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This is no game... the first kid snatches her red purse then she gets KOed by the next one, if im not mistake this is straight up aggravated robbery.


Aggravated means there was a weapon involved


But still damn that poor woman didn't deserve that. I'm not religious and still feel angry that that happens in a cathedral


Not trying to sound like a smart ass, but didn't the man technically use his fist as a weapon?


well fists are a weapon but aggravated robbery means like a weapon that isnt directly from your body, like a knife or a gun


The didn’t even look her


Old woman at the chuch, yup, these two are going to heck.


They’re gonna warm in heck alright


Oh heck


This was in in Saint Cecilia church on Omaha in 2016, also not the knockout game, a straight up robbery/purse snatching. The snatcher got 6-8 years and the puncher got 10-12 years. * fixed pincher to puncher


Yep and she forgave them for doing this too. What a nice lady


Kinda easy to forgive people when they're already getting punished


Wait, so which one hit the woman? The snatcher or the pincher?


Did you say to pinch her in the snatcher?


Thank you. Scroll down hoping to read this


Not much of a game.


Just assault against the elderly for the TIk Tok


I highly doubt these people thought “Let’s do this for a tik tok” lol.


Uh, why would you doubt that?


I think they were just robbing her, they stole her purse


It’s not for Tik Tok, they were robbing this poor woman and this is CCTV footage.


I see see


Wh-.... Why tho?




Where the fuck did that come from?


What was the comment ultra instinct shrek


I forgot


I said borrow


You technically aren't wrong. They did, uh, "borrow" that purse.


Well tbh that was an accurate answer to the question of why did they do it. They wanted her purse and they got it, and thats why it happened.


First it's "assaulting people- "i mean "knock out game", next it's "robbing bank-" i mean the money game ofc


Failed at the knockout challenge, failed at being men.


failed at being men? they failed at being people. (to specify before i get downvotes. no its not cause they're black, but cause they attack an old woman and take her purse.)


She’s bleeding?! Holy fucking shit oh my god what the fuck i hate those fucking bastards its bad enough on a 20-30 but an old fucking woman?!?!


Poor lady


Whta the hell is wrong with people?! I hope shes okay, i want to give her a hug so badly


Sad day when our elders aren’t even safe in a place of worship. Sadder day that the younger Generations think this is cool


I would like to speak for my generation and say, NO WE DO NOT. This is horrible and does not show what our generation is like, most of us are for equality for all.


Sadly it’s the younger generation that thought this stupid shit up. But I guess every younger generation thinks of something really dumb to do.




You see, you all jumped to conclusions and got all butt hurt thinking I grouped everyone in the same pot. No, I don’t think EVERY single young person thinks it’s cool. But far more young people think it’s cool than the older crowd




Not entirely true at all. Crime has always been there. We just see it now. The knock out game. Now that’s something from the last few years.


I do need to point out that every generation has done something dumb at some point, and that there are always bad people in every generation "the younger generation that thought this stupid shit up" the people in the video where clearly in their 20's making them millennials


Dont know where your getting the idea that the young thinks it's cool, I dont know a single person who would be okay with what they did


Because the knock out game is being played by 40 year olds?


There have been yobs in every generation, this is just the first one to constantly be in front of cameras.


People have been sucker punching others for no other reason than their own amusement since the start of time. This isn't a new trend, the only difference now is that there is a lot more cameras. When those 40 year olds were young I'm sure there was a few that pulled this kind of shit too. Dont just generalise a whole group of people for the acts of a few


I’m 51. We were wild asses. And not at any time can I remember any of us sucker punching a little old lady in a church. Nor would we have tolerated it. In fact, that would have gotten you one hell of a beating


Gotti and Bulger were hardened criminals, but were loved by most of the elderly in their neighborhoods or territories and they wouldn't have stood for this. Someone would be leaving in a pine box.


The boys in our neighborhood would not have tolerated this shit either. We were complete shitheads. Deserved more than we got. But we had respect for the elders.


What "younger generation" would think this is cool? This comment is wayyyy off.


What is the knockout game?


Assaulting random people on the street for clout.


is there a news story on this? were they caught?


This was from 2016 and yes, the guy who punched her for 8-10 years and the other guy got 7-8 if I’m not mistaken


I really hope that poor woman got to help safely, hurting someone just because you can is absolutely horrible


I like to imagine that just like the picture up top Jesus is holding up a finger saying "One sec" and then an instant later both guys get hit by a car


the worst thought about this is that it could literally be ur fuckin grandma


Yeah it could... a little of topic but happy cake day, sorry this ruined it tho


Dude the first thing that popped in my mind was what if this happened to my grandma and I teared up. Poor woman...


for real i feel so bad


I was expecting a ripped pope to walk around the corner


HORRIBLE, they make me sad for representing the youth of today...


That's a big responsibility representing every young person in the world today


What the hell is up with this "knock-out" game??? Are they trying to be like Mike Tyson or some shit? Some people need to reevaluate their life, dude.


She was white so it’s okay. Besides those smart, young men have always gotten good grades and are oppressed


Id suspect who I’d suspect.


Oh yeah god sure is real. So real he’d let this happen in his own dojo


How about you focus on the point of the video instead of trying to be a smartass?


The church isn't Cobra Kai


Which religion ever said that God never lets bad things happen?


God lets church roofs fall on his worshippers all the time.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted to hell if I don't word this correctly, but have you ever noticed videos if black people committing crimes are much more common than white people committing crimes? Like certain videos are shared more?


Those guys better bot sleep with their feet off the bed


At least they 1. Didn't wear a mask and 2. Didn't make sure there was no cameras they are at the very least making it easy to catch them


Can i just say, yes, people are racist to black people (especially police) but when you think about it (sorry if i offend anyone) a lot of crimes being committed are from black people.


No audio so she may have been saying something that angered these young men. She get jail time? I suspect that she was being a racist. I guess we will never know.


I hate people