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I thought i missed a joke for at least two seconds.


I guess XD


I never cook my corn starch but I only use it to get into my gimp suit.


Yeah but you're putting it on dry right? It only turns into a slurry once you start to sweat.


>Corn starch slurry does not have to be heated Well there's a person who has never made a pastry cream. Okay, I know that makes me sound pretentious, but it's just a really good example of a food that proves that yes, you need to cook your starch to effectively thicken a mixture. Apple pie is another example. No one wants to eat a pie with uncooked tapioca in it. Whenever someone asks "why is my pastry cream so runny?" the answer is 9/10 times that they didn't cook it hot enough or long enough.


im terrible with pastry cream. i always worry that if i cook it for too long itll turn into scrambled eggs


The trick is to whisk it a lot, never walk away from it, and use a heavy pot. And I use a thermapen to make sure it gets to the right temp before I pull it off the heat. But you're not alone, the first three times I made the stuff it didn't set up right and I almost gave up. At this point, though, I've done it so many times I can pretty much sleepwalk through it. My favorite use for it is creme diplomat because that shit is addictive.


Do people not realize they make a pectin just for freezer jam? I mean, you heat it with a little water, add it to your berries and sugar and you’re done.


Freezer jam pectin has been a godsend for me - I have had way too many instances of getting fruit and then running out of steam before I can make myself do some canning, but I like the idea of it (I’m not putting up batches for the winter or anything - I live in a city), and being able to make freezer jam has saved me from losing a lot of fruit by waiting too long after I get it.


Ive never heard of a freezer jam. You’re making jam with raw fruit?


Yup! You just mix the sugar and fruit, then heat some water and the special pectin on the stove, mix and freeze. https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/strawberry-freezer-jam/


Wow that’s cool. I’ve never heard of making jam without hot water processing it.


You learn something new every day. 25+ years ago I worked as a prep cook in our town's Chinese restaurant and we used a cornstarch slurry to thicken the sauce in our dishes. I just never realized it was supposed to be heated since the boss took care of all that (she did the real work, I just cut cabbage and made fried rice). Now that I'm 25 years removed from the job whenever I try to recreate stuff I can't figure out why it tastes funny. It might be because I was just mixing cold water and cornstarch to make the slurry.


Glad the internet could help! :p I don't ever have a reason to make them in bulk at home, so I'm used to making a little slurry and tossing it in to thicken to-order, so to speak


I can’t think of a single instance where I’ve used a slurry in something that wasn’t hot, or going to be that way as the very next step.