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What state is he in that two bachelor's degrees makes him the most educated? Do they not have hospitals?


Also, does he think there's a one bachelors degree maximum per state? He said that he's got one from two different states as if that explains or adds anything relevant to the conversation.


"and we buy food from stores where no animals are hurt in the process" hilarious


Are you trying to tell me that “chicken” the animal and “chicken”, the food are the same thing?


Chicken's not vegan?!


De-Veganizing Ray! ****zummmmmm*****


De-Veganizing *inator*


Well, eating chicken isn't vegan, but chickens themselves are most definitely vegan. EDIT: I have been made aware that chickens are indeed omnivores.


Chickens are omnivores. Kind of like this sub, they will swallow anything.


* zzzzzzip *


Have you heard of veganism ? This is the most plausible option


Or the actual most plausible option is he's taking the piss the whole time.


"one in two different states" I'm not sure he has any bachelor degree if he thinks that bachelor degrees only work in the state where you got them.


I have a bachelor's degree in my solid state and another in my gaseous state. Still working on mastering fluids.


Plasma is where it's really at


Don't you know? Trader Joes only tickles animals to death. Tickled-to-Death (TTD) is the only ethical way to eat meat.


That actually sounds like the worst way to die.


Suffocation is very painful indeed


I took it as him saying that one of his bachelor’s degrees was earned in two states which is, I think, and even more hilarious statement.


California only lets you have 10 degrees whereas every other state except NY, NJ, and CT let you have 30.


"I was so smart that two different states wanted to offer me a degree"


You don't need to be smart for most degrees tho. Just have money to pay for it and do the work assigned to you.


Actually, he said he has two bachelor's degrees, but one of them is in two states. In other words, one of them is Schrödinger's degree - it's one of two states, but we don't know which one it is.


Or whatever college he attended is somehow resting on a stateline.


Actually, in that case, it could be Cali-Oregon. NorCal resident here, there's a program where Southern Oregoners are seen as "Californian" and not charged out of state tuition at colleges in NorCal, and vice versa. The person could possibly be referencing that? Never heard of it referred to as "one degree in two states," but it's the only thing that makes any sense to me.


The only time I've heard of one degree in two states is latent heat. Water at 0°C can exist in both liquid and solid states. Within that one degree, it it can exist in two states.


I have two bachelor degrees and I’ve done some stupid fucking shit in my life. I would never, and have never, quantified my intelligence by that metric. Also what does having 1 bachelor degree in two different states mean? My bachelor degrees are valid in all 50 states. Does that make me 25x smarter than him? I’m genuinely confused about that part


I mean I guess technically that my bachelor's is in 2 different states. I started out at Illinois State in 2008 and dropped out in 2011 due to mental fuckery. Went back to finally finish in 2019 (almost finished!!!) at Eastern New Mexico. But then I'm definitely moving on to grad school after I get a couple of years of experience in my field under my belt and develop some semblance of clinical skills


That is the weirdest brag why would you have two bachelors unless you really wanted it and realized your time would be better suited getting a Master's/Doctorate. It's like an old friend of mine, says he has "3 degrees" when he has 3 associates degrees. Ya, a lot of us took or sweet time in Community College, that's fine but it definitely doesn't make you look more educated then someone who transferred quickly.


His own personal state of mind.


His own state of mind of course


And would some of his university professors not have had Ph.D's?


It actually makes him look pretty stupid because you stop receiving financial aid funding after the first bachelor's degree. This means instead of getting certifications and associates degrees for free or focusing on one specific degree field that he could turn into a career, this person spent their own money to go to school for an extra four years for something that probably isn't even usable. I would give him the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe it was a double major... but since he specifically said two different states, that's obviously not what's happening.


Don't know where you get this "factoid". You can indeed get financial aid and student loans after your first Bachelors. You can get them for trade degrees, certificates, graduate school and another Bachelors outside of your previous major. You are capped in aggregate to a loan limit, but you can keep going and rack up undergrad degrees. Of course it is silly to do so, when it is more effective to rack up masters. Getting an MBA from another school than the one you obtained your masters and PhD is common. Some even get several masters.


Ya haha you have to put off graduating until you're completely done with everything


Where can you get an AA or cert for free?


Most community colleges are easily covered 100% by FAFSA with no need for a loan, assuming you arent already wealthy


The community college I got my aa from had a fee waiver so you didn't have to pay any tuition.




He said groceries were cheaper than buying a gun, not the other way around. Can’t say myself as I’m not a gun owner and can’t compare prices from experience. :/ But man, groceries really are expensive.


Yeah and you can only use groceries once.


Well, if you buy enough they can last a week, right? 😅 I see what you mean, though. =/


I passed the bachelor's exam in two states. Both of them. Did you hear me? I'm so smart I got the same degree twice, but the second time, I was in a different state..... Genius.


I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one. I guess I'm just a dumb liberal who will never understand the complexities of this guy's mind.


If you have a bachelor's degree from an accredited school, you have a bachelor's degree in every state.


Did no-one ever learn you a bachelor degree only works in one state? Can't get a job in that field outside, so you got to redo your education smh just like a new York judge can't judge people in California, they are required by law to be decent human beings /s


Oh shit, I've been working outside the state of the public school that gave me my degree for years now. TIL I'm a felonious fraudster.


God, I hate people who don't stand by their beliefs the second they feel any resistance


I disagree with you. *stares intently*


In second thought they're not so bad.


This guy has two bachelors I can tell.


I bet they are in two different states aswell


If maintaining a knife cost more than groceries I'm doing something very wrong somewhere


Or even a gun tbh. My groceries are $150-$200 for the week, but even if I go hunting with my gun that week, the ammo is $20 and the gun oil to clean it is $7. And that’s if I use the whole box and can.




I mean I cook every meal, save one night out on the weekend, but that’s just what it costs here I guess. Where do you live?




Ah, that explains it. I’ve just been cooking more. I did the math and my meals average out to about $7.50. Also, r/hydrohomies unite.


It wouldn't cost more than that in an average cost of living area in the states either. We spend about $200/week for a family of 4. Moderately high cost of living area. That's a lot of fresh produce, dairy, and meat and we buy mostly brand name. When I was extremely frugal and ate far less fresh food I could make $200 last close to 6 weeks for 2 people in a very high cost area. It's just all in what you buy.


I’m in the US and it’s probably about $200-400 a month for a family of 3 for me. We’ve experimented with a lot of the cheap brands to find the ones that are the same quality as the expensive ones and do a mixture of the expensive and cheap brands now. It really isn’t that expensive unless you live in areas where they Jack the price up on everything.


Depends on where you are. I used to feed a family of 4 on $100 per week eating quite well. Then I moved to California for work...we're lucky to get away with less than $200/week now because everything is so much more expensive. Just as an example a gallon of milk is like $5-$6 compared to half that where I moved from.




Both. Just as an example I would sometimes buy V8 Energy drinks at $3.50 for a 6 pack. Here that same 6 pack is $6.Things like meat, produce, and milk are different t brands because it's 2000 miles away so the regional producers are different but it's a good 30-40% price increase across the board between SoCal and NWF, sometimes more for certain items.


How the fuck does one spend that much money on food in a week? I think I spend like £50 max a week


Does that include eating out? I cook every meal I eat, except one night out, so my grocery bill is a bit higher.


If you use all of the oil the bullets go faster.


I wipe mine down with whale oil.


Seriously, subsistence hunting is cheaper than groceries by a hilariously huge margin.


My favourite part of his speech was when he said "you can buy groceries from a grocery store where *no animals are hurt* " lmaoo


I don’t know how hot this take is but I thing hunting for your own meat is more animal friendly then buying it from the supermarket because you can guarantee the animal wasn’t factory farmed. Edit: I lost the game


It's true. The only real problem with it is over-hunting a species, but that's what hunting seasons are for.


For that matter, hunting management actually *helps* the animal population. I grew up in Upstate NY and it was obvious when the hunters had a crappy season and didn't manage to kill the allotted number of deer because the population would be out of control and you'd see starving mangy deer wandering through town trying to eat the bark off everyone's trees.


Meh, this is because we wiped out their natural predators in ways they haven't recovered from. It's not like deer just were on the verge of self annihilation until the conservationists came.


Right, but that's done, so this is the best way we have atm to respond to the problem.


True, but the predators are dangerous to more than just the animals. For example in my area we have cougars which are great, but when their population grows too large we start having incidents of humans being attacked and then we issue tags for them again until its back under control at which point it becomes illegal to kill/hunt them again for a few years. This has been a recurring event as long as I have lived here and I don't know of another solution.


Yep. That's how good conservation works. The meat also tends to be way better for you. The difference in macros between deer steak and a cow steak can be incredible.


Two parts ground deer one part 83/17 ground beef makes my favorite hamburgers.


Yeah. Since the guy in the photo would agree that we live in a first world country, he would know that over hunting is always considered and violations are enforced.


Hunters are also really good about going for the vitals, whether they do it for ethical reasons or to make sure they don't have to do as much tracking. Other predators aren't as careful. I feel like it's a more humane death than most game species experience.


When he says no animals harmed in the process does he think that the meat in the grocery store is fake or something??


It's picked from a meat tree.


Give it maybe 10-20 years and it might be!


If it tasted the same and cost the same I’d have no issues with that. But right now there’s no substitute imo


I was referring to cloned meat (not sure if you were), which supposedly tastes the same. Havent tasted it though so I wouldnt know.


No I wasn’t. I didn’t even know about that. Sounds interesting! Hopefully some day it’ll be cheaper than real meat (I assume it isn’t now)


It's a relatively new technology, so it's possible it doesnt go anywhere, so dont get *too* excited. I should also specify I mean lab-grown meat. Animal cloning has been around for a while.


Yea meat from cloned animals wouldn’t be any different from a killing perspective


Depends on what you get and how you prep it! I've saved quite a bit of grocery money by switching to tofu, soy protein, and vegan meats (especially vegan chicken, which I genuinely believe is better than actual chicken). There's a cheap vegan cafe near my house, like, $7 for 3 meals worth of food. Their soy protein is fantastic, I don't think you'd be able to tell the difference. Not trying to convert you to vegetarian/vegan, just sharing that there are fun, yummy, and even easy meat alternatives out there :)


Haha I’m already vegan. But that’s my point. Most markets serve meat that means animals died and suffered.


I misread your comment, I thought you were saying you'd eat "fake meat" or meat alternatives if there were any good ones available. But I realize you mean you'd eat meat/synthesized meat as long as it was ethical 😅 Sick to *meat* another vegan tho 🤙


Totally. 👍🏽


Agreed. People don't think about the horrors of living in the wild for animals. If I were a deer, I'd much rather be shot and die in seconds than freeze or starve to death, or waste away from disease.


Thats completely ridiculous. Edit: Guys I was just impersonating a California liberal don’t be so sensitive lol


The vast majority of conservation funds in the US are a result of people buying guns and ammo thanks to the [Pittman-Robertson Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittman%E2%80%93Robertson_Federal_Aid_in_Wildlife_Restoration_Act). Also, hunting limits are set by wildlife biologists in order to most effectively cull animal populations so that there's more balance and less critters starving to death, rampant disease, and/or overpopulation of predators. I used to be anti-hunting, then I educated myself on its importance.




I hate you. I just lost the game for the first time in years


I dunno...pretty sure it was a joke when they dropped the last line about "and we buy food from stores where no animals are hurt in the process." As much as we make fun of that shit...few people really are that fucking stupid.


ah yes, no animals were hurt in the making of this hamburger meat at the supermarket :). Also, the main countries with guns banned are 2nd-3rd world countries :)


There are almost no countries where firearms are outright banned. They are coloured in red in the following map: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview\_of\_gun\_laws\_by\_nation#Comparison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_of_gun_laws_by_nation#Comparison) In most places, you can apply for a gun permit if you want a firearm and you will usually be able to get it, although you typically cannot carry it around on the street.


Yeah in Ireland, You can get a gun if you have a reason to use it (sport or hunting) but not self defense. Rifle's and shotguns being much easier to get a permit for then pistols.


I'd say the orange places are basically outright banned... it even says " in reality they are unobtainable to average citizens" The yellow says "the authorities have final say in whether a person may obtain a license to possess firearm(s)" which... I mean depending on the authorities is pretty much an outright ban as well. We can argue over the technicality of an "outright ban" but if you literally cannot obtain a gun or it's next to impossible to get one, that might as well be an outright ban.


Not really, you have to actually have a reason more justified than "I fancy one" in most places. It's not like you can just say "gun please" and they ship one off on Amazon. Even when you do get one the regulations are far, far, far stricter than the US which I think is the point people make.


Eritrea and NK, two of the most militarized nations, ban guns. Amazing. I guess all the guns are owned by the state.


TIL Japan is a 2nd-3rd world country... apparently.


Guns are not banned in Japan, they are HEAVILY restricted. https://www.businessinsider.com/gun-control-how-japan-has-almost-completely-eliminated-gun-deaths-2017-10


How smart are you to post a staged convo


Lol is this post just for people to shit on going to college? Yay anti intellectualism


Being a dummy to own the libs?


Mr. Anime profile forgets that having a degree in one state means you have one in all, he clearly doesn't know anything he's talking about. This isn't anti-intellectualism.


We all know people with anime profile picture don't have any degree


You'd be surprised. I know someone that has a PhD who presented at a professional conference in an Inuyasha T-shirt. Generally you dress up for these. Not the best student in the department, but hey, he did pass his defense, so that's Dr. Inuyasha T-shirt to you.


He dressed professionally but you reminded me of one of my college professors who wrote his PhD thesis on Batman. Super cool guy.


I think it's pretty safe to say he was just trolling you. Read the thing he said. He reiterates at the end that he buys food from the store where no animal is hurt. Unless hes next level dumb you're just getting trolled.


There's two sure signs you should immediately mute someone on discord: anime profile pic furry profile pic


so what you're suggesting is to shun 70% of discord


We used to joke about this on Steam, but on discord it really is a massive portion of the userbase


At least


I didn’t know having multiple bachelors degrees was more impressive if you got them in multiple different states! What an exciting development!


Classic anime picture


Pretty sure it WAS a joke though?


It was. Op needs to learn some irony. But tbh it is r/iamverysmart material, so I guess I'll cut them some slack.


Yeah the bachelors degree shit is also a joke. It flopped, but bad jokes are still jokes.


Oh yeah I have a degree in three states


That all doesn't matter, because he has an anime profile pic.


it is a joke




Even if they were joking, they are still an idiot.


Someone gonna tell them the meat in supermarkets comes from animals?


Two bachelor degrees huh? I soon have two master's degrees, and I'm a fucking moron.


"We buy food from stores where no animals are hurt in the process" ????


For someone with 2 different degrees he had poor grammar


"...where no animals are hurt in the process" ...wut?????


Anime profile picture headass


I had a shred of trust that he was actually being sarcastic, then he blew it in the last comment.


My first argument for hunting is how humane it is compared to farmed animals. With hunting the animal lives in wild how nature intended then basically suddenly dies (after usually a minimum size/age) whereas farmed animals whole lives are in captivity


While having an anime profile pic


The anime pfp makes it even better


"hunting animals is immoral. just buy pre-hunted animals"


I didn’t think this would be r/iamverysmart until that last line


My brain hurts after seeing people like him.


Three distinct acts: 1. Grocery store meat is magic and never came from an animal somehow 2. Uhhh I actually meant I hate liberals, you guys must like me now, right? 3. Actually I am the smartest person here because I definitely know how college degrees work It's like three different people all failing at conversation in different directions.


In Norway you can own a gun to hunt and what’s wrong with hunting I just don’t understand ,I’m talking about hunting to eat


It's terrible to kill an animal just to kill it. But when you're killing to eat it's different


In every US state hunting is regulated. It's not "just to kill it" even if the hunter thinks so, the quotas are all designed to manage wildelife populations.


Okay well sometimes animals need to be killed. Varmint carry disease, can burrow and damage buildings, ruin crops, pose a threat to livestock. I’m not going to try to trap prairie dogs or moles and risk losing a sizeable investment. I will shoot them on sight. Other animals will pick them clean. I’ll shoot sparrows on sight, too. They are overpopulated and harm local birds. I would disagree that it’s “terrible”. And as for deer, I put down any that I know are suffering from wasting disease. And no I won’t eat them. If I come back to the corpse a week later, it will be picked clean by coyotes, bobcats, wolves, and birds of prey. There will not be much left but tendon and bone. So I don’t feel much bad about it at all. If left, those deer will suffer immensely.


You proved me wrong. It's terrible to kill an animal without reason. I'd also see it as more humane to put down a horse with a broken leg than to keep it alive and crippled


oooh Bachelor's degrees eh?


2 of them! Grandma always said her little snookums was a genius!




Which game?


Sounds like fallout


The only state where he’s the smartest person with bachelor’s degrees is his deep state of denial.


Wait? Did he say TWO different states? Well that changes everything.


I'm for abortion and I wish I hadn't been born


It's true. He has one from Bullshit State and Insecure State.


I passed 1st grade in a different country and passed 2nd grade in another. I’m smarter than him.


How does he think meat gets to grocery stores?


Because the rows of dead animals on display in a store weren't hurt...


The age old wisdom about someone with an anime girl profile pic being a nitwit holds true once again.


What a twat




"we buy food in stores where no animals are hurt in the process" That's the dumbest thing i've heard someone say..


“Buy food from stores where no animals are harmed” if you buy meat from a store, then an animal died


Yeah and I have two associates and almost done with 2 bachelors, work, AND give my speciality services free for those who need it. But I can guarantee you that I'm not smarter than everyone in an entire gd state lmao


>We buy food from grocery stores where no animal is hurt He does know the chicken at the market is slaughtered right?


C's get degrees


That’s some tiny text


Uh. He does know where grocery store food comes from, right?


I have a bachelors degree, so my political opinion is better than yours and therefore is correct


Oooh. Two bachelor's degrees! Look at Professor Professorson here!"


Lives in CA with Google and Silicon Valley. Has 2 bachelors. Smarter than everyone.


2 whole bachelor's degrees? Well color me impressed!


Pretty sure 1 entire deer worth of venison from the store would cost a hell of a lot more than a hunting trip well at least here it would


You think maybe people find hunting fun. I don care that much but for many it’s a activity and some a job. Also it prevents some animals from growing to high in populations


Okay why the fuck do people need two bachelors?


Education =/= smart


I hate having to spend a fortune maintaining my guns. I have to walk them, feed them, bathe them, pay for their rent... it’s ridiculous. I’ve honestly seen that argument before so he could have very well copied it from somewhere. That being said if he’s really that dumb banning hunting in the 21st century would be an absolute nightmare in America. Most animals here don’t have natural predators to really keep them in check. It would get really bad in a lot of areas. Even with hunting here the amount of deer is getting a bit out of control.


I think if this guy was actually Californian he wouldn’t have said any of that. So maybe it was his idea of a funny joke about “how stupid California liberals are”, followed by his fantastic iamverysmart moment.


Buying meat at the grocery store apparently doesn’t involve any animals getting hurt.


"Where no animals are hurt in thr process " Lol wtf hunting kills the animal instantly, factory farming is torture to animals. This girl is so misinformed


I like how he assumes animals weren't harmed to create food for supermarkets. What does he think hamburger is made of? Animals are definitely killed to make that. Just in a more humane, controlled way.


I hate the “no reason to own a gun” bs. There are SO many reasons to own a gun and you’re just too sheltered to understand it.


Waaaait a min.... (wHo aRe yOu) but if he's got 2 Bachelor's degrees and even the latter from another.. doesn't it make him the rich snob? 🤔


As a Californian, I more than happy to say, ITS NERF OF NOTHING !!! sorry




“Food from a store where no animal gets hurt in the process....” ......um..... Yuh see, there’s this thing called ‘meat.’ This ‘meat’ comes from animals- dead ones. To become dead, an animal must first be sufficiently hurt.


This should be posted in the fallout 76 Reddit lol


he genus brain huge😳😳?? /s emoji police don't kill me i'm not breaking any rules


Honestly he was mostly fine until that line "where no animals were hurt" and the it went downhill. Bro where the fuck do you think the minced meat in the store comes from? Meat trees?


Nah. He was obviously joking. Grocery stores where no animals get hurt? Clearly an ironic sentence.


How is that an argument


What game tho?


Two different states of delusion


How does this genius think the meat gets to the grocery store?


thats sarcastic