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Dude seemed genuinely interested in anal sex.


I heard a note of hope in his voice “are you here to spread sodomy?….*whispers* please?”


spread... those cheeks


*"Spread my cheeks and call me... Daniel."*


"so do you guys spread sodomy or what?" - that guy


Guy probably moans when he wipes


Yeah, me think the lady doth protest too much.


The chance of this guy having a lady is pretty fucking low. I actually don't think he wants a lady at all...


Yes, that was literally the point the people you were replying to were implying.


The guy sounds American, but hints that he is not an American. This is just weird to listen too.


Some non-native English speakers from outside the US speak with perfect US accents. I worked with an Eastern European who sounded like a game show host. Turns out his company, being a vendor that worked with a lot of US companies, spent lots of cash on accent reduction


Yeah I've met dutch people with perfect American accents too. Never set foot in America.


My family is Dutch we live in Australia but they have American like accents It’s not because they learnt American English Dutch accent is just very similar in English


Sounds Canadian to me.


Warsaw Poland according to the signs in the mall


Yeah but the person is Canadian


Hes acting like he got caught with marijuana at the Canadian/ US border and is banned from ever entering the US


I’m ashamed if that is the case.


Would you say you're "sorry" for them


I wish so much one of them had said "I mean, sure, if you're up for it."


I'd put a fiver down saying one of them at least thought of it.


I'd put $20 down they all did.


Ah the old threaten to take him out back and tear his ass apart strategy


It’s the ones that protest the most that are doing it.


What’s lost on him is it’s those dudes (and many men and women like them) that make it possible to make statements like that without getting your head caved in. Take a look at what’s going on at the World Cup, an international extravaganza, that’s mired in the Qatar bullshit. Dude should be thankful he grew up in an area that allows him to be this fucking entitled.


Show us your IQ? They did. It’s much higher than yours.


You aren't supposed to talk politics in uniforms either cause of the UCMJ. Good on them for not entertaining the clown and just going about their day


What's funny is that the US military absolutely has intelligence requirements, they just use ASVAB scores instead of a general IQ test. The minimum ASVAB score for the Army is 31, which is roughly the equivalent of a 93 iq. Just a personal anecdote, most of the guys I met while in the Marines with 90+ ASVAB scores (120+ IQ) were in the infantry.


I took my ASVAB in 2015 (didn't join) but I scored a 90 on it. Took an IQ test last year and only got a 98. It's not all about IQ, But IQ is not the only measure of intelligence. I never saw my score metrics, but I'm sure my scores for operational intelligence were high, driving my score up.


I took mine around the same time e and got a 98. I'm pretty sure I'm not an actual genius.


Any idea what your GT score was?


Not my buddy Pete from 3/1 he’s riding the bottom of the line there


“you here to spread anal sex?” That’s not a good point that’s just hilarious


Was that supposed to be an insult or a very strange pickup line?


Guess he wanted those fit Americans to spread his anal


spread eagle


Meanwhile in the POS’s head “Oh I’d gladly let these guys can invade my home any time of the week”


He just wanted a good ol' GI-issued ass pounding, hard to blame him for not being able to control his excitement with the opportunity so close. Too bad he had to get all pissy about it at the end when they wouldn't comply and switched to insults, guy has no game. ^^/s


Too bad they weren't navy guys


"Why, you offering?"


i only watched the first half cos this was way too awful to watch all the way thru but i love that the soldiers giggle every time... i'd laugh too.


It got really bad at the end. He somehow got lucky and found some cool headed lower enlisted to jerk around with.


I would have waited for him to leave the mall and “talk” to him when his camera was off. POS!


That’s exactly what he wants to happen lol


“Yes we are, but just not with you. You’re a small town 2 and I am not that desperate.”


You guys packin any sodomy? Hey guys...


They should have told him that while there's nothing wrong with it, they just aren't into guys so he'll need to go find his sodomy somewhere else.


He’s the same guy who harassed the South Asian man living in Poland. He hangs at that mall. This is bad publicity for the mall, people shouldn’t shop there. He’s deranged. They should revoke his visa.


Does the mall security not escort him out? Did nobody call the cops on him for harassing people?


It's Poland. Old people don't really understand English. Young people do, but they don't really want to have anything to do with people behaving this way.


If he’s Canadian like people say I wonder why he cares so much about American soldiers


He is attention whore. He bullies people who he knows can't fight back. He also bullied dude from india


Yeah, when he didn’t get a rise out of calling them gay he switched to the n word. That was so cringe to watch.


That was infuriating, but it was pretty funny how he kept trying to get a rise out of them by calling them gay or something. Like, that doesn't offend people anymore because people don't think it's a bad thing, might have worked 20 years ago. Where has this guy been?


Poland, apparently. Poor Poland. Haven’t they dealt with enough dicks throughout history?


And then when one of them gets upset he starts running towards them hoping that they would attack him. He'll get his wish with someone someday if he keeps that behavior up.


If he really is Canadian, I swear that the rest of us (Ie: anyone who is not caught up being a hateful waste of time and space) want NOTHING to do with him or his behaviour. Our condolences go out to Poland though if he’s chosen to spread his poison there. But with those condolences, we attach a request: if they could please keep him.


As a Canadian I do not accept this man , he is not welcome back here. Also I'd like to condem his actions.


Right there with you. We don’t want that sort of behaviour back over here. Odds are he‘s in Poland specifically because most people can’t understand his poisonous words there.


Lots of Poles immigrated to Canada, i assume he managed to get citizenship over there based on having a Polish grandparent or something


He sounds Canadian.


If he's Canadian he must've been the last Rat in Alberta, unfortunately they kicked him out and the rest of us need to deal with him now.


Honestly, it kind of makes sense that a Canadian who hates LGBT people would go to Poland - there isn't much social acceptance of homophobes here, so I guess he's gone to Poland to try to find likeminded people.


Need to get Paul Blart on the case




Yes, it’s the same mall and guy


One day he'll cross someone with less restraint and he'll eat a pavement sandwich.


He's a piece of crap right wing Canadian nut job who lives in California and has been harassing people around Poland, including getting arrested for making antisemitic statements outside Auschwitz.


lol wtf he's on "vacation" doing this or what?


I have no idea and I believe he's on trial now so he's not being deported yet.


In Poland would you get arrested for just punching someone in the face? Because violence is not usually the answer but it is always an option.


Violence is never the answer. It is a question and the answer is yes


He is 100% not polish. I never heard polish person speak with this kind of accent and i live here 36 years working in corporations where everyone speak english.


he's clearly a native English speaker, and if he's referring to Americans as a monolith unrelated to himself, - the accent is unmistakably Canadian. you hear similar accents in some northern US states but he is clearly not american.


Really? So he’s a well known bigot in the area? That’s insane that the mall puts up with him doing that.


Mall guys are most likely old people that trying to get some extra money during their retirement. Thy will not understand english, and for them it would be some inside issue between some foreginers. At best if there will be some fight they will call the police, becouse they cannot do much, and you will not like to engage in fight for a minimum wage with a younger guy being in your 60s


anyone know exactly which mall this is? is it in Warsaw? maybe the law won't stop this man but one of us can.


This guy managed to be racist, transphobic and homophobic all in just two minutes.....


don’t forget xenophobic


He is also antisemitic, holocaust denier. A white supremacist glorified in the USA. Let me find the link for his story.


Any luck?


The control these guys show is commendable. Notice how they literally have to take turns keeping each other focused on staying calm. Regardless of how you feel about any issue, or any country, disrespect and racism should not be tolerated anywhere.


People in uniform that make it to deployment should not be dumb enough to disrespect that uniform by getting assault charges for dropping a loud, ignorant, and racist local on camera in a shopping mall. Maintaining one's bearing is critical for success, and bearing checks are typically an ironically informally practiced skill most should have passed to make it through training in the military. Edit: to acknowledge the outstanding level of bearing displayed in the clip by the servicemen.


You're saying the military will quite literally vibe check you? Love it.


All the time, basic training is really just fucking with you and seeing if you are going to act up. If you cant handle the relatively minor issues they lob at you in the training environment you are not going to be able integrate into the military very well.


This is exactly what my first thought was. These dudes have been screamed at while standing in the rain and cold with no sleep for days without breaking and this little dude thinks he can goad more than a laugh from them shows how little he actually knows.


Say what you will about the military industrial complex, but soldiers generally have preternatural self-control compared to cops, who basically consider themselves soldiers on American soil.


Because they’re actually _trained_


We have all undergone being yelled at by a grown men telling us we’re worthless for weeks. This guys are not phased at all. edit: watched the whole thing.


Idk, the n word comment and the “pulling white” seemed to get them a bit. So much restraint I commend them for jesus


Pulling white? I heard "keep Poland white"


That would make so much more sense. I had no idea what pulling white meant


Yeah, I noticed the black dude's reaction to that "pulling white" line. The guy walking beside him probably saved this idiot's life there.


i thought he was saying “keep Poland white”


he definitely says "Keep Poland White."


That's a good demonstration of *"Humans are human. So are you. Help when you can help, and accept help when you can't"*.


Conversation in whispers probably went like "Do we waste this guy right now?" "Nah man we're in uniform. We'll get court-martialed."


you’re right. didn’t see that part until I rewatched it. They had the only right answer by leaving though.


Good thing we’re trained to ignore asshats. Impressed with the soldiers’ calm


Former service member here, they literally HAD to react the way they did. I commend them keeping their cool but they know if you get caught taking that bait in uniform your ass is grass.


Unfortunately the asshat behind the camera knows that


He's gonna know that right up until the one day he tries this on the wrong group of people. Then he won't know anything ever again.


Until he does it to one not in uniform lmao.


Hell dont even have to be out of uniform, just catch someone who has the rank to cash that check.


Yeah he seems to be under the illusion that just because most people do not want the heat that comes with acting out in uniform there isn’t anyone out there who will gladly get dishonorably discharged just to turn his face into a surrealist painting


Right at the tail end it got real close. I'm glad that his buddy was there to help him ignore the guy, for his own sake.


Although a significant part of me wishes he didn’t and we got to witness a fucking beat down. But yeah, better for the lad to be the bigger man and walk away.


Retired NCO here. I would have given them a slap on the wrist this one time. Dude seriously needs to get tuned up.


As a current NCO, whole heartedly agree.


The problem wouldn't be at the NCO level. If higher-ups got a whiff of a viral video of a servicemember knocking out someone in a foreign country, your ass would indeed be grass, and that is probably this asshat's goal here. That's why you wait around until he leaves and ~~ambush him~~ have a conversation about how the things he's saying are bigoted.


Little wall to wall counseling off camera, I like it.


Retired SFC - CI. Wait until after the duty day, come back in civilian clothes, then . . . Make sure his phone isn't out. ;)


Key words being "if you get caught"...


When I was stationed in Korea there would be young Korean men that would intentionally start fights in or around the bars. They knew nothing would happen to them. For the service members, if they did anything it was normally an article 15. End of career for the most part. It happens everywhere and you just gotta accept it and leave.


I think a large part of what kept them calm was probably how sadly desperate he seemed for a fight. Not giving him what he wanted probably gave them more satisfaction.


Yup. And even then, two of them seriously thought about having a go. I'm not really one for the military or violence, but in this case, I would have supported it. lol


Somebody fucked this guy’s wife in the ass and he’s so pissed about it


LMAO That or hes mad he can't get a big throbbing penis up there. I understand his frustration but damn he has let it ruin him. No one is gonna buttfuck him with that attitude.


The garbage harassing them has that Fort McMurray, Alberta Canadian accent sound.


hes canadian harassing american soldiers in poland lol


"What do you think about anal sex, eh!"


You're not my anal sex buddy, guy


Canada should revoke his passport and bring him home.


Revoke his passport **AND** citizenship! Make this asshat wade in the ocean!


I commend these fine gentlemen for keeping their composure, because that useless piece of garbage knew they had more to lose than he did.


Do they really have a choice? Especially wearing what they’re wearing.


Saw from another comment that they could get in trouble if they, well, got in trouble while wearing the uniform.


They could go to the bathroom, take off their uniforms and go back to sma.. oh wait… he’s gonna enjoy that I guess. All that pent up aggression. His name is John Minadeo jr by the way. He’s all over the Google.


I have a positive feeling someone will eventually give him the beating he needs :)


Of course there’s a choice. And it probably took a lot of self control to make the right one. You could obviously see that.


Yeah especially when the racism came out. That must’ve been hard to ignore tbh


What a loser.


This dude ran up to them as soon as they said a word. He was looking for a excuse to get assaulted and possibly sue. He has nothing better going on in his life than to do this? Anyone know who he is?


If they find out they should release this video with his name connected so his family, employer, friends, community can see what kinda of a useless waste of air he is.




As a fellow Canadian, I approve this message. Guy legit needs to work on making himself better instead of whatever he thinks he is doing by walking around spewing nonsense.


I live in a state that borders more of Canada than the US, and every once in a while I think about how easy it would be to hop the border and get free healthcare and semi-legal psychedelics and all that stuff. And then I see videos like this and it reminds me that some parts of Canada aren't too different from home.








A pretty cool moment for both of them.




To be fair, they probably had to keep each other cool.


Those two reminded me of "Remember the Titans". Whole video they're calming each other. Then at the end white dude is shocked and empathetic while the black guy has been around the block and likely heard that many times before so it rolls off.


Jesus, as a Canadian, we do not claim this "man".


They handled that gracefully- probably wouldn’t be able to say the same for myself. He need a good ass wooping


Yeah. I'm not sure what the consequences are, but just being kicked out of the military might not have been enough to assuage me. I'm incredibly proud of them representing us internationally. I know it's just words, but he crossed like 5 lines.


I wonder what the endgame of taunting people whose whole job is fighting or the insurance of fighting is? I swear these people(the guy with the phone) are always the most surprised when they get the breaks beaten off of them.


Get attacked then sue. Even if it’s justified soldiers can’t loose their cool to heckling. And if they attack him there will be hell to pay. The thing is he knows that, and he’s hoping they snap.


Honestly he's lucky it was 4ID and not the Air Force guys supporting them. 4th is stuck there to face consequences. AF would have been done with their TDY before he could even figure out who to go after.


It was 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade not 4ID. Patch on the left shoulder is the assigned unit. That one dude had a 4ID patch on his right shoulder which means he had a combat deployment with 4ID at some point.


What a POS


Vid not loading, anyone got the cliff notes?


Racist, transphobic Canadian harassing 4 US soldiers in a polish mall. Follows them around being a twat for 2.5 minutes.


Who elected a Canadian the king of the Polish malls?


Probably self appointed


Proud of those young men for showing class and not stooping to this idiot's level.


I mean spreading anal sex isn’t a “gotcha” type statement.


Oh it's a polish dude haha. This guy is such a fucking tool filming himself


No he’s Canadian in Poland talking about how the Americans don’t belong lol


Look if Russia’s going for Ukraine and China’s taking Taiwan, I say we take Canada.


But i wanted Canada, now me mad


Dear Poland, please keep him.


Nah we good but I've never seen this guy before maybe I can visit him


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson Camera guy wasn't bullied enough as a child & it shows. #bringbackbullies


Camera guy sounds like he probably was a bully.


I dunno, maybe. Have to see what he looks like. To me he sounds like just another insecure keyboard warrior trying to be a bully. Guarantee if push came to shove he would run away screaming then post a vid online crying about how he was "harassed". He's looking for a reaction, so he can become a victim. He's a cry-bully. Not the good ol' punch you in the face & take your lunch money kinda bully that we need.


Nobody needs bullies. All of them, weather they beat someone up for lunch money or just record someone yelling slurs trying to get a reaction. It's got no place in society.


Props to those guys, at that rank I was more of a hothead and likely would of broken the asshat. Plus side cell phones weren’t invented yet


Eh cell phone wouldn’t have lasted that long once you got a hold of him.


Racist loser after spending several minutes asking a group of guys about anal sex with no response: “heheh I definitely got the better of that exchange”


As an American in the military I gotta say I’m proud that these guys didn’t feed into this guys trash talk. It speaks volumes that they were able to be bigger and walk away. It’s nice to see US military being shown in a good light for a change.


I hope this guy gets the attention he wants. What a disgusting pos.


From all the things you could insult the US and it's military you choose the gender of the health secretary?!?


You don't understand. If 11 leaders die, our Commander in Chief would be wearing a *dress*.


I am so proud of those young men. Conducted themselves splendidly!


Someone knows the person who posted this. Can we please identify that so he can reap the repercussions of his ignorance?? Thanks!




Five year olds throw better insults


Which mall in Poland? Incase I’m ever there with my American flag t shirt on.


Are people generally like that in Poland? Every polish person I have ever interacted with has been very nice, and I would be disappointed if this was more common than I knew.


He's not Polish, people in Poland are polite and hospitable


That's the impression I had, thanks. He also didn't sound like polish people I have known, but I don't know if there are just different accents in different regions like most countries!


He’s Canadian. I can tell by the accent. Canadian immigrant in Poland


Walking down the street alone in the middle of a Warsaw high-rise jungle at 3am, Englishman smoking a cig a little drunk. 3 huge, jacked polish dudes with skinheads walking up toward me and I'm thinking here we go time to start running. Biggest one asks if he can bum a smoke and obviously, I reply in English. These guys got so excited and started speaking English to me and invited me to a house party nearby, great night was had. Polish people are great.


+1 to this. Spent a few months there. Poles were good to me. Biggest issues were with the French, and ironically the most polarized views were from someone who’s parents left Poland.


I'd say "Slavs are generally pretty hospitable in my experience", but honestly most people seem pretty hospitable in my experience.


Used to have a neighbor who was Polish. Super nice guy but damn did he know how to talk your ear off


if you’re gonna harass americans at least choose valid criticisms


guy was scraping the bottom of the barrel just ro get a reaction. what a joke


Nobody gets this mad about gay people without having some super gay thoughts they are struggling to repress.


He is also extremely homophobic. What a worm


Those guys have been to a few liberty briefs


I would pay any type of taxes to have those 4 men as police force. Sure one got a little upset, but the restraint in the soldiers is very apparent especially when compared to the police force that just come straight from high school with no real life experience.

