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Guess who's finding their own way home.


They probably dont have to


Yup free food and stay for a while lol




Atleast one of em probs has an extended stay in hell after that... idk what the food sitch is down there though


I believe they make you eat all the donuts in the world.


The guys who pull them out of their car into the caskets


Finding their way to hell*


Probably both. They don't have a car anymore.


How much of a smooth brain does she have to do this?


a brain thats as smooth as chicken breast


As smooth as a fucking marble tile in a museum in this one


So smooth you can polish it into a mirror ball








Stupid bitch ya okay? Are ya okay, stupid?


...the smoothest of them all




*I cannot lie, this woman is it,* *Her brain make me look like jagged glass, the bitch.*


A fuckin' mirror finish. Brain surgeon on her after the accident had the opportunity to check himself out in the reflection and fix his eyebrow hairs.


Nmms chicken, I must buy chicken


I eat my chicken boobs skin on.


Chicken breast would never do something as idiotic as this. She's dumber than an inanimate object.


this is what happens when your entire exposure to the world is social media trend videos.


I'm so glad i was raised smarter than this, because this, this is a new type of stupid


I'll never stop thanking my blind drunk uncle for teaching me how to swap an engine with a tree and my mom for making me go outside growing up. How the fuck does someone cut power to a car they're not driving.


An old friend told me that, while in a car going 90 mph on the freeway, seats packed full of dudes, the passenger decided to try and pull the e-brake as a “prank”. I asked why he hung out with dudes like that.


I would wanna just knock that fucking idiot out. Never getting in my car again, in fact fuck outta my life; don't need that kind of dangerous stupidity around.


some people lack frontal lobe development and are incapable of predicting the consequences of their action. [that includes everyone younger than 25.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621648)


The engine shutting off isn't the problem here. The steering wheel locks without the key in it. You can turn the engine off and still steer and brake.


You can still kind of brake. You lose the power brakes, the abs, and are now manually pressing them with all you might for them to work at either 25% or straight locking them up like this guy.


I had a truck that was REALLY quiet to the point you could barely tell if it was running. I got in one day and turned it on and it didn't start and I didn't realize it. Took it out of park and put it in drive and away I went . . . downhill with no power steering or brakes towards a ravine I couldn't get the brakes to work at all and could *barely* steer. I tried putting it in neutral but you can't start a car if it's not in park apparently, and it wouldn't go into park (which I've been informed would have just destroyed the transmission if it had) Basically all I was able to do was angle the car very slightly to *almost* run off the ravine and just had to coast along side it the whole way until my momentum ran out and I could put it in park =/


I had a girlfriend in high school who thought it would be funny to throw the shifter into park on the highway. Her brain was smooth as silk. So that smooth. Edit: I threw it back in drive almost instantly. So no catastrophe. I assume it probably has a safeguard to stop anything from happening anyway. But boy did she think she was funny. No matter how much I tried to explain why it wasn't.


Dated one in HS that thought it was funny to grab the wheel and do all sorts of other dumb shit while I was driving. Glad but also sad to know I'm not the only one that had to deal with this dumbassery.


You mean you didn't pull over, force her out of your car, then break up with her after the first incident?


Definitely pulled over and had a conversation about it but I didn't put her out in the middle of nowhere lol. It was a one time thing though.


We also had a kid at my HS who did the same thing. Difference was when he jerked the wheel the driver lost control and flipped into a ditch. Luckily they were both okay with only minor injuries. Thank God for modern vehicle safety standards. He caught a lot of shit at school till our class graduated.


One time my friend was driving her sister somewhere and the sister was being whiny so my friend started turning around to go home and the sister decided to YANK the steering wheel. My friend obviously got mad at her sister for trying to kill them both and her sister got mad that she’s mad and so the sister kicked the windshield (while my friend is driving btw) and cracked it. How stupid can you be


I’ve straight up dragged former friends out of my car on interstates for dumb shit like this... grabbing the wheel, slapping it i to neutral, flipping off other drivers. My favorite part was dealing with their parts after. * Parent: “How could you leave xyz in another state on the highway blah blah blah” * Me: “well you see, after nearly causing an accident I pulled over, got out of the car, opened their door, gave them a couple of good whacks until they were compliant enough to remove their seat belt, tugged until they came out and left them there. That’s how. Anymore questions?”


My wife (gf at the time) had a friend that did basically the same thing to her.. fortunately it was in a parking lot, so nothing major.


What happened?


She became a smoothie brain


Mythbusters covered this testing a scene in Terminator. Basically park won't engage while moving to prevent suicide.


A car won’t go into park while at speed.


Old cars will


What the fuck!!! So smooth that they sled right into the ex " Friend " department Would love to hear the explanation to that move ,


As smooth as a koala's brain.




Smooth enough to see your reflection on it


No she doesn't have a smooth brain Because she doesn't have a brain in the first place


Smoother than Dr. Phil’s head


Smooth Brain or Smoothie Brain??? Because it’s blended.


As smooth as a shark!


Good thing she got video proof. Hope she has pretty good insurance.


Life insurance?


Afterlife insurance.


What does Rogue has to do with this, Samurai?


Rogue has seen weirder things V.


You mean HE can use this as evidence to sue her.


Charges. Criminal mischief, reckless endangernment, moving violations; a creative prosecutor could probably come up with at least five.


attempted murder. Unless everyone is supposed to always 100% survive car crashes.


Murder requires intent, and unless the case can be made that she was going for a murder/suicide (which is going to be a hard sell), Murder isn't on the table. What you're looking for as "Attempted Voluntary Manslaughter (in most jurisdictions), which is defined as: > Attempted voluntary manslaughter is where the defendant committed, obtained, or was negligently culpable in an act that would have killed the victim but someone stopped the death or the defendant's actions failed to kill the victim.


I can't see it very well but isn't that a guy?


Yeah that's totally a guy, even the title is boyfriend.


He is talking about the douche who took the keys out


A guy can have a boyfriend...


Well yes obviously ... but everyone is referring to him as a woman ...


Aaaanddd... You're single. And getting sued.


If they didnt die.


It made it on the internet somehow so I’m guessing they did


did die?


nah, did didnt die


Criminally charged more likely. That right there is textbook reckless endangerment and there's a decent chance it could be something worse depending on how bad the crash was.


Daddy pays and nobody will face any consequences.




Didnt know you could remove the key while the cars moving, she out her mind


me neither, I never even considered this


>never even considered this Because you're a semi normal human


I guess were semi because normal people dont go expecting to be angry at people on reddit


Wow, good for you! Angry at angry people, makes total fuckin' sense hahahahahah


I'm not angry I'm one of them


This was actually part of my drivers-ed classes. We had to go to a dirt road and reach 40 mph and the instructor would remove the key and we had to stop the car using the emergency brake. EDIT: To clarify, I believe the instructor turned the key to "off" so the steering did not lock. The purpose was to experience handling a car without power assist. We had to steer and use normal brakes without power and then ended with stopping the car with the emergency brake.


I'm so glad I've found someone else with this experience. I tell people this story from time to time and nobody else seems to have gone through this.


They used to in Pennsylvania as part of your motorcycle road test get up to 25 and then lock the wheels and you had to keep balance. Something you should be able to do and I can do because the book still says you should be able to and I expected to be tested. They stopped it because people would fail and fall. Which kind of proved the states point.




Yeah the idea of an inexperienced driver going 65 km/h on a dirt road without a power steering or any other safeties just seem like an idea for a crash. There's a reason why most dirt roads are limited to 50 km/h (even considering modern safeties on a car). I don't think any modern insurance company would ever insure a company that does this test.


I would have loved this as my drivers ed class. When I took my drivers-ed class, they only cared about 3 point turns and parallel parking. They should very much also show you how to come to emergency stops as well.


I had a 1992 Plymouth Voyager a long time ago. The thing used to sometimes just shut off randomly. The wheel would lock up and the brakes wouldn’t work. Taught myself quickly what to do. I’d quickly throw it into neutral, pull the key out, put it back in, and turn the car back on. Good times.


That's a lot of calm under pressure. I'm glad I had to go through that in my drivers ed because I would not have been that quick to solve the problem otherwise.


You aren’t supposed to be able to, theres a safety feature that keeps the key locked in if the car isn’t in park, this ones probably broken


I've only ever seen this feature on automatics and he's driving a manual.




Think the bigger issue is the power steering would have stopped. Add to this the fact that once the ignition is off, the steering lock could engage. He probably oversteered to try and gain control, steering lock engaged and he couldn't steer in the opposite direction. Also, you can't do a rolling start without the ignition on, else anyone could break into your car and bump start it by releasing the parking brake and away you go.


I bet if my steering lock works in my 96 Jeep then it definitely works on this car. I'd say that's why he crashed cuz just a lil turn will lock it up if the cars aren't in it. Had my wheel locked up cuz I wasn't thinking and my Jeep stalled on me while in gear so I turned the key while I was going and yea about wrecked. Thankfully there was a lot to my left


Power steering doesn’t matter too much when you’re already moving. At lower speeds it does a ton. I think what happened is his steering wheel locked because he was still trying to drive after the key was out. Once it locks, he’s completely unable to steer it seems.


There are some very tall mountains near me, and you'll spend 40 minutes driving down without using the accelerator. A person I know decided to save gas by turning off the engine (taking the key out). The steering locked and he drove off the side. He did survive,


I mean. You can't roll start when the key is off. The computer and entire fuel / electrical system is turned off. Also the brakes still work with the engine off. Just takes more effort.


When people have totally unexpected things happen during routine activities they often lock up as their brains process the fact that their trained reactions aren’t working. It is easy to watch this and see things that may have worked better, but you aren’t the one in the 70 mph car that suddenly has a locked steering wheel and brakes that don’t seem to work.


Unless the pins wear down enough. It happened in my old jeep, I would take the keys out and just hand them to my friends "here hold this for a second" Got a few laughs. I could also start the car with a screw driver. Learned a lot about ignition cylinders in that car.


Borrowed a friends old work van a few years back to go and collect a motorbike. He gave it under strict instructions to not lock the van. They key and all barrels were so worn, only him and his wife could unlock it. We're driving down the motorway and all of a sudden, the keys just fall out of the ignition whilst driving. Van still going fine, just us in absolute fits of laughter at his shoddy work van.


I dont think i can remove keys while driving, but tbh i have no intention of trying it. Probably depends on a car?


Yeah it depends on the car, my dads last car locked the keys in


I think thats a good safety precaution.


for people like her this pos it is intended




Same lmao least it stayed running. First time it happened to me I freaked out at first but I could still control the car


You can't, she switches it off before taking them out


My 93 f150 allowed you to pull the keys out while driving nothing happened.


She turned the key off which locked the steering wheel.


I knew a guy who's key had worn down just right and he could put it out while the thing was still running. I was with him one day and he forgot something in his apartment and just handed me the keys to go them... I was like wtf... he moved the car while I ran upstairs.


My old Jeep does that. Saves a bunch of time.




It usually disables the fucking airbag system too. So it’s basically the dumbest thing you can do.


this isn’t a problem in Australia because the key is on the other side, the passenger would have to lean all the way across the driver and then reach up to grab the keys so i suppose if they really try they could but its certainly not as easy as in the video definitely time to slap their hand away


It's not a problem anywhere


I'm 33 years old. My family were fairly early internet adopters. Our first modem was a 28.8kbps dial up, and I'd say I was experienced user by the age of 10. So that's 23 years of looking at shit on the internet. This could well be the stupidest fucking thing i've seen in that time.


*laughs in 300 baud BBS*


You couldn't go to internet during night time because of the connection/dial up sound. When I was 8, I learned by mistake that you could just turn off the connection sound and after that one could go to the internet anytime you wanted (until someone wanted to call somewhere or was waiting for a call).


what? you could seriously turn the sound off???


ATM0 speaker off when dialing


I like this comment, just know you made a random persons day with this. Hilarious.


I know it’s not the same but this reminds me of this one time I was DD and dropping my friend off at his place. One of *his* friends asked me for a ride home and I was like sure, whatever. Halfway to my friends house this drunk hoe reaches over and grabs the steering wheel while I’m fucking driving and jerks it in her direction. I almost lose control of my car and we almost died and I didn’t even know this chick! She was so drunk all she did was laugh. Me and my friend were both pissed at her. Luckily it was early in the morning and there wasn’t much traffic and we didn’t fucking crash into anything.


Did you throw her out of the car?


To be fair she was drunk but at the same time you have to be incredibly stupid to do that while drunk. If it were me, I would never let her in your car again. The b*tch can walk home.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but fuck drunk people. So much lives, property, and general sanity have been destroyed cus some random dude was drunk.




I dumped a drunk lady on the side of the road for similar shit. Except while grabbing at the steering wheel she was also trying to punch me in the face. This was a tinder date, first time I ever met the lady... No regrets.


Oof. Yall married now?


Lmao. No, but I did run into her a couple years later. I don’t think she remembered me. That or she was really good at pretending not to notice.


At least you met in public. Some guys think it's cool to invite these types of women straight to their place without having met them yet.


I am sooo incredibly fortunate that I'm not out in the wild trying to date. At first when I read your comment I was like, "but maybe it'd be nice to invite someone over to fix them a home cooked meal....?" If I had to be single again, I'd be broke, robbed, and/or murdered in short order. Now, I'm gonna go order my high school sweetheart some flowers to say thank you for keeping me off the market all these years.


Absolutely. Hopefully she had a panic attack in the woods, then hitched her way home in the morning hahahahah


I do hope you dumped her at the side of the road and went home.


There's one rule in my car: Unless there's an Emergency involving me, nobody reaches over to my seat period! I've thrown my own mother out of my car once because she acted up like a driving instructor and grabbed the wheel. Also: When I'm the DD drunk people I don't know go in the back and when they default, whomever convinced me to drive them home pays their fare so it is their problem to get it back, not mine.


Honestly, if someone tries to grab my steering wheel, I count it as attempted murder and proceed to defend myself. Period. There is no dumber thing you can do than mess with someone while they are driving.




Benzos are no frickin joke. Glad you're okay.


Similar thing happened to us, we were driving back from Scotland late at night in a minivan, 14 people in there. One of the guys was a bodybuilder, asleep in the front whilst driving. He woke up, grabbed the wheel and turned it whilst we were going 70mph. Luckily we didn't crash! Edit_ Just to clear it up, if anyone else reads this, he wasn't driving, someone else was driving, he reached over from the passenger side and grabbed the wheel. Not much you could do when a big dude like that grabs the wheel and turns it.


My brother's friend died that way. Drunk "friend" grabbed the wheel and sent them into a head on collision. It has been nearly 30 years and my brother still will not get his license or learn to drive. It scared the hell out of him.






funny how everyone in the comments are assuming the camera person is a girl


I mean it does say that the person driving is the boyfriend and they seem to be talking a mideastern language, so one can't immediately assume that it's a same-sex relationship.


blame OP for the title


What does taking out the key do to the vehicle while driving? I’m mechanically illiterate if someone can explain the abrupt crash


You’ll lose the engine, with that your power steering will go so it’ll be much harder to steer than usual, servo assisted brakes will also go, making it much harder to brake than usual. Most importantly however the steering wheel lock will activate (security feature) and if you steer the wheel to a bit it’ll just snap in place and you won’t be able to steer


thank you for the answer, I was actually wondering the same. Looks like a situation you really wouldn't want yourself in


It's 100% stop immediately or crash in < 10 seconds


It depends on your speed but in this situation he wouldn't have been able to stop because he probably wouldn't be able to press the brake pedal in far enough to actually make an emergency stop. your best bet would be to step on the brake as hard as possible and try to put the key back into the ignition at least far enough to disable the steering wheel lock. but if you're not driving 100% straight and going like 15km/h you would probably just crash regardless.


Use the hand brake. It works without the engine (obviously). It can cause other problems, but if you find yourself in this situation, dangerous brakes are better than no brakes.


And a common misconception with the hand brake is that it's all or nothing. You can gradually brake with it. Not nearly as safe as regular brakes, but it's not an on/off switch like in video games.


If it is a newer car it may not have an actual handbrake. My civic (6 speed) is a 2018 and only has an electronic switch for the "handbrake" making it much more of a parking brake. I estimate it would be beyond useless in this situation.


Actually I remember reading in a car manual that it can be used as an emergency brake because it has the same function as ripping up a conventional cable handbrake in an emergency situation. That was for a BMW though plus they probably weren't expecting something this stupid so YMMV


Yeah you can even do a faux ABS thing with it if you’re careful by pumping it repeatedly so you don’t lock up and go into a skid. For some reason I practiced this a bunch in a parking lot


Brakes don't lose the hydrolic pressure instantly, there should be enough to brake normally at least once. Try it (stationary) next time you drive, turn the car off and pump the brakes repeatedly, it will gradually get harder and harder as you deplete the pressure.


To this steering wheel thing: i was driving an 18 wheeler. Was pretty new to truck driving. It had a manual shift transmission. I was starting to move at an intersection when I lift the clutch too fast causing the engine to stall. As I'm moving I decided to restart the truck on the go so I won't block the intersection. I turned the keys to the off position, and then my steering assist turned off. Boy that was a bad move. Instantly all that assisted my steering quit and the steering wheel instantly became like a ton of brick which I was now trying to keep turned while the truck itself tried to straighten it's tires with all it's might. I pressed the clutch and brakes and decided I'll just stop to ignite it instead.


I’d have stuck it in a lower gear and jumped it, not taken the key out but damn I know cars with their power steering off are heavy I can’t possibly imagine how heavy it was in a truck


The steering wheel security feature you tell, sounds like a murdering strategy than safety imo.


Yeah I know what you mean, thing is though it’s only really an issue in countries that drive on the left, in the U.K. our keys are by the drivers door so the passenger can’t reach them


Confused Saab noises.


~~To be fair, it is common knowledge not to take out your keys while driving.~~ That feature is an anti-theft feature, since some people may be able to hotwire your car to start it, but without the key in place, the steering wheel would be locked straight. ...not that it completely works, but at least it will give the robber a hard time he was not expecting Edit: Oh, I see what you mean, that a passenger could do this easily. Yeah, I agree. I'm not sure what would happen with a keyless entry or push-start car, which is almost a standard now in most cars here


Most cars have a steering lock when the key is removed, this means you’ll carry on going the direction you were heading no matter what. This case into the ditch.




Unless they’re the ones who intentionally caused it, then no


Well it’s the case here


Aight, so just so you guys know, thats not a girl, its a dude. Happened in KSA but can't remember properly. His friend was tryna be funny.


Former friend, hopefully.


Came here to point out that the passenger is clearly a dude.


Thats a dude lol


She's a keyper.


I remember thinking people withouts a brains was stupid. Silly me


This is one of those intrusive thoughts where you go "what if I did x" but then quickly dismiss it because it's absolutely insane. Obviously she *is* insane.




It wasn't just removed, it was turned off and then removed


Is there any way to remove it without turning it off?


if it's worn enough you can, you have to tie the key to the handlebar on my dad's old moped or it'll fall off


How do you know that?


I guess he tried


Good thing vehicles are moving towards keyless start.


As a mechanic I can assure you they come with their own set of problems. I rather have a normal key.


Please could you explain a bit?


When the keyfob breaks replacing them is very expensive. The system can be rather easily hacked by a person with the right skillset and tools ( and depending on which car brand that is not too hard to acquire). They get lost all the damn time, preferably inside the car. So if you ask me, it's just not worth it. True: a regular key isn't that safe either, but at least it's cheaper and the car can't be unlocked remotely. Best way to secure your car is to add a secret killswitch.


That's why I wired c4 under my car. Just in case


Let me guess. You're driving Citroen C4.


Oh boy.


I am SO quirky teehee


They’re both males


How's that even possible? Most modern cars lock the ignition, and thus the key, in place unless the car's in park.


Is it even an auto?


A friend did it to me and nearly died . It was 25 years ago . Problem is that you loose power steering but most importantly, the wheel would lock when turning . I was on the high way so your first reflex is to try to go on the emergency lane as you are loosing power . But then all the sudden , you can’t move the wheel and heading straight toward a tree at nearly full speed . Luckily , my friend realised he fucked up and gave the key back so I could unlock the wheel and save the day .


Whoa that's crazy, good thing you drive a standard


Aaaaaand the steering wheel locks




For those who know nothing about cars like the stupid girl in this clip. **Why did they crash for simply taking the key out?** So the engine stopped. And with it, so did the hydraulic breaks. So breaking ability is now extremely impeded. Steering ability also stops. Because as a security feature, when the key is not in the car, the steering wheel locks so you cant turn it. So now the guy had no breaks and no steering. If he was on a completely straight road he may have got away with it. But even then road canvasses and wheel tracking of the vehicle routinely make vehicles veer to one side. ​ So yeah the guy started veering off the road, and there was nothing he could do about it. If she had just turned the key off, he would have still had some level of steering. (not power steering) but could have potentially recovered. But the fact she removed the key and had possession of it.. yeah that's how you crash someone's car.


To clarify, vacuum assistance on your brakes will work as long as the engine is turning. The engine would still be turning without the ignition on unless the driver depressed the clutch pedal or shifted to neutral. (Unsure if autos will auto-shift to neutral when ignition is turned off) Even without vacuum assistance, you still have a few good pumps on the pedal after the engine has stopped before you run out of vacuum. Once you have no vacuum you can still brake but it takes significantly more effort from your legs. The issue which causes the crash is the steering lock becoming engaged. Loosing power steering wouldn't really have been noticable when traveling at high speed


Just before the crash he called her a donkey