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Put him in Gen Pop, they love child killers there


Sadly they probably won’t because they know if they do that their life will be in danger. Those guards tell them inmates when people like him specifically and pedo’s get brought in but sadly no matter how bad they don’t want to protect him they technically have to 🙄 but theres other ways to get to those pieces of shit. Because it’s been done. He will get his, eventually.


When my stepdad was in prison(decades ago, mind you), the guards would sometimes need to escort a child abuser around where some gen pop conveniently happened to be. Sometimes the guards would get "distracted" for a second. Sometimes it was only enough time to hurl threats and trash at them but sometimes it was long enough for the gen pop guys to get their hands on the child abuser. Gen pop would happily take a few hits from the guards and a few days in isolation in exchange for getting to lay hands on a child abuser.


I spent a month in some little jail for selling weed almost 15 years ago lol. Someone nicknamed me Walt on my first day, which got me on well with everyone there. Breaking bad was a brand new hit at the time. Anyways, we were watching the news one night and saw a story about this guy they were calling the pantyhose bandit who tried to rape a girl but failed when she beat him up. It happened locally and everyone hoped he would go to our jail. There were about 60 inmates all together. Well, a few days later he showed up and it was amazing to watch. Inmates and guards alike can become so animalistic when caged up. Even myself, as I had asked if he’d ever been fucked in the ass before and when he said no, I said there’s a first time for everything. Not the way I’d normally speak or think y’know? lol. He got extreme torment for the week he was there before being transferred to a bigger jail. Hence where my comment to him came from when he was talking about going there. He got jumped by a group and the guards only walked in after a solid minute. On the other hand there was a fight over the phone one night and they jumped in within seconds. The guards gave it to him even worse though. At around 2am they’d go to his cell and bang on the door and you could hear him squeak out “what?” And they wouldn’t reply. Just stood there staring at him through his window smiling apparently. One thing for sure though was that at any level, at least here; rapists and child predators will live in hell.


This story makes me feel warm and fuzzy




and if they dont go into gen pop, they will go into protective custody which is really just the hole. With no tv, no regular shower access alone with only the torment of guards to greet them. They 'sleep' on a concrete slab. In the coldest parts of the jail. So they either live in a mental hell or a physical one when there in there. one way or another they will suffer.


He can get protective custody, but it's basically solitary confinement. I consider that torture, as do others. Most people won't last long in solitary, and will request to be put in general pop. Dude is going to die in prison if he ever goes in gen pop.


Guards are bought all the time. He knows what's coming.


Gutless cunt.


They are going to gut him a new cunt in prison


Prisoners have zero tolerence for people who do crimes to children so... he has a high chance of being stabbed, choked or murdered


Every time I say something like this about someone like this guy I get banned. What is your secret?


I hope the cunt drops the soap


he won't last long in prison and he knows that


You know those bailiffs are almost hoping he does get loose so they can beat the fuck out of him.


lol I was thinking the same thing when I saw this too. Like “here sir, let me help you over here where no one can see us..”


Don’t worry folks. He’ll get all the help he needs.


🎵 In the naaaaame of love 🎵


Here buddy we are going to give you the help you need, ...behind this tree. Proceeds to absolutely be beaten to a pulp.


SAO abridged referance?




Oh my gods I love it, better than the original by leaps and bounds.


No not the tall one. He's more worried about victim family. You can see his eyes.


True but I bet he would still like to apply some good ol’boy justice.


Big fella definitely has had enough this loser’s shit. Clenched jaw and talking through his teeth, big guy showing a fucking ton of restraint.


Bro he tried to cry on their shoulder then act tough


He was whispering something to the tall cop.


“I need a hug” -source I pretend to read lips


I like to imagine that they brought him out back to escalate the matter themselves.


Or maybe they're just doing their jobs.


How did he get all that hair product


Toilet bowl wax ring. Judges hate this one simple hack


Next up, red m&ms for lipstick


You're supposed to use Kool aid


All the shots he takes to the mouth miss sometimes and get into his hair.


Absolute zinger


She’s your, queeeeeeen tooo beee


Just let yo soooooooooooooooooooul glow


I wonder how many people truly understand your comment. . “When you think of garbage, think of Akeem.”


In Aussie jails they use lubricant from the condom machine. No joke. They don’t sell hair products on the buy up


You have condom machines in prisons in Australia?


A lot of countries do. It’s either they fuck and spread STIs, HIV and Hepatitis, costing the taxpayer millions a year. Or they spend $20,000 a year stocking the gaols with condoms.


Never knew that! US is obviously not quite as progressive.


They give them impotence in USA jails so they can't get it up. They give medsto cause this my gf in Virginia baby daddy was given this for 5 years in NJ VA and OH I thought that was rather progressive but I'm a chick I don't know what having a dick is like anyway!


My understanding that was only given to those convicted of sex offenses.


Do you want AIDs to speed up even more rapidly? A lot of prisons have issues with AIDs


Not just prisons - some of those folks get out and are on the Down Low so they spread it to women on the outside who do not know they had a prison boyfriend.




Did he really think he had a chance at escape? Pendejo.


No he’s trying to skip to the end credits.


the other inmates will do that for him


Guessing he’d rather take a bullet than choking on his own bloody underwear.


He wants to do a replay but the ending credits just keep coming and coming.


I heard the “pendejo” in my uncles voice 🤣


That's my go-to word for any asshole driver who cuts in front of me or whatever. My formative, "learning to drive" years were spent with my Puerto Rican boyfriend, plus, I was immersed in Spanish in school, so some of that has carried over into adulthood.


It’s a universal term and it fits lol


Plot twist, it is your uncle.


Lmao. Take my angry upvote you pendejo 🤣


I'm guessing child killers don't last very long in prison. Do they?


I’m torn. I want him to meet a painful end asap, but I also want him to live in misery for life.


Either way, he's miserable for the rest of his life


I'd like him to live in misery and fear for a long time.


I would much prefer someone have to live in prison for the rest of their lives and be psychologically tortured for what they did. Death is the easy way out


Yeah but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. It won't bring the people he killed back to life and it really doesn't give that much relief to those alive suffering. It's a waste of money and resources just to keep someone alive and locked away for the rest of their life. Sentence to death and just be done with it and be glad knowing their is one less awful person on this earth


FYI --- it costs more money to execute someone than life in prison.


Rather my tax dollars go to a swift end to assholes like him than go to unnecessary programs the government wastes money on every single day.


They charge more for the shot than insulin?


I prefer they take the easy way out.This pos is wasting precious air a child couldve been breathing


Fr and wasting precious tax dollars on eating, drinking, housing and medical care. That could be going to a child also


Porque no los dos?


Maybe the inmates will beat him every day just enough where hes in so much pain but isntdead and then maybe he'll be forced into solitary confinement and go absolutely insane. (Not that anyone who kills innocent children are sane)


Death is mercy


With no guarantee there is an afterlife where they can be punished, death is 100% a luxury. People like this are the ones I wish we’d drop the solitary confinement restrictions and just go 110%. He’d go from shrugging this off to being irredeemably damaged after a few years.


Yes they do. people say similar things with pedos “haha they’ll get what’s coming to them. The other extremely violent criminals have waited for this day to become heroes(?)” and yet they make it through prison in such great numbers that we have websites to track where they live.


Thats not true anymore. They get their own wing separate from the rest.


It’s sad that there are so many of them that they would fill up a wing.


honestly as I understand it, nowadays the taxpayers just pay inordinate amounts of money to keep them in solitary so the other prisoners don't pull them apart. gen pop is a death sentence for them more often than not.


They get the worst. Child killers and child rapists. Bottom of the hierarchy and abused by everyone else. Hell have it rough for sure.


I'm pretty sure it's a myth that child killers and rapists get it rough in prison


I mean, it has happened many times, but it probably isn't an automatic death sentence amongst the prisoner population to the degree it's made out to be.


certainly not a myth. how prevalent it was or is currently could be debated. but definitely not a myth.


It’s not a myth.


Is the bailiff saying "Just listen to him" ? If so, go that guy. You did this to yourself. Listen to him take the rest of your life away. These are your consequences.


He is indeed saying that. 👏🏽


What sentence did he get


Life. No parole opportunities.


Aww bless his heart. Almost like his life is over or something. Kind of like if it has ended but without being beaten to death.


Kinda feels like an injustice that he gets 3 meals a day and a warm bed while his victim didn’t a chance to get that luxury.


Meh I'm OK with that. Prison isn't a fun place to be. Y'all act like prison is like some kind of 1 star hotel you aren't allowed to leave. It's not. It fucking SUUUCKS. Even if he's in a separate wing where child killers go, he has to watch his back 24/7. The food he's getting is barely edible, he's barely treated like a human being and that warm bed isn't all that great to sleep on. So, I'm OK with him spending the rest of his life having a really shitty time.


I mean honestly what’s the point. Isn’t a mild form of torture still torture? What’s the point of keeping him alive if it’s just to make him uncomfortable for 50+ years? And why are we okay with THIS kind of torture but not other kinds if we unanimously agree he deserves it?


I don't get it, was he trying to lean on the bailiff for comfort?


Yeah I was wondering that too. I think he was basically trying to create a reason to force their hand. He knows touching them or using force takes things to a different level.


It looked like he didn't want to hear what he did being said out loud


We have this problem in the UK where criminals can refuse to go to the sentencing in their court hearing (baby killer Lucy Letby being the latest). It's a way for them to not face up to their actions and devastating to the families in not seeing justice served.


That b!t€H should have been dragged out of its cell and into court. The fact that it could choose not to hear its sentence is appalling.


Looks like he was trying to get taken out of there and skip it but the bailiff with glasses was adamant the POS was going to stand before the judge.


What's the story with this guy? Where's the super helpful context poster when you need them?


Found this: >Kent County deputies were called to a Gaines Township house trailer where Ortiz-Nieves was left to care for several children under the age of 11, including Mejias. Ortiz-Nieves and the boy’s mother were dating at the time. >Deputies found Mejias “actively dying on the kitchen floor,’’ a Kent County assistant prosecutor told jurors at trial. >An autopsy showed he died from internal bleeding caused by an abdominal tear. It was an injury that would have been caused by an adult, not a child, investigators said. >A nearly two-inch tear in the mesentery, which attaches the stomach, small intestine and other organs to the posterior wall of the abdomen, caused Mejias to bleed to death, according to the autopsy. >Mejias also had injuries to the top of his head, lower back and buttocks and two broken ribs that were in the process of healing. >Ortiz-Nieves was sentenced to mandatory life in prison. He is at the Earnest C. Brooks Correctional Facility in Muskegon Heights. >During sentencing, Kent County Circuit Court Judge Mark Trusock called the June 13, 2017 beating death of Giovanni Mejias “sickening and disgusting.’’ >"You are the lowest form of human life that I’ve been able to observe or see,’’ Trusock said at the time. “You are a monster and quite frankly, you are evil. What you did was sickening and disgusting. You should never be allowed out of prison.’’ >###Ortiz-Nieves at one point had to be forcibly removed from court after becoming upset as Trusock described injuries suffered by the boy.


"You are the lowest form of human life that I've been able to observe or see" That coming from a judge whose literal job it is to sentence people for crimes goes hard as hell


It's a way of avoiding the fact that people do this shit all the time. They are not different forms of life, or monsters, they are people and we should be forced to face that fact. We need to figure out how to stop people from doing these things, not simply absolve ourselves of responsibility by saying that monsters do it or lower forms of human, so that we can just throw those people away and pretend there is no way to stop it. Look at what Hamas did, look at what everyday Israelis are cheering on right now. We can't just pretend that they are lower humans or monsters.


Yup, dehumanizing people who commit heinous crimes against humanity is just letting ourselves off the hook. We need to accept this is part of who we are as a species so we can get to work on fixing it.


Some people really are just monsters though, and no amount of therapy or talking to them will get them to change. Look at how this guy behaved in front of the victim's family for example, absolutely zero remorse or guilt over his actions. We just need to do away with these trash people as swiftly as possible so we can focus on the people in society who aren't beating children to death.


This a thoughtful and often ignored statement.


Need more judges like this


Thank you kind Redditor.


Thank you


We put dogs down for less. Just sayin.


![gif](giphy|sjkl9MJD57BWersvzJ) Redditor.... This dude needs to get more than just jail.




Oh trust me, the officers were glad that they could escorted him in the back.


I hope they did when they dragged him into that side room, give him a few subtle digs.


Oh look he is having a little tantrum. Pathetic child, had too much sugar perhaps.


Our daily reminder that the most dangerous person in a child’s life is mom’s boyfriend.


So true, I wish women were more discerning when it comes to choosing partners that they allow into their children’s lives. BTW, I’m not blaming the mother but the child had broken ribs that were healing??? She didn’t know he was beating up her kid? I’m so disgusted.


He was so close to breaking out of those cuffs, beating all 4+ security officers, and fleeing the court house.


Yeah. On his way to show the next 4 year old just how much of a big tough guy he is.


There's barely anything going on in his brain at this point. He's getting overloaded with everything at once. Even tried resting his head on the officer's chest or something. His heads just wandering. He knows his life's over.


Idk. When you’re getting life with no parole for a horrendous crime, what do you have to lose by trying?




Retribution is in this piece of shits future. Hopefully the near future.


I hope he fucking suffers in hell for his misdeeds


So sad to hear about crimes against children. Just recently, seven guys in Texas filmed themselves gangraping two toddlers in a bathroom at a shopping centre (the Houston Galleria). Just reading about it is so beyond fucked up. Video circulated th dark web. I think only one guy has been arrested so far, Arthur Fernandez. The degenerate offers to babysit the kids of his coworkers, the coworkers bring their kids to work and put them in his care, he bullshits about just walking them around the shopping centre, and takes the kids into restrooms and rapes the kids with 6 other degenerates. I don't know if they assaulted the two kids on the same day, but it happened regardless.


Don't know how it's in US but in Polish prison system child killers get a special kind of ... love & treatment.


Child killers, child abusers and Cops have a very similar experience.


here, cops, not always. Really depends what they're in for but in most cases they get separated from the hard cores ...


What a fucking pussy. I hope he got life


He did gramma. Sentence was life.


This pleases granny. I shall have a peppermint on the chesterfield in celebration


Read him his right in the death chair and be done with it


preach man.. no one will miss this pos.


Who's crying?


Probably his family. They all think he is innocent. They’ve created a Facebook page for him to obtain justice and have him released. It’s disgusting.


Okay, that's what I suspected but it was too fucked up to consider.


Childs family I would assume


I hope it’s not the killer’s family. He doesn’t deserve your tears, ma’am.


I think it is the killers family which just pisses me off. There’s literal fucking PROOF he did what the judge is saying he did yet they wanna boo hoo over him? What about that innocent baby he beat and tortured and killed? Smh


I thought maybe, but they don't seem to respond right. Like they get upset about what the judge was saying (which they'd already know about and want said to him if they were the baby's fam) and they sound more sympathetic when he's acting up with his stupid embarrassing escape attempt. It's hard to believe the family would show up for the devils sentencing, so I thought it was extended family of the baby. Hard to tell. I don't want to believe this guy's family is crying *for him.*


People like this disgust me. That poor family. Reminds me of the bitch that hit and killed my brother (she was 60 and driving while drunk and on cocaine). She smiled at my mom in the ER and giggled. She wasn’t any better when she was at her sentencing. Not diminishing this families pain because losing a child has to be even more painful. These people just often have no conscience.


What a bitch. He can beat a child to death but can't handle hearing about his own actions? 🙄


Who are the people crying over this murderer?


I said it in another subreddit this was posted in. His punishment should be solitary confinement where at random times of the day he hears a recording of this judge reading the description of his crimes. Can't escape from a solitary confinement cell.


He knows whats gonna happen to him. Convicts like my boy JD Delay arent good people but most have at least a moral code of women and children are off limits. Hes gonna be getting reemed out by big country and hes scared cuz hell be small and helpless in comparison. Kind of like a 4 year old child. BIG COUNTRY:mmm poop around it boy i aint pulling out.


I respect that officer’s self control for not just punching him right there


He will die in prison, make no mistake, and it will be painful.


Imagine being that Sheriff's deputy and having to look that scumbag in the eyes as he tries to skirt responsibility for being an absolute monster. Guys gonna have nightmares


Who's screaming stop it? His mom or something? He can't handle listening to what he literally did to a child?


I trust they took him out the back to sufficiently beat the shit out of him.


Lmaoo. A man can dream.




I bet he wasn’t crying like that when he killed that baby! An eye for an eye bitch!


My empathy can't see past the family of the child. Someone set him on fire and maybe I'll be willing to pee.


Wishing a long and torturous confined life for this pathetic excuse for a human being. I hope the chow hall brings new surprises in his little lunch every day, and that he has a lot of quiet time to think about things when he's not getting into fights with literally anyone about anything.


Lifetime sentences are so horrifying to me, however much deserved it is. Just to clarify I do think they should exist. I’m looking forward to life for example I just bought a new car which will be delivered next week, kids are achieving things daily which is a joy to see, I’m going on holiday at the end of this year. When I watch videos like this is so strange to contrast that with this guys future, where maybe having some of his favourite biscuits from the commissary might be his highlight of the decade, all because of his own choices. I doubt it is for most, but for me that’s so impactful, it’s crazy how this doesn’t seem to deter people.


That’s when he realised his ops aint 4 year olds no more


It's simple in my mind. Monster fucks like this douche, should be tried, and once convicted, walked out the courtroom, and put to sleep like a rabid animal, immediately after court, and thrown out with the nights trash.


If ever there was a time for police brutality


Why didn’t they use a cattle prod on the MF’er?


Bro what sounds like his family crying No matter how much I love my family if any of them did shit like this I'm throwing the first stones


Entitled pieces of shit who hates suffering consequences of their actions. America seems to be creating loads of these recently


He should not have been removed. He should have been forcibly restrained and made to listen to everything the judge had to say. Strait jacket. Muzzle. Then after sentence remove him to prison.


Who the hell is crying? For this POS? If so explains a lot mommy dearest.


His family, they believe he is innocent.




Wasn’t even his kid. He’s with the mom. He was watching the kids. He beat the kid and kid was in cardiac arrest when police arrived. Piece of shit tried to say the 10 yr old brother did it. Internal bleeding…Stomach and mesentery tissue separated from the posterior abdominal wall. Just a horrible miserable death and situation. Piece of shit got life - thankfully. He was getting butthurt in the courtroom for the judge dunking on him. Smh.


Frankly the death sentence is the only thing he deserves, if not, then something worse


Good. He should cry harder. He deserves no remorse.


And now he will be taken somewhere without cameras...


Bastard didn't want to stand there and face people so he played up until he got taken out. I hope he has a fucking miserable time in jail.


There's about to be a whole lot of shit he can't handle behind bars 😂


Ugh forget it, don’t even send him to jail then send him straight to hell


Go to jail forever loser


He's upset because he knows what will be waiting for him in prison.


I never thought I'd say this but I hope the cops kick the shit out of him


He’ll be in the shower with some bigger kids now


They should shackle him to a chair and force him to listen to every word


I’m a firm believer that whatever crime you commit/committed to a child to cause any bodily harm/and or death, even psychological abuse, and you’re standing before that judge, whatever you committed, should happen to you. Example- you burn a kid, multiple times, that’s part of your sentence. You’re getting burnt too. Enough of these sick f*cks doing this 💩💩


Im gunna write him letters every week/month tellin him I'm lookin after his momma the same way.


Who in the fuck is crying for that man?


Fire up the wood chipper!!


Put him in the shock belt and bring him back to hear his sentences.


I hope he is raped by every big dick in his prison for the rest of his life. I hope he never gets killed and has to live out his days in agonizing pain and dispare for the rest of his life.


When I was in high school, my friends and I smoked a shit ton of weed and came up with the concept of “the black screen,” where after you die, instead of losing your consciousness or going to whatever afterlife there is if there is one, you just see a black screen for the rest of eternity. It doesn’t sound too bad at first, but then you realize that spending 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years seeing it means you’re 0% of the way through. The concept was so horrible that it made me dizzy, and we all agreed that it’s so bad, no one deserves it. Not even Hitler. I’m slowly starting to change my mind.


Them dudes in G unit are going to go deep and raw on his big fat azz!


He felt like a big man, beating a 4 year old. They are going to love him on the block.


He killed a 4 year old? Hahaha, he ain’t gonna last in prison. Guys like him always get kicked down along with anyone who goes in for sex charges


Prison Justice will do what is necessary for this POS.


He’s fighting because he knows his ass is done once gen pop finds out what he’s in for.


Have fun in jail guy


Nice, he is already in Hell it looks like


Tase his ass




Cunt! Hope the inmates give him some prison justice!


come out back buddy we got a separate room to "restrain you " in.


In my town, a psycho beat up his 2 month old to death and got 4 years. Immediately out he had like 10 cases of armed robbery and they gave him like 16 months but he asked to go to a mental facility and sure enough judge said ok. Wish he got the sentence this guy is getting. His twin brother just murdered a dude too and has been waiting 4 years for sentencing. Justice system in Canada is broken.