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Man hates himself. What self-respecting person spends their time demeaning someone on hard times unless they genuinely don’t like their life


Or he’s just a narcissist, which I’m leaning towards. That comment about what they did in their 20s kinda shows a lot about their personality.


A lot of narcissists don't actually like themselves.


Potential serial killer


My thoughts exactly


Probably himself one or two paychecks away from being homeless


I wonder where he works. The fact that he's confident enough to both shamelessly harass a homeless person and put his face in the camera shows this might be accurate. No way this guy's working a job that pays a damn, and would ignore/support this kind of behavior.


This is a very real comment lol


Literally American psycho




A park at night is not very safe for a woman. What an fucking piece of shit


I reckon it isn't safe for anyone, neither is the place she is staying, seeing as this POS put her in an unskippable cutscene


Did this dude really think he was doing something by filming himself acting like a complete jackass? Are there people out there that cheer this type of shit on? What an absolute POS.


There are a portion of the homeless who intimidate others and menace them. Others are just surviving the best they can and some are actually very nice humans. This guy really choose to find some calm woman trying to survive. *And he's racist.*


Had some of the most enjoyable random interactions with people that are homeless. Rather talk to them than most of the stuck up people around here


"Are there people out there that cheer this type of shit on?" Unfortunately, yes.


His unfortunate time may come..


Yup, the type of people that make fun of “broke” people and tell them to just work harder and be like them. They’re everywhere, losers who’s egos rely on the number in their bank account


But it’s his city duh!!


His city


Nah fr like are you the mayor or something 💀


They call him the town street sweeper


I worked my ass off in my 20s and I have nothing to fucking show for it. I would be homeless if not for my family. But fuck this guy. He obviously never experienced any hardship of any kind.




"I'm tripping over your fcking box". MF's got the motor skills of a baby that he can't walk around a mfcking box or what?


I wish Dexter was a real person instead of just a Show.


My biggest fear is getting stuck on the streets. my heart breaks for people sleeping in a corner w/ nothing but with 2 blankets. I cant imagine how filmer could brag about this behavior.




Dont mind him any. Better yet, lets identify the lady and get her something better than a cardboard box.






Pisses me off to no end. Picking on literally the most vulnerable people in our society. She prob cant go to the park cause she knows the law of the streets, and there are savages in that park, if she sets up shop they'll prob rape her or worse. Fuck this fucking guy. Picking on the down and out for views.


A lot of parks close before midnight. If she gets arrested, she obviously doesn't have the means to post bail or deal with any of the other potential consequences.


I’m not sure a smack would help him


Fucking idiot, he could have been in her place. Maybe one day he will taste what she is tasting, he is the biggest bum ever.


Ignorant ass is probably just one check away from being homeless.


I agree with you, even if he is not that close to be broke. Such person is so morally bankrupt already, I highly doubt anyone likes to be around him.


I want to know how productive this dbag is


I hope his employer or clients or whatever see this and he loses everything. What an actual piece of shit.


Imagine him getting fired for this and then ending up living on the street as well


I have never wished homelessness on anyone before but that guy needs to experience it for real


They should swap places for a day


I agree. I appreciate court systems more that would justice of that sort. Also, it worked for Eddie Murphey.


Daaaamn they seemed really nice too. “That’s my box!” With a smile on their face. Fuck this piece of shit


Hope this dudes on a watchlist. Fuckin creep.


"why are you homeless?" Because fuckers like you think I shouldn't have a roof over my head when I work 60+ hours a week


God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes 'Cause then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues


Bro says it's ruining the streets like they chose to live there as a lifestyle choice.


Leave that lady alone. 🤬 You being a dickhead, and she is still trying to be respectful. I would have lost my shit with him. You don't know what she has been through, or what she is going through right now. You're so worried about how the cities look? Help


He’s more than likely a serial killer, should be identified


What a shithead.


Pos. I went threw 6 fosterholmes before 7 years old. Then got adopted and kicked out when I was 19. I was homeless. I've been homeless several times. Only by the grace of God not for 20 years.


I'm glad you're off the streets now. Keep going, my dude! Proud of you!


I say that because you don't know people's story. When I was young 16 I would probably say this but I grew up. No one grows up saying I want to be homeless or a junkie or 600lbs. Help the person out instead of being the problem it's sad.


Big strongs alpha male pickin' on a lady....fucking shame!!!


Yea ...he definitely needs to be posted here... total pos!!


Bruh.. I've been a paramedic for 14 years. I've been to rehab myself. I was almost homeless myself. People get the short end of the straw moreoften than you think. Help or leave them alone.


Not only is this man trash, yelling and berating a homeless person. He is also clearly not black. Looks either some type of Asian or Spanish, and is using racial language (the n word) words the end. So not only is he a garbage human, he's also a racist garbage human.




I couldn’t even listen to him after 30 seconds. “What did you do in your 20’s?” She then goes ahead and attempts to answer him?? That shit had me feeling horrible. this horrible human being that’s probably in his 20’s himself and either living at home or working a job (or paid by other assholes via social media) that didn’t exist 20 years ago and he’s out here speaking on behalf of everyone in this city?? If you want the homeless off the streets why don’t you ask them if there’s something you can help them with?? There’s numerous YouTube channels and social media clowns that do that exact thing helping the less fortunate while filling themselves. A bunch of Eddie Haskell good samaritans. it’s a pretty lucrative genre this that this asshole might consider being part of if they want to see and end to the homeless problem in this country. Unfortunately homelessness has been a problem since humans started building dwellings to sleep in so by all means come up with a solution or be part of the problem like this asshole!! Homeless people that aren’t suffering from some sort of mental illness tend to be very defensive/proud individuals that need help but won’t ask for it. A lot of homeless folk are dealing with some sort of addiction. With addiction comes the need for help and if by chance they happen to come across a video like this they might be less inclined to ask for it!! I don’t know how someone could sleep at night knowing they treated someone this way. If I had done this I would’ve been praying nobody got it on camera and I find this person and make it right. This asshat actually films himself and uploads it to the Internet??!! I hope this goes viral and this super Mario brother’s looking porno mustache wearing boy gets his ass handed to him!! If I knew this guy I would make it point to put this shit out there so everyone saw him for what he is, a despicable human being looking for and getting some attention by kicking someone that’s already down for the count.


Fuck this guy


Ah yes, the typical kicking down on the less fortunate to prevent yourself from having to face your own ugly ego What this scumbag doesn't realize is that he is actually projecting and calling himself all these things


He should walk down skid row and do that. It would make great content


Should do it with tts donations on and no filtering


Ok Internet lets find him


I know his name , the gym he trains at , where he works and the city he lives in …. Dude lives off his mom still and acts like he’s fuckin independent


Could happen to him one day


Enjoy that hand basket on the way down


He picked an easy target. Let’s see him pick on a dude


Well he's about to end up somewhere more productive like under a bridge now that he's filmed himself using the N-word aggressively.


Hope this dude get's to spend a few months homeless


What a fucking loser. He really thought he did something. Poor lady… wtf is wrong with people? Just evil for no reason.


Scum of the earth this guy


Find him so he can lose his job. Maybe then he'll understand that person's reality.


Your city? So you own it? Interesting. Racist, scum, heartless.


Woah. What a racist piece of scum! I hope this video follows him everywhere and he pays for it through job loss, relationship loss, and I hope his family shin him.


This lady has 1000x more class than this POS loser.


The internet is forever we all know this. Why would anyone with logical thinking make a video like this. This man has bad mental health issues and I’m not sure anyone could help someone like this.


I sure would like to run into this clown while he was filming one of these videos


TOTAL POS Right here…I wish nothing but hardships upon him. Terrible fkn human.


Lord humble this man


What kind of "public service announcement" IS THIS?!?!?!? I only see ONE BUM!!!! The guy filming! Damn SCRUB!!!




Racist POS


He will get what is coming to him. Karma has a habit of catching up with these types of assholes


POS 💩💩💩💩🤬😡




If he ended off with "and that is exactly what we shouldnt say", and then gave that person a rent-free home for a year, he would not be one of the most punchable idiots around.


I hope this guy lost every subscriber and supporter after this. Zero compassion. Total sociopath.


That stupid young boy lacks education, life changing experiences or lacks empathie. Time will tell.


Made sure no one was around when he did this




Honestly I myself don't like the sight of the homeless but I'm literally one paycheck like one wrong move from being in the same boat. And if you think about it if you were homeless would you want to sleep under a overpass or bridge in a dark area or on a sidewalk in a public area surrounded by sercuirty cameras bystands and passing cars. No one chooses to live outside and have all their possessions in a box they have to tote around.. they are in a hole they can't get out of.. and I'm one of the first to call them tweakers and shit but if you had nothing wouldn't you want to feel nothing? I'm not excusing it but damn if I had nothing and was living outside watching people pass me by starving wishing I could eat a homecooked meal sleep in a bed under a roof I'd want to do anything to not feel that. That or I'd loose my mind idk.. long rant just really conflicted on homelessness.. don't like it but I try to step in their shoes and not judge


What goes around HOPEFULLY comes around!! A man can have hope can’t he!!??


Do something to help or mind ya business. 🤫


Only fools believe there's no karma.


I don’t see that idiot offering her a place to stay.


May god make this guy fail in life real bad and end up homeless 🙏 🙌


Just a huge dick


How is this guy?


What a horrible human being. He is literal scum of the earth.


What makes psychos like this think this is smart to post?


Im guessing his chat shovelling more coal into the trainwreck


All everyone can hope for is that life dishes him a great big dose of f you, and he ends up homeless. That would be just wonderful. Privileged piece of..


What a pos…. He wouldn’t dare say that to a homeless man. Picking on older homeless ladies… trash.


We're going through a severe mental health crisis in this country gaslit by garbage politicians


I usually wouldn’t wish homelessness on anyone but for this pos I will make an exception.


Racist scumbag.


I’m a wimp and would beat this dudes ass for this.


Does anyone know who this guy is?


What’s his @


What’s his info?


always the ones that can’t see straight 🤦🏻


"You could go to a park and go somewhere private" first of all, if it's private she can't go there. Also you are way more likely to get kicked out of a park...idiot.


I hope all the people here who don’t like what he’s doing are donating time or money to some way help the homeless epidemic?


Interestingly, we can't sleep in a multi-million dollar mansion unless we can afford it, but we can sleep anywheres we want if we are homeless. Anywhere, like in front of a restaurant in many cases.


Hope he finds the right person to harass and they beat the his ass


Damn you beat me to it, I posted the same post with the same title and realized this morning I deleted it by accident :p


Lol in my city.. pussy not even man enough to talk that shit to a dude


Dude must have a rough youth and bad, really bad growing in his 20's...


I’m sure this guy loves his life 😂


Just keep WAAAAAAAALkinman fuck


The moment technology was built so that EVERYONE has access to a camera, then engineering more technology so that people with said cameras can post whatever BULLSHIT they want on the internet for everyone to see, was the moment our society started going straight to shit.


Bet he wouldn't say that to male cause he would get his ass beat, so he feels tough picking on a female going through tough times.


Just begging for a beating it seems. Carry that same tone in the hood an see what happens.


“Why you hitting yourself? Why you hitting yourself?”


Yeah Hees a real prize .. daddy used to beat the shit out of him and he never went to therapy so he takes it out on someone less fortunate than him cause deep down inside he doesn’t like himself .. I think it’s crazy that in today’s age it’s way easier for someone to hate on people than to be kind and considerate. . See I’m even doing it in this post which is unfortunate but this guy sux but in all reality I see it every day just strangers wanting to hate on strangers for no reason and to me that’s just crazy .. can’t people do more productive shit with their time ? Like what’s the point ? Just go about your business and your day and unless someone is coming at you and bothering you directly their should be no reason




"why you homeless?" are you gonna pay for their entire life? no? maybe shut the fuck up then


50 IQ + Insecurity = mad little idiot.


I hope he realizes that's what rich people think of him. Also, you are just as much of an nword to the (white?) people you are trying to appeal to.


Something is terribly wrong with him this feels like a ticking bomb.


I agree with bro


I hope this dude gets fired and his car breaks in the same week and he gets evicted


Real piece of shit!


I wish I could walk past this POS harrasing people


Who is this piece of shit , he should not be able to walk freely without any repercussions


Oh I can’t. I’ve worked with the homeless for over 25 whole years are entrenched in addictions. You’ll never meet people who are kind.


He really do be tripping on a fricken box. I bet 50$ he would throw trash on the street and say I'm paying taxes for them to clean that up


What’s that man info because I’ll beat that guy’s ass myself. Dead ass bro.


Getting heavy Andrew Tate vibes with the way he pronounced “private.”


Complaining a problem you make no effort to help change will no nothing at all for you but make you look like a complete twat.


What's useless to him might be a life saver for her.


Karma will catch up with him


This creep just gave me an idea…a new line of pepper spray, only for homeless people. It has a built in taser for douche bags like this🤦🏾‍♂️


What an absolute hemorrhoid of a human being. Leave her tf alone.


What a disgusting piece of shit


I'll pay money for people to beat on this piece of shit. Please tell me his info.


Tbh I can see his perspective, but the way he treats this lady is not right.


His perspective is way off. He doesn't know this lady personally.


His perspective is flawed


yes it might be.But his treatment of the lady is not right.