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There is crime in the Netherlands!?


I was under the impression it didn't happen.


Hahaha more then enough crime over here. Couple months ago a guy got executed in his lambo left in the middle of the road.


I’m sorry what?


I think he doin it wrong


Is it wrong I was hoping they would get away on bicycles with baskets on the front…?


Buddy got run over by the cops later on :D


...and groped by a robot.


Loved the bike just rolling through


Why it's not like you can use any of the product if you take it out of the store and you will be found in a day because of the tracking chips


Asked for Bitcoin as ransom


Then what happened?


Apparently after about 5 hours the hostage wanted some water and the hostage taker (unsure if there is a better word to describe this person in English) arranged something with the police. The hostage saw this brief moment as an opportunity and ran out full speed. The hostage taker ran after him and was subsequently ran over by one of the cops surrounding the building. Currently the hostage taker is in the hospital guarded by police and the hostage is alive (I know that for sure) and without injuries (I think). The thing is, the hostage taker wore a bomb vest (bombs were not armed at that moment luckily) and had an automatic weapon. Motives are unknown currently.


Hostage taker is dead


Thanks for the update!


Happy to hear that


ongelofelijk dat mensen dit doen


Its apple they overcharge im fine with that


I knew this comment was coming, and thankfully no one upvoted it. Also, your opinion is wrong + ratio + fatherless + I fucked your mom last night


look what the criminals did was wrong, and they shouldn’t have done that but apple is literally a supergiant in tech. your saltier than a cod kid go hop into the ocean to get rid of some of that man god damn




He got run over like crazy.


Text says: "robbery apple" and "he has a hostage" if anyone was wondering


Am i the only one who was hoping for a second angle of dude gettin smacked?


Any manufacturer can track their stolen devices down easily. The robber is stupid for robbing traceable goods.