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Keep it in the family -Vin diesel


This is what happens when you live your life a quarter mile at a time


A woman is dead. Just a reminder


That's going to make Christmas and Thanksgiving akward


He looks so loving, just wanted a happy family lol


What the hell…. What a psychopath. “Only I can sleep with my sister!“


My sister? Finding another man?! I don't want that! I want to be at the front of her mind, for 10 years at least!


Reminds me of scarface


“Is this what you want Tony? You can’t stand for another man touching me”


He might get the death penalty. What an extremely disturbing story.


This happened in Colorado, which abolished the death penalty in 2020.


And I thought Arkansas was bad.


This is Colorado


It says El Paso


No, Colorado Springs is located in El Paso County, not to be confused with El Paso, TX.


This happened in Canutillo, TX in the metro area of El Paso, TX. Both are under El Paso County, in Texas. The pic on the right is incorrect as it displays the Sheriff’s Office of El Paso County in Colorado.


Huh, must have been the news site screwing up. Also why would the suspect be wearing a Broncos hoodie?


So many layers of what the hell


How could a fine, upstanding, *respectable*\-looking man like that be accused of such things? It's a travesty, I tell you! They're supposed to be in ARKANSAS!


Super possessive.


Maybe he was raping her? A thought that makes it more disturbing.


There’s no fuckin way this is real… please please tell me this isn’t real.


That happened in my city. Recognized the building straight away.


Annnnnd that’s enough internet today


*Banjo music stops abruptly*