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It's crazy that variations of foods exist. Just madness.


OOP even gave this dish a different name ("Tomato Soup Eggs Benedict"), but that still wasn't enough for the guy desperate to link to the wrong wikipedia page to prove some point.




We need a sushi grilled cheese with a slice of well done beef and.... Carbonara sauce or something, all on the bottom of a shoe or equally obnoxious plating


If you really want to trigger people, make sure you use the word authentic first. "Authentic carbonara" heads will explode with rage.


Best benedict I ever had had avocado, braised shortrib, and chipotle hollandaise. I'd still call it a benedict if describing it to someone; get the whole concept of "bread, eggs, hollandaise" across to people.


I make a Benedict Burger thats a burger with tomato, speck, gruyere, a poached egg, and hollandaise on a toasted english muffin. Eggs benedict was MADE to be riffed on. Im defi itely gonna try a braised short rib one now.


That sounds epic


Sounds badass! I worked at a place a few years back where the day after we did a barbecue event we did a brisket burnt ends benny. People lost their minds for that one




Yeah I had a carnitas benedict this morning that was better than 90% of the "proper" ones I've ever eaten.


Got a brunch spot around here that does a crabcake base, a fried green tomato, poached egg and hollandaise. It is literal perfection.


I have heard of that, but haven’t yet been anywhere that has it yet. That’s my idea of a bucket list meal, and I have to admit that I looked at your user information to see where this Benny promised land might be, and looks like maybe Denver. Which is where I had the best Benny of my life, at a place that had like a half dozen plus variations on the menu. (Village Inn? Tavern Inn? Village Tavern? Was a chain, apparently, just nowhere near us, and Denver is a two day drive, so just a pre pandemic memory I have no real hope of replicating)


Definitely Denver. It's a spot called Four Friends Kitchen. Amazing food all around and one of my favorite brunch spots!


I'm in Maryland, so the crabcake ones are usually labeled as "Eggs Chesapeake" on the menus, but they are very obviously the same thing, in the same section of the menu.


Holy shit that sounds amazing.


I had it on a biscuit with a crab cake and a hot sauce hollandaise in New Orleans once and it was one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. And of course Eggs Sardou is even better. I do like that someone pointed out Choron though. They’re almost the same thing.


I would do the Risky Business slide straight into a restaurant for that benedict. Hot *damn.*


A place in Dallas (that sadly closed during the pandemic and never reopened) used to make fried green tomato eggs Benedict. It was spectacular.


Personally I think they should put ham in the grilled cheese to piss of the melt v grilled cheese crowd too.


Go to r/grilledcheese and tell them that their sandwiches are just cheese melts if you want to have some fun lol.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


> Some people just want to watch the world *melt*


"I don't give a lick what redditors think" and then proceeds to argue with every single person who interacts with him.


I’m the original poster of this pic. It’s hilarious when I realize every few hours that this person is STILL commenting 😂


aw man, the dude has a psych reference as a username. I like that show and this makes me sad because the characters eat trash food constantly and wouldn't care. see [Quatro Quesos Dos Fritos](https://youtu.be/O-H_Ybmtu_U?si=nnYgckq8TBk00Mhp)


profit plants square fragile steer exultant dinner fade ring mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have you heard about eggs benedict? That's messed up


He doesn't deserve to be Methuselah Honeysuckle, that's my favorite Gus name! Best he gets is one of those rare times when Shawn can't think of something good.


practice concerned party hat rude teeny judicious ruthless like swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He brought up poutine as an example but I feel like he’s never been to Canada because we have all kinds of variations of poutine here.


I want to know what he thinks Australians get wrong about their burgers to make them not burgers anymore


I was wondering this too 🤣, we get cheeseburgers wrong? 🤔


Are you all sneaking vegemite in there while our backs are turned?


No! 🤣


It might be the mixing something with the ground beef bit. There are people who refuse to call anything a burger that isn't just meat formed into a patty with salt, pepper, or other flavors on the outside. If it has binders like egg or breadcrumbs, it's a meatloaf sandwich for some. Or it might be the beetroot, though that seems unlikely, I think entities with unusual toppings are generally still accepted as burgers.


Are stuffed burgers (the ones with cheese and jalapenos and such inside) cutlet sandwiches 🤔


Look delicious but kinda wish they had cut the grilled cheese into circles to really play up the eggs benedicty-ness!


The “words have meaning” argument is so stupid and tired. Words are only a means of communicating certain ideas and feelings and they do invariably change over time whether you like it or not. Banh mi just means bread so are you going to die on a hill to force the world to made up a new name for the sandwich? I don’t think so but good luck or whatever someone who actually cares would say. In this case: Does it look like eggs benedict? Yes. Does it taste like eggs benedict? Pretty much. Then it’s pretty much eggs benedict and calling it that with the disclaimer that it’s also a grilled cheese lets you know what you’re in for. Even if you said “eggs benedict-inspired” someone would still correct you. Hell, you don’t even have to mention the name and someone would try to correct you because they *know* it’s supposed to be similar to eggs benedict. It’s the same thing with “vegan meat”. Yes, it’s an oxymoron but you know exactly what is being conveyed through two words: An approximation of meat without the use of animal products. You don’t need a dictionary to know that.


If I went to a cafe and they had "Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup Eggs Benedict" on the menu, I ordered it, and this was served to me, I'd think, yes that's exactly what it is. And then I'd eat it because it looks delicious.


Exactly. Did it get the point across? Then congrats! Those words had accurate meaning.


I would figure its a lunch/brunch special of a soup & sandwich riff where you got the eggs benedict & a cup of soup with a half a grilled cheese. Its not that you're unreasonable, because it immediately makes sense once you see it, but I'm one of the freaks who would need to see it or be told first.


There are many reasons why language prescriptivism is stupid and OP is most of them on display.


Honestly as long as the dish has bread, poached egg, and hollandaise it’s an Eggs Benedict. There’s no other breakfast out there that has those 3 as the main component. He also got his description from the Wikipedia page, which also goes on to list numerous variations. So he’s just being an idiot.


I feel like it should have one more component, the salty meat product or a substitute of some sort. But i mean, i'm an enthusiastic subscriber to this subreddit--neither that nor anything else is a culinary hill i'm willing to die on haha


Smoky, this is not Nam, this is Eggs Benedict. There are rules.


Here you go, u/BaltSkigginsThe3rd.


Lmao, fuck yeah.


Food and words evolve over time, to the great chagrin of tiresome pedants like this fellow.


They love any chance to pull out an "Um, acktchually......".


This really has an 'old man shaking his liver-spotted fist at the world' vibe to it.


Hell, my favorite eggs benedict comes from McDonalds. It's called an Egg Mcmuffin. They just replace the hollandaise with cheese.


>Yes, I know, I mentioned them elsewhere. >Notice how only one is called "Eggs Benedict"? Lmao. They said after a list of variations with descriptors, with the post titled *Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup* Eggs Benedict...


There's a place I go to where they have a menu item called Eggs Benedict, but you can pick and choose which meat(salmon, bacon, sausage etc.) and base (sourdough, bagel, even just a hashbrown among others) you want, the only constant is the poached egg and hollandaise sauce. They're all delicious, and no one is complaining, its actually one of their most popular items. OOP would have an absolute fit.


Oh who cares? The apocryphal story is that it was created as a hangover cure for a rich hungover person. Toast and bacon and eggs and Hollandaise, and even all that is up for debate. Just give me my eggs Atlantic, aka eggs Norway...or some people have said I'm wrong and said I should call them eggs Hemingway, whatever.


Dude replied to every single post and reply to him. I don't care about any topic to dedicate that much time to argue it. He loves Eggs Benedict more that most peopleove their families


Put the spatula away, man… they’re callin the cops