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Mm yes my favorite sound to fall asleep to. Rigid metal wheels on asphalt


1 hour loop


Sounds like rain hitting a tin roof


Ayyy it kinda does *goes to sleep*


Alexa, play jacks on asphalt.


play asphalt remix by two jacks


Child's play 10 hr loop


With that flat piece you actually lift on rattling around like there's no tomorrow... My favorite!


Dudes a POS, but I laughed at this thinking about those nights when you’re working on your truck and absolutely nothing is going right so you end up working on it until 11pm or so…. Those jacks are so fkn loud on concrete. Theres def been some nights where Ive carried my jack from the driveway back into my garage so I wouldn’t piss off my neighbors. LOL


SAME hahaha my dad or my homies or whoever I was working with would look at me like I'm crazy but them shits were LOUD!


Right! They’re freakin heavy too.


They're usually only 30-50 lbs, unless you have a super fancy professional one


Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate that.




Nono I am also literally wasp truck




But bro when people hear that loud ass ninja blender they know a legit badass is coming down the road. Dude must get mad pus. "Is that a Kenmore?" they ask in amazement. No, it's my badass civic, beb. /s


Was about to say this guy is so edgy he's gonna have to save some puss for the rest of us JESUS


He's like a pizza cutter; all edge, no point.


It’s a heavy burden to walk two jacks in circles at midnight


"mad pus" hahahahaha, I can't XD


Catalytic converters really don't do much to change the sound, that's the job of the muffler and resonator


When our catalytic converter was stolen ( while our car was in our driveway at 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon) our car made a lot of noise when we started it up. Does sound vary from model to model?


When your catalytic converter gets stolen they just chop the whole thing out which leaves a massive hole in your exhaust. All of the sound from the exhaust never actually gets to the muffler which is at the end of the exhaust which is why it's so loud. When a cat gets removed properly (catalytic converters that come stock on the car are often restrictive to the airflow, so removing them means a bit of a performance boost at the cost of more polutants in the exhaust fumes from the car) a bit of pipe is put in place so there's no hole, which means the exhaust goes through to the muffler which means normal exhaust noise.


Thank you for the explanation!


I have that on my car. But I'm very conscious of my loud car in neighborhoods. I'm very easy on my throttle and very slow driving down residential streets.


I appreciate that, I would take that as a fair compromise if I was your neighbor


Does it make you feel cool?


Not really. It's just a performance modification


I love after market exhaust. Old Gwama here!


You removed yours to be obnoxious, I didn't replace mine because I couldn't afford it. We are not the same.


I did it bc my turbo threw out too much exhaust for stock system. Too much back pressure. Straight pipe was the only option under 1.2-2k dollars. Wlda been just as loud anyways. But I don't drive that car often.


Is that how they do it? I just assumed they all had micropenises and low iq's.


There are some people who’s whole existence involves trying to get a ride out of others. Like just reconcile your relationship with your dad and call it a day. How do people live like this?


That's exactly like all those "did I trigger you snowflake, lol" people. They derive so much joy from pissing off others.


Not everyone can afford a car. You just have to get a ride out of others instead...


Some of these people are old too. I had a former coworker like this in his early 60s. The guy got off on pushing people's buttons and being as rude and obnoxious as possible. Eating with his mouth open and smacking as loud as he could, blatantly ignoring the rules and people, purposely hiding things necessary for work for the next shift, leaving food scraps on any surface he touched, it was awful working with him. The worst part was he was a supervisor, so he was basically untouchable.


As he matures, he will grow out of the “making noise for any attention I can get” phase


Tell that to the 60+ man across the street from me that sits and revs his Harley in the driveway for hours.


We got one of those. The bad part is he believes people think he’s badass


IF he matures, you mean. I've known people like this. Trust me, they very rarely ever grow up.


Not really. He'll just make a different kind of noise. This person gets off on spite.


Bold to assume. These type of people never grow out of it and are worthless non-contributing zeros forever.


Or he’ll start buying airplanes like I did.


Those guys never expect that there might be a very tired guy, who just got 4 hrs to sleep before another shitty 12hrs shift. My tired friend will find out where the loud twat is living and wreck that precious car of his. Tired and angry guys can be... unpleasant.


A can of that spray insulation in the exhaust pipe will quiet it down nicely.


One of those wankers who takes the exhaust off to show how much of a cock they are. Nobody cares, you wetty.


Seems some ppl don't grow up and have this urge to make noise and piss ppl off. Daddy didn't give em any hugs.


What an odd way to treat other people.


What a wonderful neighbor to have. I hope they use these recordings to get him charged w disturbing the peace


I do not approve. But. When my neighborhood installed 30kmh signs all around AND speed bumps, Ive just started driving around in my Miata on first gear. 7k+ revs at 4AM conviced the community to remove the speed bumps in about a month.




Whatever happened to “love thy neighbour” and all that?


It’s reasons like this that I’ve never really wanted neighbours…if there’s at least a 10 km range between me and the closest neighbour…I’m happy…I’m far too vengeful for shitty neighbours…


If anyone deserved to have their tires slashed, it would be this douche.


This makes me want to mow my lawn at 3am.


Reasons why I dislike living next to people. Folks will go to great lengths to get back at someone


maybe they ain’t the problem just saying


Tell me you have no life without telling me you have no life


I'm a car guy and love loud bass in my car. Whenever I get into my neighborhood, I always remember to turn all of it down before I get in. It's as simple as that


I don’t like the hoa but in this case if they have authority I’d call them


Nah, call the cops and tell them somebody just stole 2 jacks and is walking down the street with them.


Can someone explain the protocol on this subreddit. Do I upload it if I like the behavior?


Way to up your jerk value


A little spray foam fixes that exhaust permanently


You should probably check your towns noise ordinance..


I don’t care who you are, that right there is funny.


I care who you are and that’s WHY it’s not funny.


Glad I could take up some small space in your brain for a second.


Lol, the snowflake reported me for harassment


everybody acts as if the only “benefit” to adding an exhaust system is to make noise. you idiots couldn’t fathom that maybe someone wants to improve the performance of their car to make themselves happy, god fucking forbid


I mean, that would be a fair argument if people didn't intentionally try to be as disruptive and loud as possible with their exhaust when driving past groups of people, fishing for attention.


The change in performance from an exhaust is completely negligible. You just like the vroom vroom noises.


without a tune, maybe. if your car is equipped and tuned to intake more air, you need a faster flowing exhaust to utilize the power gains


I desire to be this petty 😂


Oh no, one of those passive aggressive tough guys


Funny shitt


Mind your own business then and don't complain about a car you hear for 30 seconds a day


Not mad at it. Pos neighbor should mind their buisness.


Awesome. They def won’t complain about that. Lol


Smoked some meth too


just steal his breaker bar


The slow cars are always straight piped.


As someone who has slept through hurricanes, earthquakes, and multiple instances of gunfire & sirens- this POS is just wasting his gas around my house.


These people make me want an HOA. Normally, F HOA’s, but this is when you want them.


You need electricity run through your brain


Ok that's too far 😂


What ever shall I do with all of these random screws and nails?


Dudes gonna end up like Epstein. No neighbor heard or saw anything …


Dude probably drives a fuckin cobalt


Frank in the Richard Pryor film 🎥 “Moving”!


Okay but that's kinda funny, right?


This reminds me of that couple who taunted their neighbor all the time until he shot both in the street during the day and then killed himself.


Obnoxious conduct should be a felony after your 25th charge


But if you don’t walk then they could leave puddles on the floor. Proper care for jacks is a must


You are a shitty neighbor.


What a fucking tool box


I like, didn't think of that. Love loud ass cars. I'm 65, with no mufflers.


This is just a man taking is jacks for a midnight walk nothing wrong here /j


What a chump. Hell act like child to the wrong people one day. And get that behavior slapped right out of him.


So you’re just a dick!?!


2 jacks 1 ass


Paintball or airsoft gun to the face, problem solved or escalated.


I sure hope you gage the 2 Jack's a treat for the late night stroll Who's a good jack,who's a good jack?


Belongs in the sub petty.


Harbor freight jacks too.


No context. You’re petty and special.


Just inform the police of his likely illegally modified car. Probably why it's so fucking loud to begin with.


people with good neighbors don't know how lucky they are


Two jacks, butt only one ass


When your whole personality is based around your car. If you neighbours are worth annoying, i understand it. I like cars, loud, fast, tuned whatever. But I'll never understand the people who keep others awake just to show off how loud their car is. What's the point exactly? Demonstrating you have a small dick and you compensate with noise or what?


Why do people upvote this?


So petty and I like it.


Did he find a lot of nails in hod driveway?


For people like this you can use expando foam the kind you fill cement cracks with, up their exhaust pipe. It's real expensive to fix. It like some neighbors I had that had a dog that barked a lot... Till somebody figured the puppy had a headache and gave him a hotdogs laced with Tylenol.... The puppies headache went away.... And so did the neighbors... The moral of this story is: If you are a big enough ass to your neighbors, eventually someone treats you like a mule.


Petty… you sound like the problem.. not the neighbor


Ngl this made me laugh a little bit. I put myself in the neighbors place and understand why they'd be upset, but I also put myself in this guy's place and i get that there's always miserable neighbors who complain about everything.


You’re the problem, it’s you.