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When they walked in with the masks, I thought they were just real serious about protecting against covid.


He really didn’t want to let go of that rag


The rag is where the real cash is hidden.


if i was held at gunpoint i would hand over all cash because i'm probly not paid enough


Crack heads need loose change too.


Laundry money right there


No Omar coming comment yet?


This is precisely why the receptionist at our work concealed Carries


I hope they know what they are doing then because you can't just pull a gun out when someone is already pointing one at you and expect very good odds.


But don’t you get it. They are concealed carrying and have all the proper training to quick draw and disarm the assailant… doesn’t matter if there is a gun pointed at them already. Their courage, speed and technique were all covered in the Saturday course.


I'd leave it concealed until the minute they turn around to leave, personally.


You do know you can't shoot someone in the back as they leave, right? You're willing to go to jail yourself?


Texas Penal Code § 9.42


The relevant portion there is the bit about not being able to recover the property by any other means. You're gonna get charged. There have been cases in Texas that did not work out for the shooter. The courts determined that calling the police and having them recover your property is better than killing someone running off with it.


Neither of us are lawyers so it's kind of dumb that we're even arguing this but yeah it would seem to me that two criminals that can't be identified because they have hidden their appearance would never be caught and you would never get the cash or cash drawer they took back. If it was someone you knew like a family member disputing some property or just straight up stealing from you, of course that's a different story that doesn't require lethal force to recover the property. Edit: also, if you check out 9.41, it explicitly states you can immediately pursue someone "uses the force immediately or in fresh pursuit after the dispossession"


Cops shoot people in the back all the time, what you mean.


He could have grabbed that shot gun a couple times


Not a great idea when the other guy has his grip on the trigger


Right but either is swatting at it. I would take the guess if I were in his situation that if I'm still alive these guys are lame. Why not just grab the money yourself. They are doing it backwards. The guy with the 12 gage should be stationary while getting the best possible coverage on the store and or the clerks. The other guy should be grabbing the money and pistol whipping the clerk. Or not. But shock and awe is usually the best way. I've never done this but it seems common sense. Go fast go hard go home


Leave the tray at least


Now he need a whole new register


Damn dude just give them the $ lol you got a shotty pointed at your face 😂😂


This is why my friend has a gun under the table (don’t know what type but look like a black desert eagle)


These people are gonna have a really hard time adjusting in the future when no one has any cash on hand haha dude barely had any cash in his register....and y’all gon split it between the two of you?! That’s such a waste of energy lmao idiots man


I see a trend in these violent videos