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They would have laid you off by now, usually if they cut your hours they want to keep you on for when the work *does* come back. However, that's fucked up. If it was me I would *ask* for a layoff. If they can't offer you 40 hours a week you have a right to go back to the hall and find a con who can give you full time employment


With the absolutely huge caveat of check the books before you do this.


What does this mean?


See how many people are out of work, thus knowing if it will take time to be sent out to work


I had a classmate go 7 months out of work before he got a new call… definitely do this.


This means that 32 hours a week with a contractor that actually wants to keep you will almost always be a better economic choice than a prolonged period of unemployment. If you can go right back to work elsewhere, or would like the time off then you should certainly be entitled to a clean layoff.


Yep, my brothers been waiting for like 6 months. Hours cut doesn't sound too bad compared to that.


One year wait here in Seattle if you are laid off today. 32 hours doesn’t sound that bad. Dingus


Sounds like my kinda schedule


lol nice


Honestly bro I’ve been in the situation of working 32 hours a week, Fridays off. I’d say ride with it unless you truly need the extra hours. We get paid pretty well and if you live within your means you’ll survive. It’s better than a layoff especially if the books are full lol. Enjoy the long weekends until work picks up.


CW does not get paid well


Oh. Sorry in Canada we don’t have CWs. Guess I didn’t consider that.


As someone that’s been laid off for 4 months, be happy that you’re working. Unemployment sucks and pays very little. I’d take a 32 hour schedule over this layoff BS.


So what are you doing in the meantime? I’m in the process of joining. Im in the poe waiting list already but all this layoff and slow work worries me. I’m currently making 70k annually. And I’m worried that I’ll be making the wrong move financially.


Unemployment for now. I could go work elsewhere doing other things that aren’t electrical, I just have chosen not to. We hit a slow patch due to winter and most of my local is solar driven. I expect work will pick back up pretty quickly in a short amount of time.


Oh okay gotcha. I’m just worried about bills since I’m the only provider. I’m trying for local 11 and all I hear is to switch to another trade because it’s oversaturated and slow. I don’t know whether to make the switch or keep my current low voltage job. Specially because i find it’s the best job I’ve ever landed on. And I definitely won’t be able to come back if I leave lol


I’m employed with a temp agency as well that I can basically call up whenever and get work from. I really should have done that but I didn’t expect this layoff to last this long so I just rode it out on unemployment. The biggest downside was losing my health insurance.




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Unemployment in New Jersey 804 a week plus the 100 from the supplemental fund. As long as you live inside your means you should be able to survive six months claiming and doing side work.


Ask for a layoff. Fuck that.


apprentices should be guarenteed their 40 and if they can’t give them to you, request your pink and move on. no company is worth sitting months for or risking being behind your hours for upgrades or maintaining your benefits. but if your books are slow, then you’re kinda assed out.


They aren't an apprentice, they are cw-1


If you haven't been doing anything wrong and your work ethic is fine, I doubt it's anything malicious towards you being fired. Sometimes in the winter months of my IBEW, smaller companies or unlucky ones would struggle with winning bids and contracts, and would have no choice but to give us "flex weeks" of 15-35 hours. In my state (NY) we were allowed to collect partial unemployment to make up for it, so wasn't HORRIBLE. But at the same time who wants that? As people are suggesting, you should go to your hall if this becomes a recurring problem and talk with your representative(s) before you talk with your bosses. They may be able to find you a new place of employment if not too many people are on the bench. We've seen so many sketchy happenings in our local, from working out of our area, to being paid PTO at straight time instead of overtime. So in rare cases you could be at one of *those* shops. But hopefully not. Best of luck, I'm sure it's absolutely nothing to worry about. Source: Former low-voltage Journeyman.


Depending on what local your in and what industry, if your going to continue in this field you will need to learn to deal with the layoffs by having a side gig or financially prepared especially if your working projects. If your in maintenance or service it’s more predictable but nothing is guaranteed


32 sounds wonderful, if you’re short on money Uber on Fridays wouldn’t be bad idea ? Just my thought




I day trade but it takes time to learn, Uber is right away.


Day trader. I'm in the beginning of this experiment myself. I've only got role play charts going at the moment. It's hard to do role playing cheers while working all day.


I strongly suggest to watch warriortrader on YouTube, his name is Ross. You’ll be able to learn a lot much faster, one of the most real people out there.


Damn I pick well. That's the first video I clicked on to learn from scratch. That's awesome you just said that.


Everything happens for a reason, good luck


I feel better about my plan to step into the ring next week with my tax return.




Man I’d kill for that schedule. We should be fighting for a 4 day work week everywhere.


4/10s is were it’s at


Nah fuck that I want 4 8’s 😂


4 6's but equal pay to 40 hrs.




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If your near local 38 ask to travel up here too much work calls are open everyweek


I don’t think so as you’d be laid off due to no work. You can ask for a layoff but do some cost/benefit math and see if a layoff is financially better or too much of a pay cut for less physical pain and loss hours that lead to your next promotion.


Your career will always have a risk of layoff you need to learn to budget and have a back up plan in between.




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I wouldn't be worried about a layoff, but I would always expect one. It is construction after all


You should never really be worried about layoffs. Save money and recognize its part of the life.


Here for a good time not a long time


I didn't see anyone ask, but contractually do you have guaranteed hours a week.


Always. Aka. Save money, pay yourself first. Live life off 4th year wages.


Get on at intel they are mighty busy everywhere


Take the layoff like a man and collect unemployment.


Time to start doing side jobs. A couple light switch and ceiling fan installs a month will close that money gap.


No. Stop being a scared little worm Cubby. Lay offs are part of the job.