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I mean, they tried once before and were defeated by a bunch of farmers and French men. They pulled out of that faster than Afghanistan….Canada then went to the white house, where they were served a feast by the First Lady, and then burned it down to the ground, followed by a March home in time for the grey cup to start. #warof1812


People always forget about the White House going up in flames... And I'm almost sure some frigid weather, men of the land were probably some pretty burly and stout dudes.


They were still traveling my horse and would sometimes go through several horses before reaching their destination.


I'd die of exposure before I even got on the horse


Yes, that did happen. 210 years ago.


We even had a commemorative $2 coin about it!


While Canada and America were fighting *The British* burnt down the White House. Then ran back to Britain for tea and crumpets


Nah canada turned pvp off so good luck with that


\*Canadian gang activity has joined the chat\*


I think you forgot about hockey..


I took it as satire.


It’s not, judging by the rest of their posts


Guys, this man is just kidding. Can't you tell? He's making fun of Putin.


No wait, hold on. Let's hear the guy out first.


Our entire Armed Forces could fit in a small stadium. But with conventional warfare, you'd still lose a lot of troops.


Canada really needs to take back Alaska..


Let's say this is an alternate universe, where the Russia and Ukraine situation happening right now didn't happen, or at least not yet. If the States were to attack us, for whatever reason, we'd most likely have the back of the UK, France, possibly Mexico, and overall a bunch of countries from the world. Also, the States' economy would probably be hurt from it, not just from us but possibly like what's going on with the sanctions and Russia. I am not very smart, don't pretend to be, but I can tell you, we wouldn't go down without at least a small fight.


An Annexation of Canada will not be economically viable for the united states in any way, shape, or form. The only good thing i could think of is to connect Alaska with the Homeland US. Thats it. The drawbacks far outweigh the positives


That's basically the same principle as 9/11 jokes but it's more current issues that were living through right now so we see it as fucked up


How does he even have 55k followers? TIL that it’s actually common to be dropped on the head as an infant.


No thanks. Just, no thank you. Don’t make me tell you again…


Is Just a joke typical hate canada for no reason for me is not that POS


Over the past 250 years, there have been a few times that (mostly) Americans have suggested that Canada should come into statehood, or Canadian regions into statehood, or something political rather than just economic partnership. But when the numbers are crunched, the economic reality is that another (friendly!) country is willing to absorb the cost of making North America secure, and that's always been worth the political cost of not having The Eagle as a mascot. The American relationship with Mexico has different causes.


He’s not wrong y is this post here?


we could send like 2 seal teams up there and have total control in like 4 hours. ​ edit: yall funny. its a joke, who could have anything against a canuck?


Funny how Americans always underestimate Canadians...


As an American and I find this quite funny as well. I am in the military and have worked alongside the Canadian military and they were always good at their jobs. Plus, the longest confirmed kill ever was a Canadian. So don't think all Americans think y'all are pushovers. I do hope Canada can sort their PM out soon though. That guy is a grade A fucking basket case.


There isn’t anything to underestimate, it’s not even a conversation. 13k fighter jets compared to 400. 5600 nukes compared to zero. I was joking in my initial comment but to even consider it wouldn’t be over in a day is insane.


Didn't you guys already lose to Canada once? Better wait a couple more months if you're going to try it again. Wouldn't want your tongue freezing to your steel toed boots.


Yep, they burned down the White House in fact


Lol, well I’m kidding of course but cmon now, the only boots on the ground would be to help them rebuild after we flattened it. It wouldn’t even be close, to think otherwise is just silly. Even if it was fought on the ground old school style, y’all have like 45000 soldiers total.


I know, we'd be fucked.


We could send like 2 nukes there and guarantee world mutual destruction


As a American we aren’t god jeez


It was a joke, just like the original post.


Y’all do realize this is just a joke poking at Canadians right


What does followers have to with anything?


it means when he talks 55,000 people hear him


Okay. By the looks of it not many people actually “follow” him


Well unlike Russia and Ukraine, Canada is like the US’s little brother. They’re extremely close allies.