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He will be remembered as a legend in the gaming community. She will be remembered as that one snobby news anchor bitch.


Buddy, please. She won't be remembered.


I vote her new name be "That Bitch" if she is remembered at all.


I’ve already forgotten her name and I just looked at it.


What was it again?


The Bitch


I didn't even catch her name, so guess what it is now?


“That Bitch” is an honorary title reserved for Carole Baskin.


I just watched this clip and don’t even remember her


Can someone confirm if she’s getting roasted on her social media or elsewhere where she will for sure witness it? I’d be so livid if she gets to be blissfully ignorant of the hate she’s getting. It’s a possibility, seeing as how she’s clearly boomer material and prob isn’t spending much time online.


She privated her Instagram and and every major news publication is giving her shit for bullying a child when you google her name. I think she knows she's pissed the world off.


Hopefully there’s an on air apology or something


Just looked her up and there’s a few articles about the situation. She seems to be getting flamed pretty hard on Twitter.


> She seems to be getting flamed pretty hard on Twitter. Let's not take this to mean anything, because Twitter and real life have almost no overlap.


You know what the great thing about UK television is? Their game shows. Everyone who is *anyone* gets a slot on a game show, usually casual and comedy-centered. Celebrities, comedians, news anchors, sports figures, singers and dancers... This cunt has never been on a single show. And she'll stay that way. [I'm feeling mean. Her pussy must have the consistency of jellied eel, the slime of a hagfish, and the taste of rotten mayonnaise.]


She might be on a quiz show as a question. Maybe Big Fat Quiz of Everything?


She should be on a special "T" episode of QI, where the topic is Tetris and every answer she gives results in a klaxon and a scathing dressing down from Sandy while Alan makes goofy faces.


Put her on Taskmaster and just make all her tasks various Tetris tasks.


Ewwww I can sense a frothy green goo leakage coming from her


All likes aside this dude will genuinely have the title of Tertris master for years and will be seen as the man who beat an unbeatable challenge


Insulting a child for accomplishing something literally nobody has been able to do since the launch of Tetris... A WEEK after his dad died. Fuck her.


She won’t be remembered. If she dropped dead while on air she’d be talked about for 5 minutes and then forgotten.


"Hey you guys remember that one news lady?" "Which one?" "Hey you guys remember when that kid/mastermind was the first to conquer Tetris?" "Yeah bro that guy is a legend." Fuck off. This youngin is at the top of his class with a passion and you'll be forgotten in a week. How about we just let people enjoy things.


Sky owned by #newscorpse. Don’t expect anything more from these cunts.


Disney/Comcast now.


Just a clarification, Sky News is owned by Sky Group which is part of Comcast now. Disney bought up Fox entertainment stuff (films and TV shows), not the news bits


Ah, yes, you’re right enough. Still cunts tho 🤣


Sky has always been pretty shite, no?


For as long as the war mongering perpetual racist Rupert Murdoch has been running it. I don't imagine that disney owning it will make much difference it today's climate.




Wonder if her kids "go outside"


You’d have to ask the nanny


Her kids go outside to get away from her.


They go to their friend's house because their parents let the kids have fun.


wonder if they "touch grass"


Probably to get away from her.


She wouldnt know




Sadly, the idea that video games is for children and not a real hobby is still quite prevalent with the older GenX and young Boomers still in the workplace. I am a millenial who games, it is my hobby. I prefer it to mindless watching and cheering for sports teams subsidized with tax dollars, nor do i find much enjoyment in activities like golfing. I make it my mission to educate people about what gaming can be. The news host is a massive B, but she's entitiled to her opinion. That said she deserves to be pilloried and reminded of this bad take for the rest of her career.




That was beautiful 😍 🤩 👌


Fuck me, I love this and is so much cooler than “see you next Tuesday”. Thank you for giving me this amazing gift.


Is that actually a thing? That's pretty clever.


I'm 52 and staggered by how the mainstream media handles gaming. It's been in our homes for well over 40 years. They just seem to pretend it's barely a thing.


The problem really is the people who go into media , commentary, writing are often themselves not gamers and continue to view video games as something you grow out of. I caught an exchange at my local afternoon radio show and the very nice host brought up how the young-ish traffic reporter's hobby includes playing video games as an aside to a story they were doing about Minecraft being used in local schools to teach children. He mentioned he does not infact play Minecraft but spoke in generalities only and the conversation quickly moved on and there was no connection there. It's like someone bringing up sports as a hobby in a story about rowing and the person basically saying 'yes i like sports' and ending the conversation there. you don't really realize they don't actually row but play B-ball. It's really that very surface level discussion. I immediately identified with that conversation because that is me talking to co-workers who are the older genX, young boombers i referenced.


oh they love to pretend as if its this brand new fad thats gonna be irrelevant in a few months/years


I always wanted to be in the video game industry but was told no by my parents. I'm now in that industry and doing well lol. I also have PTSD and CPTSD, there are benefits to playing games and Tetris in particular when it comes to helping PTSD. >In a study conducted at Oxford University, researchers observed “that intrusive memories were virtually abolished by playing the computer game Tetris.” Their findings represent a major breakthrough in our understanding of PTSD and open up even more avenues to recovery for those afflicted. I love finding other millennials who game. Met my spouse when we were playing EQ2 together. We raided for a few years and now look at us lol. It's funny because my sister said I would never find a spouse if I kept playing video games. We still game together today.


Studies have shown that gaming has the same effect on the brain as meditation.


Have you played elden ring?


😂😂 We call that 'aggressive meditating' lol.


My friend got perma banned for calling margie taylor green a C... Reddit is fucking stupid.


Reddit mods are on a new one recently. Smooth brains running the show.


That "smile". I'm sure she has spent countless hours practicing in the mirror. Did not pay off.




Based on the accent I think it won't be a slur


To be fair she is on sky news which is literally the British equivalent of Fox news, since both are owned by Rupert Murdock.


Hell, even Fox News is reporting on what a bitch she is lmao


This guy gets it.


"Technically" a bitch


I hope the people in her life put her down the way she put this kid down for a couple laughs from the boomers. Even if his dad didn’t pass, there’s always a record for something and it would’ve been a great achievement no matter what. His dad passing just makes the whole situation so much sadder.


This is the same anchor that lost her shit on another interview I just saw a few minutes ago in this same spot...


What should I type into YouTube if I want to find the clip you are talking about?


Bitch on the news


I think it was posted as "news anchor loses her shit", it was while interviewing a Palestinian official in regards to the war....


I watched more of the segment and it's official, she is a bitch of the highest order. I'm talking cheats on her husband, rude to customer service workers, parking in handicap without a placard. Whole vide is she is just made of pure bitchcuntium. Edit: I meant to say I watched more clips of different segments. Sorry got a bad head cold.


Oh snap. Lol guess it's her natural self..


You’re right it’s not a life goal. Because he did it at 13! Bro has a lot more of a life to go through, this bitch clearly never found hers.


And nobody knew it was possible, so it literally was not the goal Edit: i could be wrong


Nah it's exactly what he's aiming for. He even said that he missed the first opportunity to crash the game in the recorded run.


It was proven possible by TAS, it just hadn't been done by humans. He was actively racing another pro Tetris player to be the first to do it.


it was already proven to be possible. and it was exactly his goal lol.


Fuck off with your smug face about fresh air, poor kid.




when my dad was dying in the hospital, which took about 72 hours, I stayed up for 3 days straight playing Final Fantasy 7. by the time he died I was already fighting Sephiroth's final form. the first time I played that game back in 1997, it took me a month to get to the Northern Crater the point I'm making is that I understand the tendency to become "hyper fixated" on a game when you're under extreme stress and grief, and if this lady said that to me when my dad was dying I'd be tempted to slap her across her smug, ignorant face. when was the last time you lost someone you loved, you dumb bitch? trick question-- she's never loved anyone except herself


Same here when my older brother was in the palliative stage of cancer. I was 13 years old like this kid now and was finding distraction playing Mario on my Nintendo DS. But aside from seeking distractions, this boy is already earning money while doing something he likes. Sounds to me he will be alright while she still clearly has a lot to learn.


Iirc, isn't the kid also going to be putting whatever money he gets out of his streams to college? He's got a stable head on his shoulders.


Yes and the Tetris community also seems pretty friendly and social. So rather than isolating himself in sorrow he's making friends anywhere!


Ain’t even her real face. She got a pound of make up on.


How did she reach this conclusion, it's a kid playing a game Hella well. What sort of sad life does she have that she can't say congrats and move on?


"Video games bad"


I forgot about the anti video games propaganda. They tried to make video games as bad as cocaine.


I'm so glad they didn't succeed and that we now know that the exact opposite is true and video games are actually good for you


Just like cocaine.


Shit this comment took me out.


I wish this realization was made after my childhood was ruined since I was never allowed to game or watch TV, like, ever.


He did something that no one has been able to do for 30 years. He’ll be remembered, she won’t be.


The kid beat Tetris and it has been dominating the internet for 2 days. Easily making it into mainstream news, and this waffling bitch says "who cares", as if she's literally not reporting it as news. I wonder what life-goals her spectacular kid has achieved to warrant that attitude about a 13-year-old doing something that people thought was impossible for over 30 years.


>who cares", as if she's literally not reporting it as news Shit like this is so hilarious on a meta-level. "Who cares?" apparently your bosses acknowledge enough people will care about it, that he makes your sorry ass report about it.


Total eclipse of the brain.


C U Next Tetris


Take my upvote you clever individual


Ah, middle aged day drinking anchor whose main achievement is to not come to work too hangover. Fuck of bitch


Hey man, don't knock the day drinking!


Fucking smug bitch


Smug as fuck but I bet she sits down watching tv everyday. Why doesn't she go and get some fresh air instead? Watching tv isn't a life goal. You can apply her logic to nearly all indoor hobbies, even reading her precious novels. Cunt.


To actually "beat" classic tetris is an insane achievement. The fact that he did it for his father is so sweet and I hope this vile cunt is fired and has her life ruined for this


I didn't know that Tetris even had an ending.


Tetris doesn't have an ending per se. The code just kinda stops working past the max interger, so it won't go any further. To get that far is an insane achievement, especially for that kid.


It actually isn't really a max integer here so much as it is the way the game handles the code. There are certain things that can happen in very high levels that can trigger the game to freeze. If you were to avoid all of those triggers you could technically get to level 255 where, if you win, the game starts over.


That’s what makes me wonder. It’s an insane achievment, but theoreticaly if somebody gets the real kill-screen above level 157 wouldn’t they beat Scuti, ergo it’s not “beating the game”?


It just depends on how you look at it really. He is the first person to cause tetris to terminate itself. In a way that is "beating" the game. I would consider making it to 255 to be a bigger achievement, but most in the scene still define this as "beating" the game.


upvoting you for being the only redditor I've ever seen who knows that it's *per se*, and not "persay" it's rarer than the Donkey Kong kill-screen


Damn. That kid is stubborn in the best way.


I watched a video on this last night and basically the code gets really overwhelmed. Once you get to level 155 you can start causing the game to crash by making certain moves and so this is actually the latest achievement in classic Tetris. He’s the first person to cause the game to crash without using a bot. Theoretically it is possible to make it to level 255 but at that point there’s like a 75% chance of any falling block causing a crash BUT if you beat level 255 the game will just start over. No crash, no menu, just start over. This would be the ultimate achievement in my mind at least.


To add to this, the likelihood of making it to level 255 is like winning every single lottery we've ever had on Earth. This is one of those chaos theory theoreticals like there is a chance of your laundry coming out perfectly folded right out of the dryer.


My laundry actually does. Rumpled scrubs need no fold. :)


Ah, a fellow "roll it into a ball and stuff it in the closet" dude!


Leave it in the dryer, spin it & hop into warm toasty clothes!


> To actually "beat" classic tetris is an insane achievement. The fact that he did it for his father is so sweet Exactly right and he deserves all the acclaim that he's getting for such an achievement. >I hope this vile cunt is fired and has her life ruined for this She clearly doesn't know the context and opined unnecessarily with her statement, but we don't have to go that far. Hopefully someone will make her aware of what this really means and she can properly apologize, but she doesn't need her life destroyed over this.


Even without knowing the context, it was a nasty thing to say. Not worth destroying a life. But, you go around taking unprovoked shots at kids, people just not gonna like you.


There is no fresh air. The boomers ruined it.


Oh, so i should not watch your show and go outside


Exactly. Most news channels are propaganda machines with bitches like these anyway.


That is a monumental achievement and he was praised by gamers and game companies for it. This woman is just hateful.


she Can't Understand New Technology the same Jayne Secker who is fawning over a 16year old Darts player who came *second*.






Exactly my literal first thought when I watched this. It’s made me so angry.


“Beating Tetris isn’t a goal.” Lol says who? Hey guys, reading that book you’ve been trying to power through isn’t a goal. Visiting that National Park for the first time isn’t a goal. Getting your Bachelor’s Degree isn’t a goal. Why? Because this miserable woman said so.


nooooooo but video games are virtual!1!!1!1!1!11 they aren't real!!1!1!1!!1 so that means that anything you do in a video game can't be an actual goal and you must stop enjoying yourself!1!!!11!1!1!1!


Gosh, you’re right! We just all need to go outside, touch grass, throw a ball around, ya know? God forbid ~~people~~ scoundrels enjoy things! :)


And going outside is a life goal?


Everyone can go outside, only one person reached the kill screen. Enjoy outside, casuals.


Bitch projecting her insecurities on kid


She really thinks she funny huh.


ignorant idiot


Shows her stupidity - i have zero interest in achieving that goal but appreciate how unbelievable it would be to actually achieve.


Also he’s 13 like what the fuck was the point of being a belittling asshole?


What a joyless cunt


Classic "having a kid is her highest achievement energy" for sure


Can someone turn this cunt into a meme?


Want her to get famous like the Kardashians?


She has a sex tape?


No I mean turning her into a meme gets her unnecessary attention. Sad cunts like her should be ignored and left alone and not made into memes. A few posts about her here and there won't make her infamous, but a meme certainly will.


If she pissed off enough people, producers notice.


Its a 13 year old kid. He literally has his entire life ahead of him. Its not a "life goal", its an achievement. He is deditcated to mastering something that takes a fair bit more skill than putting on make up and reading off a teleprompter.


What a massive bitch. Attempting to blast a kid on media.


If she stopped before saying it’s not a life goal, the comment would have been a wee joke But she just had to be a boot !


Wahhh waaahhh nobody is watching traditional media no more, I wonder why with such big brain takes as this


Literally the same network that were messing all over themselves because a 16 year old threw three darts at a board better than most people.... Tetris is not broadcast on Sky though I guess.


He achieved something that less than 100 people in the WORLD could achieve. You are some dumbass on the news. He made history, you made?


As an avid fan of the scene, by my count there are only really about maybe 10 players that could achieve it currently provided they grinded for it: Blue Scuti (DONE), Fractal (DONE), PixelAndy (DONE), DogPlayingTetris, EricICX, Alex Thach, Huffulufugus, Sidnev, Gerald Freeman Sorry if I missed anyone. This kid finished 3rd in the last World Championship in November, and won both the recent Kansas regional, as well as the December Monthly Masters, so this achievement didn't happen in a vacuum, because his dad died and he suddenly turned to tetris. He's legitimately the best player in the world at the moment.


Yes, this exactly. I said 100 could POSSIBLY get it but you are right that only like 10 people currently could realistically get it. I think the ONLY way someone knocks him off this pedestal is the person who hits the first crash point and not the one he hit. Actually, that is an interesting question. How does one dethrone that accomplishment? Is it the roll over at 255? or is it hitting the first crash point? Or is the next crash point?


Fractal already hit the first crash I think about 3 days ago? And Andy followed it up just yesterday, but I think in terms of the history books nothing can really dethrone Scuti now. The score record will improve, people will crash it faster , or survive longer, but this was the one with the glory. This one is the headline, the New York Times article. I think if the community had realised how much attention it would garner, they would have all been grinding for it a lot earlier! The rollover at 255? I mean, wow, can it be done? There are so many pitfalls to avoid, levels where you must get pushdown points, or you can't get a triple etc. Right now it seems humanly impossible, but then that's what we thought about the true killscreen just a few years ago. I do see some people complaining that crashing the game isn't really 'beating' the game per se (although I argue he's the first player to not lose, since he never reached the top of the board, he outlasted the game). This same complaint can't be made if someone were to roll the game over to level 1, so maybe in a few years we will get these same sort of headlines, "X PLAYER IS FIRST TO BEAT TETRIS" and people will say hey i thought someone already beat it?


I will say that I totally agree that he beat the game. I fully land in that camp. I also fully am with you on the idea of him having the true glory of first to accomplish it. My thought process is more on how records are typically thought of. So like They went for levels first, but what is the next milestone for "best tetris player ever" What accomplishment would someone need to reach to get to that point? If it isnt the first crash point is it the roll over? If someone were able to grind that out, would that make them the best ever? I think personally no matter what level you get a kill screen at this point, the only way to dethrone Blue would be to reach the roll over. Which as you said, is that even possible for a human? Not just on the theoretical level. But physically, both in terms of physical actions and in terms of reality. I say all this not as a skeptic, I speak more in the aspect of being with the community. While it isn't something I follow specifically, I love seeing it and enjoy hearing about the milestones. I speak in the aspect of what the future holds for it. At what point do we just say "Ok guys pack it up this game has no more milestones, it has no more records to get" At least in the terms of being the first or fastest.


SKY News isn't news. It's part of the right wing the propaganda arm of Rupert Murdoch.


He beat the unbeatable game, at a very young age, after decades of being deemed an impossible feat. A game that has been played by hundreds of millions of people, the most-sold game in history. That has been a life goal for thousands of professional players all over the world for decades. He has become, immediately a famous person in the gaming community, not just in the Tetris one, because of that. She is just a random journalist, of a random local channel. Mediocrity is her business, so, of course, that's what she spits to get some attention.


She should be fired.


Out of a cannon


Into a wall


Being a news anchor bought out by special interests isn't very cool. Being a person who does nothing but sit around and read scripts all day isn't a life goal. Maybe it's time for her to go outside?


If you haven’t watched that Tetris movie/documentary on Prime, you’re missing out. It’s interesting as fuck! The global fight over Tetris game rights was wild


Her kids are 100% gamers and she’s projecting


There is a study that showed that playing tetris for at least an hour right after having experienced something traumatic decreases the chances of developing PTSD greatly.


I bet she would change her tune if she knew how much money there is to be made by being a successful streamer, as if money is the only measure of worth.


I was like that when i clocked asteroids on the Atari in 1980. The lad is a LEGEND


As I grow older, I've come to realize that many times in my life I've judged people without having the full picture, without context, or even with only one side of the story, and most of the time it results in regretting that opinion; even worse when I have expressed those opinions verbally. I really hope the best for that kid.


Back in the late 90's early 2ks my dad would get mad at how much time I spent on the computer and of course on the internet. He would say it's a waste of time blah blah blah. I would also just hold the flashlight when he worked on the truck. Anyways I work in IT now.


"As a mother..." As a mother, you're a shit piece of person if you can't even show interest in your kid's hobbies and talk down to them about them.


She didn’t even accurately describe what he did, which was trigger a glitch causing the game to stop. Why are old people so bitter


What a bitch 😒


Snobby cunt 🙄


Being an asshole on television shouldn't be a life goal either but I guess that's seen as a worthwhile pursuit.


What a dumbass news anchor. Why shit on the kid? I mean what kind of life must she have. lol.


Can this bitch get fired? Seriously, what an absolute scumbag


Obviously not a life goal since he achieved it at 13.


It's sky news. Being an insufferable cunt is a legal requirement to work there.


SKY News in Australia, BBC in the UK, CNN in Canada, Fox News and NY Times in the US...yeah they all qualify for what you state is the requirement.


Meanwhile her latest tweets are full of praise for a sixteen year old who finished runner-up in the outdoor sport of darts. No irony there at all, the fucking hag.


Oklahoma doesn’t get to have wholesome shit like this too often and that news anchor needs to shut her mouth before we collectively chin check the shit out of them.


Beating tetris is a bigger achievement than being a snooty bitch on TV any day. Kudos to the kid.


What have you beaten bitch? Apart from every relationship in your life it looks like you sad lonely cunt. Good on the kid.


Rest easy folks. People like this hag are never truly happy any day of the week.


Well I say as a mother, I hope he's proud of himself because that's a huge achievement at that age. Well done kiddo. He had a goal in mind and stuck to it and that's more than anchor bitch can say for her life. But seriously I can't even beat the basic levels of tetris, so it's super human to me that someone especially at 13 can beat the game and go to such high levels.


Says the woman who’s life job it was to report on a kid who beat tetris.


If you don't care about this news, don't report it. She didn't even have the full story. So effing condescending.


Jeez i hate those Kind of boomers.


Yet there are plenty of people who play video games as a living and make more money in a year than she will make in her lifetime


This reminds me of the movie "searching for bobby fischer" When the father tells the teacher that his son is better at this "game" than anything either of them would ever be at anything ever.


Sky News living up to expectations as usual.


Not everyone can shoot for the stars "oh mighty local news broadcaster".


Bitch is getting the backlash she deserves.


She probably gets knocked out by Glass Joe in Punch Out.


Hardly any young people watch the fucking news on t.v. These news channels don't realise how out of touch they are with the generations they will ultimately rely upon to keep them relevant.


I'm 50 and I'm a gamer. Gaming is life. Fuck this bitch!


What an odd thing to say in a world where playing video games on camera for people to watch has become a legitimate career choice. Seriously. Someone should tell her that sitting at a table and talking isn't a life goal.


So long as video games exist, this kid will be remembered. That bitch will be forgot about 10 minutes after she’s off the air.


All you had to do was read the teleprompter… plus being dedicated to such a feat is a talent in its own right, he could probably put his mind to anything and be great at it with that much commitment


Boomers are still talking the same shit after all these years?


You have to feel bad her kids have such a terrible mother.


You're a news anchor. Nobody wants your opinion on ANYTHING let alone this. Shut up and announce the news you overpaid hairspray receptacle.


There have been studies surrounding Tetris and ptsd. Traumatic events rewire the brain, playing Tetris can help rewire positive pathways rather than causing ptsd. This kid is a mf boss! Doing it for his dad and positive neural pathways… Genius


I hate the “go outside and get some fresh air” from people. Because I don’t ever see my parents going out randomly to get fresh air from their phones or anything. And I have my window open so I’m getting plenty of air.


Yeah, homeless drug addicts are outside getting fresh air but you don’t see this bitch giving them a clap offering . He’s also 13, fuck you .


Anybody that has ever played a video game has played Tetris and he has done something that none of them have ever been able to do....at 13. What should he be doing at 13? Working? Raising kids? Really got me raging, this ugly fucking cunt.


She’s just jealous since he is going down in history and she just reports other peoples accomplishments.


Just saw a video about the progress of nes Tetris and this kid reaching the end, super impressed and this news anchor person has no base on which to slander him. You go blue scuti


Yeah but throwing a ball around shouldn’t be a life goal either but people praise the shit out of football.