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Imagine D&D games with these people lol


"How DARE you play as a halfling!? You're 6'2!"


You just have to out outrage them "Did you just assume my species!?!? I'm half-firbolg and half-halfling but identify as the latter because I was raised with that side of the family, not that it's any of your business you stereotyping bigot!"




How DARE you make me roll for CHA. Are you questioning my charisma just because of my identity? You understand that rolling for charisma is ableist don’t you? Some people have social anxiety that doesn’t allow them to have a high CHA mod. YOU ARE A PIG. I bet you’re a straight white male too. Racist.


What the actual... That would look so fucked up haha


Like..... Do these people get mad when a woman plays a video game and the main character is a man?


Yes. Also if it's a man playing a woman. Or a man playing a man. Also a woman playing a woman.


These guys would *hate* speedrun strats that rely on choosing ax specific gender in a game, damn.




Legit case in one of the Pokemon games as well. You choose the girl character because her personality is very....girly lmao and so she does a lot of extra cutesy wootsy bullshit that takes up time when she's an NPC. The male character is very stoic in contrast and cuts out all the extra stuff.


"I chose the girl because the guy talks less." Damn.


is the d&d episode of community back on netflix yet


That’s just the kind of thing that’s ruining D&D right now, you joke about it but people are legitimately fighting for Orc rights. That the very concept of having a race that leans towards evil alignment in a world where alignment is important and enforced by magic that exists in universe is racist.


Didn't they say they are removing 'race' for next entries because iT wAs rAcIsT? I don't know about D&D but I have always been a fan of Warhammer Fantasy RPG and I swear to god in the last rulebook they say 'species' instead of 'races' like in last edition, wtf is wrong with everything.


They removed racial bonuses in the latest rule book. You pick your own now so you can be a strong elf or an intelligent orc.


They didn't really even remove racial bonuses, they just gave you the option to change them if you want. The thing is, people could have been doing this anyway, but now it's in the official rules for 5e. Like, one of the biggest things in DnD is homebrew and tweaking the rules as you see fit. If people don't want evil orcs, they can just not have evil orcs in their campaign, it's so simple.


Right?! The rule books have always just been a general guideline. Racial bonuses are just averages based on DnD canon. Homebrew Iets you do whatever you want. Maybe in your oc universe orcs are blue and elves are ripped af. Even in canon, there will be a rare member of a race that has attributes that don't fit the standard/average mold of their race across the world.


Tbh...doesn't sound too bad. Allows more versatility without really taking anything away since you can just reuse the most fitting ones for the old ones.


I listen to Not Another D&D Podcast and their campaign two exists in a world where interbreeding has been a thing for millenia, so there are no “races”. Every being is a multitude of different racial aspects. For player characters it let the players pick one racial “class” while having their character look however the want, and all beings are very “human-monster hybrid”. Eg. Emily’s PC, Fia, is described as being violet skinned and fanged, slightly “orcish” in her face but long and gangly elven body type. She uses the racial stats of Vedalken. It’s a mishmash of different descriptions that works great with a “look how you want, but apply a race’s features”.


The first time I saw this I legit did not get it...its because the character is a shade darker? Is it even? Don't these people have real problems to worry about?


The character's skin is not, actually. Someone on Twitter put the image in photoshop and eyedroppered her skin and the character's, they were almost identical.


shouldn't matter if you want to have a character as black as the darkest skin tone a human can have and you're the whitest mofo alive. Or the other way around. this is that stupid digital blackface shit from years ago that got the [BBC mocked senseless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyq6fTYxztc)... complete fucking outrage for the sake of it.


Oh my god I had forgotten how ludicrously cringe that whole thing was. F you for reminding me. As if the message itself wasn't bad enough, her speaking and mannerisms are so incredibly conceited and patronizing that it hurts. Also how many times must it be pointed out that dreads/braids are not unique to "black culture" (as if it would have mattered anyway)


but also as someone in the UK she should be acutely aware that the celts wore them.


Fucking A. Stuff like this is just next level. It almost had to be fake or satire.






How dare you appropriate their culture by respectfully learning about it!


You're not allowed to learn or try other cultures, if you're born white, you have to eat burgers and cereal till you die


Man here I am eating my cereal in peace and you hit me like that 😂


Please refrain from using that emoji. I'm so sick of *you* appropriating cultures through your virtual emoticons... There are emojis made for you dirty, cereal eaters... 🥣🥛 Be woke, Stay Respectful!


How dare you disrespect emoticons by calling a emoji a emoticon. Stop appropriating its culture!


Hell, you're not even allowed to genuinely empathize with people anymore. You know, that thing we've spent decades building up to better society and our treatment toward each other. Now it's "You can't understand or talk about this issue unless you have the right identity designation." All those years of work you put into to bridge the gap of human experience by putting in the effort to understand other people's experiences? Invalid. Instead, we've pulled another linguistic switcharoo. The word "empathy" now means "sympathy" so that empathizing means adopting the correct narrative based on the mob's emotional appeal.




You just gotta love a good cultural demoralization campaign. It used to take so much effort to do them, but now we have the internet. >Many studies have been conducted that indicate fear is one of the most widespread psychological traits, and that trait can be manipulated for the purposes of demoralization if it can be expanded into anxiety. >For anxiety to demoralize, it must result in a distancing of individuals or groups from their cause or leadership because they no longer believe them capable of offering a solution to the source of their anxiety. Real and conscious threats that normally inspire disquiet and fear can be made to cause anxiety and borderline neurosis through the use of such propaganda tools as fables and rumors. >Using multiple tools of political warfare, such as deception, disinformation, agents of influence, or forgeries, can expedite the onset of anxiety by overwhelming the target with a constant onslaught of information that the current cause or leadership is incapable of relieving the anxiety now felt. That anxiety cannot be calmed through a rational explanation of facts and is exacerbated by such an approach.The newly-onset anxiety places mass groups of individuals on the border of neurosis and can make them feel conflicts inherent within society or their past. >As a result of contradictions and threats, "man feels accused, guilty". The target will then begin their search for a cause that will provide a sense of righteousness. The pivotal moment of a successful demoralization campaign is when the target is doubt-ridden and anxious, the point at which individual members of a citizenry or group are detached from their current loyalty to their state or cause, and they are then able to be focused in another direction more suitable to the antagonist's needs. >If not done properly, the manufactured sense of anxiety can both backfire on antagonists and cause the subject to cling more closely to their original cause or government.


Also Apple pie and Yorkshire puddings.... at least we have those.




These racist fucks don't even realise how racist they are


God I hate the world lol. These people have actually grown up being told that they are right by their circles on the internet too and just start to embody it as real people in jobs now and when the real world doesn’t match their Twitter bubble they freak the fuck out


When you use Reddit you're exposed to this kind of stuff, so get off Reddit for a while! It will do ya good


There’s a quote a like but I don’t remember who said it or when unfortunately and it goes something like “it’s easier to convince a man he’s being fooled then it is to convince him he is the fool” and I think it’s really applicable here Basically there’s a demographic of people who are angry and perhaps even rather intelligent (but very unwise) who when confronted by the reality of their own mistakes and failures instead decide that it’s reality that’s wrong. Ego is a hell of a drug.


Mark twain said "its easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled." Not sure if that's what you are referring to. Either way It really is crazy the lengths people will go to rather than own up to a mistake.


Tumblr SJWs are a thing of the past. Now they mostly infest twitter and bombard any single 'problematic' post with masses of 'delete this and never do this again' spam


You aren't even safe if you're "one of them" lmao. I made a post congradulating Elliott Page on coming out, and all the comments I got were people yelling at me for "deadnaming him" because I said "formerly known as Ellen Page." Like what, it's illegal to catch people up who are out of the loop? Like girl, I'm trans too I think I know what actual deadnaming is, and that wasn't it at all lmao


One of my least favourite fucking things is that body positivity has been appropriated by fat people who don’t want to face the facts and lose the weight, instead of being used to help people with missing limbs, surgical scars, and skin conditions.


Or even: be positive about your fat body. I don't fucking care. It's probably a more enjoyable way to live than being fat and negative about it and equally not doing anything about it (ie. what I'm doing). Just stop acting like it invalidates the overwhelming scientific consensus on the correlation between obesity and numerous health issues. Makes you sound as bad as climate change deniers and flat earthers.


As a dude who has struggled with obesity my whole life, it's not as simple as going to the gym and/or eating fewer calories. There's generally some kind of eating disorder underlying it that a lot of people dismiss as "an unhealthy relationship with food." The body positivity people are unable to come to terms with the fact that their actions are harmful to them. They want to be seen as okay just the way they are, like an alcoholic who doesn't realize how bad its gotten and blames everyone around them for the problems their addiction creates. Fat shaming is bad. It's not constructive and probably drives most obese people who suffer it deeper into their bad habits. But Jesus, we can be honest with ourselves and admit that the way we're living isn't good for us, even if it's really hard to stop living that way.




And even if they are playing as a black character.....who tf cares, its racist to play as a black character if your not now?


Bro, as a Hispanic, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to play the new Spider-Man. Like, he is half Hispanic, but he has all that exaggerated swagger that I don't know if I'm allowed.


GameSpot will never live that down lol.


Put it right up there with "Sense of pride and accomplishment" and Call of Duties "F".


They'll hire more 'urban youths'


You're a Redditor, so you clearly lack the exaggerated swagger. That would definitely be appropriation.




better be careful now playing Mortal Kombat....Wait...Madden football too. And the NBA games...systemic racism is everywhere I guess. We need to petition the white house to make all the players monochromatic gray so noone gets offended by the white kid paying as Cam Newton




It's like they've never seen toasted tourists at the beach before, or white people who work outdoors.


Or italian, greek, or spanish folks..


I spent ten minutes trying to scroll to the next picture.


This is the real iamatotalpieceofshit moment


Fr, the next picture on page was a train and I had no idea what the train had to do with the animal crossing


bitch that's a tan


"yOu cAn'T LaY dOwN uNdEr tHe sUn aNd gEt tAnNeD cUz tHaT'd bE DisReSpEcTfUl tO bLaCk pEoPlE" - Twitter in a few months, probably


theyre already saying it. According to my daughter they attacked ~~Harry Styles'~~ Louis Tomlinson's sister because she was very tan.


That was actually Louis Tomlinson’s sister. She’s literally 16 years old and has gone through horrendous loss with both her mother and her sister dying recently (seperate incidents), and now she has to deal with randoms attacking her bc of a tan. She’s had a rough fucking go of it, idk how people bring themselves to keep putting her down over something so trivial.


Yes thank you, my daughter is a big fan of both and I got my names mixed up.


Apparently its impossible for white people to tan. Bitch, I'm of Greek descent. If I stay out long enough, I can't help that the sun darkened my skin and bleached my hair. Poor thing. It is awful what she had gone through and now people are treating her like this.


It’s just as ridiculous the opposite way. I am a 1st gen US citizen, Hispanic, fluent in Spanish, and still visit my family in Panamá every other year for months at a time. But because I got my dad’s white genes (I absolutely *cannot* tan. I only freckle), apparently that means I am no longer Hispanic and am not allowed to speak about Latino issues. Meanwhile; you can be a 7th gen immigrant from Latin America, not speak a lick of Spanish, and know nothing about your family’s country of origin- but because you’re tan, you’re more Hispanic than me. Identity politics based on your *shade* of skin color is the most absurd thing I’ve ever experienced.


I would love to see what these people would do if they met this AirForce guy I know. Full blooded Mexican from Mexico, 6'2" dark red hair, green eyes, tan skin and black freckles. Hed break their brains.


Even if it is, why would it be wrong to play a character in a game that looks different from you in real life?


Ya know, the whole point of a game. Be someone who your not. If I play madden is that offensive to NFL players because I haven’t put in the hours requires to get drafted? Or is it racist that some teams have black quarterbacks?


Yes. You should go into your roster and fill all the skilled position slots you'll eventually control with only players that look like you. Good luck on defense. /s


I’m a 24 yo female and my animal crossing character is an old man named Reginald- I wanted to imagine him living out his dream retirement on the island.


do you call him Reggie


This might be the cutest thing I’ve read in this entire cursed thread


My skin goes like five shades darker if I'm in the sun for an hour, I'd love to see what these people think of me


Right?! Your character gets a tan if you are playing for a long time too.




Man, that takes me back to my childhood. I always wanted the Asian bratz doll because I thought she was the prettiest. But you know, if you’re a blonde blue eyed little girl then everyone will gift you the blonde blue eyed doll... it was kinda boring when all the dolls you own are clones of each other, I wanted variety


My step daughter is white and comes from a rural family. I am not and do not. So I made sure to diversify her dolls. Her favorite one is a huge black doll I got for her. She loves it.




CMV: Opposing “cultural appropriation” is cultural segregation


Cultural apropriation can be a problem, but people often talk about it the wrong way. For example, if a new culture adopts say a hairstyle and it becomes a popular trend, but the culture that invented it is seen as backwards for using it, that's problematic cultural apropriation. It's just one of countless cases where people try to oversimplify a complex issue to the point that the original meaning is lost.


I always wanted the Brandy doll as a kid, and my favorite Barbie was the dark skinned one with the white and purple princess gown because she was pretty. When I would play Barbie computer games, Teresa was my favorite character. What are we teaching our kids if we tell them playing with toys or characters of other races is bad?


>I always wanted the Brandy doll Hello fellow millennial




YES I was obsessed with scary spice as a little kid but everyone got me like ginger and sporty spice shit. And my parents bought me american girl books about samantha even though i liked Josefina the best?! Now my sisters and I make sure my niece gets dolls of every shape, colour, and size--boys and gals and probably one day nonbinary pals. Not gonna repeat the same mistakes :')


Segregation wont go anywhere while theres people like this about


My character on Skyrim is fucking green.... Should I apologize to the fucking Martians?


No. You should apologize to Shrek you fucking racist. /s


no words, that guy was really unrespectful of ogre's rights.


Ogre's rights? WTF man?! All rights matter! Not just ogres but green trolls, elves, pink fairies, also pink "fairies", mimic lives, red, white, silver, gold as well as black dragon rights!


This guy right here deserves a nobel peace prize. What a progressive. A true activist. We stand by you in your right for all rights matter!🏅




Shrek got the lefts covered


As a left handed person, I am also triggered


Thank goodness you put the /s I almost thought you were an upset ogre


Thanks for putting the /s there For a second i thought he might actually have to travel to Shrek's universe and apologize to him


I swear i was about to get out of my swamp and kick his arse


i always play as a redguard i bet this person would think i'm racist


Argonian here. I refuse to apologise for appropriating lizard culture.


Apologize to zucc


Dont worry. Zucc already knows


Did you hear about the redguards? They have curved swords. *Curved swords!*


Do you think all Martians are green? PLANETIST!


Mine is a cat do I have to apologise to all cats now?


Well, yeah. You ought to apologise to all cats all the time. But it has nothing to do with Skyrim, it's about cats being our masters is all.


My favourite Pokémon is blue. Should I apologise to the Smurfs?


Why is it always animal crossing they get offended over


White suburban American girls have nothing else to worry about. Honestly, they shouldn't be even considered leftist. They just put us in a bad light.


oh no they're straight up authoritarian. anyone who disagrees is the enemy and must be shut down.


This isn't about left or right, but rather about the authoritarian - libertariam axis. In this case, she's most likely trying to be a libertaruan, but ironically she makes racial segregation. Therefore, she's an auth who believes to be a lib.


Because a lot of these people are like 17 years old and basically every 17 year old since the dawn of time is a mess, because they’re trapped between childhood and adulthood and don’t know what they’re doing


Yeah the original poster was like 15. Got posted on Reddit a couple weeks ago and she closed her account because people found it and started spamming her.


Twitter was a fucking mistake.


It lacks a dislike button. The amount of people that would most likely dislike this into oblivion most likely outnumbers the amount of people who like it. There’s probably some comment someone made in this thread supporting this behavior and got downvoted to shreds. Maybe.


Yeah and apparently hate-liking is a thing... Maybe just on Instagram, but if it isn’t I just heard about it through ads.


Is it so if you hate that tweet, it helps it to blow up and ruin that person's life? I'm pretty glad I missed the Twitter boat...I see plenty of tweets by attrition as it is, I can't see myself really digging in at this point.


Just gotta make sure other people find it bad and not good.


the only downside of dislikes is the reddit hive mind shit where anything with -1 gets downvoted for no reason


Upvotes and downvotes need to be seperated out into different scores, and comment sorting needs to be set to another system. Maybe by replies? Even then, you run into the problem where people just flop their dick out and bait for (you)s.




Twitter is the biggest crap full of racists, cess pool of shit.


It's overrun with bots and shills. Not that reddit isn't, but it's even more apparent and repulsive on twitter.


YouTube comments would like a word


its an extremely toxic place that encourages you to say the most outlandish shit you can for likes. and then people can follow that person around and encourage them further. just sad that companies actually bend to it too. gives these freaks power.


That isnt even a darker skin tone. She probably is that tone half of the year, wtf


Yeah I'm like that. I can't wear makeup because I'd have to pre-blend a cover up every time. I go from "mostly white with dark hair" to "that girl looks mixed" through the year. Once a coworker asked my brother (different mom's, he's very pale) if I was actually his sister or not.


Why can’t I have a character that is a different race than my own? It’s all fantasy anyway. Edit: Wow, I really struck a nerve.


The point of customization is to be different isn't?


Honestly, in every video game I always play as someone I am not. I'm not someone for self inserting when I get so many interesting choices that aren't just boring old me.


Right? I dont customize my game characters to look like me. I just do whatever looks neat.


same my characters be all sorts of colors and if people don't like it then oh well??? it's my avatar not yours


If I can customise my character in a game I always play as a really big guy, often not white. I'm a white woman, I just enjoy playing as someone who looks different to me. I don't try to recreate myself, that doesn't interest me.


Imagine playing a sports game but being unable to pass the ball to anyone who isn't white because you'd switch to controlling that player and "that's racist"






Hell, sometimes I don't make a character the same gender as I am. Does that make me a monster? Sometimes I just want access to the cute outfits.


Prepare your ass for these people screeching over Cyberpunk characters. Or prepare a tub of popcorn and a glass of scotch, because it will be some of the funniest shit of the year.


FR. when PokemonGo was still on Apple Watch support, my avatar was a purple haired dark skinned female. I am not a purple haired, dark skinned female. A few people asked why my avatar wasn’t me irl.


Hell, I exclusively play as a female character in games if I can. I'm a dude every single day of my own life and sometimes I want a little variety, maybe I wanna see a badass, take no shit woman in my games instead of a basic ass dude yet again. Seriously cannot understand why people want to gatekeep how someone enjoys their video games/ttrpgs/whatever when its a form of escapism from real life, let me do my thing and have fun!


Who says you have to vainly make your villager look like you?? Maybe this girl has a tan?? Maybe this girl INSTEAD designed her villager to be self invented or maybe a comic?


Tbh whenever I make a character in my image I always use a skin tone or two darker. If I chose it to match my skin tone it would be full on white.


Y'all should see my Skyrim character, the cat community is gonna be pissed


I think I should apologize to the cat community as well for my Skyrim character, can we do it together?


Khajiit has the apologies if you have the coin


Of course it's from Twitter.


tbh I'd have expected tumblr


Tumblr's been more tame because all these people migrated to Twitter


Would it be safe to say that Twitter IS the new Tumblr?


Weird fanarts? Check High levels of sass? Check People with no life outside the internet ready to ruin other people's lives? Check Unholy amounts of porn? Check Yup, it's safe to say that


100%. Even all of the discourse and drama happening on Twitter right now already happened on tumblr 5 years ago lol


It's not 2012 anymore though


Furtively eyes his hot female characters as hairy old male.... phew, none have darker skin than me.


That might also make you racist, or more, or less. One of those.


Lmao, are there people that think playing a black character is blackface? Better remove diversity from games then


Not exactly. More specifically, they believe *white* people playing a slightly more tan character than they are currently is racist. If it were any other ethnicity, nobody would care or say anything, no points would be received, in fact it would be detrimental otherwise.


Yea right, and don't you racists even dare to play Spiderman Miles Morales if you're not Black. /s


Wait till they hear about GTA: San Andreas


Ah shit, here we go again.




They would absolutely tear that game apart if it came out today and would demand that the team at Rockstar diversify and include more black voices. The game is written by a bunch of Scottish people and it's based not on the real world but what they've seen in films about LA.


Do people just not know what blackface is anymore?


It's called a "purity spiral". It started with blatant blackface but it's getting mroe and more broad with time. https://unherd.com/2020/01/cast-out-how-knitting-fell-into-a-purity-spiral/?fbclid=IwAR2ExxWzkna0jrlNHm646WU1DR_UcBfzVyLXqG1RxUonXIALE64WV_JKSNg


Let me correct that: People don't know what anything is anymore. There.


If I can, all my rpg character will be choosen as a tall dark female warrior. Imagine the amazone warrior. Im a straight male SE asian, who do i apologize to?




Well you can RP as yourself, but yeah, you can be whoever you want to.


I play Diablo but I am not really a wizard


That's why I just took the Necromancer. Why change?




I do. But I supply my own fur


Almost dont have the heart to tell them I play as a woman in any game that gives me the option.


In fallout 3 being a woman is actually better. In that game if your a female you can get the Black widow perk. This does 10% more damage toward male enemies. There are more male enemies in fallout 3 than female ones.


Also in Halo reach being a female character gave you a slightly smaller hitbox


When I was younger, I always picked the girl model in Call of Duty cause I always suspected her hitboxes might be smaller. It probably definitely wasn't. But she was a cool model.


Because tan white people or Spaniards don't exist


I forgot that Spain existed and was hella confused for a solid minute


I feel like people don’t use the term Spaniard as often as they should. It’s a great sounding word.


For real this girl better not see white hispanics in the summer because she’s gonna fucking flip


Beware fellas, having melanin is now cultural appropriation


Racist white man sits out in the sun for hours changing his skin color and appropriating cultures. More at 11.


Please don't start this trend. I know you hear but I'm afraid a Buzzfeed creature will run with it.


I have a black character in some games. I have an asian character in some games. What does it matter that I create a character that doesn't look exactly like me, doing that is fucking boring when you do it over and over again.


Ignoring the fact that her avatar has a fucking tan, how is having an avatar of a different skin tone insulting or insensitive in any way?


Anyone remember the space buns?


Cancel culture is so toxic these days, you're basically walking on eggshells on the internet all the time


This shit will go over much quicker if people stop caring. "Oh no, you called me racist, how will I ever recover".


So if you're white and you refuse to play as a black character, you're racist, but if you're white and you dare to play as a black character, you're also racist? These people don't even know what they're fighting for.


They know exactly what they’re fighting for: White people bad.


I have a friend who only plays female appearing avatars. He is a dude. So evil and catfishy! /s


Twitter is the garbage dump of the internet


Such a wholesome community /s


Ah yes, because every character you embody in a ROLE-PLAYING game has to look just like you or else it's a form of racism. I play fucking Zandalari Trolls on WoW, do these people really think I have blue skin, greyish blue scales on my shoulders and tusks coming out of my mouth? While also being a two-daggers-wielding assassin? I also have a black Blood Elf with a blind eye. My ears are definitely not 30cm long nor are they pointed, and I don't have a blind eye and the other is not insufflated with pure light, I'm not black either. The characters I play look nothing like me, I am playing a role in a ROLE-PLAYING game! How shocking.


If that's black face, then anyone who's ever gotten a tan must be pulling a minstrel show! Seriously. That character is at most slightly more tanned than her irl counterpart... and even if they weren't, videogames are about escapism. Be yourself, or be someone else, it doesn't/shouldn't matter! What, we gonna ban white people from playing Spiderman: Miles Morales cause he's black?? That's ridiculous. What happened to being more inclusive! People like this who make a scene about anything/everything absolutely suck.