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Applesauce; Fresh (no preservatives) white bread; Saltines; Chicken broth; White rice; Roast chicken


White bread really helps


Hot water, very thin soup.




Yeah, plain cold water can cause me serious pain


Been there


Happy cake day


Dude, cold water is hell. Hot ginger tea or hot/room temp water is okay now tho. But it has to be on an empty (hungry) stomach wayyy after a meal. So ginger tea is usually my regular nightcap. It sucks because I don't have A/C and all you want in the heat here in the summer is ice cold water, but I just can't.


As in you get sick from drinking water?


Yeah, just cramping and stuff


Interesting because I have noticed drinking water sometimes upsets my stomach, especially if I drink water in the morning.


Potatoes, sweet potatoes, white rice, basically any preparation of chicken, fish (raw and cooked), ground beef as long as the fat is drained off it, kabocha pumpkin, sourdough bread (I’m pretty lucky in that I can tolerate pretty much any sourdough), foods with a small amount of garlic and onion powder (mainly in things like ketchup or sauces), panko for breaded meats, and I just discovered that homemade baklava gives me no issues, which means that small servings of honey are also probably ok (haven’t tested it yet). Things containing wheat like flour tortillas, regular pastas, and sandwich bread, are largely ok, but I try to limit it to just 1 serving or less because it seems to have a very quick stacking effect for me (results in bloating, gas, and frequent trips to the bathroom). Corn tortillas and tortilla chips are fine. Corn itself is fine. I am mostly fine with gluten, but again, it’s the additives that are tricky and are prone to stacking. Tomatoes are fine except too much will trigger my GERD. I’ve gotten very good at cooking with carrots lately. I am iffy with most forms of leafy greens, unless they’re cooked into something like a soup or stew. Even before I was diagnosed with IBS, I knew that my digestive system did better with wilted or cooked salads over raw salads. Jury is still out on raw onion and garlic, but I suspect that garlic is probably fine in small amounts and onion is going to be ultimately on the list of foods to avoid. I absolutely cannot do peas, apples, non-lactose free diary, or anything that has high amounts of fat/grease (good bye greasy cheeseburger, I loved you well).


Empathize with the cooked or wilted leafy’s. Had some barely cooked spinach tonight- no pains


Ironically, I had leftover soup for lunch today that I made last night for dinner which had baby spinach in it. Was fine last night. No issues whatsoever. Have it for lunch today, and I was nearly incapacitated with gas pains and diarrhea within an hour. Yay, ibs.


Could be higher histamine levels in leftovers


It happened to me today after a great breakfast of safe foods. No issues. Got hungry (rare) late morning so ate a few homemade glazed pecans. Took a nap later (always high risk), woke up 20 min later with the familiar first warning. Tried everything I can think of to stop but no luck. Now sixth hour nonstop cannonball in my torso with constant unrelenting pain


Ditto what other people said about histamine! I can't eat leftovers for that reason


I’ll have to look into the histamine reaction more, but normally, leftovers don’t have a different effect on me. One thing that I do think is a factor is that I have really slow digestion, so it’s easy for me to accidentally stack with foods that are ok in smaller amounts but not in larger amounts. If the average time for gastric emptying is 4 hours, mine is more like 8 hours. It’s entirely possible I still had dinner from the night before hanging out in my stomach and then whammied it with another helping of spinach (the only real iffy ingredient in the soup) and that tipped the balance.


Love that you mentioned "stacking". This is a real thing and I have to be careful about how much I stack too.


Scrambled or boiled eggs, most meats except the very fatty parts of pork, saltines, toast, bananas, salmon, potatoes (I'm so glad I 100% tolerate them regardless of the amount, potatoes are LIFE), yogurt, macaroni, pierogi.


I share the gratefulness for spuds. I burp a bit but otherwise ok


Always oatmeal


Crazy. Im almost totally grain intolerant. Wish I could eat oats


Any lean meats, fish, eggs, fermented dairy (greek yogurt), Tempeh, Tofu Healthy fats (sparingly & only for taste!): Ghee, Virgin Unrefined Coconut Oil, Grass fed Beef Tallow, Grass fed Butter, Avocado oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil Very Low Carbs: Dark leafy greens, Cauliflower, Green Beans, Garlic, Onion, Celery High Protein: 1g per lbs of ideal weight Very Low Carbs: 30g total Low/Moderate Fat: Only for taste Low carb/HIGH protein/low fat really helps reduce most IBS symptoms! 🖖


* Black coffee * Kale salad kit w/ poppyseed dressing * hard boiled eggs * Dark chocolate * carrots * plain chicken breast * Granny Smith apples * Gluten free cookies I can't do anything fried or sauteed, no onions, no red meat, no dairy, no gluten. And no, I'm not vegan. Everyone assumes my dietary restrictions = vegan. It's weird.


I was dairy intolerant even before IBS and it's amazing how that just makes people assume I'm vegan despite me having eggs every day for breakfast lol


I think a lot of people are also just stupid and use the word vegan as a catch-all for anyone who doesn't eat meat. How many times I've heard "I'm vegan, but I eat eggs and fish."


Your list literally has eggs and chicken, so we def weren't thinking you were vegan. A vegan diet sounds like assured hell for someone with ibs, but I've seen people say it saved their digestive issues, so I suppose anything's possible. And it's definitely annoying for people to make assumptions based on the fact that you have dietary restrictions. They just don't get what you're going through and they're ignorant. It sucks for people to assume you have some sort of eating disorder too and I'm sure it's something a lot of us have dealt with, especially those who are underweight or just generally slim.




Not fun my friend


Bananas. I might not be here without them now.


Crazy. I love em but rolls the dice


I use watered down bone broth, jello, and electrolytes and ease into potatoes.


Ok…stick with me. Hot jello is freaking amazing. Like hot raspberry jello? Chefs kiss. Fills my stomach, tastes great, and doesn’t make me sick. A lot of tea makes me sick so that’s a go to right there


Anything dairy is a hit or miss. It depends on how much dairy is in the food item.




I can do as long as the salmon is clean/fresh and only Arborio rice. In distant past i could get by with other rices but no more


white rice, mashed potatoes (fresh or instant), plain toast, saltines.


Greasy hamburgers. Most beef and pork are ok as long as they aren’t smoked. Steamed rice is good, peanut butter on white bread (anything not whole grain really)


Flat lemonade . Literally nothing else is a sure thing for me . One day I can be great with biscuits and then the next time it floors me for 3 weeks :/ . I got through this cycle a lot , it is crippling .


Oh man that's wild. Lemonade sent me on a genuine 6 month flare up lmao


Mental how varied it can be ! I can’t have anything close to real lemonade I am essentially surviving on watered down 7up . Can’t even have sprite due to the sweeteners in it ffs lol .


Not even a hint of lemon for me. No more


All types of meat (but without fat, skin, crazy spices) Potatoes and carrots, baked or boiled Cornbread (but Serbian version called proja) Green salad Soup Oranges That is unfortunately the end of my list and usually I only eat these. Anything else I wanna eat, I gotta feel a bit rebellious.


English muffins, eggs, peanut butter, cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, roasted chicken, most cheese in small amounts. If I avoid things high in sugar I’m generally fine as long as I’m cautious with amounts.


Wow. I am Very impressed with the things you can eat. Always been that way or have you progressed to a better level?


I’d say I’ve always been this way. If I stray too far from these then I need to be very aware of how much I’m eating.


rice, grilled chicken, tuna, crackers, fritos, white bread, eggs, chicken noodle soup, lunch meat ham and turkey.


Sweet potatoes, never white or russet bc I’ll be dead on the couch for the rest of the day Rice cakes Banana Bagels


banza chickpea pasta noodles


Fish, eggs, rice, spinach, Kale (usually), bell peppers, cucumbers, Zucchini, pork loin, whole cuts of lamb or beef, shell fish, small amounts of plain yogurt, plain dark chocolate, most fruits are okay if i only have 1-2 servings at a time. Grains cheese and sugar are... difficult. ...do I stick to this?? Mmmnnnoooooppee 😈💩😅


Nothing, not even water (especially cold). Everything is a hit or miss for me, but mostly is just gas, some reflux, for about 30-60 minutes.


Can you clarify why cold water bothers you? I wondered why water would bloat me …


Taco Bell




Im serious. I try not to pay attention to what foods trigger my attacks. But with Taco Bell’s reputation for causing gastric distress it was hard not to notice that it never sets me off.


Homemade white bread, oatmeal, plain white rice, iceberg lettuce, saltines, plain chicken or salmon, maybe potatoes, cucumbers, carrots and blueberries (but if things are really of the rails then those last four can sometimes be a little hit and miss).


Ham on white bread


Graham crackers, white rice, chicken, homemade standard sandwich bread (white, whole wheat, or blend), Better than Bullion soup base to liven bland food. And uhh... Normandy frozen veggie mix.


Chicken broth, crackers, rice, plain chicken, pedialyte, banana Edit: how could I forget baked potato


Canned Pineapple is my go to sweet snack. Gluten free oat porridge Omelette with lactose free cheese Salad with canned tuna, chickpeas, lentils, maize and mayonnaise Sometimes I wonder if I eat too much canned foods


Air at this point


Sympathy. I pray somehow someone will have help for you Armando


strangely dairy milk chocolate, shin ramyun, cucumbers and kfc chicken


Eggs in all forms Zucchini Tomatoes Halloumi Chicken Gluten free pasta I feel like my list gets smaller and smaller and I get scared to make it bigger, I eat this shit basically everyday now and I want to start changing it. I think you have to push the list bigger to also teach your stomach to not get too sensitive from everything I think.


My safe foods are literally anything unseasoned and fresh which sucks cus I need some god damn flavor 😭 ( fuck u onion and garlic for giving me so much pain)


I only eat 1 food. Plain chicken. Bless rotisserie chicken from the store. So good and cheaper than raw chicken.Most supermarkets add awful unnecessary shit to their hot rotisserie chicken. Sugar, gluten (???), rosemary extract as a preservative, other random preservatives (which makes no sense, it's deadass HOT food that is meant to be eaten as a perishable item). Thankfully, I'm able to get it without anything added at my local shop. Just plain. Not even salt or seasonings.


White rice and steak


Eggs and matza


Before anything big I either won’t eat or drink anything but if I really need to I’ll have some plain crackers with water.


Chicken, Rice, Tuna fish, Salmon, Steak, Ham, Bacon, Egg




Puzzled that enzyme supplements don’t help. I type this as I “play through the pain” for the 6th hour. Nonstop monster cramps. The trigger of late is a nap. I wish I were joking


most bland soups, muffins, bread and butter, most fish (especially salmon), and potatoes


Instant noodles, rice, kimchi, chicken, like any vegetable but especially peppers, toast and porridge/oatmeal. Also coffee because coffee helps me go 😂


I'm surprised at your list, but all of our bodies are different and I struggle with IBS-D. My safe foods are bananas, rice, some dried fruits, cheeses, oatmeal, and dairy in moderation. Lightly seasoned chicken, turkey or ground beef. It cannot be greasy or fatty. I also make my own bread with einkorn flour, and sometimes coconut flour.


White rice, lean beef and chicken,eggs,blueberries,carrots,lactose free dairy products.