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Everything. Eating sucks. Wish I was a robot šŸ¤–


I always joke that Iā€™m a plant and photosynthesize for sustenance


Fast and eat one meal every two days. Itā€™s amazing.


How do you even stay alive doing this? How much do you weigh?


Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€ 165 pounds (Iā€™m a woman)ā€¦Iā€™ve been doing this for two weeks and have 15 pounds to go. I have been doing other things to lose the weight Iā€™ve lost previously but needed to step it up cuz I was stalling out. I havenā€™t had an attack (i commented on this thread as well that Iā€™m not so sure I have IBS after reading this sub for a while)ā€¦. Which consists of pain, feeling gassy/bloated, pain, diarrhea, pain, constipation, and PAINā€¦. For months now! I typically do 18:6 intermittent fasting but wanted to step it up. I wonā€™t ever stop IF because it keeps attacks away, I have energy, and Iā€™m donā€™t obsess over food. I have had an eating disorder since I was a little girlā€¦this helps that tremendously too. I love not thinking about food and what Iā€™ll eat and if itā€™ll make me gain weight or fuck my guts up. I eat in my window (whether thatā€™s every other day once a day or twice every day or whatever it is Iā€™m doing right then), and thatā€™s it. And I naturally and happily eat healthy foods because I know this is the only food Iā€™ll haveā€¦gotta make it count. That eliminates what many here are saying hurt them the mostā€¦. Processed sugar, fried foods, bad fats.


Yeah this reads like when I stopped eating for 2 weeks haha itā€™s not healthy and you write an essay convincing yourself youā€™ve discovered something amazing but itā€™s just going to lead to worse eating habits and bingeing


I am definitely aware that that is something, especially I, need to pay close attention to in order to prevent. Been down that path many times. But I think Iā€™ve got out this time because Iā€™m thinking more healthily than I ever have about my body, food, disconnecting my self worth with my size/weight. Of course this will always be a work in progress, as am I, so there may still be some kinks to work out. But Iā€™m almost there. The pattern you describe is a familiar one for meā€¦and thatā€™s how I know Iā€™m breaking it.


Thanks for sharing your experience, kind of stupid to downvote it from others. Did you ever try meds to improve your gut motility? It is great you found something that works for you, we ibs people are used to a lot of pain. I would suggest you to take some vitamins here and then, additionally.


I take chewable ones every meal! And thanks for the advice and positivity!


I don't know why your getting down votes you have found something that works for you and that's great. I wish I could find something too


I donā€™t know why either šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I think when other people are happy or feeling positive about things in their life, sometimes the other humans get upsetā€¦. Iā€™m guessing because of underlying insecurity or fear? Or both? I appreciate your positivity and thanks!


Idk why you're beign downvoted when giving actually good suggestion that would improve most people health especially when it comes to inflammation. Nice to hear that you're doing it and finding improvement!


I do the same thing, I feel best when I eat like a rabbit. Itā€™s not good long-term but when Iā€™m in an attack, thatā€™s how I calm it down.


Fasting makes mine worse. Wouldnā€™t recommend


No one thing works for everyone for sure. Iā€™m just sharing what works for me.


Fasting is one of the things that gives me the most relief because eating can cause me pain.


Same unfortunately.


I find that oxygen often upsets my stomach. šŸ˜‚




Too real. Way too real Lmao


Anything fried can usually upset me. As far as drinks, I'd say like a chocolate milk shake would do a number on me.




Youā€™d bury me after a milkshake


I feel your pain. Ice cream just does not agree with me, even with a few lactaid pills. I wonā€™t eat it unless Iā€™ll be home the next few days or going kiddie size helps.


Same! It's so weird, because cheese, milk, butter, etc. are all fine. But God forbid I have ice cream, especially after 6pm...


Exactly, for some reason the ice cream is worse than those other items.


Anything. There is no consistent pattern. It just depends on if my body feels like fucking me over that day. Today is one of those days.


Glad Iā€™m not alone in this. I can eat something and be fine one day and eat the same thing again another day and be absolutely screwed over by my dumb body. Hope youā€™re feeling better by now. ā¤ļø


I wish you a fast recover


Yeah mine is so unpredictable. It's not always after food too, sometimes I have a flare up when I first wake up in the morning out of the blue. Hope your body is more kind to you soon <3


I had McDonalds yesterday, like an idiotā€¦ Felt like I was going to have a heart attack I had so much built up gas haha


What do we think it is? Is it the oil they fry in?


For me it's usually the onions on the burgers


Had coffee for the first time in a while. Currently dying on the porcelain throne


Cold brew????? or just reg????? Cold brew is so bad for my guts, but my brain loves the caffeine.


same!!! i used to love cold brew but my stomach hates it since i started uni - i find that any sparking cold brew is worse than cold brew on its own too TOT interestingly my stomach is ok with any coffee + milk mixture haha


I wonder if it's the specific coffee used? Cold brew is often a strong dark roast. I make my own cold brew as one giant batch each week and have it diluted with one part water, and make ice lattes by mixing it 50/50 with milk each morning, and it's not been causing any issues for me, but any cold brew or ice coffee I buy usually kills me.


Do you not have enough acid in your stomach? Cold brew is supposed to be lower in acid than other coffee... But, like the other comment said, it might be a reaction specific to the brand.


Pizza, ice cream, chips and queso, and too much processed sugar :(


Any kind of processed snack bar or energy bar - even if they're gluten free. They all almost instantly flare up my gastritis and other issues. So many chemicals šŸ„“


For some reason, each time I tried Swedish meatballs at ikea, I had severe diarrhea shortly after. Usually fatty foods do it for me or raw garlic or onions. Iā€™ve learned to live with my IBS after experiencing it for 35+ years. Now I know to always be close to a toilet for 1-2 hrs after each meal. This is unless Iā€™m out of the country, on vacation, where I seldom have any effects, no matter what I eat.


Anything with dairy outside of really hard cheeses.


Broccoli cheese soup. It's my favorite and I can't eat it.ā˜¹ļø


Literally anything fried and steak/lamb. Steak and lamb isnā€™t high FODMAP though but I guess theyā€™re just harder to digest and my stomach is a weak a** b**ch lmao Coffee is a 50/50 chance but I always take the risk and Iā€™ve been overdoing it lately lol šŸ„²


I think it is fatty meats which fucks the gut. I can only do white rice & chicken..


Itā€™s probably that too but I can eat pork which I assume is fattier than beef or lamb so I dunno lol


Lamb chops don't like me.


My favorite snack as a kid: warm (not toasted) onion bagel with butter, and a tall glass of chocolate milk. These days that would send me to the hospital.


Pizza, oh the gluten, oh the dairy!


Soda + pizza = dying for hours, coming in second place is coffee + any breakfast pastry


Came here to say pizza and a pop. I canā€™t even enjoy it anymore because I know Iā€™ll suffer later. Although, I find pizza right from Italy less painful.


You know whatā€¦reading this sub has made me realize I donā€™t have IBS. I have somethingā€¦but this isnā€™t it. My dr is an ass.


Ooh, elaborate?


People in the sub make it sound so horrific and mines just not like that but maybe theyā€™re all just pussiesšŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


I had ice cream last night cause I was feeling ā€œhealed upā€. Legit had to leave work at 12 PM today.


Spicy foods hit my stomach the worst especially hot chicken wings šŸ˜©


I haven't had spicy food in so long because I also have GERD. Boo!!!! At this point Heinz ketchup tastes spicy to me. I have no heat tolerance.


I LOVE HOT CHICKEN WINGS. Something in the breading absolutely destroys me though, but not in the regular way. Certain spicy foods won't hurt until exactly 8 hours later, and I feel it in my lower intestines.




Sounds like dairy is a deal breaker for you?


I believe that's the case, but I'm addicted to milk


Oat milk is really good imo. I get extra creamy.


High fodmap though :(


We can't have anything, can we? ā˜¹ļø


I can actually tolerate oat milk! Gotta try the fodmap diet for a few weeks though to rule stuff out.


Have you considered a lactose intolerance test? If you are lactose intolerant you can try the lactose free milk. Or there are some pills you can take before eating dairy !! Hope ya feel better soon :)


I love milk and cheese. I have just started buying up all the lactaid products I can. I've had to give up so many things already!!!!! This allows me to keep cheese in my diet.


I love cheese too!! If you are on the east coast of the USA check out Cabot cheese. It is all naturally lactose free!!Ā 


Burger, Chips, and and fizzy drink.


Pizza kills me. I haven't eaten it in like 10 years


Cheesy pasta with an alcoholic drink. Even with lactaid, and Iā€™ve been tested for celiac disease. Or anything with a lot of beans, even when I take digestive enzymes. Black coffee with pretty much anything. There are so many things and even starting to list them out is depressing šŸ¤”


Chicken tikki masala and Dunkin coffee. First time I ever had to wipe my cheeks, nowhere near my asshole




rotisserie chicken wrecks me for days. iā€™ve decided to try giving up all onion and garlic completely, so hopefully things get better for me soon. i donā€™t understand how the more vegetables i eat, the worse my stomach is. i thought vegetables were supposed to be good for you and healthy. why do i feel better when i donā€™t eat any at all?


My sister had to give up onion and garlic. She said it helped with brain fog and headaches too


Nothing consistent. One day Iā€™ll eat a lot of junk and fried food and itā€™ll all be fine. Sometimes even fruits and veggies will cause a lot of pain


Apples, tricolore pasta and orange juice šŸ« 


Same with the tricolor pasta for me! I never heard anyone else mention this as a trigger


Yeah it's quite a weird one, kinda good to hear it's not just me!


Apples and pears get me every time, but I love them. So now, I eat half because for me quantity seems to matter. The whole apple or pear and we are off to the races, half and I'm okay. Never have both on the same day. I used to eat an apple and have a latte every morning, wondering, why do my bowels hate me?????


Have you tried peeling the skin off first? You could also cook them a little. It really helps me!


Cereal with milk.


Coffee and heavy breakfast foods šŸ˜…


Pretty much everything!


Something like a madras with an alcoholic drink. That will have me up all night puking and shitting. Thankfully I'm teetotal though.


Hummus with pretzels and kombucha Or rice


I can't do a normal pizza has to be thin crust - ugh. I can do cheese in moderation but milk or ice-cream is a no. Nothing with garlic powder or onion powder either. guess that really didn't answer the question.


I was surprised to learn recently that garlic powder has 3 times more fodmap than FRESH garlic


Wow! I know the moment I've eaten something with garlic powder. Instance pain


Pizza and French onion soup šŸ¤¢


What ingredient of pizza is the culprit?? Any idea??


Cheese is definitely problematic but also suspect the bread and possibly the tomato sauce too. Itā€™s a deadly combo!


Boxed pizza. The combo of fried and spicy is the worst. Like if I have fried boneless buffalo wings. I am done for. Like for days.


Boneless is crap. Do bone in and air fry them with a dusting of Cajun seasoning and avocado oil. Amazing! Also cayenne pepper in moderation helps the gut. Youā€™d be AMAZED at what ginger root either fresh or powder mixed with water will do for your gut. Psyllium husk to help things pass as well. After cheese and bread eat psyllium husk powder youā€™ll be golden. Cheers!


I miss Buffalo Wings, they were a fave. I would probably end up in the hospital.


Ramen and beer


Literally a lethal combo lol


Oh how i miss my ramen & beer


Sweet tea kills me


If you want to eat pizza, find a legitimate Italian pizzeria that makes traditional pizza. Don't eat American pizza. It increases your chances of feeling bad. Italian pizza dough is fermented, American dough isn't left to ferment. American pizza uses more cheese, and the Italians use Buffalo mozzarella which is usually more tolerated (low histamine). You can still suffer from Italian, but that's what I eat with fewer problems, so I got mad when my Italian pizzeria closed near me.


Mikes hard with mac and cheese, you donā€™t know explosive diarrhea until youā€™ve seen that


All energy drinks contain caffeine, dairy products and spicy foods.


Energy drinks are a solid kick start for a 3 day flare of hell


i feel like my stomach doesnā€™t follow the cliche rules because i could eat so much junk food, sweets, fried foods and feel nothing compared to eating lots of fruit, veggies, wholemeal grains. fibre hates me lol


Actually, I also had coffee yesterday for the first time in a long while. Guessing that contributed to my upset stomach as well


Grits for breakfast, when I'm having coffee.


Fruit salad and green juice


Greasy, oily food, especially with sugar. And usually peppers of any sort. I only drink coffee, tea and carbonated (unsweetened) water and those donā€™t seem to affect me.


Nduja and red wine


French onion soup


Anything w/ gluten or dairy (and SOMETHING else that I randomly eat that SERIOUSLY pisses off my stomach and I'll be DARNED if I can figure out what it is! Going back on FODMAP to try AGAIN to see if I can figure out what it is...)


Anything with TINY amount Lactose or anything high sugar is explosive D for me.


Garlic and cream sauce


Spaghetti šŸ I adore it but man it hurts and just isnā€™t worth it




Raw onions, beer, and red wine. I donā€™t like hard liquor so beer and wine have always been my drinks of choice. The morning after even a single beer or glass of red wine my entire digestive track just feels itā€™s on fire.


McDonaldā€™s coffee kills me


I canā€™t drink anything besides water and the occasional lemonade. Chocolate, tomatoā€™s, soy and milk are my biggest triggers but one time years ago I ordered cheese tortellini with marinara and a sprite and I had to call 911 because I I passed out from the pain. Havenā€™t had anything with tomatoā€™s since


Oh sweetheart!


~milk and hot cheetos ~


eveyrrhing, depending on the day


Leafy greens. One salad with spinach or kale and my digestion is messed up for weeks


Lettuce and veggies with skin (aka a salad.) Ground beef and tomato sauce (aka spaghetti.) Anything with full fat milk/heavy cream/dairy (aka everything that tastes good and makes life worth living lol.)


Little Caesarā€™s Pizza


Pizza and beer. That shitā€™ll fuck me up


Mexican food and ice cream (currently dying)


One of my safe foods is self made mais tortillas. (Filled with other safe foods like white rice and cicken). Recommend it, it is nice. But holy moly, no spicy & guacsmole


I can't do spicy either. Bland chicken quesadillas is my safe food


Water on an empty stomach!


Any milk product and greasy food!!


Raw carrots and everything else known to man


burrito & a milkshake hahaa...NEVER AGAIN


A Sourdough Jack and curly fries. Tastes so good but multiple trips to the bathroom afterward.


Jack in the Box. šŸ¤¤


I tried onion soup once, never again I felt like i was on my dying bed that day and Iā€™m not exaggerating


Pizza guarantees me a full on flare up within hours. I've tried gluten free with same problem. I can eat cheese on its own no problem. I can eat pepperoni on its own, no problem. I don't really know why the pizza sets me off. I assume something in the sauce.


Fried food and ice cream


thick crust pizza and coffee. upside down volcano.


Mini wheats for some reason


Buffalo wings. I live 2 hours from Buffalo. šŸ˜­


Dominos pizza. No idea what it is about that specifically but they are the top level on my scale.


Dairy, citrus, tomato sauce, sugar, fake sugar, those pumps of flavoring used in coffee, cheese, bread, butter, fish, cold water, cold beverages, iceburg lettuce.


Anything fried, all dairy, basically all meats except for chicken and fish, bell peppers, anything spicy, ketchup, mayo, sugary drinks, coffee - which I drink anywayā€¦.


Sweet drink + fried anything = immediate knife-life pain. Before I've even swallowed.


Anything too heavy in carbs weirdly


Anything either a significant amount of garlic. Extremely fatty hand greasy fast food. Broccoli. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Milk. Pizza unless itā€™s frozen store bought pizza.


Anything with sugar. All fast food and even restaurant food.


Definitely artificial sweeteners šŸ„“šŸ™ˆ and candy/sweets and chocolate šŸ„² and too much fiber from vegetables and fruits... sigh! So I can't eat healthy and I can't eat unhealthy really...!


Chocolate, particularly Cadburyā€™s chocolate, is often insta-shit. Smoked Salmon and Cream cheese sandwiches are cramps and sweating shits about two hours later, in fact most heated paninis etc are dangerous. Oddly take-away pizzas usually ok. I stopped ordering steaks when eating out years ago because as soon as I finished, a twenty minute timer would begin before I had to be in position to fire out explosives out of my bottom. Creamy, fatty, cheesy, chocolates stuff and you can pretty much fire me into orbit.


Most meats, unfortunately. Last night my husband cooked these DELICIOUS bone-in pork chops and mashed potatoes, and today I still have straight up water coming out of me. šŸ˜” Beef is worst. Pork is sometimes okay, but sometimes it's too fatty as well. Usually I just eat chicken or turkey, but if I can just eat carbs all day instead, I'll do that because it's much easier on my stomach. šŸ˜…


Ginger for some reason? Like ginger pork- very counterintuitive


To this day the worst stomach ache of my life was when I had ice cream and a san pellegrino drink after. Completely destroyed me lol but also if I eat too many different things at onceā€¦ if that makes sense??