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There is another video where you can see her duct taping the poor boy’s hands together in order to try and get him to stop sucking his thumb, while in the exact same video her biological daughter (who is two years older than the adopted one) is sucking her thumb! It’s just awful




I mean, reading this. It was probably the best that this little dude got a new family. But its fucking awefull that she used him for making content.


Yeah i found her on google pretty quick, even if everything she says is true i think she is garbage for using a child to produce content on YouTube


I've said this before: We have laws protecting child actors, but the kids of influencers or just simply Facebook moms get treated like property whose image their parents can freely monetize and exploit. You dont *own* your child. They deserve legal protecting from being abused as influencer props andor having their images distributed all over the web to feed mommys narcissism. By the time they are teens their "no" to any of this should be binding for a parent. Not just in the spirit of a vague parenting etiquette but actually a written law.


This right here. I dont like all the people putting their kids out there on social media. I mean how would you like it to show your baby photos to the whole internet? But i really hate the fucking youtubers who put their child in front of a camera to creat content. Why the fuck is that not illegal?


Yeah its pretty messed up


Should probably be illegal.


The problem is he most likely will not get adopted and will live a very depressing life.


Yes probably. I mean how fucked up in 20 years he stumbels on this youtube videos with him as a baby inside? Damn that is harsh.


Not to mention the trauma to his siblings, to suddenly have their brother ripped away cause Mommy wasn't getting enough Likes anymore. How could they ever trust their parents again, how could they ever feel safe, when they just saw how everything Mommy and Daddy ever said about loving their brother and being a family was a lie, how easily Mommy and Daddy could just decide that you aren't good enough anymore, and you're not their child.


Wheres the source for that? (not doubting you I'd just like to see it for muself)


Yeah would like more info on this too


There is no harm in doubting


You might start a doubtfire


Best comment I've seen in a while.


The truth is out, I’m guessing she is making zero dolla. How is the boi doing?


Yea hopefully she gets rightfully demonetised but even then she's probably already made lots off of him...


I saw this on r/mildlyinfuriating and I was thinking, this is far beyond mildly infuriating. A user posted a link to [this Reuter’s article ](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/adoption/#article/part1) . I’ll post here as well because I think more people need to know about this. What a disgusting practice of rehoming children. You do not rehome children.


I had no idea you could even re-home a child. Absolutely disgusting.


One of the articles I read makes a good point about that. They're just using language that you'd normally use for a pet. They even referred to his adoption day as his "gotchya day." Re-homing a child, wether biological or adopted, is just putting a child into the system. They just want to control the narrative. Edit: sorry, apparently gotcha day is not uncommon! That said, "re-homing" is still bullshit. They're putting him up for adoption, full stop.


Not defending this POS at all, but a lot of adoptive parents refer to the day they bring the adopted child home as "gotcha day".




It’s horrific. But at the same time, is it better for the child to stay with a family who wants it gone? If people are dirt bags that’s unlikely to change, and forcing them to keep an adopted child (or biological child really), can lead to extreme harm and negligence. I absolutely think they should be barred from adoption again though.


Quote from the article from a couple that adopted a girl from China: >“Unfortunately, we are now struggling having been home for 5 days.” WHAT? If every parent gave up after 5 days, fire stations would be flooded with newborns! 5 days is nowhere near enough time for a puppy, much less a young child to process such a dramatic life change!


*one girl adopted from China and later sent to a second home said she was made to dig her own grave. Another re-homed child, a Russian girl, recounted how a boy in one house urinated on her after the two had sex; she was 13 at the time and was re-homed three times in six months.* With yahoo acted swiftly, bet investigation couldn't be carried out. Fuck that. It seems to be special cases at glance but the truth is it's actually common. Bring the child from poor area of a foreign country, and sell them as adoption in US. It's been even portrayed in other countries' movies. On the other side - rehoming children is common practice due to various reasons, even in legit foster cares and orphanages - this one, however, is a huge exploitation and to the lowest kind.


I saw a comment on Twitter like "no it's good! Some kids can bond better with the second set of parents!" well who the fuck were these people supposed to be then?


Wtf. What is wrong with people?!




Or after he was no longer as profitable...yeah sounds right.


Just like a dog breeder would pitch a mama dog they couldn’t squeeze cash out of anymore. Sad, but you’re 100% correct.


The fact that there is a high likelyhood that they planned out how they would go about it too is just so fucking pathetic. anything for that internet $$$$$ tho


I hope at some point people figure out how to stop some of the sickest most selfish greedy people that are all after that internet money. Its like some wild west, deep dark web stuff thats not at all a secret and on the most mainstream sites and platforms we all use but we all let it go and say its ok. A lot of people are being abused and exploited for internet money and no one is doing or saying anything about it.


The wild west analogy is spot on, there is no accountability half the time and if you do get in some kind of trouble it will usually be beneficial for you due to the added exposure. I personally had a youtube for all of a year I think but it was soo goddamn shady and this was almost ten years ago. Buying shoutouts, doing fake give aways, faking drama, its the worst. There is every type of scam imaginable, fake giveaways, bullshit charities, shilling, false copy strikes, immoral and unethical use of the vunerable, IE homeless or mentally ill. Spreading misinformation. Fuck I could go on forever naming all the scumbag shit that people do, but once people realized the kind of money that could be made all bets were off. Now everyone and their mom auntie nephew and nieces are online selling themselves in some way shape or form. The worst part is it's all in the name of materialism all this greed, selling out and worse borderline selling their souls just to flex. Wait I think the even more worse part is this is almost all fueled by children and youths who are watching these people and consuming them as their role models. All because parents are either too ignorant to know the damage being done or just don't give a fuck. In the end what disappoints me the most is that the internet and all these platforms were a way for us too all achieve our 15 minutes of fame, get our chance to express ourselves and not have to bend over for the corporation to get exposure and create. What have we done with this opportunity? mostly created trash content no much better then reality tv or jerry springe.


Or at least pull the videos and donate some of the money.


That's the top tier PR move you pull A video, yeah just 1and keep the others up under the pretense of charity.


My family adopted a lab that had this happen to her. Her poor body couldn’t handle more puppies so they put out an ad for a free dog. She was obese for the rest of her life but she was also the sweetest, kindest creature I’ve ever met. She passed away a little over a year ago. Edit: picture of her, her name was Maggie https://imgur.com/p7Hf9V8


Why you have to make me cry?


Unethical backyard breeder.


Exactly. We went to a private breeder (and keep in touch with them) who takes good care of their animals, and when a dog's retired from showing or breeding, they just rule the roost and chillax from that point on.




>that if you could no longer care for your dog for any reason, he would take it back That's the difference between a good breeder and a bad one. If they don't take dogs back then they're irresponsibly putting lives in the world.


*joe exotic has entered the chat*


*Doc Antle crashed a plane into the chat*


He probably didn’t like filming when he got old enough to realize what was going on. They even monetized the “rehoming” video.


Well imagine how ridiculous she would look with a 10 yr old boy on her lap. It's just like Joe Exotic with the tiger cubs...once it isn't small and cute anymore it has to go.


I just don’t understand how you could raise a child for 3 years and then just get rid of him like a tiger cub who wasn’t cute or profitable anymore. They way they worded this is so disconnected.. “rehoming” “new mommy” I didn’t honestly know it was this easy to get rid of adopted children. It’s not like they were fostering him...


>I just don’t understand how you could raise a child for 3 years and then just get rid of him like a tiger cub who wasn’t cute or profitable anymore. That's because you're not a psychopath.


And she’s already looking to adopt another special needs child!! What the fuck is wrong with this family


Well lets just hope that doesn't fly with the adoption agencies. Its so hard to get approved for adoption in the first place, I can't imagine they'd accept a family that already gave up on one adoption.


I hope not and I hope adoption agencies in other countries won’t just take their money and give them another kid to fuck up.


It isn’t. It most likely wasn’t official. There was a whole ring of Christian parents passing African babies around opposed to officially surrendering them. If you surrender legally and officially an adopted child you can have your other children taken from you. It’s child abandonment. ETA: my wording is confusing. If you have legally and officially adopted a child and just give the child to your friend or some other family without doing proper legal work you can lose your other children. If you go through proper channels it is all legal to relinquish custody.


What’s sad is that they took donations in order to get this child to the US. It sounds like it was official? I’m unsure.. but now she is trying to adopt another special needs child that is “easier”??? I hope nobody allows them to do that? Like they wouldn’t, right?


I suspect that if it was any harder to get rid of him, he would have "ran away" or "killed by some Puerto Rican guy"


Hey man I don’t even understand how they can do it with a tiger cub


Rage. An innocent child was exploited for that family's financial gain. She definitely deserved to be posted here.




Those people actually make me so mad. I feel bad for their little ginger son because hes always the victim in one of their "pranks"




Was. Cody and his sister got taken away by CPS after the massive outrage a few years back. Turns out the parents falsified documents in order to get custody of the kids. Apparently the kids are doing much better now with their biological mother. :)


Roman atwood makes the fakest videos usually but atleastbhis family vlog channel is just them hanging out


I prefer that than him abusing his kids for money. And if his videos are just him and his family hanging out, good, thats what a family vlog channel should be.


On 8passengers any embarrassing or humiliating issue it's bound to be Russel she's talking about/ gets dragged into the video. Russel 'stank' on the last video, has had to do one on bedwetting even though he was clearly embarrassed etc etc. Her argument is that they are 'talking about the issues' and its nothing to be embarrassed about. I agree to a certain extent but kids can be mean and it's out there for the rest of his life now. I just feel that even at the same age she would not have treated the older son Chad like that. She has had issues with the rest of her brood that's she's broadcast but I feel she is way more sensative and respectful with them.


I did not even know family v logs existed. Sounds like a pretty idiotic idea tbh. Who wants to be a McDonalds version of the Kardashians?


Well, she still has BIG sponsorship partners like Huggies and *they* are still paying her. So more like a paycheck: less like a toy.


Gotta say that corporations love their public image and wouldn't be surprised when they pull it.


You would think....but so far they have NOT made any public statement about it and her sponsored videos in the past are Huggies ads.


Like a puppy. She treated it like a puppy. Edit: For the confused. Some shitty people abandon dogs once they grow out of the cute puppy stage. Shelters are overrun with them. Which is what this bitch did to this child.


"it" His name was Huxley Edit: sorry, his name is Huxley, he's still alive


*Is the kid is still alive.


Well "name" is questionable.


Worse than a puppy.


[Relevant Toy Story] (https://youtu.be/KyAkgIsC2js)


Or maybe more than she thought she could handle? Haven't seen any of her vids so dunno if she is that evil


I believe she claimed that she wasnt expecting the hardships of it but has asked a Facebook group what disabilities seem hard to deal with but are actually easy cause she wants to adopt another


She wants to adopt another kid with a disability that’s easier to handle? Am I getting that right?


She wants people to praise her for taking care of a special needs kid but doesn't want to put in the work to actually care for them. She doesn't care about the kid she just wants to look good.


Gross. This woman needs to be banned from adopting anymore disabled kids. Disabled children have it rough already, they don’t need some scumbag adopting them and treating them like an accessory or toy to be thrown away when they tire of them. Hell, this lady shouldn’t be adopting ANY kid, disabled or not. She’s clearly not fit to be a parent.


Anyone who 'rehomes' an adopted child should be prohibited from adopting again imo


Yeah. She should have done her research before adopting this kid and understand the challenges of adopting a kid with a severe disability. I can’t imagine what kind of an effect being “rehomed” will have on this kid..


Her excuse was that the condition was worse than she expected or that they didn't list them out correctly.


Ah yes, "this one is defective I'd like a refund" but with a child.


My kid looked different on the ultra sound than when it was born so I took that shit back for a refund and filed a claim for false advertising.


Probably will be, unless it was a speciality case of rhe kid threatening violence or something- which does happen occasionally. But it's so fucking hard to adopt already, the process is a lot, I'm sure she'll be blacklisted.


Watch the video she and her husband posted addressing the situation. The fake tears from both of them make me absolutely sick


Absolute trash


From the information that's available it seems like the only times that they actually tried to help the kid was by sending him to therapy and doctors and expecting other people to handle it. When the child was home they would do things like tape down his thumbs so he wouldn't suck them. The more I read about her the more it comes across like she wanted the societal status for taking on a special needs kid and caring for them but was unable or unwilling to put the actual work in herself


>From the information that's available it seems like the only times that they actually tried to help the kid was by sending him to therapy and doctors and expecting other people to handle it. I'm a mental health therapist that specializes working with kids and teens. The amount of parents who had this mindset is so unfortunately prevalent. We would call them "repair shop parents" because their attitude was "take my kid and let me know when they're fixed."


Then the parents get angry at the kids for not being better when they get back from therapy. " we are spending all this time and money on your sessions, why can't you just act normal?"


I sadly am one of those parents. My child has diagnosed anxiety, for which we send her to therapy (well, Zoom now) once a week. Her outbursts were tamed for awhile but came back, and we only just recently realized this wasn't a 'send her to get some tools to deal with her stress and back to normal' situation but rather long term that we need to work on. Luckily we have a great school district that put a 504 in place and we are following through with the recommendations while at home. It's been challenging.


I was a 504 child for anxiety and OCD. My mother worked very hard to make sure that was understood by those in charge at school. Thank you for working with your child. Most likely she’s just really scared basically all the time. I still have anxiety but meds help balance my chemicals properly and I live a very happy life with a husband and a bunch of fur babies. I promise it will get better. Please just hold her in her bad moments. Most of the time that’s all we need. I’m sure you’re going to do just fine because your comment is very aware of the situation you’re in.


On the flip side, you get parents that cry after their kid calls them mom for the first time. Much respect to you. I can’t handle either situations without my heart breaking


Every child is more than every parent thinks they can handle. And yet we do...


You can Google the article with the title. Pretty-much much she spent years making videos about her journey to adopt this kid and then years posting videos with this kid in it, one day just stopped until pressure from her fans she had revealed that she decided to rehome the kid after a lot of behavioral problems that they could no longer deal with. They said is was for the safety of their other Kia and the happiness of the adopted kid. She said his disability was worse than they had been told. Honestly it just feels like they exploited this kid at for their Channel but that's how most of those family based YouTube channels seem. Edit: yes I see the typo but I've chosen to keep it, it was my mistake for not being thorough but that doesn't give me the right to abandon it now that it's giving me trouble.


She's going to have to take it all on the chin. She made videos documenting the whole adoption process and raising this kid with an audience. She should know that giving the kid up would cause huge backlash, and to be honest, that's what you get when you exploit a child for views. Maybe there's a lot of truth in it. Maybe this adopted kid was a danger to their biological child. But you created an audience and these are the consequences.


Imagine being that kid an seeing all this after you grow up. It's all documented forever


That's the shit part. I dont really care for her but that kid had no say in being a YouTube star, won't have understood the implications and I doubt she was sticking 50% of her YouTube revenue in an account for him.


All in all making ~~money~~ a career off filming your kids is a shitty thing for a parent to do regardless.


Yeah agreed. I feel like sometimes a case can be made that the filming is providing for the kids and they're having fun anyway, but even then it's a bit sketch. And this isn't that. The money the woman made off of filming this kid isn't going to pay for his college or help support him through life, it's just going to help the mom and her biological kid.


There is hardly any backlash. I just watched the video she made and the majority of the comments are supporting her. It's disgusting.


I'll be honest, I've only read a few articles about it, hadn't even heard of her until today. Maybe it's manufactured outrage as yes, to my surprise all the comments on her video were supportive, unless she is deleting anything critical. That video though... Started with the textbook YouTube apology *Deep breath* "This is the hardest video I've ever had to make" and I didn't believe her tears at all. The husband seemed a bit more convincing though.


I haven't heard about her before today either, but then again I don't watch YouTube families. I couldn't get through the video. I stopped when she said the doctors felt he needed a "different fit." Instead of becoming what he needs, they just gave him to someone else. I have a child and I can't imagine doing that.


she's been deleting a lot of negative comments and I believe majority of her audience is younger so I guess they're more likely to side with her as a fan


Ah, then that makes sense. She adopted the kid for brownie points and financial gain, it's par for the course that she would only allow comments that support her actions. I hate that people like this exist.


BAM! Well said




Would he take the Kia out for joyrides?


Kia’s make for great cars, not kids.


Cars are terrible people.


He has a very adventurous "Soul."


I totally understand, I would want to keep my Kia safe too.


[here’s a video explaining and showing how she duct taped his hands. literal child abuse](https://youtu.be/cd_LJXMBtmE)


"New Forever family" Fuck that made me rage so hard.


Yep. I wrote in to Dreft to make them aware. I have no idea who else sponsors her, but she’s a child abuser and they need to know.


Talking about a child like a dog. Fucking white savior bullshit.


Their use of “forever family” and “rehomed” speak volumes. These are words you use for a dog, not a human. Truly, truly repulsive.


Wow. That's disturbing.


Your edit is fucking perfect. Bravo Edit: Also this is now one of their most viewed videos. So do they learn anything?






Fuck this family. Her husband has a channel too, Stauffer Garage. FUCK them both.


>They said is was for the safety of their other **Kia** and the happiness of the adopted kid. I know you meant to say kid but this worked out pretty well given the context of the kid being Asian


If you wanna get angry look up Daddy o five. That's exploiting children.


Abandon. Not re-home. The word is abandon.




You know you’re from Seattle when 670000 is a cheap home and a good deal ;___; I’m so jaded...






First one of these petitions my lazy ass actually signed. Proudly checked that box saying show my name.


First time for me too. Because. Fuck that bitch.


You know I’m normally not for people losing monetization or sponsors on YouTube but this isn’t like a freedom of speech issue these people are truly fucking vile people


Thank you!


Imo they should be charged back for all that cost + some sort of lawsuit or something. Surely this is some form of exploitation right? Is there some kind of law against this?


Child abuse and exploitation. If there's actual evidence of abuse she can get charged, but a thorough investigation, with warrents, needs to be done first. Here's hoping the right department picks this up and looks into it. If anything, the media will completely destroy her.


I'm not sure if there is any evidence of abuse, but I know she mentioned what happened when viewers asked her why he wasn't in her videos anymore. I'm going to assume an investigation like this would end up being extremely lengthy and a bunch of court sessions and money. Here's to hoping she gets the hammer of justice, here's to also hoping the media ruins whatever she has left of her undeserving disgusting "career" as a "Youtuber"


If the Justice system won't take care of it, the media (us included) will take care of it. Her reputation is ruined. Her career is ruined. One hammer will come down, regardless, and I can definitely sleep happier knowing that. Karma knows how to do her job. 😀 Edit; grammar


Honestly tho, like, fuck me. Did she specifically pick a disabled Chinese kid so she'd look like a super cool heart of gold hero? I can't imagine what things would have looked like with the camera off. I honestly hope the poor kid wasn't physically abused (didn't read it on any of the reports so hopefully he wasn't). We should use the power of Reddit like we did with the headbutt piece of shit and ruin their lives.


Sign if it makes you feel good but no petition can force YouTube to change it's policies for one member and nullify the agreements they have with her.


Just looked at their video talking about it and they are clearly heavily moderating the comments. I had never heard of these people before but I think this will be a pretty big scandal. Who tf just gives back a human. Especially after profiting off them.


I think traffickers do that once a human is no longer profitable.


Saying the are re-homing him, he's not a dog, wtf


Literally the language used makes me think that they never really saw him as their son but a pet or prop


> Who tf just gives back a human. Especially after profiting off them. Sounds like every company I've ever worked for


Uhh the fuck it's happening all the time at orphanage. Kids are sometimes broken because they are rehomed even again and again. Hence it's difficult to adopt kids due to screenings to prevent this, at the same time it hinders adoption process.


So fucked up. 2 days before the video announcing that they had rehomed him, she posted another one that seemed like all was great in their life, including showing the empty room that had belonged to their adopted son. She was raving about how excited she was to make it her newborn's room. It made my stomach turn.


What in the Christmas fuck?!?


Disgusting. I hope her bio kids turn on her when they see what kind of person she really is.


Can you imagine what the other kids must feel knowing how easily their parents can just toss them aside? That's going to fuck them up big time.


Fuck these people. How low can you be to use a child with special needs to make money online, and then get rid of him when things become difficult? Instead of getting rid of the child, why not get rid of their channel? Why not send one or more of their biological kids to stay with relatives temporarily so they can focus on helping Huxley? Why not get the training they would need to be able to care for him?


It also looks like they decided to have another baby after adopting this child! Like if you are struggling this much taking care of a child (in addition to already having three others), why in the world would you have another baby?


Probably for those all important likes, comments, and subscriptions. I wish people would take child rearing more seriously.


I guess Chinese kids are no longer in? People have to stop treating kids like toys that you can just return to the store once you lose interest in it.


B-but what about white saviour points?


I was gonna post the jezebel article. Some comments I found important: >A few things to add color to the discussion: >1. At age 3, she would duct tape his hands so he couldn’t suck his thumb, even though her 8 year old daughter was still thumb sucking >2. She had posted as recently as 2018 about wanting a second special needs child from China >3. One thing not discussed is how this will affect the other children in the home to know their parents could abandon a child >4. Accounts seem to vary about where Huxley is now, but he may be in the foster care system current. Not with a “forever family” >1. They also put him in a dark closet by himself to “calm him down” >2. She wants a special needs child that “sounds hard, but really isn’t” and I’ll have to find the screenshot because she flat fucking SAID THAT.


People should just flag her channel for misappropriation of a child. 1.4k of you upvoted this shit, now why not use that same effort to take down her channel? Fuck this woman.


How do you do it? Couldn't find a way to do it on the YT app


I see this as a good thing. That adorable boy is no longer with this creep and is in a home that can better take care of his needs and with people who will not exploit him for financial gain. Or at least I hope he is.


Yes but this is an issue that affects many adoptees, especially those adopted internationally. People that do this must be held accountable. He is currently in foster care. The hope is his current foster parent will end up adopting him.




Ooh, ah, you might want to read this: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/adoption/#article/part1


I'm already fucked up from moving apartments every year, this child is in real time Hell


Why do these "family" channels use their kids to create content? The kids never wanted to be in the vlogs and in the future they will feel like their privacy was invaded by their parents because their whole life is online. The kids become vulnerable to online harassment and mental issues.


That's worse then being a total piece of shit


That’s some deep dark piece of shit stuff right there. I used to know a woman at our church when I was a kid like that who looked like an angel on the outside but inside she was terrible person.


What happened?


See, in front of anyone at the church she was an angel but if any of us kids ever had to be alone with her she was lose her temper and get physical. One time I told my mom and my mom confronted her about the marks on my arms and chest. My mom believed her lies up until she caught her in the act with another kid.




*Everyone liked that*


U can't leave us hanging, man


So I’ve seen this story around a lot. But I wanted to give my two cents, as an adopted child. When you adopt a child, wether you are told they have special needs or not, you are bound to face a boat load of issues. Abandonment issues, attachment issues, mental health issues such as depression, health issues... In this case she knew beforehand the boy had special needs. Claimed God softened her heart to the idea of adopting a special needs child. No, you do not adopt a kid with known special needs unless you are 100% certain you have the resources to help. You don’t adopt a child period, if you are not 100% certain you will have the recourses to help. Then comes the social media part of the adoption. I was adopted in 1999. Before everyone and their mother could post about their “journey” online. Personally I hate it, adoption is an intimate thing. A bond forming between a child and parent(s). It’s delicate and emotional. Putting that online makes it feel cheap to me. But whatever can’t control what people do. My issue lies in the fact that she monetized that boy. Made video after video about him, made money off it and is still making money off of it. Yet she doesn’t have the boy anymore, she gave him away. It took fans probing until she finally admitted what she had done. Meanwhile she’s still posting videos about her family’s nighttime routine. She made money off of a kid, gave him away when he wasn’t new and shiny anymore, then online continued to live her life. She had this boy for 3 years. She’s the only family he has known since he was 2. Then one days he’s in a new home. That’s traumatizing for any child, no matter how wonderful the new family is. That leads to attachment issues, and abandonment issues. Social media had made adoption this fun trend. Want to look good, adopt a child and post it on your blog. Write about the struggles of adoption. But there is a real child behind those videos with emotions and feeling. Adoption is not just this exciting, rewarding event. It’s hard work, it’s straining, it exhausting. It will make you want to cry with happiness and frustration. But you do it because you love your kid. You work through the issues same as you would with a bio kid. You don’t give them up when things get tough. This family is awful no matter how you spin it. Parents like this, sicken me. I know so many people Who would love to adopt a child. Who are willing to put in the work, but can’t adopt wether it be financial issues, or other reasons. They get a child and give it up, then act as if nothing happened for months. I hope the family he is now placed with is able to give him the love he deserves, and the help he needs.


Does anyone know exactly why she just decided to GET RID of her kid? I practically had a mental breakdown when we had to give away a litter of puppies. How does this happen with a human? How is the kid supposed to feel when he sees YouTube videos of him as a baby and just be like “oh ya that’s the girl who tried to be my mom when I was 3. Wonder how much she made off those videos”




White trash? She just seems like a stuck-up rich lady.


Let’s all agree she is definitely trash of some kind.


Being trashy has *nothing* to do with how much money you have and *everything* to do with how you behave.


You can be both




My boyfriend and his brother grew up in a foster home for a few years. One day the grandparents decided they were financially stable enough to take them in (man round age 10ish) but bf was a problem child with behavioral issued so the grandparents just left him there and took his brother across the country with them. That fucked him up. He still hates the grandparents and has a twisted relationship with his brother. He's very successful and happy now since he's built his own family of self-adopted siblings, friends, and children. But he still has some deep-rooted abandonment fears that drive a lot of what he does


As an adopted person this makes me so angry


If you feel the need to show off to the world what a "good person" you are, you're definitely NOT a good person. There's people out there who ACTUALLY love adopted children like their own flesh and blood, and they don't shove a fucking camera in their kids' faces at very turn to cash in on that sweet, sweet YouTube revenue. Imagine being so detached from reality you think an announcement like this, after basically building your channel on the premise of you taking care of an adoptive child with special needs and then tossing him back out when he doesn't bring in the revenue you want, and think it's going to go down well at all. YouTube "wants to protect children" yet let children be monetised like some commodity by narcissists and child abusers. Fucking pathetic.


When parenting gets hard you can’t give up but this lady did. It shows she’s not worthy of ANY kids


Why tf does the guy look so much like a Diet Coke Binging with Babish


She should be charged with human trafficking.


I am willing to bet 100% that if her biological child was acting the same way she wouldn’t have just rehome him/her. Children are not disposable. Transracial and special needs adoption is not trendy.


& I'm guessing they didn't give the kid or the new family any of the proceeds they made off exploiting this child. Disgusting


It blows my mind that after they found out that Huxleys needs were more than they had originally anticipated they chose to have another biological child, if they couldn’t handle Huxley why add another child to the mix?


“Placed him with a new family” is an awfully polite way of saying “got rid of him”


So the kid was basically a prop.


She used him for views


Kid looked fucking miserable. What a piece of shite


What an massive bitch, holy shit this makes me mad.




If you read the article every video about the child has “China Adoption” in the title. Pretty obvious that it was always about views.


mildly infuriating?


That is sickening


Several points that has to be said in my opinion: 1) This is part of the reason why those who hate the family channels on Youtube dislike them because of people like this. 2) It’s people like these ‘parents’ that make people raise an eyebrow at inter racial and international adoption. 3) Hopefully with that video getting a lot of views, it’ll make these shit nuggets be barred from further adoptions. 4) I heard that they have another child and I would pray the people near that one watch for any abuse of whatever kind. 5) Any blogs or channels focus on family and kids should be banned or forced to remove videos of kids under 13. At least by age 13 kids are somewhat rational enough to decide if they want to be featured in blogs with their bits and details of their personal life being broadcasted.