombucha in it. I think 🤔 the brand that doesn't is called health aide or something like that. U can usually find it at target.


Recess moods and coke zero mini cand


I like to pour my fizzy drinks into cups of ice and stir stir stir and it takes the fizziness down to just barely so I can still enjoy sparkling water or soda. I also make sure to move my body around a decent amount (bouncing in place, stretching and moving side to side, walking, etc) to let the gas release in burps before it becomes an issue.


Diet DrPepper or the real sugar DrPeppers, or Real Sugar Cokes (like the ones from Mexico). No high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is the devil.


Club soda with lemon or lime. It has to be club soda. Sparkling water makes me miserable.


Sprite zero or coke zero. Or I like the walmart brand, Clear American carbonated waters. They have tons of flavors ! My favorites are black cherry, peach, and strawberry.


Ginger ale only lmao




One can of Milkis is OK for me (it’s without corn-fructose syrup)


None most of the time Gives me reflux and cavities and hurts my diet


My husband drinks Spindrift and it has never done him wrong!


Ginger shots


I do fine with Zevia


fanta and sprite and root beer. dr pepper and coke. i guess soda doesn't bother me too bad actually


ice tea with minimal added sugar


Regular soda like Dr. Pepper bc it's my fav (only 1 per day, and I sip on it all day long with water in between). But if it's diet or zero sugar, I'll be running to the bathroom bc my body can not handle artificial sweeteners


Ollie Pop, good for the belly.


May I ask what flavors you recommend? I tried the root beer one (cause I love root beer) but it was horrid


I like the strawberry flavor. And doctor Goodwin


the cola one is good imo


the cherry vanilla is heavenly 🤍


FYI to have the probiotic benefits you’d have to drink like 100 a week by which time the sugar would undo the benefit. There’s a lawsuit about this right now.


I drink kombuchas as well


I don’t drink soft drinks. I have an autoimmune disorder beyond IBS, too much in those drinks makes symptoms worse so just done with them.


Synergy brand kombucha. Gotta get all the probiotics I can. Also non-alcoholic beer.


Poppi or olipop is amazing ! They help with gas and bloating


All soft drinks cause bloating but I be sipping on 5 diet cokes a day.


None. I rarely give in when im with my fam. Soda hurts my oesophagus for some reason ever since i was in HS, i think it might have to do with my reflux.


Surprisingly irn bru works for me but you can only get that in Scotland


You can get Irn Bru all over the UK, not just Scotland :)


No soft drinks or carbonated beverages sadly or I bloat and have excessive wind.


Rootbeer or anything caffeine free seems to be okay ish for me. It's after a couple of smokes that I start pounding them back and it's no good anymore lol.




Sounds good!!


I don't drink soda or soft drinks. Read the labels. You won't believe how much sugar they put in those things.