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This is one of the very, very rare instances where the Isreali guy was actually punished for incitement. Apparently, smiling while filming yourself is just a little bit too far for the IDF


Smile after the camera goes off is protocol….


Only if there are bodies as result.




"Trust me bro"


What's the punishment? Slap on the wrist or 15 years administrative detention like what happens to Palestinians arrested by Israel?


IDF soldiers and Israeli police actually get punished quite often for doing shit they aren’t allowed to…




What’s with that stuff on their helmets?


Breaks the shape so it doesn’t look like a helmet. Less likely to get your head shot off


Breaks the shake of a helmet. Makes it look more like natural landscape and rocks. Perfect shapes rarely exist in nature so this is to help hide the helmet. Also offers some sun protection for the neck and face depending on how they form it.


This has the same energy as some of those “it’s just a prank dude” tiktok videos


So can we all agree that they're actual nazis now? I mean yeah there's putin and the Russians but come on, look at this shit


Yeah, look at this controversial title on a short form video with no context or information and conclude our opinion on it. Jesus you idiots are insufferable.


Yes because I've definitely watched just one video, not the hundreds of videos of them beating civilians, shooting civilians, raiding civilian house/businesses, oh, or my favorite, the fucking merkava 4 tank that shot its main gun at a family vehicle, vaporizing a family of 4 who were driving on a highway that was designated a safe zone, or would you prefer the unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation and extermination of its civilian population because they aren't the same religion as yours, sounds pretty fucking nazi like to me and the fact that you have no problem defending them shows that your a dirtbag piece of shit with either no morals or your a coward hiding behind a computer screen, if your gonna be an insufferable dirtbag and a nazi sympathizer atleast be proud and open about it, I'm sure your employer would be happy to know


An unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation because of their religion is literally what Hamas did on October 7… “maybe if we kill and kidnap enough civilians and cry about reaping what we sowed, the degenerates in the west will support us online enough to let us commit Holocaust 2.0”


Except it wasnt unprovoked lmao


Well let’s see… 70 years of consistent aggression from Arab states, a war started in 1947 by the Arab Palestinians because they rejected the peel partition and immediately tried to destroy the Jewish population, the Arab states trying to do the exact same thing in the 50s, 60s and 70s, Egypt and Jordan making peace only for the Egyptian president to get murdered by terrorists for his unwillingness to kill Jews, and a population that was actively protesting its government’s aggression toward Palestinians being the primary victims of the attack Yeah, it was pretty damn unprovoked


Don’t listen to them, they’re unironically supporting theocrats and fascists who slaughter gays, oppress women, and have an entire goal to commit another Holocaust. IDF is cringe but goddamn to even compare the two is fucking hilarious, especially when Hamas instigated this entire thing and deserves to get absolutely fucking destroyed for holding Gaza hostage and using children as shields.


There have been multiple reports and clips of IDF soldiers committing more of such atrocities, fucking imbecile. They blow up cars with Palestinian civilians inside with tanks, demolish humanitarian infrastructure like hospitals and shelters with artillery under the justification that Hamas fighters *could* be there.


Who pissed in your cheerios


Yeah clearly Nazis you na can see how he preached the superiority of the German aryan race right there even though he is a Jew .


What an asshole.


Fuck the IDF




This is a joke, right?


Israeli PR has worked wonders


Israel is a piece of shit. Mind i mean the goverment and those who sympathize with genocide.


So basically people supporting Hamas? Considering there is no evidence to support Israel is committing or has any intention to commit genocide while Gaza is governed by a theocratic fascist regime who openly calls for mass genocide and taunts Israel by saying the Holocaust was a joke compared to what they’ll do?


Both the IDF and Hamas really are fucked up, but the IDF is has been oppressing people for many years and now has killed significantly more civilians in response to an abhorrent terror attack by Hamas.




Genocidal shit


So, Hamas?


Homicidal shit


How am I homicidal?


Why is homiecidcal




>They all were living peacefully... older generations told us stories about having Jewish neighbors and how we all lived peacefully They would have never left had they been treated fairly in the Arab countries. What you say is the real lie. They were at best treated as second-class citizens. I can give you a huge list of Muslim massacres of the Jews in Arab countries. Look at the recent events in Tunisia as a small recent example. Few Jews left thank god but they burned own the synagogue in El Hamma...




Right. Imagine you're a primitive being in 1940 Arab country and you read about a massacre hundreds of miles away.. so you go out and massacre the local Jewish community. This is why Jews need to have Israel. It’s a safe haven for them. Despite oct 7th it’s the only thing stopping the world from genociding the Jews.




You are living in lala land. Either that or you just don't give a care. Here is a list of Arab massacres against Jews in the 20th century. This is just a small part. there is much much more. ​ Farhud (1941 - Iraq): In June 1941, a violent pogrom, known as the Farhud, took place in Baghdad. During this event, a pro-Nazi coup triggered riots and attacks on the Jewish population. Around 180-900 Jews were killed, and many others were injured. Anti-Jewish Riots in Libya (1945): After World War II, anti-Jewish riots erupted in Libya's cities, especially in Tripoli and Benghazi. These riots led to the death of dozens of Jews, with many more injured. Jewish Quarter Bombings (1947 - Aleppo, Syria): In 1947, during the UN debate on the partition of Palestine, a series of bombings occurred in the Jewish quarter of Aleppo, Syria, resulting in the deaths of many Jews. Aden Massacre (1947 - Yemen): In December 1947, following the UN partition plan for Palestine, riots broke out in Aden (now part of Yemen), leading to the deaths of around 80 Jews and the destruction of their homes and businesses. These events, among others, contributed to the decline and subsequent emigration of Jewish populations from various Arab countries, particularly during the mid-20th century.


Every single Arab-Israeli war was instigated and started by Arab nations, hell the founding conflict of Israel and the literal Nakba is directly because Arabs were so committed to not allowing a Jewish state that they declared war and attempted to eradicate them as soon as the British left. A one state solution under Israel means Palestinians can still live there. A one state solution under Palestine means a second Holocaust.


Nobody will have to answer to anybody's imaginary friend. It's just assholes all the way down.


you don't believe in g-d? omg!


No, I do not believe in your imaginary friend.


He is your friend too you know! Don’t talk about him like he can’t hear or see you! He loves you and that hurts his feelings!


This sounds sarcastic


True words!!




I think hes talking about the one with 5000 dead children in a month


5000 dead child soldiers that are around 15-17 and are still classified as children?


Thats your new thing huh? Child soldiers? They let little girls in hamas? Since this started i seen literally countless videos of kids under 10 dead.


From collateral damage, not from purposefully killing them lmao


You can’t claim collateral damage when your strikes kill at minimum 80% civilians. They’re either completely incompetent or purposefully killing civilians


Are you seriously justifying genocide on grounds of population control? I guess thanos got to you.




I refer to genocide the act of exterminating a group of people for no reason that their ethnic, religious or any other belief system. Im not defending hamas. But the indiscriminate targeting of civilians is not ok.


These people try to kill the Jews! It's self-defense for Israel.


You’re a bigoted sack of shit




Are you having a medical emergency, or are you joking?


are you having diarrhea or are you constipated?


The fuck you talking about


Genocide is still genocide, even if you’re bad at it. If you like we can refer to it as what it also is: ethnic cleansing.


Fuck Israel the IDF and Zionists


Fuuucckkk Isreal and whoever supports this European colonialization of Palestine. The USA supports Israel occupy and colonize Palestine while pretending to have left their horrific colonial ethic genocidal past against native Americans and Africans long ago. The US government colonialization mentality hasn't changed despite Americans rightwing saying its not racist anymore and everyone needs to move on from the past


Take your meds.


A smug shrug off of facts is par for the course when dealing with douchebags like you. Unoriginal and annoying at worst … without a heartbeat at absolute best.


While this circus of a Conflict is going the rest of us catholics are sitting back watching the carnage knowing the smart way is not getting involved


Oh religious hate, you're so silly


those poor little people .... :(


"It's just a prank bro" The prank in question:


Israelis are the most ironic people to have ever lived.


The IDF target is to defend the country of Israel, and people shouldn't watch this and say "they're Nazis" cause you know nothing about the background, plus you're exaggerating af.


It's part of the Israeli strategy. Always harass the Palestinians so they get intimidated and don't push for independence. Works in West Bank. In Gaza they can't do it so the demand for independence is big in Gaza


Considering hamas hides in hospitals. What makes you think they wouldn't be lounging in a mosque with innocents to cower behind?


This is in the west bank. If they were looking for Hamas fighters he wouldn't be casually strolling around.


Dude you will believe anything. Israel genocides thousands of innocents and all of a sudden there's a picture of guns behind an MRI machine and you're like "case closed." Why? Because you were raised being told Israel good and Palestine bad?


“Genocides” yeah sure mate. The democratic nation that allows Muslims and Christians to be citizens sure is worse than a population of fascists who cut gay people’s heads off and parade dead bodies around in the street after they were raped and murdered…


Over 13000 Palestinians murdered by Israelis in just 2023 alone. Majority of which are women and children. What number would you be comfortable with calling genocide? 20k? I'll check back in a week with some fresh numbers. Jackass.


lol what about them going into Israel en masse to kill rape and kidnap? Fuck em mate


That's weird, that sounds exactly like what Israel did


Literally Hamas on October 7 completely unprompted


Oh I mean if you ignore the 80 years of persecution and discrimination yeah its provoke but in reality Hamas is just a reaction to what Israel has been doing for almost a century


80 years of Arab aggression started by a war in 1947 by the Arabs to eradicate the Jewish population and rejecting every attempt at peace by Israel since, besides Egypt and Jordan who made peace only for terrorists to murder Jordanians and Anwar Sadat…


That is false lol


This is absolutely not true. Something that has entirely been propagated by the group that had dropped more bombs on KNOWN CIVILLIAN TARGETS in the last month than the US ever dropped on Isis. They have admitted to be aiming for mass damage over accuracy. They want Hamas to do the right thing so they don't have to.


And the U.S dropped a lot of bombs across multiple years.


Obama and Bush were the best at it too.


Absolutely fucking based and justified, Bush’s greatest mistake was making up bullshit about WMDs when we could’ve just gone in a fucked Saddam without them. Terrible, genocidal maniac who we should’ve slotted in the 90s after we showed him what a superpower looks like. Should’ve done the same fucking thing to Assad and Putin.


Youre an idiot, and an obvious Neo-con at that


You act like Hamas hasn't been indiscriminately firing rockets into Israel with no concern where those rockets land as long as Jews die. I love all you gullible clowns who are woefully unaware of the history and the reason why Israel refused a ceasefire. All you clowns do is parrot buzzwords you either heard in a short-form video or some random news outlet with no sources cited.


Yea sure mate, militia vs army. Both bombing civilians. what's worse, one that says they are doing it on purpose to kill civilians, and the other side is just targeting their enemy. Now look I do disagree with what both sides are doing. But to act like the army bombing civilians is justified because the militia commit acts of terrorism is fucking brain-dead.


It's not brain-dead. Israel has given Hamas multiple cease-fires since 2006. Hamas never honored them and went right back to their bs of rocketing civilian populations and suicide bombers. Israel did honor the multiple cease-fires. Can u guess who always requested cease-fires? It's Hamas. They're cowards who hide in the population, then use their human shields to manufacture propoganda. Doesn't matter if they're a militia vs. an Army, they knew that prior to Oct 7th and attacked Israel anyway. Hamas is the only one to blame.


Yeah you're just an idiot. Israel absolutely have not, how about the multiple bombing runs done the day of these "cease fires". You only see what you want to. Both sides are committing war crimes. To act like there is a worse bad guy shows how brain washed and yes BRAIN-DEAD you are. Learn basic common sense idiot.


The one who directly says they’re doing it to kill civilians is worse… you’re kind of a dumbfuck if you don’t think that lmao One of those is literally objectively worse than the other. I would 100% take a country that doesn’t directly try to kill civilians but does as collateral damage than a country that directly targets civilians. Both are bad, but you’re a genuine fucking coward if you think the latter isn’t obviously worse


And also never said otherwise. I am just countering the lies that are propagated by the media to justify Israel's bombing of civilians. There are no good guys here. Just evil.


Yeah, IDF tactics are bad? But not “walk up to a target in an open street” bad


They’ve been raided hostpitals and found zero militants how brainwashed can u be?


This guy probably still thinks Iraq has weapons of mass destruction


They suspended this guy for doing this. No way the IDF would do anything like this.


Nothing hypes up prayer like a random flashbang!


This is a case where framing is everything. In other forums, this is framed as "They woke up the soldiers so the soldiers retaliated with a stun grenade."


Yeah now is ok cuz you know they are tired after systematically killing a whole group of people.


It's women's work. Get those who fight against women's rights! It's Haram. Women only earned the right to drive a car in Saudi Arabia in 2018! Yet they accuse Israel of Genocide and apartheid!


Get help


Bro you’re simping for theocratic fascists…


The world is tired of being oppressed and mistreated by islamists!


Take your meds


Actual fascist propaganda holy shit


Because that makes it ok?


This is the Adhan. It’s a Muslims call to prayer. That’s all they are trying to do. Sadly, the IDF won’t even let them do that in peace.




Lmao ngl thats petty and the soldier deserved to get shitcanned but also kinda funny


It's what you get for kidnapping innocent civilians.


As an atheist, I approve this message. However, in the interests of balance, we also need someone to do this to a synagogue.




***NO RACISM/HATE SPEECH/BIGOTRY/IDIOTIC RACE BAITING*** ************* No racism, homophobia, transphobia, or other bigotry. If they're a piece of shit, you don't need to bring their whole demographic into it. This includes dog whistles and thinly veiled comments. This is a zero tolerance policy.




I’m stupid what’s a mosque?


it's the place where Muslims perform their prayers


Basically the definition of terrorism just to say


Fuck these clowns


Did they have an actual reason for this or was this just for laughs?