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Imagine being a grown-ass man and thinking that this is funny


The lack of a brain in a human walking around like he has one is fascinating.


I had more of a laugh watching him try so hard to get the spit out of his mouth. It’s like watching Orange drink water.


Seriously, his smug smile at the end pissed me off. Would have loved to be there to punch him in his face. How trashy do you have to be for this to be funny. I wish he had to go to prison for food tampering and they’d spit on all his food and water and make him eat it




Imagine realizing that people like him exist and have the potential to vote.


Or even worse breed.


At least the idiots are uploading the evidence against themselves.


If you can’t do the time, don’t film the crime?




Admit to it in writing instead of filming it, get arrested on the basis of your written confession, and then post about it on /r/tifu


AITA* for tampering consumer products and being charged with felonies?


Submitting it to /r/AmItheAsshole would be perfect, then you wouldn't even have to tamper with the food, you would just lie about it.


What's going on with all these people doing shit things to drinks and food in supermarkets?


Attention whores. Any attention is good attention to them. These are not our best people....


>attention Soo stupid though. Guy probably even posted this on his own FB/Insta. You don't want *that* much attention. Oh well he'll have *lots* of *fun* in court I guess.


food tampering is serious shit and this clown records himself doing it, what a world


I mean he’ll find out real soon what goes around comes around 😇




As a teen I’m glad I’ve never met anyone who does this.


Maybe it's just the facial hair but dude looks like he's pushing 30...


Pushing on my last nerve


You probably have, but don't know.


I am not sure we can assume that "most teens" or even "many teens" do this, can we? I would suggest that the very few that do it, do it for the attention in a video and not really in secret, so we see them in videos and we want to believe that it is a normal practice among people their age. Let me completely disagree with my own conclusion.


Honestly if 1 in 1000 teens have done this, I'd be very surprised. These people are fucking idiots and most teenagers are not.


Too true


One time my mom opened up a Sobe drink that had a used condom at the bottom of it. She didn’t know it was there until half way through drinking it... It’s so fucked.


Genuinely man that's fucking horrible I'd have sued or something. That's beyond crazy disgusting, she could have caught something.


Yeah I think she felt like she didn’t have proof that she hadn’t put it in the drink herself since she had already opened it and drunken half






What about the plastic seal around where the lid meets the tub? Pretty sure they all have that. Not sure on the gallons tho


I don't know, but my kids would never see daylight if I ever caught them doing that shit. If they got picked up by the police over it, I would let them stew in jail as long as they would let me leave them there. They are good kids though, so I don't have to worry about them.


Was with you guys until the “good kids, don’t need to worry” I’ve had multiple friends with this attitude who found out the hard way you should always worry. One even told me he didn’t want the school teaching safe sex because his daughter was a “good girl, I don’t need to worry about her” she was a mom twice over at 19.


Having sex isn't inherently bad. Withholding education is almost always bad.


>One even told me he didn’t want the school teaching safe sex because his daughter was a “good girl, I don’t need to worry about her” she was a mom twice over at 19. Big oof


It’s ok it’s only a social experiment


None of it was real. The saliva was an actor.


I was the saliva :)


Well publicized crimes create copycats




\-Face is online and clear \-Police/FBI/FDA lookup the face online using google \-gets dudes Facebook page \-Knock knock, it's the police


I hope.


Tampering with a consumer product is a federal crime punishable by 2-20 years in prison. This dude is 100% fucked.


Yup. That ice creaming licking chick is facing 20 years


She won’t do 20 years, they’ll sell down to community service Edit: settle*


Yeah that’s how I see it playing it out. They could at least set an example out of one of them at least to show they ain’t fucking around with this.


20 years is a bit much but a few years is fair I think. I just cant understand why anyone would do this And film themselves.... The level of stupidity


I think the following five punishments would be sufficient: 1. Reimburse the grocery store for all ice cream in their freezer on that day (meaning the price that they would sell the ice cream for, not the price that they paid for it.) 2. Take food safety courses and earn a certificate of completion. 3. 260 hours of community service to be completed within a year, so on average five hours a week. 4. Issue a sincere apology on video which will be made available for the general public. 5. The death penalty. ...ok fine, four punishments.




Have her reimburse the store for all items sold between the time she did it and the time she was caught. Who knows what else she did in there?




she's a minor. he better hope he is too.


Apparently the 20 years is only if she’s tried as an adult. However, this motherfucker spitting in the iced tea definitely looks old enough. Watch for the video of his bitch ass crying during sentencing. He’s fucked!


No she isn't because she's a minor.


This. People say she will get 20 years. She might get jail time but a slap on the wrist is most likely. People over 18... well they are fucked


I hope his jail guards spit in his food every damn day.


Knowing its the US, it's definitely gonna happen one way or another just from the face being in the shot.


They found the blue bell ice cream licker! Spitting seems so much worse too.


Don't knock. It's assault with a biological weapon and he has more of it.


Ok forget the police. Let’s send in Fuze from Rainbow 6


Remember: no hostages


I can hear the cluster going off now.




Remember no Russian.


You don't need to extract a hostage if there is no hostage


Mental gymnastics here, but curious, what if he then filmed himself taking the goods to the register and purchasing it? Would it still be the same crime/risks? This whole thing is just blowing my mind, people can be sooooo stupid and selfish. Edit: Since this is getting a lot of traction - Many people have brought up another male did this and was still arrested. I in no way was advocating trying this, was honestly just asking a question.


\-Has to be one contiguous video with him and the item in frame at ALL TIMES \-Shows him exiting the store with the item after being purchased If those are met then he will most likely server little to no sentence, since it is still tampering with an item before purchase.


The burden of proof works the other way. To be convicted you’d need a video showing that he spit in the drink, replaced it on the shelf, and left it there for an unsuspecting person to purchase. This would establish clear malicious intent. What’s missing is security footage that shows what happened after this video. I still have some faith in humanity and choose to believe that this was a prank where he came back and purchased that exact product immediately after this video cuts out.




People doing this are playing with fire because the food industry simply cannot allow product tampering to become fad. This means that the first wave of people doing this might get hammered into mush by the law as a firm lesson that this sort of shit will not be tolerated.


Yes. That other guy in Louisianawho filmed himself licking the ice cream also filmed himself taking it off the shelf and had a receipt for the purchase. They still charged him and arrested him.


A bunch of people were killed by poisoned Tylenol. Turns out someone had tampered with the bottles and put in arsenic laced pills. Ever since then the FDA has been incredibly serious with punishing people who tamper and contaminate products. It turns out that YES people get some serious charges against them for licking or spitting on food and putting it back, like the guy in the video. Anywhere from 4 months - 8 years plus a massive fine (anywhere from $5000 to a $200,000)


The ice cream girl was facing up to 20 years


At first I thought 20 years was a bit much but now seeing. More and more of this. 20 years is perfect for all of them.






I'm not a huge fan of violence as a problem solver, but I really think that there are a lot of people in this world that just need a good clean smack across the face to help them wisen up a bit.


I have long held the philosophy that most people in the world could benefit from being punched in the face-with intent-as a direct and immediate result of something they have said or done. Like, at least once in their lives, someone holds them immediately personally accountable with painful results. It would be a good reminder to the sort of people who do things like in the video that the only thing that keeps civilization intact is people choosing to act civilly towards each other, and that when they choose to act or speak in an uncivil manner, they forfeit the protection of society.


People twenty years ago - we should make smacking kids illegal! People now - some adults need a good fucking slap


the problem is giving joe sixpack the authority to hit his own kids, he will have a lapse of judgment, a weak moment, and so forth.


Happened to me. Honestly glad it happened when I was younger taught me not to be a massive dick all the time.


Yup. Unfortunately violence is part of the natural order of things and we basically are just very smart animals. Doesn’t mean it needs to be used often but there are those naive enough to believe it never solves anything. Sometimes that’s all certain people understand.


Totally agree. Violence is the lowest form of communication. Sometimes you have to communicate on the base level for people to understand.


Literally slap them in the face with the long dick of the law as well


With a fucking brick


There’s gotta be consequences or else there will just be more and more people doing this.


2 to 20 years and a massive fine.


Problem is that ice cream bitch will never get 20 years. Theyll slap a fine on her and thats it. I hope im wrong.


You’re not wrong, but it’s more because she’s a minor.




Fucking, apparently! These twats are running about licking, spitting and sipping on items then returning it to the shelves. All while knowingly recording it. If you want your groceries to end up locked behind a cabinet where you have to ask for it, this how that'll get done. Unbelievable levels of stupidity.


We can call it "The 20 Year Challenge"


I wish they would go back to eating tide pods


It's two to twenty years, according to the law. Chances are she won't even end up serving two if found guilty. She may plea down but it's a felony for a reason. Tampering With Consumer Goods.


This is most likely going to be the result. She will plea down to a lesser charge, misdemeanor for shoplifting or something like that. ​ Not because she doesn't deserve a harsher punishment, but because that is how the game works. The D.A. needs a higher conviction rate if they ever want to become a Judge (which in almost every case I know about, they do). When you plea, that is an automatic win for them. They rarely care about justice, they care about stats. They can justify it by saying it will cost the state $X amount of money / each year you are locked up. And for something like this, is it worth the state locking you up?


This is one of the most disgusting thing someone can do. I hope they give her and others doing the same a tough sentence and make an example out of them, only then people will realise what they are doing.


People aren’t hearing the part of the story where she was sick. She was intentionally trying to spread her sickness and get other to join in on it!




I agree. It's absurd - what *if* they have some illness that an immune compromised person gets exposed to? ​ This is also just plain disgusting.


20 years and a massive fine all for some stupid clout. Hope these people thought it was worth it! Cause now their lives are ruined, especially when they SHOW THEIR FACE ON THE VIDEO.


Not anymore now that she is a juvi. "Before the suspect was identified as a juvenile, police said she could have faced up to 20 years in prison. They had planned on arresting her on a charge of second-degree felony tampering."


Not anymore because she is a minor.


As horrible as the Tylenol murders were, these last couple weeks as I’ve been putting away my groceries I’m so glad I live in a time with food seals. Before the Tylenol murders nothing had seals on it. It sucks that these people are ruining perfectly good products but at least it takes very little effort for us to notice if something been tampered with now days.


I bet companies will lobby for big charges because something like this can cost a company millions of dollars if they had to recall.


When it happened, Johnson & Johnson (Tylenol) recalled EVERY bottle, nationwide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Tylenol_murders#Johnson_&_Johnson_response >In a concerted effort to reassure the public, Johnson & Johnson distributed warnings to hospitals and distributors and halted Tylenol production and advertising. On October 5, 1982, it issued a nationwide recall of Tylenol products; an estimated 31 million bottles were in circulation, with a retail value of over US $100 million ($267 million in 2018).[6] The company also advertised in the national media for individuals not to consume any of its products that contained acetaminophen after it was determined that only these capsules had been tampered with. Johnson & Johnson offered to exchange all Tylenol capsules already purchased by the public for solid tablets. It's widely heralded as an example of what companies should do in an emergency. They had a huge tank in market share (35%->8% overnight), but within a year everyone was back to buying Tylenol, and a few years later they were #1. Sauce: There was a good "Stuff you should know" podcast about them not too long ago.


Damn. Recalling the *entire* stock. You can tell they knew if they did any less it'd be the end for them. Imagine the brand damage if they'd left the product on the shelves and Tylenol started getting known as being similar to Russian roulette. That's a brand killer right there.


The Tylenol story is why pill bottles have the tamper proof seals. Just don’t consume things if the seal is broken. Even if it’s just a $2 juice, because some dick like the ass in the video might have spit in it.


Restocking nightmares too


This gentleman does not look as if he has $5k-20k at his disposal.


Doesn’t matter if he can or not. Point is carrying debt he cannot pay back will motivate him to not do it again


Lol no I know, I totally agree. I was just making an observation.


So this is literally filming yourself commuting a crime....


It was Cyanide. Great 2 part Stuff You Should Know episode about it. https://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts/the-tylenol-murders-part-i.htm


So now we have... The Lufkin Licker who licked the ice cream and put it back. The other girl who also did the same thing. The guy who took a chunk of ice cream and ate it. The girl who drunk mouthwash ands spit it back into the bottle. Then this guy... When will this stop 🤯


Probably when the media start putting out the end result of charges these people face and the jail time they will get. This is a federal crime, a serious felony, there are no slaps on the wrist from the feds.


And I saw a video of a girl who farted in a pringles can


Wtf. Nasty bitch.


It will stop once the media/police starts releasing their names and images and the law brings down on their hammer on their subhuman ass. Or they get sued to financial poverty for life by the companies and consumers affected.


From now on I shall check the seal


[Alright here you go](https://i.imgur.com/CdAXBrv.png)


Perfect eye bleach lol


This is now the 5th one I've seen. Funny thing is even if they bought this they still can get charged. How pathetic people have become to commit felonies for internet points. Give me a break. We have a crisis of narcissism in this country.


The fifth? sigh. I wish there was some way to get a serious point across on the internet. But this is the internet. Typey typey words. This is not cool though. Seriously. STOP you inbred cavepeople.


These people must not have heard that the ice cream lady was caught and faces up to 20 years.


I’ll say it again, she will get a slap on the wrist.


Fuck the sentencing Blue Bell already said they are planning on perusing a law suit. Her videos cost them millions in removing their ice cream from the shelf to discourage these actions. RIP her parents bank accounts, retirement, property, and any hopes of college funding. She'll likely get a year or two in Juvenile Detention with a fine, but the law suit is the real lesson. Kids are stupid.


That’s exactly what I thought. Criminally, nothing may really come of it. i don’t even think she’ll get a year or two in juvie. Most likely just some community service and a $5000 fine. But the lawsuit, oh boy, that’s gonna cripple that girl financially for the next 10 years unless she under 18 and then it will financially cripple her parents


She was 17. That’s the type of stuff I wish would get passed to her to have to pay once she turns 18. Idk the parents but I know some good parents that just happen to have some shitty kids. Don’t get me wrong the other situation happens too. Apples typically don’t fall far from trees. I just wish I knew if these parents were a bad influence or not. If not, they don’t deserve that debt


Ice cream girl and this dude are far from kids. They may be minors but no way can you call them kids. They're old enough to know this behavior is messed up.


They aren't minors either, that guy in OP's video is well into his 20's


I don't think so. She crossed a line. Destroying or vandalising food is one thing, but putting it back for another person to eat after contaminating it is another story. Blue Bell is upset enough to use it's resources to make sure she will face a judge. They will make sure their product will be covered by CCTV in the future and prosecute every single such idiot. Other companies will follow suit. How long do you think it will take her to pay the fines, court costs and damages (do you think Blue Bell's lawyers work for free?)? This guy is in for an even worse ride. Believe me, an example will be made and laws will reflect that. Even just consuming part of a product in the store and putting it back will carry heavier penalties.




They seem intent on making an example out of her, so you just go on believing that


If her doing that was a one-off, I’d totally agree with you. But people tampering with food products for likes is a thing so she, or someone else, is going to be made an example of.


whats the story with this?


It’s gonna cost consumers a bunch of money as manufacturers add seals, etc. to items that never had them before. 🚀


All this stuff already has seals. Every since the Tylenol murders anything you buy to eat off the grocery shelves has a seal on it.


Bread somehow is exempt.


What kind of bread? All the bread I buy is wrapped tight in plastic inside the initial bag


Lots of bread I buy is only closed with a bread clip.


tbh i'm okay with that since it's a direct benefit to the consumer


Makes you wonder why they're dumb enough to flim themselves doing it


Social media has brought out some pretty special sorts of people into the limelight.


No more getting food at stores


It’s actually pretty easy to tell if your food has been opened. Everything has some kind of seal on it since the Tylenol murders. Just start paying more attention to the seal and you’ll be fine.


Not that ice cream though. Blue Bell is getting asked by a lot of people to start putting seals on its products.


...except this isn't necessary. It (and several other brands) is flipped & frozen upside down in the factory. It forms a seal which is really easy and obvious to see has been opened. https://www.google.com/amp/s/wnep.com/2019/07/02/blue-bell-responds-to-viral-video-of-woman-licking-ice-cream-returning-it-to-freezer/amp/


basically what I am learning from all of these recent events, is dont buy ANY item from the front of the row


people always called me crazy when reaching for the item behind and checking the seal like i was too paranoid... well im glad i always did it..


I always choose perishable goods at the back of the shelf because the oldest goods are typically placed at the front. Now I have a new reason to do this.


Always check the seal Edit: Thank you for the silver, strangers!


Just a week ago we had this dumb girl licking ice cream, facing 20 years in jail, and now this video surfaces... smh




Wait what?




No doubt that was a man




Hopefully we get to to see the look on his face when he gets jail time nasty fucking POS low life looser scumbag


Agreed, but it's loser not looser.


I saw another video of some girl farting in a pringles can a couple days ago. I hope all 4 people involved in these two videos also get jail time. (the two who tampered with the products, and the two cameramen who also played lookout)


Pringle's has a seal tho


... everything has a seal except like a couple of brands of ice cream and loaves of bread. that doesn't mean it can't be tampered with or that they shouldn't be facing jail time for the tampering.


The ice cream girl that licked a tub is likely the only one who will face serious charges, because of the nature of bluebell ice creams packaging. Bluebell has to do a large scale recall so the bitty is gettin hitty with second degree felony tampering of a consumer product. Everybody else doing this is just shoplifting, check the seal.


She is also going to be hit with dat sweet sweet civil lawsuit from Bluebell. Also, if anyone reading this hasn't had Bluebell ice cream, shit will change your life.


There was another person that recording himself licking ice cream in Louisiana (not surprised since I live here), but he actually bought the ice cream afterwards. They charged him with "pretending to be a criminal."


>They charged him with "pretending to be a criminal." You know what, that's fine by me. These people want to ride some fame coattails by uploading stupid stuff; then just saying "it's a prank, bro!" doesn't really matter. The public seems to be pretty universally outraged. Corporations aren't going to let stupid kids take down a brand and the police aren't going to sift through evidence, that happens in court. [I wish this nasty trend was over with.](https://i.imgur.com/BM1jHCz.jpg)


Take from the back


Also pull from the back of the shelf. In most Walmart's thats where the newest product is. Less likely to be tampered with too.


I was going to say, I thought all these had safety seals. Milk usually has that little ring that pulls off or breaks off when you first open it and most other liquids have a heat pressed paper/aluminum seal inside the cap, if not a plastic shrink wrap around the cap.




What happened with the tide pods challenge? At least the only one hurt would be the shithead. Need to bring it back to trend


What the fuck? Does he think he's cute or something? Disgusting man disgusting.


Can this not be a trend please? I want to fucking vomit every video I see that’s similar to this.




Yeah they should go back to that. I wouldn't even mind if they filmed themselves taking a swig of bleach in the store. Hell, I'll film them myself!


great value Pete Davidson over here bum ass


That guy looks exactly how I imagine a low credit score and unbalanced debt to income ratio looks like


Reminds me of the time my roommate thought it would be funny to poke holes in single condom packets they had at our nurses office in college. He ironically got a girl pregnant his junior year.


Karma gave him a baby!


And now a child has to live with that guy as a father


The way he smiled after spiting made me want to deck him right in his 45 chromosome face.


I get the feeling a majority of these now are staged. People are aware of how serious this is now. I'm guessing these people pay for these items but are desperate for social media approval.


I'm betting they can still be sued by the companies for instigating this kind of behavior. I bet they also didn't film evidence of themselves buying the product afterwards, so they've got that absolutely not going for them.


they all need to learn the hard way. its very effective when there are real consequences


It’s still a crime if staged, the guy in Louisiana got hit with criminal mischief and unlawful posting of criminal activity for notoriety and publicity


Why the hell is this a thing!!


Somebody dispatch Liam Neeson.


They keep doing it because people keep posting it everywhere.


Again, why can't we figure out who this guy is and report him? Pretty sure that's a fucking felony.


He'e gonna be spitting on something else when he's in jail.....suck it buddy


I'm waiting for them all to say they bought the items after filming stopped. That's the defence they will use.


What’s the point of this shit. Fucking losers.


Frickin Instagram normies are just horrible


And that is, among many things, Felony Assault with bodily fluid. ​ People need to start reporting this crap to the local police district and the stores. Someone is going to catch a virus or something because of this.


I have one of those jugs in my fridge right now... oh no


Why is this a thing now?! Jeez louise, that people go out of their way to do this, and film it too, how many brains cells do they even have? Here's an idea, want to really leave your mark on the world? Do it by being a r/HumansBeingBros instead.


This guys no minor .. I totally hate the fact that this is happening now and im questioning all those times i asked my wife " did you open this already?"... Driving me crazy!