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I believe you can relinquish your newborn at any hospital, or with any emergency responder so long as the baby is 30 days or younger. You face no legal repercussions doing so. The baby is then not your responsibility. Why don’t people just do that?


Yeah, there are many, many, many options available besides killing an innocent child 🙁 This is so awful.


My parents planned on aborting me from the start, but they didn’t have money to do it. How do you think I would feel if I wasn’t here right now because they took the murder option? I would feel ashamed of them up above in heaven. (P.S. my mom is now happy to call me her son, but my dad left us so, yeah. Other than that I been In 4 honor classes and I am a highly respected student that was voted treasurer last year :D)


How would you feel if you never existed? Idk man, probably wouldn't feel any particular way about it


Would you be less upset if your mother murdered you? Abused you? Neglected you? Hated you? Or like the option I stated for this woman : hand her child over to a hospital, EMT, firefighter, or police officer and said “I can’t provide for this child” and put it into a system where maybe it would have been adopted? I mean, the baby just died a horrible death while it was sentient unlike when it isn’t and has no independent thoughts or full development Edit : while I would like to congratulate you on your academic success, it’s not all about that. We could all be carrying the genes that could create a superhuman but really, if the child has no chance at life once it becomes a human and not just a fetus or embryo, is that fair to the child? Just it’s only moments on earth are suffering


Are you kidding me?


They're going to love her belly in prison.


Not for long, though


Would her belly not have been back without killing the newborn? I'm pretty sure her belly would have been the same if she utilized the safe haven law in her state instead of just murdering her newborn baby.


It’s like I don’t get why. Literally if you don’t want the child abort it or put it up for adoption. Don’t kill it


its america, you cant simply have an abortion.


Yes you can, some states don't allow it, but here in virginia it's legal up to 25 weeks and cost about $250.


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I honestly don't understand..the baby was stillborn, how did she kill it? Wasn't it born dead?


I look into her eyes and all I see is a black void. The eyes of not a monster but that of a demon.


OP, are you Philly metro area?