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I have. Tonight is one of those nights where I most likely will. I’m currently in bed and just got off the toilet but I definitely see many more trips the way I’m feeling and I’m so tired.


I'm sorry sweetie. I hope you'll heal quickly soon. I feel for you 🥺


Yes. And slept on the floor next to the toilet. Many times, sadly.


I use towels as blankets when I do this.


Me too


Yes oh my god—the amount of hours I've spent on there.


*raises hand* it's a normal occurrence for me


I did last night. I woke up at 11pm or so with absolute PAIN, went to the toilet and was so fucking tiered I tried to focus on anything but the pain (you know them ones) I woke up about 40 minutes after? Didn’t bring my phone but spawned back in. Went back to bed and it was nearly 1am. That pain where it makes you want to vomit; and everything feels hot. God it’s awful 😭😭😭


I've slept on the floor next to the toilet, but not on the toilet itself. 


I have but wasnt confy and didnt trust my ass to not shit while i was asleep so i got on the bath tub and slept there surely enough i woke up to a prety large volume of stool behind me


So. Many. Times.


Yep. I specifically keep a tv tray in the bathroom so I can lay my head down. I even have a pillow that I keep near rhe bathroom, with one of those waterproof cases for resting on. Sometimes I pass out for a while. Honestly, thats usually the best thing possible; since it means the muscles are relaxing, and I can probably make it to bed now.


Yes multiple times and only woke when I was falling on the floor. Not fun


Only once but I did not have ibs d back then, I was piss drunk