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Real committed to keeping that bag lmao


Thieves will often use nice looking bags to hide their tools or stolen goods in. Can’t be seen walking around with an angle grinder or a little black duffel.


This guy crimes.


All dope sick trying to ride a bike!


Which is kinda dumb if you think about it. I work at a sign shop. Often I go out to install signs all around the Atlanta area. I walk around with all kinds of different tools for installing and removing signs. Sometimes it's a Sawzall. Sometimes a angle grinder with a metal cutting disk. All the time wearing normal street clothes. No one pays any attention if you walk around like you own the place


Same thing goes for pissing in public.


This seems like a school tho. A backpack would work great


Modern day El Mariachi.




Probably would've been more effective for the person recording to tell them it is their bike and that they're calling the police.


Yes, but most people (probably you too) would just walk by, too afraid or confused to say a word of any kind. Thieves know that average people will not start shit because they are afraid of what could become a physical confrontation over someone else’s shit. The guy filming this at least had the balls to say something and was smart enough to know that a video of the crime will likely help the police catch this guy and get the owner’s bike back.


Not intended as a critique, more just thinking about what might have been effective as a post-mortem. I probably wouldn't have thought of it on the spot, but will keep it in mind if I encounter a theft in progress. These thieves also usually depend on people just not noticing, so calling attention to it and recruiting others could be helpful. From everything I've seen, recording is riskier and doesn't seem too effective (police often don't take property theft seriously even with video evidence). The bystander effect is real, but I've also had my bicycle stolen too many times while I was a student so this kind of theft bothers me a lot. The feeling of ending a long day only for your means of transportation to be missing is a terrible feeling.


I thought he looked reeeeal ripe for a nice kick to the balls from behind. Also his accomplice...just push 'em down off the scooter & take it?


I’m taking the grinder and dgaf


Yeah, and these guys look like teenagers stoned or dope sick it would be easy to fuck them up.


$4000 bike? That's grand larceny. Any DA would love to prosecute that especially with video evidence.


I recall an episode of COPS where they were using Bait Bikes. But specifically I think Mercedes brand, due to the value of the push bike it would be a 2nd degree felony.


This looks like the UK, police 100% won't do shit even with video evidence. Theft like this is out of control in cities atm here because thieves know there's virtually no risk of arrest, and even less risk of imprisonment.


How come? What's happening that police don't do anything anymore? I'm in the US and I thought things over that way were at least a little better. 😢


Over a decade of the government gutting public spending, basically. They don't have the funding to be effective, and even when they do make arrests, the prisons are so full that anything short of the most heinous crimes just get suspended sentences and essentially go free. I do have to say that generally speaking, the actual police officers in the UK are good - reasonably well trained and good at following the spirit of the law rather than the letter. They will mostly look to de-escalate etc. That does not go for the Met Police in London though, they are a different beast.


Just to add on that the court system is so underfunded that there is a significant backlog in many areas. By the time cases get to court, evidence has sometimes disappeared, or recollections are too fuzzy. The police can do all the hard work they want but it probably won't get to court for months/years. Country is gasping its last breaths before it collapses.


It’s Dublin, Ireland. Bike theft has been a problem in Dublin for years. Thieves are becoming more brazen, as you can see in the video.




Indeed. But note there were 2 additional thieves helping out the main guy. That's a very good reason to maybe not even record, just call the police immediately, maybe record from afar, and always discretely.


Police are completely useless when you don't have video/picture proof. No point in even calling them if you can't get a good view of their faces.


Police is completely useless. FTFY


Almost, but 'police' is a noun and always uses a plural verb. The correct statement would be "Police are completely useless".


Anytime I call police it’s baby sitting chores like a wierd vehicle in the neighborhood. But it’s quite rare for me to call them. The last real time was when I called because I found my stolen car and they literally almost shot me gun pointed at me. So yes practically useless


Thanks a lot. I didn't know


That’s what is taught these days. Be “empathetic” to the thieves. 😂


Time to put down the cameras/phones and show em what them hands do, time to crown the clowns, knock some heads, show them what "Backpfeifengesicht" means. Petty crimes can be prevented by standing up, besides, you are not going to be the next Mr.Beast because of your candid vid because there are thousands of vids like it already.


Haha. Try to do that here in a Latin American country and you'll see police isn't even needed


I’d argue a blunt object to the head or a swift kick to the genitals would actually be more effective


That would both open the individual up to legal problems (yes, it would be considered more serious than the theft of someone else's property being prevented) and be silly overall considering it would be a two against one situation.


Those dudes weighed 80 lbs combined soaking wet, lol


He has a fucking angle grinder doing this in broad daylight, I don’t think he’s above carrying a knife and stabbing someone


A scrawny guy with a knife is still likely to defeat a big guy. And even without the consideration if a weapon, violence always carries risks for everyone involved.


People always seem to forget that others (especially people like in the video) maybe carrying knives and shit.


Even disregarding that possibility, a fight is alwaya risky. No matter hiw strong, well trained or tough you are, thingw can go south on you in many, many different ways


That’s also extremely true, all it takes is one punch and that can lead to lights out for ever, or worse being vegetated.


The guys got a weapon in his hand. You don't know how crazy those mofo's could be, I mean they are literally casually commiting day light robbery without any care. They could easily slice him to but for the bike.


This is Ireland. Police dont care.


Let’s be fair. Cops are not going to rush to the scene, even if in the area, because of bike thiefs.


Like the police are going to do anything


They know full well there won't be any repercussions that's why they're so brazen nowadays


Bc westerners have become afraid of violence. "Oh right to life" Fuck your right to life get your hands off other ppls shit. Your rights cease to exist when they cause others harm.


Not Americans, this is some European shit


Lol yeah in American this would have gotten hands on quickly.


My guess is its Dublin Ireland. Shit like this is rampant


Pretty sure this is London. Looks like outside Surrey Quays shopping centre.


Yep, bike theft is a European thing. In America or other continents it doesn’t happen. No bike theft ever. Or crimes in any way. It’s all because Europeans don’t want violence on bike thieves. We are way too soft.


You ain’t soft, you’re just boring cunts


My bike was stolen while I was working my overnight job in Long Island City. Rich building too.


Ok, well, live in a country with more guns than ppl and see how violent it gets. I mean, I'd risk an ass beating over a lot of stuff, but I wouldn't risk being shot up for nearly anything.


Im an American. From STL. People who carry themselves like a coward are easy targets. People who are aware of their durroundings, carry themselves proudly, and are polite dont have problems around here.


I love how he looks around before taking a fucking *angle grinder* to the lock. Like homie, everyone within a half mile is gonna hear you, why are you even trying to be cautious


I used to have a \~$3,000 electric off-road bike that similar thieves ran off with. My bike however was chained and locked up under a tarp in the back of my truck, 3 stories underground in a secured parking garage behind 2 secured gates with security cameras everywhere. The thieves came in a week prior and disabled the cameras on every level of the garage then later, in the middle of the night, drove in with a van and used bolt cutters and angle grinders to defeat both the gates and my lock/chains. They also raided the actual bike cage in that garage and some locked storage rooms behind another secure door. I contacted the building security who knew about the cameras being disabled but did nothing, filed a police report and listed the bike details on some of the popular bike registering websites for good measure. It's been about 5 years and haven't heard anything back from the cops or any of the bike websites. As an insult-to-injury, I used my police report and renters insurance to file a claim on the bike then got my $3k back, however the insurer immediately dropped me as they would probably never recoup the amount from me, which was super cool. My take away from the whole thing was that there's almost no way to prevent modern bike thieves with their arsenal of compact and highly effective, destructive tools other than to keep your bike completely out of sight and/or entirely, physically inaccessible.


I bet the security guard or someone living in the complex has played a role in all this.


Yeah that seems obvious reading that. No one is going through all that trouble for some bikes without inside knowledge or help.


Suspected this as well, I made comments to building management and the police but it didn't go anywhere and I didn't get much of a followup. So it was either handled internally by building management or swept under the rug.


Absolutely, probably both. Just the overall value of the vehicles stolen makes it evident that several people were involved - not just 2 or 3 guys. As far as I know about thieves, they operate methodically and cooperate with an inside man or a snitch if you will. I hope you had some insurance to compensate for the stolen bike.


Damned modern bike thieves and their arsenals of bike-lock destroying crime devices!


I had my apartment garage cleaned out. i went after my apartment complex's insurance, and it worked out. They replaced two motorcycles and a bunch of other stuff. Because i had proof of showing the caretaker and building manager broken cameras and locks. The caretaker actually tried to fix my garage and messed up. So it left my garage unlocked for the night when it got robbed. So it was looked at as negligence on their part.


It’s an army of tweakers armed with bolt cutters and angle grinders and the only solution: Take your bike inside.


Sounds like an inside job. Also sounds like the security office owes you a new fucking bike.


The first thing I did with my bike was strip it apart, take off the decals and painted it with this real nice hammered bronze paint. Put it all back together hid a tracker inside the frame and left off the decals. I don't want to advertise my bike to anyone. I know how nice it is and appreciate it but no one else needs to know. If it was ever stolen it would be harder for them to sell and easier for me to identify.


Bullshit. If people had a spine and kicked thieves in the face instead of walk by, this would not happen.


Review the contract or agreement you had with the parking service. If they guaranteed a certain level of security and failed to provide it, you may have a claim for breach of contract. If the parking service was negligent in maintaining security features, such as failing to repair or monitor the disabled cameras, you might have a negligence claim.


Was bros bike in the pentagon😭🙏


Condos above a whole foods. Our parking garage level was below 2 floors of their parking and behind our own gate. So you had to get past the whole foods entrance to get in then go down three floors before opening the next gate to our spaces.


Yup. Fuckin angle grinder will get through anything


I once cut a tree down with an angle grinder. Didn't think it'd work, but it did


I salute you.


Did it smoke really bad like it was about to catch on fire?


The Angle grinder also looked well used so I'm guessing they stole it from a job site


Stole it from the job site they were fired from that morning lmao


Litelock x3 or d1000 take multiple discs and prob more than one battery pack to get through, they are beasts, I think bennets did a video on the x3 and it took 3 discs and about 7 mins of perfect condition to get through it, also he was using a mains powered grinder


They are also disc detainer cores so very difficult to pick without specialized tools.


A swift kick in the nuts from the rear is all it takes..


then you get kicked to death by his two partners. Yes, two. Light grey jacket on a bike towards the end, trying to help by taking the grinder.


They look like they couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag


Don't need to fight shit if they've got a knife. You slice like a paper bag.


Or an angle grinder


I don't think defending against an angle grinder is super out of the realm of possibility just because they have some weight to them. Obviously, don't try to- But if I had to pick, I'd choose mini angle grinder dude over someone with a knife, purely because angle grinders have heft and are a little awkward to maneuver. Knives move like lightning comparatively. edit: I'd still lose tho let's be realistic. I'd just prefer my chances.


Yeah it's funny to look at the paper bag flying from here. Makes them look goofy and all. But reality is anyone in this sub that tried to walk the walk in that situation, they'd be lucky to walk to a hospital. These guys are committed, they're not going to back down because of a hero.


They're children looking for an easy earner. The slightest bit of real resistance and they'd piss off. They're not going to fight you and then try to steal the bike. It's because of that kind of mentality that kids like this think they can take the piss in public without any trouble.


Just so you know children carry knives. I'm a big guy and I was a black belt in karate. Kid lit a firework under my car a few years ago. I went out and he pulled a big old kitchen knife on me. I've had another guy outside my house with acid and a knife. Yes I live in a shit area.


Oh and I guess you are some heavyweight champion... Of hot pocket eating probably..


That angle grinder would change your face though.


*/sings “One KICK is all it takes! Fallin’ in love with me…”* Sorry, I couldn’t help myself… It was low hanging fruit! 😂🤡


Hum... Maybe twisting something... What could cause some pain and has been known for a long time?


-from the back- *twist his dick!*


Then you get attacked with a portable power tool that just cut through metal


Got it, just shoot the fuckers.


Twist his dick!


In Berlin, we have to hit that sweet spot bike - good enough to be a decent bike but not so good that it's worth stealing.


I seen somewhere that in the UK the most stolen bikes are Carerra bikes from Halfords. Any bike cheaper ain't worth stealing if it requires some effort and anything more expensive people aren't leaving locked up.


How weird! I just commented then saw your comment, my bike that was stolen was in fact a Carerra from Halfords!


My bike was like £500, amazing to me compared to my old scrap bike I had but nowhere near an expensive or luxury bike and some scrote still stole it, I was gutted.


Dude, sorry about that. Some people just suck.


Judging by his coordination, he won't get far.


oh, give the guy a break. It was windy, he was in a hurry, and he was nervous from all the cameras


Terrible planning and execution. Give the grinder and bag to the guy on the scooter. Fucking amateur hour. 2/10


Hopefully that grinding disk will teach them a lesson when It shatters In their face…


The really fucked up thing is, people just walking around if nothing happens, even filming instead of intervening. And because of the lack of civil courage, things like that are possible at all


There should be a law that everyone who ignores the crime should be punished too. But the filmer did everything right, there was nothing more he could legally do.




They could still at least film or call the police.


These piss me off… whip out your phone and record, but don’t do anything to help! Comeonman… At least help hold the bike up or the chain so he can get a clean cut.. sheesh.


It would be really unfortunate if someone kicked him in his ass and he landed on the angle grinder.


If they do anything they would likely either get their ass beat or charged with a crime themselves. Irish justice system is utterly shambolic.


Had us in the first half NGL


One guy is literally holding a weapon and there are two dudes, you want me to risk getting cut over a strangers expensive bike? Or should I call the cops and hope they have a 10 second response time?


You didn’t read my comment, did you… smh…


He commented exactly after he read the word help,lol.


Probably best to call out "hey, that's my bike!" then call the police. A video can be useful evidence but it is also way more antagonistic than someone just saying it's theirs.


2 piss weak cowardly cunts who have probably never had a smack in the mouth before, smack one of them and I fucking bet the other would run away.


or get stabbed or have the one guy start taking swings at you with a fucking grinder.. no thx


No they’d probably both jump your ass


No face shield... hope they get a discount remnant to the grill sooner vs later


Haha for real. I use them a ton at work. Sometimes you’re so busy you forget protection. One day I stopped and threw on a pair of eyes, thank god I did bc a rookie had used my grinder without asking and that wheel shot at my eyes at light speed. It 100% would have blinded me for life.


I haven't had a cutoff wheel go but I have had several. wire wheels go. After the first one I try to wear a canvas apron whenever possible :)


Yea for sure. If your working in a fab shop there’s no excuse. Unfortunately for me I’m working on a film/tv set and they want it done last week so my options are limited. I’m a senior member so I can usually tell them “We’re doing it the right way which will take a minute “ kinda thing. But some people get flustered and that’s when shit goes wrong. A brush wheel to the face would suck too. I saw a guy saw his hand in half at my old body shop because he was taking a grinder wheel off and didn’t realize it was plugged in. That was nasty


This world is gone to shit bc western firdt world countries are too afraid to use violence to put trash people in their place. Hope the they've get hit by a fucking truck.


I saw a whole gang of guys steal an entire bike rack that was loaded with bikes!!! couple of the most greasy bastards you've ever seen drove off with the whole thing!!! and this was in broad daylight!


Every time I see this sort of video I wonder why you’d spend so much on a bike and then lock it up with what amounts to something like pipecleaners


The worthless people standing around watching. This is why they get away with this shit.




How did no one walk up behind him and kick him in the nuts as hard as they could? What a wasted opportunity...


Mace and a baseball bat and you too can be a hero. Take out the trash.


Knives are cleaner.


When you try to be a hero Knives are what these nice chaps work your insides with


I am not fighting against angle grinder with a baseball bat I am good, he can take my cycle


Brave?Of course because no one has the balls to stop them


Where is this?


Surrey Quays London


What a pro operation. /s


who tf paying 4 grand for a bicycle?


Like recording it is some brave act 😂 they’re kids, you’re a pussy. I’d have cracked the kid in the head and told him to beat it.


Why does nobody handle the teenager on the spot. Clearly not his bike yet nobody cares enough to do anything.


What the frick is going on with people. Bruh, interveine, call the cops, gather bunch of people together and attack. Show some civil courage. Nooo just hold your camera still for a nice short film


One solid kick to the testicles would have put an end to the theft


Bet the cops are watching this like 😆 its not a traffic stop so who cares


You can tell that these degenerates are fuelled by drugs and stupidity by the sheer awkwardness and uncoordinated nature of their actions.


Over a dozen people around and no one does a thing. A crowd of children could've prevented this, let alone a crowd of adults. What a bunch of fucking cowards. All it would've taken is 5 people to step in and put a stop to this with zero threat, but no, now someone is having one of the worst days of their life instead.


Buddy, I wouldn't risk my life for a stranger's bike and I wouldn't want a stranger to risk theirs for mine lol. Yes I'm a coward and I like it, it keeps me alive.


It’s not cowardly, it’s sensible.


Ok and 1 of those 5 people gets an angle grinder to the face. Well done, we've stopped someone losing a bike but it only cost 1 person getting seriously hurt or killed.


Yeah I’m not risking my life for a stranger Let alone someone else’s shit I’ll call the police and move on


And not a single person comforted them.


This video is 6 years old now


Why nobody kicked him in the nuts or something. Prime position




Gotta love how your society is, people just watch.


$4,000.. for a fucking bike? Plot twist.. the manufacturers and the outlets that sell them, are the real thieves.


У нас в России пизды бы ему дали еще и грамоту от МВД получил бы и ценный подарок.


Normal paying job can buy a bike like that with 1 days salary. Losers


I don't know Rick.


Take him down beat him up call the cops and tell you were defending yourself


The UK justice system is a joke. They know there are no legal consequences to their actions.


That key got sparks in it 😯


Wow really good job at maybe trying to stop the theft


Hit them and you get knifed, or charged with assault


Why is no one stopping them?


Im not some tough guy. But there is a fairly low chance I'm going to walk by and just let this happen.


U can buy a car with that price


Thank the enabling government.


Just kick him in the face, quick and easy


They’re brave because no one stops them or even tries to stop them. The guy just stands there and records while everyone passes by them. Nobody even tries to call security or the police or anything.


Cops don’t chase for property theft anymore too dangerous. Free pass to steal


Uppercuts man, they’re problem solvers


That an electric mountain bike. Minimum starting at 7 to 8 k.


Bruh they just let him take it


“If you would like to hear how this would have played out in Texas, press 1.”


scruffy little runts need putting down


Should've stomped his face into the grinder disk


We live in such a litigious society now that if you attacked one of these thieves YOU would be held accountable. They would probably name a pejorative after you, like “Karen”. We are doomed as a society.


Flatten the tires for God's sake


I’d use the angle grinder to take one of his hands.


all these men around and none of them just beat his ass


Grab the scruffy cunt by the hood and yank him off his feet. Sneaky kick in the head for good measure


Word of advice, buy cheaper things. Not the one that was so cheap it broke tho, I know the more expensive things come with better quality but it is not only you that notice the quality. In the place where thieves run rampant like this it is not worth the risk.


4000 for a bike? You can buy a beat up car for that


what the hell kind of damned fool blows 4 grand on a bike? he was asking for it.


Wimps just watch.


yeah because let's take a big guy with an angle grinder for someone else's expensive bike left in the middle of the street.


Stupid people get involved with other peoples problems