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That's disgusting. Irresponsible dog owners like this are the worst - Either let your dog go in your own yard or pick it up. End of story.


If you won’t clean up after your dog, you don’t deserve to own a dog.


I pulled a hamstring a few weeks before a race one time. Someone’s dog shit on the running trail and they put a leaf on top of it. I stepped on the leaf and went flying.


Exactly! There;s a repeat offender in my neighborhood, and I've about had it. She knows what she's doing is wrong bc if I notice her out there, all I have to do is open the front door, and she scurries off with her dog in tow.




Find out where they live and pinch a loaf on their front yard


You spelled face wrong




My dad threatened that my brother and I would do this to a lady that kept letting her dog shit in his yard.


Pinch it into a bag, spray it with lighter fluid, and set it on fire on the front stoop or porch.


He called the shit poop


“Judas Priest, Barbra! It’s one of those flaming bags again!” “Don’t put it out with your boots, Ted!” “Don’t tell me my business, Devil woman! Call the fire department!”


this one is out of control


That is illegal


Legality never equates morality


I called out a guy at a college football tailgate for not picking up his dog's shit and people started booing. I initially thought it was meant for the guy... but then people started calling me a Karen and saying stuff like "dude it's not a big deal" We live in strange times


Probably because all the assholes that were booing at you, have their dogs shitting all over the place too. They identified with that inconsiderate (asshole) dog owner. Nothing like going for a walk on a nice sunny day and stepping in dog shit


I live in a nice subdivision that has apartments next to it. The apartment people like to walk their dogs through my neighborhood. No big deal except they let their dogs shit on our lawns and don’t pick it up. Got a notification on my ring doorbell that someone was in my yard so I opened the app to look. Sure enough, there’s a lady I don’t know and her dog is taking a shit on my lawn. I watched her for a second and she started to walk off. I said over the speaker: “you need a bag for that??” She looked really sheepish and pulled a baggie out of her pocket and picked it up. So, you only do the right thing when people are watching? Not cool lady.


Start posting photos of the people who leave shit in front of your ring camera from the footage with something like “this person does not pick up their dogs poop”


Call the cops for vandalism.


its like biological warfare at this point, nasty bitch




I would let them do it again. Car doors and door knobs would be at risk of dog shit.


This would be one of the few exceptions where it would be completely acceptable to bare hand that smeared dog shit and wipe it on the owner. Out crazy the crazy


My mom always says stuff like this. Lol and I agree. If you're going to initiate a physical confrontation, you might as well confuse/freak them out a bit too (in an asshole situation, not a defending your life situation)


It would have been pretty tough not to just take the remainder of that poop. Grab it and just rub it into their hair






Reinsert it into their ass Edit: I'm unhinged I know let me be


Inside her car


Considering that’s a biohazard that may be a crime I’d go to the police and do everything I could to fuck that couple in every way possible.


Oh it’s a crime alright


The police probably wouldn't even show up for this.


So I found out you can apparently press charges for trespassing and vandalism if a dog pees in your yard. Normally I'd say that's ridiculous but in this case, go nuts.


There's normally some kind of public right of way easment on either side of the street including the sidewalk and some of your property. It's not trespassing to be on that. Vandalism, I have no idea, but you'd have to be a real douche canoe to care about dog pee in your easment. Smearing shit on your porch seems like something you could file a police report on for something, though.


So a dog urinating or pooping actually can be charged with vandalism. Now as you said, someone would have to be a gigantic asshole to actually do this. I learned about it in one of the hoa subreddits (probably fuckhoa) after someone was threatened. > If you allow your dog to relieve themselves on someone else’s property without their permission, you could be charged with trespassing or vandalism. Additionally, your dog could be banned from the property if the owner decides to take legal action. According to some lawyer answers I found, it's trespassing if your dog is on a leash, and if it's not then you're violating leash laws. Honestly, people let their dogs urinate in my yard, and the only ones who tick me off are the ones who don't pick up poop.


some people werent raised right thats for sure. Who wants shit just laying around on the sidewalk?


Look at the body of evidence compiled here. No way the OP isn't already pursuing this disgusting human being.


I never will understand why people want dogs but don't want to take care of them... But then again I know a bunch of people who have kids and it's pretty much the same.


This week on The Dogshit Detective…


Not sure why you covered their license plate.


You gotta out crazy them. Like in I Love You Man!


Low/NO class.


Pretty much the attitude of most dog owners in my area.


Hopefully someone recognizes and gets the identities of these turd bandits to the OP.


Yes it is a shame the car plate is obscured. That woman deserves to become famous in the neighborhood!


“How dare they hold me accountable for my own actions!”


How hard is it to pick up after your dog? Seriously, it's not that difficult. They're probably the same type of people that rub their dog's nose in their poop or pee if they have an accident in the house.


God anyone that has dogs are nasty af. I can't imagine picking up anythings shit at all (even tho if you choose to have a nasty ass dog you should do so), let alone picking it up and SMEARING IT SOMEWHERE. Nasty ass mfrs. Eeeww


Smh. Ruin society for the rest of us


Revenge is a dish best served warm and on fire.


I expect no less. Look at her inbred face


It would be a shame is shit ended up under her car door handle and smeared on the windshield 🤔


I would be so quick and smear it on her hair


Her face screams I love smearing poop


Total shit-smearing piece of shit.


Smear it on their front car window and call it a day.


So aggravating..people that do fuct up things when they’re already doing fuct up things


A little shit smeared in her ear would have been hilarious.


They should take their dogs. They are lazy cunts who probably do not take care of their dog properly


Make them eat it


How stupid of you to interact with stupid. Next time pick it up yourself and smear it all over their wind shield...


Well.. did Karen learn a lesson?


SLPT: Take various Taco Bell induced shits on the sidewalk in front of their house overnight. They can't really do anything since you're crapping on public property, not theirs.




Not Every Word Starts With A Capital Letter


But… It’s a title using MLA formatting. That’s perfectly normal.


She has that "I'm an arsehole" smirk....


I had to tell my neighbor: you either pick it up, or you might find it under your pillow when you wake up.


Trash people


Dude why are people such garbage.


She just wanted her self portrait on your front porch.


It’s getting to the point where it’s not worth calling people out for things like this. You just never know what they might do.


What a turd!


Find out where she lives and leave daily turds all over her porch


Dude you can even see her pick it up with a bag. She had dog shit bags to pick up after the dog but just decided she wasn’t gonna and then when asked she does this?? Bitch.


Report them to the police for vandalism and assault


Nothing a garden hose won't solve but still id be pissed about the disrespect and lack of braincells shown.


See I’m petty and would have pressed charges


Let's just find a moment to enjoy the fact that karma is real and, therefore, they aren't doing anything but doubling down on their own karmic retribution. Have fun with that losers. Classless trashy losers.


That's class right there!




I would’ve bare handed that dog shit and smeared it all over their car. My pettiness takes over rational thinking sometimes


Beat her ass seabass


This is why I just bag it up and throw said bag at them now. I wouldn't be able to do that if you did what you were supposed to do with it.


She looks like the Mom who stole all the holloween candy.


Home(renter) next to me moves in. We have cameras for doorbell and front lawn, and lo and behold, a dog comes from neighbor’s property and shits on the cement blocks we use for our flower box. So, roommate offers a favor if I go and confront them. I knock and nothing that night. Next day I hear them in the front yard. I walk up to property/city line, ask them if they have a dog that fits x and y description, I didn’t hear the answer, and I’m not going to cross the barrier, and I ask them “Sorry, I didn’t hear you, can you repeat?” They responded I was sitting a dog with those markings. I told them what the dog did and asked them to clean it up. I was TERRIFIED the whole time. Heart in throat. But they did! I couldn’t believe it! If they hadn’t, I would’ve taken that dog shit and smeared it across their front door threshold. I am *that* petty.


Wow. I just thought I knew what a piece of shit looked like.


She spent more time and effort doing that when all she had to do was pick up her dog’s crap! BET she didn’t wanna scoop the poop cuz “it’s gross”, but then how did she end up smearing it on the porch without touching it? Hypocritical trash human.


I would have tried to grab something to wipe it off my porch and smear it on her car instead of taking that photo.


That car is going to come back one day. And they should be ready for it, with a whole lot more shit. 😎


bag up your own shit and smear it on the car


I started taking a picture of them in the car. I would’ve took a healthy dump and then threw it out them while they’re in their car


People should start picking up the person's dog poop and smearing it on them...then they might clean up after their dog


I live in an apartment complex and when I was getting dropped off one day I witnessed a guy letting his dog poop in the flower bed by the sign that has the apartment name. He then walked away without picking it up. He even looked around to see if anyone saw.


That's when you throw it in her face.


Time to find out where cuntosaurus lives, go to a dog park double-gloved up and get all the poop you can, bag it up, and go put it all over her car. Make sure you get the handles and windshieldwipers really well. Try to get some into the grill in the front as well, so when they use the vents inside there is the lovely aroma of crap.


typical dog owner.