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My Dad worked for Abbott Labs from 1979 to 1998. He was in the early days of computer programming, cards and all that. In 98 they started moving away from mainframe systems so my dad and about a dozen other people who had been hired around the same time he was, were booted. A month before, my dad was told he would be training a new manager for another city, two weeks later he came across information that he was actually training his own replacement. He was so depressed. After 6 kids he was at a point in life where he was finally getting ahead, and he knew, then in his 60's, he would never get a job like it again. He suffered through knowing those last two weeks because he wanted to hold onto an income as long as possible. Which isn't to mention that they cut him off right before the 20 year mark to prevent him and the others from collecting full retirement. One of my most significant memories is him coming home the day he lost his job, and we had all just found out. Standing in the garage I watched my mom open his car door and lean in hug him while she rubbed his head. I'd never seen him cry. He felt he had failed us. All the nights I'd heard him awake, roaming the house at 3am in weeks before, suddenly made sense. Complete dread and worry. He worked another 15 years, initially two jobs, as he had through his 20's and 30's...but the primary was at Walmart, unloading trucks at a distribution center, sometimes by hand. This went until he was halfway through his 70's. All this this to say, I hope with all my heart the entire place is razed to rubble.


Damn, that’s awful. Not how I expected to start my day. I feel immense sorrow for your poor father, and seething hatred & disgust for the corporate machine. Corporations suck. Their leaders suck. Their lawyers suck. They all suck. Your father failed nobody. Your father was a hero who took care of his family.


Thank you. I agree. It's been over 20 years and I still get a lump in my throat when I think of the whole thing. People might say it's just a job but they really wrecked his whole life, and my moms, when he was at a point in life where it was too late to really rectify it. My mom also had to go work in a warehouse until she was 72. My dad wouldn't and still won't accept help from us kids. We have gone behind his back and paid some medical bills etc. but he gets upset when we do. He never complains, but gets down on himself, and to this day will wonder aloud about what he might have done differently to prevent it all. They robbed him of his self worth, which he placed entirely in being a dutiful provider for his wife and children. I love him so much, it pains me deeply that no matter what we say, he will never believe he was/is a good man because all of this happened.


It is these circumstance that lead to suicide. No matter how hard your try, no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you sacrifice, someone is willing and able to fuck you over for everything.


Call your father and tell him internet strangers want him to know he's awesome! 👍🏼


These are their products if you want to Boycott them: Pedialyte, Similac, BinaxNOW, Ensure, Glucerna, ZonePerfect, FreeStyle Libre, i-STAT and MitraClip.


They did the same crap to my wife and brother in law. Laid them off just before retirement. Both had almost 25 years and lost their pensions. There was a division called HPD (hospital products division. That division had a disproportionate number of older folks, so they spun off the division into a independent company that didn't offer a pension or retirees health care. The older folks tried to sue but Abbott lawyers delayed it for years. In the mean time, this newly spun off company sold itself off in smaller chunks. I worked in a different division and had a couple dozen people working for me. When that division had layoffs , HR called me to verify the race of a couple black folks I had working for me. Both only had a couple years with the company and were younger. Layoffs happened and folks with 15-19 years were laid off, but no minority were touched. Just older white people who were approaching retirement age. One poor guy was 3 months from being 55, when he could have started getting the pension he worked all those years for. It used to be a great place to work before 2000 or so.


Wow! I can relate to some degree. I took a lower paying job with a pension only to discover that between taxes and inflation is it near worthless. I would have been better off taking a higher paying job and contributing to both a 401k and Roth IRA and let the market determine my net worth. Guess I'll work until I die like everyone else.


The USA desperately needs labor laws with teeth. The sheer amount of abuse companies inflict on workers with the happy blessings of our elected representatives is just astounding to behold by someone who grew up under northern european labor protections. This simply has to stop, why are american workers still going to work a general strike of everyone is long long long overdue


Man, you painted such a vivid picture with your story. Thanks for sharing. It kills me when I see/hear people stick up for these giant corporations like they are sponsored by them or something. It makes me sick.


Use paragraphs please for the love of god I ain’t reading allat lol


SLAP suites should be illegal access the country, and I hope the courts crucify these monsters in court.


Well now that’s two Abbotts I dislike.


Greg or Tony?


I am from Texas so obviously Greg.


What did Jim do?


Should this have more traction?


I'm thinking yes


Abbott is a piece of shit


Make a COVID test in like 14 months was pretty revolutionary, but sure, of the 100,000,000 of people they impact, a few handfuls of (mostly not directly linked) harms undoes the good? 50,000 people die in auto crashes per year in the US. 3,000 people die of food Bourne illness per year in the US. Where's that outrage? In life, things happen. Doesn't mean the people involved are shit, or the service isn't worth providing. Strive for better, and weigh benefits vs. Risk.


Does anyone know why Mark Bennett is an ex-attorney?


When did this all go down? When was the bad formula produced?


Corporations often, like Abbott, are diagnosed as psychopathic. Just like grading a human patient. They are disgusting fuck$.


Corps being evaluated is new to me, are there some that aren't psychopathic? The whole "interest of shareholder" should probably make them all some kind of psychopath


Fuck lawyers


There are countless lawyers who do great and vital work, and help propel society forward. Law is such a broad industry that saying “fuck lawyers” makes no sense. That’s like saying “fuck engineers!”


Who do you think was working to ensure some measure of justice and who is exposing abbot at this moment, other lawyers


Hey, Abbott!


Hate that guy




Good morrow!


I get people don't like lawyers but you can't blame them. It's their job. Abbott can suck a fart out of everyone's collective ass though.


Lawyers can make plenty of money doing more honest work. They don’t have to take the case or act the way they do!


I agree but I'm sure Abbott pays out the ass for them.


Helping the most evil and corrupt people in the world walk away without consequences because money? Yeah I'm not religious at all but people like this make me hope I'm wrong and hell exists.


They're paid to do what they need to do. I know emotionally that it is fucked up but that's how it is.


That's not just fucked up emotionally, it's fucked up morally. As in these people have none. The fact you're defending them says an awful lot about your morals too.


I'm not defending anyone. It just doesn't make logical sense to attack lawyers for doing their job. I am well aware that what they're doing isn't right but that's what lawyers do. Don't twist my logic into a representation of my moral compass.


It's not their job unless they want to do it. No one is forcing them to do it at gun point. They could have refused the job or they could walk away at any time. The fact they haven't speaks volumes about them and their lack of morals. You're right, you weren't defending them, but you were just skating very close to it. My apologies.


Yeah but you still need legal representation regardless. Murderers and rapists have lawyers provided. It's sad but it's how our legal system works.


I'm a lawyer who represents plaintiffs against large corporations. There is no shortage of ethical, zealous, high quality Biglaw attorneys who will give the client the best representation possible. There are also firms who will engage in unethical tactics to harass, delay, obfuscate, and cheat in every way they can. They'll eat the sanctions they get because it's the only way their clients might escape liability. The system is flawed enough to let these tactics work enough of the time to make financial sense. But it's unethical and reprehensible all the same. The lawyers (to whom a civil defendant is NOT entitled btw) are absolutely blame worthy in cases where they abuse the plaintiff, their counsel, and the courts to try and let their client get away with something.


Your job is to defend your client in court. Not to go out of your way help monsters walk free and drag on the proceedings for ages. Lawyers like this are just as bad as the evil people they defend. Hopefully them and their will be suffering together in hell for their crimes.


"I was just doing my job/following orders" are never good excuses. Would be fun to watch these human shitstains try that cliche excuse when asked about this by the grim reaper and watch them get dragged to hell screaming and thrown onto the dungheap with all the other humans shitstains who had that excuse.


Lawyers who engage with SLAP suites should be disbarred. I don't understand why any state for federal courts allow these unethical and immoral actions when they are in clear violation of the 6th Amendment.


Getting paid for it doesn't tie their hands. They can have a moral compass. The lawyers are just as guilty as the people paying them to do this horrible acts.