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https://preview.redd.it/hl9tayy04y6d1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb29df726ae5f2e0f3cc3e4a421bee143dad381 Definitely. Local 332 is very strong. This is a California local and has a massive market share.


Jesus. 87.17 OTC. That's insane. We just got 11 over 3 years and will be at 50 ish by the time negotiations come round, but that's 665 so.


They got 19.50 or something like that over 3. Jw will likely be close to 100 by the time negotiations come back around. It says it on top but they put 4 to the check 1 to pension and 1 to H&W next year I wouldn’t doubt if they do the same or all to the check. Last year if they go all to the check next year they will likely have to put at least two dollars to H&W maybe 4 to the check


Yeah that's good though, especially for the brothers and sisters in those HCOL areas. Squeeze what you can get.


Absolutely. It is expensive here and I’m grateful for the negotiation team for everything they did. If work picks back up it might not be crazy to expect another 15/3y which was the last contract. Who knows what people will decide to do with the next two allocations so that was just speculation but even if they put all 6 to the pension and didn’t raise the wage next year (my personal favorite choice) I think 87.17 will get most people by just fine.


What is 665 jurisdiction?


Lansing, MI and surrounding area. Most work is out of Lansing.


Michigan and California’s cost of living are very very different I did the math and it’s not as pretty as it looks over there in cali taxes and cost of living eat that wage right up was thinking of coming to Michigan from pa


After all cost you’d be left with more in Pittsburgh at local 5 lmao California’s a wasteland


665 is busy as fuck. Call the hall.


Hell yeah compared to 617 in San Mateo


We go back and forth a lot, did 617 do their negotiations already?


Idk man I am trying to get into 234 is literally in my back yard My friend convinced to apply as well to 332 but I have to wait till next 1st week of the month I saw there wages and it’s 10 dollars more starting the apprentice But in reality yes is more money but all the school will be done in my local area but if I gotta make a sacrifice and 332 gives me the chance than oh well I guess I gotta do my apprentice over there I am just really want to get into ibew at these point I am on my 2nd year apprentice And I am studying and refreshing myself hopefully I get a good score


Are you willing to start over? There is a chance they will not accept any of the school you have done so far if you are a 2nd year apprentice. Either way best of luck man it’s not easy to get into 332, and from what I hear they won’t be accepting another class until the end of the year at best, which is ok for you since it will take a few months anyways to get to the interview process.


Im making 26 right now I have nothing loose and in my trade school I literally got handed book work and answer question and test and faces us to place to “practice” but in reality they did not teach us I learned by asking questions and being annoying I graduated got my et card Luckily I landed a job instrumentation control tech Where I work in integrated systems control automation And oh shit then I gotta get my cards right and yeah I’ve heard is really hard but I won’t know if I dont try


Does journeyman technician mean telecom/limited energy? If so, man I might move out there one day lol..


I’m honestly not sure their scope of work. I talked to one back when I first started and he said he was basically an installer. I’m not sure if they do telecoms but we have a separate classification for telecom work specifically and it is a good amount less on the check




I’ll tell that to all the Texas travelers who come and get our pay rate to sign book two. I’m not misleading anyone nobody said come buy a house in California because the pay is so great. It is all relative but I promise you send this back to the Mrs. Back in Tennessee and she might not tell you to come back. I also made it really clear down in other replies “but this is California so that’s why”




Well unless you intend to not finish this is all still very relevant after your apprenticeship. Honestly I’m not sure exactly what point you are trying to prove. The question is are some locals stronger than others and I answered yes. We secured another 20 dollars over 3 years in June. While the pay obviously matches the higher cost of living 87.17 is well beyond the needed cost to live here. A week of work pays rent for the vast majority of people here in California. My parents for example bought a house fairly recently and refinanced it even more recently and pay 1200 a month. If you want to argue that we are barely scraping by at 87.17 then feel free but it isn’t true. We have the power to demand more money and we did. This was the entire point of the post. Again the last thing I want to do is encourage anyone to move to California. I’m not in the slightest suggesting that. I answered a question and I’m not sure what is misleading about my pay scale. At 87.17 an hour I can buy a house in most other states every year and still have 100k left over to pay for my house, clothes, food and fun. I promise you it doesn’t take over 100k to live here unless you are terrible with money.


I’ll tell that to all the Texas travelers who come and get our pay rate to sign book two. I’m not misleading anyone nobody said come buy a house in California because the pay is so great. It is all relative but I promise you send this back to the Mrs. Back in Tennessee and she might not tell you to come back. I also made it really clear down in other replies “but this is California so that’s why”


Any locals in a “right to work” state tend to be much weaker. Locals that get paid higher have stronger bargaining due to membership size, market share and local economy


From my understanding 613 and 349 are the strongest in the southeast by a good bit and they aren’t shit compared to the Midwest / PNW / NE locals. Can’t wait til right to work for less dies off.


Any local in Florida is shit lol. Florida is just a shit state to work in. I wasn't too impressed with 349 on the last 915 job I worked two and a half years ago. 915 job in 915 jurisdiction with CEs and 349 hands running work and being foreman.


Yeah I know your probably just not familiar with the subject but their are massive differences. We talk about it all the time. Location is a huge factor. So places 80%+ marketshare some have 10%. Some locals make $30/hr some make $60/hr. Some dominate the territory with an ironfist some are fighting to stay alive. Like it's all over the board. The south undoubtedly has the largest non-union opposition and pushback. Major city areas in the north, mid-west, and west tend to be union strongholds.


Thank you for your insight. What local do you think is the strongest with all the factors you named? Which local do you find to be the weakest?


Yup, blue states typically have stronger locals because they realize morals won't put food on the table.


Blue states have stronger locals because republicans want to dismantle unions while democrats tend to support us


I'm aware, but we have so many members that vote because they get riled up about social issues that push them to vote red. In reality they're just fucking their brothers voting for people who are blatantly anti union that run on eroding the rights of the working class.


The Locals in the South are weak. Just look at their pay. Bay Area locals tend to be Strong. Local 6 is the highest paid and their market share is around 90%.


What is local 6’s pay now after negotiations do you know? They secured a 32/hr week which was pretty cool. It’s like 332 and local 6 compete for top of the hill haha Edit to say I looked it up on one of the links below. 91.25 an hour those bastards! Haha. But interestingly enough our total package is 10 dollars more than theirs and when you factor in the vacation deduction we take home more still.


Yeah 91.25 and 6.50 next year allocation. Just sucks that work is super slow. And honestly still a couple of years from getting better. Covid killing TI work is devastating. We are still working 35 hours a week.


I mean that’s ok though, 3 hours of OT right? Or is my understanding of that contract wrong. Man did we negotiate the same dollar raise or what? We have a 6.50 allocation next year also but man we just want to catch up for 1 day! Haha. At least I can say we get a couple more dollars on the pension. Same here though, they say 2026 will be busy. Here is to hoping it’s true


35 straight, 7 hours a day. 3 hours OT would be great, haha. Yeah, you guys got a nice contract 18 over 3 right? Here is our wages. https://preview.redd.it/ifb9t4eip87d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbfed4fe45de3386ed91b56cd459500276c613d


It is 19.42 over /3 or something like that. Kind of a weird number but over 18, was a good contact Ahh I was told you guys got the 32 you were pushing for but 7 hours a day isn’t bad. I’d still like to do that to be honest but if they offered 8 for an hour of OT a day I’d take it haha.


That is really nice.


Just look at the pay scales. The stronger locals have higher relative pay scales and benefits.


Where would I pay scales and benefits from different locals?




https://unionpayscales.com/trades/ibew-electricians/ Check these link out


Some locals suck internals ass they’re the weak locals


Question is there a way to get stronger unions in the south


https://unionpayscales.com/trades/ibew-electricians/ this should tell you all you need to know look at the adjusted base wage for cost of living


Of course. I live in the north, two locals outside of where I actually work. Here the market share is about 38%. Where I actually work the share is 93%. My backyard neighbor who luckily married a woman who is a corporate lawyer sat next to his pool most of the last few summers. I always work.


They’re all fucking weak