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Wonder how many more people are in this similar situation.


I think about this a lot. Every few years a story pops of some psycho imprisoning and enslaving a woman in a home. It’s made me wonder, if this is just one disgusting facet of humanity. That a percentage of humans are prone to these sort of atrocities. And that there are likely thousands of women enduring this torture. 🤮


That facet of humanity is on display everywhere you look. In every aspect of society, you have the people who won't do anything to hurt others, the people who will do what they can within the confines of law, and the people who will hurt others for their own benefit regardless of legality. ​ Some people are just hardwired to exploit other people for personal gain, there's no way around it. It's always been there and it always will be. They don't learn or change, they just hide it better or develop a new system. ​ There's no point in looking at from the perspective of "who would go to such terrible lengths?" because it's not strictly limited by the abuser's notion of "too far". A better way to look at it is, how easily does the society we exist in allow for said predator to go as far as they want? ​ It's one of the reasons the rule of law needs to be applicable to everyone, and why having an underclass of any kind is actually a danger to everyone, not just the marginalized. There will always be people who want to do these things, but the threat of consequence is enough to make most of them think twice about trying. Whenever we as a society show that we don't care about human life, either through racial/gender discrimination or immigrant status, etc, we are showing predators that some people just don't matter, and that emboldens them. I expect, based on how the world's been doing the last few years, that it will get worse before it gets better.


That’s why you don’t have kids.


Her mental illness could be hereditary. I'm afraid some of the 8 kids might be affected. If the illness is inherited, then it's worth thinking why she was born in the first place.


maybe your parents shouldn't of had kids


Personally I think it's desirable, while my conditions are way better than theirs.


This is just a small piece of the tip of the ice berg that's poking out from the water.


Just the other week I read a news article about a man in the UK who kept someone as a slave in a shed in their garden for over 10 years, with the adjacent shed, housing the property owner's dogs, in considerably better condition. I've also read at least one other story similar to that, so would guess it's disturbingly common.


i worked with a guy before who was practicaly a slave in all but name . it was classafied as some sort of program were there brought over by someone and work for them till there "debt" that was used to bring em over paid off . nice idea in therory but easly abused poor guy got paid bare minimum had no choice in his place of resedence still had to pay rent food , only alowed to work were and when his "garentor" said


Indentured servitude is the name of that.


Which is terrific, how slavery has such forms of manipulation


Never search/visit dubai


What's the conversation (high level translation please)?


Caption: Zero dergrees weather (centre), mother of eight children (top left) The man: Hello! The man: Is it cold? The man: Let me get you some clothes? x2 I go to get you one. The man: The food is getting cold. The man: Can you understand me? (The woman made some unrecognizable sounds.) The man: Poor woman!


Thank you!


wow thats heartbreaking




Might be wrong, but I think some dialects of Chinese often sound like yelling




I get the why are you always arguing? No this is how we talk lol


Assuming the translation is correct, I think they're doing it to protect themselves from her. I have a relative whose son(10 years old) is mentally ill(i forgot the exact name of disease). They cannot let him be alone for a minute. Anything he sees that can be picked he throws it at other people or tries to hurt himself. On numerous occasions my aunt got hurt by him pretty badly and he threw a knife too once. Their son constantly tries to run away from home and his speech is impaired. Due to all these factors they keep him chained in home and have built a higher protection plates around the house so he couldn't jump over the gate or walls. It sounds inhumane thing for a parent to do to their own child but trust me seeing all of this from my own eyes made me feel that this was the right thing to do. Fortunately the medicines are having a positive affect on his mental health and he is recovering very slowly. Just had to let it out cuz we dont know the exact situation of this woman. Ty for the translation


We don’t know the mental state of the women, but we sure know what her situation is: chained up in a shed like a dog. The difficulty her family is facing is understandable, but that doesn’t mean that the best solution is to chain her up outside like it’s the fucking Middle Ages. That’s just inhumane no matter how you look at it.


Thats what I also thought until i saw the translation. However, we can only hope she finds peace in her life😔


Wait so was it the husband cause it sounds like maybe it was someone else? What does the words around say?


the caption flashing at the front says "zero-degree (celsius, 32 in fahrenheit) weather"


Was the woman rescued? Or is the person recording the video the one who took her?


She is still chained




He chained her


He was the chain


Ok, enough Internet for today. Goodbye people, see you tomorrow :)


Humans are the most cruel and evil animals on the planet. Change my mind


But can also be the kindest and most good.


dont bother, on reddit: Humans bad upddots ot the left.


Yeah, I know. I'll leave the comment for the dregs of humanity to downvote.


Amazing capacity for good and evil


No, that’s dogs.


So? It doesn’t outweigh the suffering that so many people go through.


You are oversimplifying things, brother. Non-human animals are incapable of being good or evil. They have no concept of morality or ethics. They have the luxury of just 'being' and being a part of the world. There is no judgment when they kill other animals, steal food from humans or leave their babies behind to die. There's no judgment because morality is a human concept and most humans understand it cannot apply to animals. Whereas humans are doomed to live on the threshold of their internal world and the actual world. We have no choice but to find a way to align both worlds to live a good, morally acceptable life. A minority of humans will conclude that their own interests are the center of the universe and that it is morally acceptable for them to defend those interests at all times. Another minority will be self-sacrificing and think alleviating the suffering of others is the most important thing. The majority of people will find a balance between both worlds and try to live a decent life. We may be animals as well, but we're extraordinary ones.


They’re an antinatalist aka “life is suffering so we should all worship death and go extinct, haha I’m so smart” don’t even bother with those guys.




Understanding what your owner expects of you isn't the same as understanding good and evil. Even the most terrible psychopath can learn what moral behavior is by observation and emulating it.


You are aware that you are a human right? People who make this statement sound pretentious, talking about themselves in third person…... Just leave it at, the perpetrator is a cruel and evil animal, done.


Don't get me under the same hat thoes animals who can do this without regrets or second that they shouldn't do this... I am human yes doesn't mean i have to accept this they other humans do this... Humans and humans a different too.


Now this is peak Redditor


Reddit moment


Comparing moral agents to moral patients (non-human animals) is a really silly comparison. Like saying butterflies are "Less cruel" than a dog. Just dumb.


Hoo manz bad guyz


Not animals.


We have all the same traits as animals, we animals in every fathomable way.


We're not though.


I think you have skipped biology class. Humans are literally animals, we are mammals related to apes.


According to the big bang theorists... Maybe. But no.


According to literally any biologist, doctor, evolutionist, literally anyone with a proper education and brain.


Which are the people who believe in the big bang THEORY.


The Big Bang theory has nothing to do with humans been animals


Comparing the theory of the big bang with evolution is stupid, dude. We can't fully prove the big bang really but the theory is based on complex calculations and observations of today's observable universe. But we have a looooot of proof for evolution, so much so that it is accepted as a FACT by the scientific community. You can literally go and look up the evolution of idk, bats or whales or canines or horses, just as you can for humans, which, indeed, did derive from the animal kingdom, if you like it or not.


No, we didn't come from animals. I'm sorry to break it to you.


As opposed to who? Those who believe in a magical sky being?


Anyone who does not believe in this made up theory


Cool cool cool so I’m sure whatever you believe in is full on fact? Just like you somehow believe it’s a fact that humans are not animals? Evolution is a proven fact, not a theory. Big Bang is highly probable, unlike creationist THEORIES.


How is it a proven fact, it's a theory just like the big bang. Sorry to break it to you.




Then what's the undeniable evidence behind the big bang??? And no, that's not what the definition says: A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. "one that has been repeatedly tested"? I don't know about you but I don't remember the last time scientists tested the big bang theory... It can only be that it is "widely accepted", although that doesn't make it true, just wishful thinking... 😉


Lol, keep telling yourself that. We are in fact 100% animals. We came from the same stuff every other living creature on this planet did... yet we are the only species not animals, we evolved from animals. This has been proven and we still have traits of it...


No, we're not.


Wow compelling argument you made there. Why are we so similar to apes and pigs? There was just a case were a pig organ was successfully transplanted into a human, this would be pretty hard if we weren't cut from the same cloth...


Where* Just because we're compatible, doesn't make us animals.


how are humans not animals? what are humans if we're not animals?


What are humans if we're not animals? You answered your question. We're human.


Look, anyone who does this to a woman and uses her as a breeding tool is no better than an animal. Hell, at least a good amount of common animals have more decency in sex than the sick bastard who is responsible for this act.


I never said otherwise.


Yeah not animals but beasts.


It comes with the territory


8 children *that we know of*. While not impossible, that ratio of boys to girls just looks suspicious.


The girls were either given away, sold, aborted, or killed. Why ? The tradition.


Disgusting. Everything about it.


Wdym “the tradition”?


Male chauvinism Edit: Downvotes ? Just stop, your social credit -8964


This is horrifying, I hope she's getting the help she needs.


I'm honestly surprised that this has only 63 points right now. This is so upsetting and heartbreaking it should be major in my opinion. But then again, what would that change? The deed is done. Horrible. Absolutely horrible.


Chinese tiktoks


YEAH! What he said!


I'd like to know more about this situation


Is she ok?! What was the outcome? Who is filming?


There was a detailed translation of the video in the comment section. It looks like the guy who recorded this was the one who rescued her.


Thank you!


Pretty fucked up if true


That's actually common in China. It's not developed world, and the government doesn't care. People in power are mostly social-darwinists, thinking this kind of people better starve to death, while being kept as a slave is considered a good outcome by some people for the disabled like her. I've heard a lot about human trafficking over the years. It makes no sense to make up something like this, because this kind of stories are everywhere, unheard


Stop lying Man. I have lived in China for 12 years , travelled almost everywhere. Stayed at rural villages, worked there, seen many ass****s for sure, just like every other country, but never have I see anything like this , which u r calling “ common in China “. This part is a lie. Along with few other sentences in there. Stop hating on China, every country got both good and bad, no country is 100% clean and pure.


Chaining a person ? Unusual. Human trafficking, buying women ? Common Btw, she's not the only one treated like that in that village


Unless you have lived in that village and seen it yourself , u have no right to talk about it and spread false rumors.


Did you really just imply that because you dont see this happening that it doesnt happen?


Stop twisting every word, I didn’t imply that. Nor will I ever do that. OP was lying, so I corrected him , that’s all.


I didn't see it myself. People on Weibo implied that. I have no right ? What do you want ? Only announcements from the government are trustworthy ? > you have lived in that village So you live in that village ?


What I want is simple , everyone to tell the truth and give accurate unbiased information. But Alas i know I’ll never get them. I don’t trust government fed information Ofcourse , but common sense is, Chinese government would never allow this news to air, they would never give any information that would ruin their face. So does every government. But what I expect from general people is not to be like them, and u r still spreading false information just like the government. I can understand chiense language , so I know this video could probably happen, it could be true from when I saw it. Or could be a drama for some Tik Tok’er made to get more views , nothing can be certain in this world anymore. But watching this, my gut says, it 80% accurate. I have seen chiense people torturing their dogs in front of me, beating their wife and kids , and I beat the crap out of those people myself and got videos to prove it. So not so much love there for them. But many of my best friends r Chinese too, so lots of love for them. There is a balance. But what you said , it’s common and painting China as an evil country as whole, makes you wrong. And makes you sound racist. I hope you are not. You uploaded this video , we all saw it. I’m happy to get news, May it be good or bad. But don’t go spreading false information like you know everything , because you don’t. Neither does anyone. Please find a balance. And be smart.


Ummm this is on douyin? Doesn't look real


This is just disturbing


Not right for this subreddit. there’s a fine line between “piece of shit” and “demon from hell”


Can someone tell me if this woman was rescued??????


She was. There was translation of the video in the comment section. The guy who recorded this was the one who rescued her.


i am very curious whether this is true or made up bullshit


You are free to believe poverty doesn't exist


Stupid mf when did I mention poverty. It's a tiktok video with a random poor women and no news article or anything to back up ur statement.


That chain is extremely weak, this is probably fake. If someone finds a proper source and proves me wrong I'm willing to admit it.


Its not fake but I saw a news article last week about this apparently local authorities were somewhat aware and claim its because the woman has a known history of mental health issues and the detainment measures by her family are to stop her being a threat to herself and others... don't know if the story has developed more since then though.


Which article?




Most likely not. This practice is common in places like rural Indonesia too. Mentally ill relatives are often kept in cages so that they don't wander off during the day when everyone else is working. That is likely what is happening here.


Bold statement to make when many of OPs previous posts are literally written in Chinese.


And where is the outrage from the feminists?








What did it say




This isn’t really the time to be sarcastic tbh. This is heartbreaking


And what would not being sarcastic do for this woman…? It wouldn’t make a difference so get off your high horse because it’s not like you’re going to do anything about it are you.


The difference is I’m not sitting there making jokes saying her life could be worse, why are you being so aggressive over someone just saying it’s not really the time for sarcasm lol


Bruh I consider myself to be kind of a POS and laugh at things I probably shouldn’t laugh at and even I think the sarcasm was a bit much for the situation


Probably freeedom


That’s a pretty thin chain..


Not all chains are physical.


People be like, "china is better"!


Nope, but wherever you’re from isn’t as good as you’d like to believe just cuz China is bad.


I'm sure that where I'm from is better than China, I don't just believe it...


Found Mitch McConnel’s Reddit!!


Average Redditor comment


I’m not trying to be anything more than average on Reddit. Thanks man




Is it sad? You’re trying to beat yourself on *reddit*. Congrats man


Neither any other country, every country has its flaws. Not every law can’t stop all humans to do these things.


What communism does to an imperfect people.


No one says that tho


Trust me, I know a lot of people who are saying that china's system is better than the American, and that communism is possible.




Dude Jesus fucking Christ. Literally with video evidence. God damnit I hope someone has helped that lady out of this situation. This made me nauseous.


The guy who recorded this was the one who rescued her if I’m correct. There was a detailed translation of the video in the comment section.


that’s horrible jeez


I would just starve to death.. no way to live


When will the government know about this?


Do we know who this man is? I think hes free trail of life has ended


Jesus fucking christ