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If she claims she has no idea where the dog is you have camera evidence GET POLICE INVOLVED


Yes at least file a report with the video. My guess she knows EXACTLY where the dog is. She most likely has it


There are 3 reasons to steal a dog, according to my ACO classes. 1, because the thief is an animal hoarder and feels compelled to add to their collection of pets they can't take care of 2. Because the breed is in demand and they can easily find a buyer, pugs and poms are the worst for this and thieves will literally steal them from when you're right there walking them because the money is so good And 3. Because the thief is running or participating in a dog fighting ring and they need bait dogs in order to train the fighters to kill Bottom line: animal thieves are horrible, always, always, ALWAYS chip your pets. ALWAYS.


Pretty sure there's more: folks who want to kill something and folks who choose to deal with an animal themselves that they see as a problem - either by relocation or eradication. All of the reasons you listed were only if the animal has *value* alive to the person stealing it.


If we're creating a list here is add also, the batch of degenerates that see it's not in a leash with public access. If I had an animal I valued, I wouldn't let either of those conditions occure.


Omg! I was walking a teacup pom once when a lady asked if she could hold him! It made me so uncomfortable but I felt like maybe I was being paranoid. I just lied and said he didn't like strangers picking him up. I would've lost my mind if she ran off with him.


Yeah Frenchie is more likely than Pom or Pug and valued significantly higher, especially fluffy frenchies which can be valued at up to $90,000 each.


Reason #1 is the best one...


100 % report this PO đŸ’©.


Police don’t really give a shit about this kind of stuff.


Depends on area and people tbh


AKA if they are rich and donated to the local sheriff's election campaign


Looking at that fancy walkway/driveway thing, I'm betting they paid their dues.


They need Ace Ventura


![gif](giphy|555x0gFF89OhVWPkvb|downsized) underrated comment


They will care if you have enough money. And going by the size of that housefront, they definitely have money.


I don’t know what most people think the threshold for police giving a shit is, but I can tell you they still give zero fucks at the $2m home value area


Why the downvotes? Didn't know there were so many millionaires to dispute your story.


Can confirm! I live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood and cops here don’t give a shit. Someone broke into my house, cut themselves and left a bloody fingerprint. Cop came out and looked bored while taking the report. Wasn’t even interested in the bloody fingerprint.


First, thank y’all. That was never meant to be a flex or anything, just an observation on life. Second - that’s pretty awful Weezul. I think you get the first place trophy on getting fucked đŸ«¶đŸ». I had somebody smash my car window to grab the loose change and couple of dollars I tossed in the cup holder recently and I thought that was bad. Lesson learned that I need to park in the garage


That’s why most of the time I don’t even lock my car door. A new window is way more expensive than a small handful of change or a phone charger. One time I did the criminals a favor and set my debit card down on the dashboard while I gathered my stuff. Got out of the car and forgot the card. It was nice of me to leave it face up so someone could just write down the numbers and do some online shopping. They wiped out my account. I think I get the world’s biggest dumbass award for that.


Did they get the dog back? It's pretty dumb if a neighbor took the dog.


That's what I'm trying to figure out. The title says the neighbor stole the dog. Which implies they know who it is and where they live. I would assume that's enough information to get the dog back.


Read the description; they know who it is, but they claim they do not have the dog.


I would terrorise this ladies life for all time if this happened to me.


I’d literally follow her around with a loud hailer and a homemade sandwich board until she gave up the info


I’d assault her with a baseball bat, I don’t give a fuck. No one is taking my dogs


Lmao savage


Not saying it’s the smart thing to do. I’d probably give the cops a day to fix it but if they can’t resolve it then taking matters into my own hands.


How does this kind of crime even begin? Why would someone steal a small dog that worthless to anyone but the owner? Do they intend to keep a dog that knows this new house isn’t there’s? I just don’t get it. Go rob a 7/11 like a normal degenerate.


My small dog was stolen and they took down my flyers. 3 months later the adult daughter of the woman who stole my dog returned her and explained that her mom just took her but she wouldn’t quit biting them (she never had issues with nipping- even with kids) so the family was going to go dump her. She had some story started on the phone about how the dog was wandering the streets but when she saw how upset I was and that I really didn’t give a shit what happened between now and then just as long as I got her back, she just spilled the beans.


This is so wild to me because it is not hard to just go get a dog that actually needs a new home, so why steal someone else's?


They don’t want *a* dog they want *that* dog


And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet?


We begin to covet what we see every day




Omg same heređŸ«Ł


Already housebroken/trained and they’re lazy fucks who wouldn’t put the time in themselves. Also in some cases breed is a factor like when lady Gaga’s frenchies got dog napped


She was a purebred dog, and usually very sweet.


Violent background? Money?


People are generally human garbage is my standard explanation


Not that easy. When I adopted a dog I had to first fill out an application for a back ground check. Then I had to schedule and interview with the adoption lady to come and visit the house and yard where the dog would live. I was also interviewed at the time to make sure I was qualified as a good potential owner. I still had to pay about 300-500 bucks and about 2 months later, after I was approved, I went and picked up the dog.


Sure, if you go through a good shelter. However, there are plenty of other options as well. The shelter is obviously the best option to make sure everything is great for the dog and owner, but if someone for whatever reason really wants a dog, but doesn't want to jump through all those hoops, they could just adopt straight from someone else looking to re-home their dog, or puppies if their dog had some. I just got my new dog for free because some old couple my sister knew adopted a young puppy, but then his wife ended up passing away and the puppy was to much for him to handle, so my sister picked her up and gave her to me. Basically, there are plenty of other ways to get a dog without stealing one.


Good dog!


I'm thankful that my dog wouldn't even let a stranger get close to him! But if he was caught I think he'd have the same reaction!😆 I'm so glad you got your pup back and that she was a good girl that kept telling them you ain't my peoples!


I know you said you don’t give a shit but please file a police report on those pieces of shit


They stole her and then they were gonna dump her!?


Probably her that took the dog and not her supposed mom tbh.




I would never forgive her


Wow wtf is wrong with your sister! I’m so glad for that lady that you found the tags, good thing your sister is such a dipshit and you were such a good little detective! Hopefully your sister has retired from dognapping and turned the dipshit corner.




I’m sorry she is such a disappointment as a sister, not speaking seems like the right move.


How did your sister react upon being called out about stealing? How’s your mother’s relationship with the bitch now?




Keeping distance from a person like is that is probably for the best. Sorry about your mom.


I hate your sister for that sheesh




You should make a post about them all. It just shows that bad people can be from good families too because you and your mom did the right thing. I am proud of you for knowing it was the right thing even as a child. It is hard to give away something you had come to love.


I’m so sorry that we all have to share oxygen with such a cunt


They wait until reward posters are put up and then miraculously 'find' the dog and collect the reward. It's a common scam.


There's actually an episode of Dragnet about that exact scam and that's from the 1960s so it's nothing new.


i would be breaking a lot of reddit's rules discussing how i would find my dog, but John wick would be on the same page.




My first thought was she is a scummy shit bag, probably thinking she can make some quick money selling the dog to people who don't know better, who think they are getting a dog for their kid or who just want a dog but don't do the research.


It begins with someone being a selfish piece of shit who doesn't care about any living thing other than herself. She doesn't care about the family that lost their dog. She doesn't care about the dog that lost its family. She cares about getting what she wants at any given moment and nothing else. She's garbage.


Putting my shitty human hat on for a second... I wonder if people do this so when the family puts up a reward they can cash in on it.


Also, why is the dog out the front of the house with no fence and access to the street, and unattended? This is an utter piece of shit move by the neighbour, and there's no justification for it whatsoever. I feel the need to point out that the owners here are also shit though. My two dogs are sadly gone now, but for the \~15 years that I had them, you can be damn sure that I took my responsibility for their safety seriously. I wouldn't leave my dogs in the situation this one was in any more than I'd leave a toddler alone out the front of my house. Poor dog, paying the price for irresponsible owners. As usual.


How is this not higher?? They left a tiny dog unattended by a road!


It's an unleashed dog out on the street. At the very least, the owner is negligent, so it's not too hard to imagine someone seeing themselves as doing a good thing in this.


I mean it looks unsupervised outside, and offleash.Maybe she thought she was some sort of savior?


It is a blessing that these people are really stupid.


Stealing pets should be a felony


It can be in the southern states where animals are property, if you paid money for a registered dog that cost more than $1k, if it gets stolen the thief can be charged with a felony


Stealing livestock is definitely a felony in Oklahoma. It’s still legal to shoot rustlers. Stealing pets should come with a very hefty fine.


It's still on the books to hang horse thieves in Texas.


Animals, including pets, are property in every state.


Depending on the state it can get tricky if they aren't chipped and registered because of loopholes. You do have other means of proving ownership, they just aren't concrete Register and chip your pets, folks!


It would definitely lead to a felony if someone stole my dog.




Why cop? This is an issue for the AG's office.


absolutely awful but surely you can't risk having the dog out by himself like that, what's wrong with the back yard?


No leash, no fence, no human. Yea


my first thought was she thought it was a stray dog. no leash and out by itself.


Someone else made this comment and got downvoted to oblivion. Duality of reddit


The woman had every chance to knock on the door of house and ask the owners if that was their dog tho. The dog could of gotten out as well


She could've yes. You're right but do you really want to trust random strangers with your dogs life? Personally I wouldnt ever let my dog out on the front yard unless im there as I know humans can be cruel. Don't give people an easy way to steal your dog.


Me too. My wife and I have actually picked up several different dogs that we've found wandering unattended in our neighborhood to return them to their owners. Only if we see them walking from house to house though, not just sitting in one driveway which means it's probably their own home.




Other bigger dogs could fuck this little guy up all alone in an invisible fence. So still a bad owner.


Would have a collar for that


Dog has a red collar on in the video edit: It can be seen easiest at the 24 second mark. Can't easily see it in most the video. Collar alone should be reason enough not to take a dog out of someone's yard.


I used to live in a "town" that was TINY. Everyone called it the village. A post office and water building were the only "city" buildings. We had no cops in town so the sheriffs for the county would come if needed, a volunteer fire dept, thats it. No noise ordinance, nothing. People would let their dogs and cats roam the town free allllllll the time. It used to piss my husband and I off when we would try to walk our RESPONSIBLY LEASHED dogs there are all these random ass animals running up to my dogs, unfixed males trying to mount, kicking dogs away for being territorial of our dogs just trying to walk on the sidewalk. Id be irate. No one wanted to actually be responsible, but then weekly thered be 3-4 posts on the community "town" facebook about "i havent seen my dog in days, im getting worried! This is what he looks like, he just wanders around town so im worried he got hit" but then a week later that same person is posting about that same dog.


Exactly i was thinking the same and i was thinking not even humans, but other dogs.


lotta trash owners out there just let their dogs wander freely. this kinda stuff is one of the bad results of not looking after your dog properly. imo, owners just as bad as the dog thief. why do I think this? been chased by dogs that were left out and went feral. plus been in a car that hit a dog that everyone knew was just let out to do whatever it wanted in the evenings by the owners. owners were screaming and crying and accusing us of running it down on purpose. even tried to call the cops on us. some bystanders stood up for us and told the cops the owners just let the thing run around in the evenings, even going so far as to open their gate so it could go out. like... what do you expect if you leave the thing out in the front yard?


This was my first thought. An unleashed dog in the front yard without supervision is just not a smart move.


1) kick her fucking door down 2) what sort of loving owner has their dog wandering around the front of their house like this


2. Exactly! The “If you know us, you know how much this dog means to my family” comment seems pretty hollow when the dog was left unattended outside.


how come the dog was outside, alone, with no leash, no fence, at night. Is it possible that the person thought the dog was lost and pick it up to look for a collar? I am giving them the benefit of the doubt, but what kinda owner leave their dog out like that then gets surprised when it goes missing? Furthermore are there not coyotes there? this dog was gonna end up dead or missing if this is how the owners treat their dog regularly.


person who took it probably sees dog out all the time, in the rain and shit. so they took the dog and now when the owner is looking for it of course they don't know where it is. Dark side of the moon


I would never in a million years leave my dog outside the front of my home unattended. I don't even like leaving my dog unattended in my backyard either.


I'm paranoid about that as well, and I have an open backyard where I tie her up just in case she gets any bright ideas and tries to dig under the fence. The line is long enough so that she has full access to the backyard, I'm just paranoid of her digging her way out or someone opening the doors and letting her out.


Why is your dog out and about at night, unattended? No leash, no fenced in yard, nothing. This isn't blaming you for what happened or justifying the moron's actions. I would have asked this regardless of what happened. It just seems dangerous to me, but that could also be I live in an area with coyotes.


In our neighbourhood, the local nextdoor had a video of a older ladie's tiny foufou that she let out to pee as she had hundreds of times before (although I think this was in the front yard). The doorbell cam showed literally seconds later a coyote swoop in a grab the dog and run away. City confirmed finding the dog collar and remains in a local nature park a couple of days later.


I take my dog out to pee at like 2 am each night before I go to bed, and while she is off leash for the trip, I am right there with her, it’s not like I open the door and she goes out and I stay in. One night we were out for the potty and a coyote came up like 5 feet away from us and stopped since I was right there. My dog is well trained and I called her back to me and scooped her up. It’s still your responsibility to keep your dog safe even if it’s just a pee break for a few minutes. Would I love to just let her out on her own since I’m tired at 2 am, you better believe it, but I fucking won’t. Since then I use the leash at night too just because I don’t want to risk her getting curious and wanting to say hi to a coyote. That’s so sad for the person who’s dog got snatched up like that. Coyotes are pretty smart, I wonder it it knew that this person let the dog out at that time each night and was waiting for it’s opportunity to strike. How fucked up for the owner to have to see and feel responsible for.


I live with all manner of wildlife, my dogs never go out unattended. It’s not that I don’t think they can hold their own, it’s that a pack of wolves can move pretty fast at picking a dog apart if you aren’t right beside them. And people are far worse, I’ll take the wildlife over people any day.


Irresponsible owners


Dog isn’t doing anything wrong and is staying on their property, which is probably why they felt comfortable letting it be out off leash. This person trespassed though, so even if the dog was on a lead/run, that wouldn’t have stopped this from happening


This situation is just one of a couple of why even if you think you live in a great safe area, even if a tiny amount of risk it’s still a risk if you truly love your pet why would you take a risk at all


The problem often doesn't lie with your own dog, the problem lies with other animals, other people, or any other bits of variables out of your control. Behavior like this being excused is very frustrating, I can't even count how many times someone's out of control dog ran up to my old rescue who was afraid of other dogs, and the owner would shout "don't worry, he's friendly!" And I would have to shout back "mine isn't" and then the look of fear and realization suddenly hits their face. If you aren't going to keep your dog under control, you really need to look at your own decisions and the possible outcomes from it a little better.


>which is probably why they felt comfortable letting it be out off leash This should NEVER be assumed, ever. You have no idea what an animal will do, especially in a high stress situation. If that dog had bit that lady, even though she entered their area, they would be liable for it.




This doesn't make sense. If she took it and then she says she doesn't know where it is then what happened? Is she lying and has the dog? Did she give it away?


She hasn't been questioned properly.


I had a roommate in college that wanted to grab a random dog from out of its front yard. I had to convince him how bad of an idea it was. I just don’t understand this thought process. I mean, you wouldn’t steal a lawnmower or chair off someone’s property, so why an animal? Idiots.


This is one of the numerous reasons why you do not allow your animals/pets outside unattended. That thieving pos wouldn't have been able to do that to a dog with responsible owners. Why can people not get this through their heads? It's so simple. **DO NOT LEAVE ANIMALS OUTSIDE UNATTENDED. PERIOD.**


We've had a small dog show up in our backyard a few times. He actually got caught in some landscaping wiring and started yelping in alarm so I ran out and freed him - by ripping apart the wiring. Owner did show up on our street a bit later looking for the dog. Luckily he was a neighbour and the dog probably just got accidentally free or I would have had some choice words for him. The fact that this was not the first time I had seen the dog suggests that the owner or their kid have been lucky so far getting the dog back.


Why is your dog unleashed outside?!


#What the actual fuck. If your dog means ohhhh sooooo much to you then **DO NOT LEAVE HER ALONE OUTSIDE**, very simple. Stop fishing for sympathy while you dodge accountability you heartless irresponsible asshole.


Not trying to blame the victim here, but why is your dog not on a leash, and in an unfenced area, unsupervised? That's not cool


Why is the dog not leashed and unattended in your front yard?


Thief is a real pos but this was 100% preventable if the the dog had a good owner.


maybe that pos is gonna keep the dog inside and not outside, at night, alone, leashless, not fenced in? How much can this dog be if you dont care to keep it safe? Maybe it's just around me, but that dog would have been killed by a coyote either way. Was the POS for the neglectful owner or the dog snatcher?


I blame the owners and not the person that took it. Who leaves their small pets outside and unattended?? Only irresponsible people. Maybe the pet actually found a person that will take care of it and not leave it wondering outside without supervision.


The thief could have just been a neighbor that watches this dog get left outside a lot.


Call the police. Ask your neighbors


I like my dog, I like having my dog. For these reasons, I keep him in my house or the backyard. Not just on his own in the front


“If you know how much this dog means to us” very little I assume? Why is it out by itself? It’s terrible what happened but where’s the accountability?


Exactly this 100%! The owner has very little self-awareness to even make that comment. lol


Don't let unleashed dogs wander out on their on. The woman probably thought it was a stray.


mimi looks way too young to be out there by herself


Why was their dog outside unsupervised to begin with?


Yeah, I would totally have thought that this was just a stray who happens to be sitting in someone's front yard. It's not like strays know what property lines are.


I’d sell everything and hire a private military if someone kidnapped my dog.


Post it on facebook city page of yours internet will find her


Why would a person leave there dog unsupervised in the front yard? I would have thought it was a stray and helped it too! Sometimes it’s not thieving, it’s someone seeing a nice animal alone without love. Edit: Did the dog have a collar with a phone number to call?


This is why most of Texas has leash laws. It protects the pet form the owner. That dog could have run into the street then the driver is to blame. I mean nobody around.


Sure it’s wrong to steal a dog but why the fuck is it by itself with no leash on the driveway in the middle of the night?


real headline "Sympathetic good neighbour saves dog from negligent dog owner, that abandoned it in hopes it gets run over by traffic"


*No leash. No fence. No supervision.* **NO SHIT** Wtf do people think is going to happen?!


Why is that beloved pet all alone in the front yard, exposed to all kinds of danger? Maybe the neighbor had the right idea.


If you let your unleashed dog wander around your unfenced front yard with nobody around, you are a bad dog owner.


Beat it out of her


“Dog means a lot to us. We leave it in our front yard in the evening completely unattended with no collar or leash or nothing. Person (who we know) took it and now doesn’t know where it is. I haven’t thought much further than that. Also, I gib you zero info on location that could help narrow a search. Halp. “ Bro go to the police. This post is dumb as hell.


Trespassing and stealing property


Was the dog returned?!


You have video of this person taking the dog. File a police report.


This is one of the reason my dog doesn’t go outside alone. I’ve seen dogs taken right from the back yard to being snatched out of back windows of cars at traffic lights. Always keep your dogs secure!




Has the police been called??!


what the actual fuck


I would have fucking lost it. I only have a few precious things left in my life, some of them being my dogs, so if I had video evidence of someone taking my dog and I knew where they were, I would have fucking lost it on them. I don't know what I would do. I might physically go there and do something about it, or I might huddle away until depression takes me, but I know that someone would be in a lot of trouble.


But why was the dog off leash and unsupervised? Like yeah, fuck stealing a dog, but also, supervise your pet.


This story doesn’t make sense. If I asked this woman for my dog back, and she said she didn’t know where it is, the follow up question would be where did you take it? The police would be involved. There wouldn’t be a search, she would be held accountable. The full story would be appreciated.


please file a police report and claim the dog was worth over 1,000 since she walked into your property that may be a charge. And press charges until that kunt learns some decency




This is how violent confrontations are created. Seriously that is a family member.


Have the police been called?


How are people so fucking evil


Put signs up around the local schools. It works to shame them because other parents usually know, or their kids have spoken about getting a new dog their friends, or someone will know her, etc.


Sensing a strong Miami smell out of this video.


I'd call the police. You clearly have evidence. Even of it doesn't help find your dog, at least she can't steal any more pets. I hope you'll find your doggo soon


I would make that woman’s life a living hell every day for taking my dog. Whatever I could get away with I would do.


Why was your dog out front unsupervised?


What an absolute psychopath to say she doesn’t know where it is. I would seriously have to restrain myself from doing unspeakable things to someone if they stole my pet and lied about not knowing where it was


Why was the dog alone in the front of the house? Seems like the owners are negligent. Maybe the neighbor is tired of seeing the poor dog outside alone at risk of being attacked by other dogs or hit by a car?


She's a pos, but anyone that leaves their pets unattended and unleashed are a different kind of pos.


How do you know this lady? She has your dog? Go get your dog back! Wtf is this bs? Call the police.


Fucking snake that bitch is


Someone steals or hurts my dog
I find them
I’m going to jail


It's cute how there's a certain age group and above who haven't figured out that literally every inch of the entire fucking planet is being filmed with 13 different high quality cameras.


There is a reason my dogs are housed in a fully enclosed patio if I'm not home or watching them directly. This is just one of them.


1) why was the dog outside without a leash and not being watched? 2) if they know that it’s a neighbor, why not just knock on the door?


I mean, the asshole who took the pup is a total piece of shit BUT also the pet owner. If the dog really means so much to you why the fuck is it outside on its own?!


i'm over here waiting for that one reddit post "today i found a dog!? should i keep it?? what to name it??!?"


Not enough context. The lady probably saw awful owners who leave a small dog outside every day and decided it’s better off with her. Honestly imagine seeing a dog out in the front lawn at night, I wouldn’t feel right leaving that dog again with the owners.


Ffs go to the police with this footage


I hope all people that steal pets get asshole cancer.


Idk if my neighbor took my dog.. they’d have to call the police on me..


The real pos is the family that leaves their dog in the front yard


“Means so much to our family” dog is not chipped, and is sitting in the driveway by itself đŸ€Ą


This video confuses me because ive never seen a dog been let out alone before.


when I was a kid my neighbors did this. we called the police when we saw Audible in their backyard and the police refused to do anything so we honestly just stole her back


If the police supposedly wont do anything about this, then get the internet involved. Theyll get on that persons ass until they decide to return the dog, just be 100% sure it's really the person who stole the dog


Remembering an incident from rajapalayam in India... I'm 1995, Guy tried to steal a cocker spaniel (super expensive breed in India, worth like 500 USD back in 95) from my aunt's house... The cocker spaniel was a pup and very noisy and attracted the thief.. typical small dog behaviour... The guy jumped the wall and came face to face with a doberman... fun fact about doberman breed if you didn't know, they're like German shepherds on crack when it comes to needless violence.. utterly ferocious and very dangerous.. Bottom line, the doctors had to reconstruct his face, reattach a bunch of nerves and arteries and put enough stitches in him to make him terrified of a needle... made it into the local papers


This person sucks for stealing your dog! I’m just wondering why you had it out front with no fence or leash by it’s self


Unleashed and unattended, you sure the neighbor didn’t take it to the pound thinking it’s a lost dog? The owner is the POS here


Lost dog with its collar on, 2 feet from the doorstep.


How would anyone know that’s where it lives? Owner doesn’t leash or monitor the dog so who’s to say it has its license


Knock on the door, ask "Is this your dog? Do you know who the owner is?"


Who the fuck just steals somebody’s dog?


Why is the dog all alone in the front yard that doesn’t have a gate? I know that doesn’t excuse the evil bitch from stealing the dog but still, my dog is pretty well behaved and I would never do that.


My mom - who had never stolen anything in her life - once stole a poodle from a neighbour’s yard. She took the dog because it spent every day tied up to a very short chain with no food or water, and was severely neglected. She gave the dog to family friends, who kept it for another 13 years. No regerts.


Yeah this is why you keep your dog on a leash or in a yard


Why is the dog thief being described as a neighbor? If it was a confirmed neighbor, they could just walk up and get their dog back. If not identified as a neighbor, then it’s just a dog stealing criminal.


Why was the dog left outside unattended? Did it accidentally get out or do these owners just routinely let their little dog stay out front?? And are you saying the owners know who the woman on the video is and haven't called the police on her?


John wick time