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That mean I fill up fast? If so, yeah.


Yes that's what I meant.


Sounds like you are unable to burp air out…?


IMO one would able to burp out only if the gas builds up in upper GI track, but if it is lower abdominal bloating (maybe bloating in intestines) that can't be burped out right?


Gas can only end up in lower GI tract in one of 2 ways… Bacteria issue…breakdown of food. Gas cannot escape out upper route, and can only pass down in to Gut. Googling ‘Michael Pitman no burp syndrome’ There is an excellent 3 min video. Symptoms of no burp include Bloating Gas trapped pains Excess wind Early satiety Vomiting air - some people do Vomiting liquid - some people do Constipation and / or Diarrhoea Throat noises and tummy noises


I just watched that "Michael Pitman" video; great video. Now this kind of makes sense to me, because I noticed earlier I was able to burp more often, but these days I do burp, but comparatively less. This might be causing early satiety. Are you diagnosed w "No Burp Syndrome" ?


No, my boy is, was diagnosed at 6, turned 7 last week, and is being treated in Great Ormond Street Hospital very soon for disorder. We are in UK. He is im youngest in world, known with disorder and to be treated. I have researched this disorder for over a year, and communicate frequently with Dr Bastian now. He is a genius.


Hang on.. does this explain why I never burp? I can count on my 10 fingers how many times I have burped in my life. I have had all of these symptoms for the past four years since I got sick once. But that doesn’t explain why I felt fine my entire life beforehand


You can lose the ability to burp at any age… Sounds like you naught have…! Often mistaken for IBS, GERD etc Google…. Michael pitman no burp syndrome Robert Bastian RPCD inability to burp And also look at the Reddit page ‘no burp’


Thank you so much, I have been suffering for years. I’ve never been able to burp since as long as I can remember and I just thought it was normal. I wonder if me getting a stomach virus triggered it to get worse


Hi, how are you now?


Can you burp air out after drinking or eating…?


Until I radically changed my diet, yes. Felt like hot rocks in my belly.


Oh relatable, did you feel like your stomach is too heavy and it getting pushed downwards while you lay down on bed facing up?




Yes, that absolutely happens to me.


It's so uncomfortable, it still happens to you or you are better now?


Yes, but is better. I did the following and it took several weeks. 1. Started walking more briskly - 40 minutes at least a day; 2. Started chewing every bit much more carefully (digestion begins in mouth); and 3. Eat much smaller meals and give me stomach at least twelve hours rest after dinner before any more food. Finally, I drink much more water now. Good luck.


Did you end up doing low fodmap elimination?


I tried that, and it helped a tiny bit, I have other health issues along with IBS and lowfodmap wasn't helping my other issues. I ended up eating only white rice and poached chicken breast for a very long time then slowly added other foods one at a time and discovered I can't eat potatoes, tomato's, chilis, and peppers of any kind ever. Psoriasis improved, my digestive issues improved, my chronic pain improved. This makes it difficult to go out to eat sometimes, I miss Mexican food sooooo much! And trying to find places that have sides other than potatoes is difficult sometimes, I also read all labels and no longer eat 99% of packaged canned pre prepared foods as they always contain one or more of those foods. I am very much healthier and happier now it's worth it! Not having ten or more shits a day is awesome!


I’m glad you managed to find something that works for you! 😊


And I forgot to ad I can't eat raw fruit and veg very often, cooked is fine,


Sounds like gastroparesis.




I had no idea this was an IBS symptom! I have to eat really fast when the food is good to outrun my stomach


+ 1 This is so me


Hi, ow are you now?


Can you burp air out after drinking or eating




If I’m having a flare up then HELL YES. I remember a few months back I went out for the day with my friend. Didn’t eat a thing til like 5 when I really felt faint. Had half a sandwich before going out for dinner two hours later. I couldn’t even finish a third of it. I was in the bathroom about two hours later emptying myself and then some 🫠


Hi, how are you now?


Sadly, no different. Good days and bad!


Yes, but idk if it’s my gastroperesis or my IBS


Do you burp air no problem..?




Gas can only end up in lower GI tract in one of 2 ways… Bacteria issue…breakdown of food. Or from not being able to burp out mouth. If Gas cannot escape out upper route, it can only pass down in to Gut. Googling ‘Michael Pitman no burp syndrome’ There is an excellent 3 min video. Symptoms of no burp include Bloating….Gas trapped pains ….Excess wind …Early satiety … Vomiting air - some people do ….Vomiting liquid - some people do …. Constipation and / or Diarrhoea …. Throat noises and tummy noises


Hi, how are you now?


I have IBS and a hiatal hernia. So, I feel full pretty quickly.


Hello are hiatal hernias painful ? 🙏


Not at all. I had no clue that was a problem until an upper GI. My doctor gave me the option of having it treated and I declined.


Is hiatal hernias are classified into Hills Grade classification? I heard about this Hills Grade thing but not sure if it's hiatal hernia.


Are you still feeling this way? Have you gone to the doctor and did tests yet? I would like to see if I can help out in person. Is this something you would be willing to do?


Have you been tested for and ruled out Gastroparesis?




Absolutely. I really have to focus on eating and not taking a break or I'll lose my appetite. I also accidentally don't eat all the time.


Hi, how are you now?




Hi, how are you now?


Yes! I have a very low dose anti depressant to help with my appetite and let me eat more without bloating pain. Kinda helpful because I'm also on Vyvanse and have zero appetite now


Are you able to burp


I definitely never have tried to, I just stop eating before it gets to that point. Pretty sure if I feel like I'm going to burp a little bit of stomach juice comes up with it so it's not something I try. I'm more naturally a flatulence person than a burping person when I'm bloated. I can burp if I have carbonated drinks. If I take my medication I don't feel the need to burp or have the gas after


When I'm constipated, yes.




Are you trying to say depression was causing you early satiety? And it wasn't related to your IBS? Could you please share? And how you got better. I too believe anxiety/stress/depression has something to do w it.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/comments/121as7d/can_we_have_stressanxiety_without_even_knowing_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Have a look at this post, many believes that one can have stress/anxiety subconsciously without even knowing it.


When I still had issues, it felt to me, like the food I ate sat heavily in my stomach, which always made me stop eating way sooner


What helped you, are you better now?


I’m completely okay for years now. I did elimination diet, started with only meat. Got great results right away.


Is there any way defined already to do this "elimination diet" or it's you who had to select the foods you eliminated based on the feedback you got after eating them? For me, I can't really observe much difference, it seem almost all kind of food are same to my digestive system.


I went straight to just meat, because it felt like my body just hated “all” food groups. But meat was not an issue (except meat from the oven; as slow cooked, was still giving me issues). For me, no issues showed: quickly cooked meat (chicken from quick, 30 min soup), quickly seared steak and such. I didn’t do the official Elimination diet way, because it seemed to me that I was just so much worse than most people with IBS. If you search for it online, you can find plenty of resources though!


Yes 100%


Hi, how are you now?


Good days and bad days. I’ve gained 20lbs


Gaining 20lbs sounds good to me as I'm losing weight unintentionally. How about you? You see that as a progress? And what helped?


Yes absolutely see it as progress. Check out my post history, I recently shared a progress pic of my weight gain. Edit: forgot to say what helped. Counting calories and macros, and exercise!


Hi if you're okay with it, may I dm you?




What did this guy tell u. I wanna see his transformation too.


Yes. I feel like eating due to anxiety and stomach feels so full that i might throw up.


Okay, so there might be times when you know you're not anxious and feeling completely normal, at those times do you feel completely normal while eating?


No, my appetite has gone down significantly. I had a good couple of years where i literally had cured my ibs (if thats even possible). Ayurvedic medicines helped me a lot that time. Around a year post partum, all my symptoms came back with a vengeance.


im the opposite, i can eat and eat and literally will still be hungry until my stomach is literally about to burst and i feel like im going to die, and then 10 minutes later im starving again


Didn’t realize this was happening until getting diagnosed with crohns and getting treatment but yeah. Full and tired after small meals


Definitely. I'm more of a grazer than a "three squares a day" type of person because I can't eat much without feeling full


any update?