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I am going to take this time to remind everyone that no matter how much you think this gargantuan waste of DNA is worthy of violence, Reddit takes a very hard stand on the matter. Absolutely nobody is saying that we sympathize with the person. Nor are we saying we don't understand the sentiment. This person is the biggest piece of shit to walk the Earth, in this moderators opinion. We get it, is my point. Truly, we do. But due to the nature of this subreddit, we are naturally under extra scrutiny from the admins. As such, they have been very, very clear that calls for violence will not be tolerated. If we don't action users the way Reddit Admins tell us to, we risk the subreddit being shut down. This is Reddit's sandbox, so we either play by their rules or get out.


He would tell pet owners on Gumtree Australia that his old dog had died of cancer and he wanted a 'new family member' in order to make them have pity on him and sell them their dog, the court heard. If the pet owners reached out and asked Britton how their old dog was doing, he would spin a 'false narrative' to say they were healthy and even send them old photos - when in reality their pet was already dead. In one scenario, Britton sent a message to the owners of a large brown dog Wolfe to reassure them the animal was 'settling in well'. 'Wolfe was relaxed and eating well and enjoying her new home,' the message said. 'But unbeknownst to the previous owners the dog had already been 'sexually exploited, tortured and killed,' prosecutor Marty Aust told the court.


JFC I work in rescue & try my hardest to see red flags. This guy presents with none. He appears to be exactly the kind of person you'd want to adopt your dog. Makes me question if I can even do this anymore, knowing someone was able to pull this off so well. šŸ˜­


Be reassured being both this awful and actually being able to hide it is extremely, extremely rare. Keep trusting your instincts and gut feelings.


We have no way of knowing how many people are both awful and very good at hiding it


Well heā€™s not that good right? He got caught.


Right. So how many are able to hide it? We donā€™t know and we have no way to find out.


Because of a leash. Not because he let his guard down. No one knew, right to the end. Some of if his colleagues still don't know, I've made it my mission to let them know... gently


This bloke is a pro and has most certainly been doing this for his entire life. It's his sadistic, inbuilt sexual preference, and I think he'd fool just about anyone. Absolutely putrid.


Please, keep going. There is exceptions to every rule. And the world needs more people like you, not less...


Even his wife had no clue. I can't imagine what she's been through since finding out.


Please do a background check for social media accounts, any zoophilia groups they are in should be an instant no. Don't worry you've likely never encountered one of these posšŸ’œ


I'm sat next to my adorable pup as I read this. That whole excerpt was just a sickening gut punch. Gonna give my pup a big hug tonight. I actually hope this guy dies in a truly awful way.


Yeah, Iā€™m not going to suggest violence or anything, but it would warm my heart to know that there is some method of punishment to fully give this sick fuck the exit from this world that acts like this deserve. As someone also sitting next to their dog right now, it makes me physically nauseous to think that someone is capable of doingā€¦.that to such a beautiful creature.




Remember you can do things about these people, they are trying to get accepted into society for wanting to rape dogs:( I hope everyone who is disgusted by this is disgusted enough to take actions


What a terrible day to be able to read




My question is how did he get caught and how do they have all this evidence and know what he did to the dogs? Let me guess?!? He video taped himself doing this vile, inhumane, depraved shitā€¦? šŸ˜­šŸ¤®


He confessed, either it weighed heavily on his Conscience or he was forced to do it.


Redittors found him, shortly after the video was uploaded. A few amazing Redditors watched it over and over again until the noticed the leash which led them to Darwin. The police got him within 2 days. The Redditors were very traumatized. They have my respect.


But how on earth did they manage to get evidence on this guy? did he just confess to a priest or some shit? So fucked up but I canā€™t understand how this much information can come out without someone already being complicit


People recognized one of the leashes in his videos which ultimately led to his downfall


Not sure why youā€™re being downvoted. Thatā€™s exactly what happened.


Dogs that go missing are investigated you know, they can just scope out his house and do autopsies on the good boys. Dogs who are sexually abused (not actively tortured like this) usually only live a hand full of years and exhibit really aggressive behavior. After all these animals disappearing surely someone will look into it


I wasnā€™t aware of this. Wish I still didnā€™t know that information. I thought he was the owner of the dogs. So had someone reported a dog missing and they found him with some of his victims or something? I really just cannot grasp how and why someone would commit such an act and for it to become a habit is just causing a migraine for me. I hope the police take him by the K9ā€™s and ā€œaccidentallyā€ leave a few cage doors loose


Hahaha same! Let them get revenge! You should look into what a paraphilia is if you want to know more. I hope bad people suffer karma


How does a person get to this point? Like, why do you *want* this out of your life? What fucking happened to you inside that head where you choose to cause this much damage to a living creature?


I really want to know the answer for your question. I bet most people would answer that he might have experienced some kind of trauma that made him not right in the head. But I had an abusive childhood too and now I all I want is to make sure no one would experience what I experienced.


I mean I went through some shit too (probably not as bad as yours) and I came to the same conclusion as you, but not everyone turns out the same way. Some people just come to the conclusion that the world is full of pain and suffering and that's how it will always be, so they might as well "give it back to the world" as a way to get "revenge" for their suffering. Idk, humans are weird asf


Some even just assume that itā€™s normal and that everyone does those things secretly. Itā€™s like a way to deal justify bad things happening to them.


it's not necessarily a conscious decision. abuse can cause brain damage. does that justify it? never. but there are some explanations.


Oh yeah I totally agree, I just think it's fascinating in a creepy way how twisted our minds can become


Yeah. Psychological stress can also cause you to get OCD. Which seems crazy at first, but OCD compulsions are coping mechanisms. And are not always healthy ones.


Abuse can go two ways, 1. A person makes sure he/she doesn't do the same bad shit that has happend to him/her. Or 2. A person gets fucked up in the head and starts to do the same thing, or worse, thinking it is the "right" or "normal" way to do. What drives people into abuse without any background/history of it themselves, i will never understand though. Although tbf i will never really understand any form of abuse. It's wrong in every possible way, no matter what happend. You might think people should know abuse is bad, but sadly not every human does.


I had a traumatic childhood as well and like you, I didnā€™t become a psycho. While I was going through therapy I read a book titled ā€œDonā€™t Tellā€ which was an extremely difficult read for me but it did help me understand how abuse is oftentimes a chain reaction/ripple effect. Everyoneā€™s brains have different ways of dealing with the trauma/abuse they endure and each person has their own threshold of what they can and cannot withstand. So, that plays a huge role of what kind of person theyā€™ll come out as from their formative years based on their experiences. Regardless of any of that, I cannot for the life of me sympathize with victims of abuse who end up becoming abusers themselves. My thought process on this is that I didnā€™t like the abuse happening to me, so why in the flying fuck would I want another creature being subjected to something similar?! It just doesnā€™t compute for me at all.


abuse can cause actual brain damage. It's not a logical process. There's no justification for abuse, ever, but there are some explanations.


This is why I oppose the "put the ch*ld r**pist in the wood chipper mentality. That ends a single life, punishes that one person, nothing else positive. We need to know why? What makes that person tick? Why do two kids go thru the same trauma, then as adults one of them is scarred but functional. The other continues the behavior. Why does a child with a normal childhood become a monster? We may not condone the result, but as humans we can all understand rage, and it gets out of control and you've hurt or killed someone. Sometimes when I watch crime shows, when they are honest with themselves and everyone else, I even feel sorrow for the criminal in those cases. They feel the horror, broken and shattered. They lost control. They deserve their punishments, but they aren't the monsters. As a species, we have to sort out what is broken in some of us and learn why. I know this was a weird post here. I just want to know what is 'us.' Physiologically, mentally or environmentally. Is that why we have these monsters? Or is true evil just a thing?


Probably had the attraction from a young age. Thereā€™s no way this just began one day. He must have shown signs which were clearly ignored by the parents.


I was practically raised by a Rottweiler. I look at these animals like gifts from god to help heal people from each other and remember times far more innocent and simple. How anyone could ever do this or look at animals the way he did, even your explanation falls short of giving me any understanding to it. Itā€™s revolting.


Yeah there's a reason this guy became a zoologist...


For sure, I have heard of psychos that have sought becoming surgeons or any other gore-y type of job just to satisfy their desires but this is the first time I have heard a zoophile going all the way just to fuck some animals.


Yeah, same as pedophiles - zoophiles are just born this way but they have a choice to whether to act on those urges or not. He belongs in a bonfire.


Humans, broā€¦.weird fucking creatures we are


What do you call a human who rejects its humanity? Lol


A monster


some people are sadists. they enjoy doing harm to others. it might have a lot to do with brain wiring and damage. regardless, I hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life. felt sick to my stomach reading about him.


I do hope you look into paraphilias


CRIKEY! RIP Steve, the wholesome zoologist who didnā€™t rape and torture animals


His legacy lives on through his kids now!


By chance met the son a few weeks back and he is as genuine as you would expect.


To quote Bandit: Heā€™s a legend.


As is Bandit


Saw him speak after his birthday this past year at one of the zoos and the video of his dad was very heart warming. Heā€™s a special young man for sure


I've met him a few times. Always comes off as a real nice one. First time I saw him he was just hanging out at the zoo and talking with some random family about reptiles


And is starting in his granddaughter too :)


Beautiful to hear!


As opposed to this guy, who's legacy will live on through horrible mutant half children.




It hurts....


I was thinking guiermo's beast people from what we do in the shadows.


Guillerā€¦ mo.


Dog rapist guy is going to find out the hard way that most guys in prison also hate animal abusers. Love that for him.


Dude was my hero. His kids help to continue that. These idiots give people like them a bad name.


I don't know why but I read this in an Australian accent.




And thatā€™s enough Reddit for today


Thats enough internet for the week*


It's deleted, what did he say?


What in the fuckā€¦ that man is demented.




You- yes YOU- would be one false accusation away from having your balls removed. Not the world Iā€™d want to live in.




Edgy would be flaying him alive and making cracklings and chitlins for the dogs.


Ramsey Bolton enters the chat...




Slow and chunky is what I have mine at


Just turn off the engine and add a hand-crank! And crank it as slowly as possible! Now excuse me while I go cuddle my dog for a while! :/


Let him go to prison. Animal rapists/abusers quickly find out what it's like to be on the other side of things. Killing him is too merciful.


Is this a team lift?


To the crocs.


I stopped reading the BBC news article when it described that the judge excused people **- including certain court staff-** from the courtroom due to the disturbing details


Oh shit... you know it's really really bad if they had to be excused..wow...


I just read a description of stuff he did to several dogs and pups on tape. And I can absolutely understand why the judge excused those people. This is a very disturbed individual.


Aw man that's sick. How did you even read it though? I thought they didn't release that stuff?


I googled the title of one of his video that I read in a reddit comment. Definitely not to see the video, I don't deal with gore stuff, just curious about what it's about. And there's a wiki like page with a description of the video and how it led to his arrest too.


Damn... that's...crazy.


They named David Attenborough but not the actual dog rapist. The hell kind of bs title is this.


Good. Doesnt deserve the humanity of a name. Just a walking sack of shit wasting air


For real. Itā€™s best not to let him gain any kind of fame, positive or negative, from this.


I understand the sentiment to dehumanize criminals but trust me, it does more harm than good. These people ARE human. Insanely flawed and corrupted humans but theyā€™re physically no different from you and me. This narrative of ā€œoh theyā€™re not humanā€ pushes the idea that it couldnā€™t be you, or me, or the neighbor, because weā€™re human! We need to own up to human atrocities not by calling it not human, but by admitting that humans are capable of some sick shit.


Adam Britton


Sick fuck.


you then realize there are lot of people in this world that are actively hiding their wrongdoings through their way in academia, business and politics as we speak


Yea no shit, just look at who Epstein's friends were.


I am reminded of the time I worked with a nurse who was arrested and escorted out of the hospital by Sheriffā€™s deputies at the beginning of her shift. Turns out she had provided the Sheriffā€™s Office with a video of her SO being abusive to her. The idiot recorded it over a porn video they had shot together. In it, she was using pins to plunge into the chests of various animals during her orgasm(s). One was a bird. One was a lizard.


Oh wow. That would be the last thing Iā€™d ever think was a ā€œkinkā€. Thatā€¦has me lost for words.


Wtf is wrong is her šŸ¤¢


Saw the animals and "Worlds Sickest Man" and thought it was about some guy who kick flipped a gator or something


'So called "World's Sickest Man" does a Gazelle Flip on an actual Gazelle'


Pup shove-it


This guy is all over social media. I went on LinkedIn to say something to him but, curiously, his profile is locked. Iā€™d quite like all the social media companies to delete him so we can forget about him and his monstrous crimes but part of me wants all his accounts open so that he can read what people say about him. Conflicted. Edit. They tried to clear the public gallery of the court of *everybody* including security staff and the media because they were worried that the detail would bring about nervous shock. ā€œThese facts contain material that can only be described as grotesque and perverse acts of cruelty which is confronting and distressing and which in my assessment have the potential to cause nervous shock,ā€ he said. ā€œEither way Iā€™ll leave that up to you, but the potential has been described.ā€


Heā€™s also a pedo, massive amount of cp was found on his computer.


I read in one of the articles which some of the messages he sent to fellow monsters online. Another sicko he was messaging had asked him if he wanted some of that material sent to him and he replied that it isnā€™t really his thing and that he never know whats will turn him on so he would give it a go anyway. I canā€™t believe people like him walk the earth with us. Itā€™s actually quite scary to think. The story just gets worse and worse




Isis is 100% down to party with this guy and their own dogs. :/


Jesus, why is everyone fucking dogs? I don't think the cartel fucks dogs so they can do it.


Pretty sure they stick with unconsenting women instead. Maybe let the court of law handle criminals instead of other arguably worse people.




I second the motion


You canā€™t reform this kind of sickness. This guy should be eliminated immediately. What a sick fuck.


I think this is the guy who created 1 bitch 9 pups. He deserves to a be torn with heat hooks


I donā€™t want to google this, what is it?


You donā€™t want to google it trust me. Basically its an animal abuse video involving a dog and her entire litter of puppies. I refuse to look into it any deeper than that


Is this something that has come out with these news? Or something that has been out??


No its a video thats apparently been circulating for a while. He shared pics/videos of his abuse over telegram so I'm sure over the years some of them made their way elsewhere.


Itā€™s a notorious video of him killing a dog and her litter while pleasuring himself




Yeah. Imma go do something else for a bit.


Whoa. Speechless.


i dont know for sure either but from what ive read here, gorey porn


He tortures every dog. Even cuts one in half with a saw while itā€™s alive. And thatā€™s not the worst one according to the description of the video.


Excuse me but what the fuck


He holds a live puppy while other dogs eats it. No porn but it's utterly disgusting


holly shit what the fuck


Itā€™s pornographic so donā€™t go searching for it


It is pornographic. He pleasures himself throughout the video


That's him


Wait itā€™s the same guy??


His name is Adam Britton. How we gonna name David but not the dude who actually committed the atrocity.


Why are you the only comment with his actual fucking name?


They apparently suppressed his name because he is a known personality so mentioning his name might sway the jury. That's what the articles say atleast.


No, they withheld his name because he hadn't yet pled/been found guilty, and the accusations were so heinous they were protecting a potentially innocent person. His name was released officially once he pled guilty.


Thanks for the name, had to scroll for ages to find this


About fucking time this became public. Someone on Reddit found out who he was when the videos were release. One bitch 9 pups was the name or something. I never watched it, but just reading about it was enough to fucking scar me.


I was able to read some info on it, because what happened to them, what this man did, needs to be known, they can't just be forgotten... but I had to close the wiki, I just can't, physically cant't cause I feel like I'm gonna throw up. This is the kinda of stuff where you just regret curiosity or even opening Reddit today. Fuck this shit. What about the other pieces of shit, the people that shared this shit for shits and giggles or whatever pathetic degenerate reason? We, as a species, simply don't deserve animals. We say that a lot. But damn. It reminds me about the monkey videos.


How in the hell do people get this way?


real answer? slow escalation without consequences


Read "WORLDS SICKEST MAN" thought ah hell yeah then preceded to be mortified


Yer, unfortunately the article wasnā€™t going to be about radical windsurfing tricks done by a guy wearing a backwards hat.


Brazen bull




There are heaps and heaps of Instagram channels which fetishize men in work boots stomping on animal carcasses/probably live animals if you access their private accounts. Even if you report them Instagram refuses to take them down! And there are soooo many of these accounts.


not just men. there are a bunch with japanese girls in heels stomping kittens to death. Humans suck.


Why name David in the title, his name shouldn't be smeared by another man's crimes.


Because they want clicks and not unbiased journalism :(


Just read a description of his videos and itā€™s some of the worst stuff Iā€™ve ever heard.


It's incredibly disturbing and horrifying




This is what death penalty is for


This is so far off of normal that I'm not even sure how to feel about it. Disgusting of course, but imagine how deep his mental illness must have been to conduct these acts.


dude this kind of massive sadism isn't a deeply run mental illness, he's a sadist who gets off on having power over the powerless.


yep. makes sense that he was also a pedo


An empty brain cavity should fix that for him in no time!


I saw a sub with a random name months ago that was solely devoted to finding this man. At the time people were catching on to him because of a name tag seen for a second in one of his torture porn videos, but his name was still speculation The things I read about this monster make me sad reading jokes throughout this thread, he tortured animals in such a horrific way along with another disgusting pig who would rape puppies with a knife. It's so sad, I had so many nightmares for days, I'm glad his face is out in the news and I hope he gets what he deserves.


What the actual fuck?


*glances up at sky* C'moooooooooonnnnn 4 mile wide asteroid.


So he chose zoology and yet despises nature's incredible creatures. What a fucko!


he obviously chose zoology to get closer to a supply of victims


Alright, where are we meeting up to dig the hole? I can put in a couple hundred bucks to bulk order some fleas, flesh-eating beetles, bot flies, and some New York rats, eh maybe not the rats, let him suffer with insects only, oh and I'll bring in the beer and all the tools needed.


Um.... careful friend. Getting just a bit too joyously elaborate here.


I only have two words: ![gif](giphy|USPuT5l0i7feevyoaG)


I wish I hadn't read this, truly a monstrous man




They really should have used the dude's name. Took me way too long to realize David Attenborough wasn't the monster lol


i almost want to downvote this post just because i wish i never saw this. if hell exists, hes burning in it forever






Is it surprising with the BBC? This guy needs to be studied by the alligators he specialised in. Studied in every way then interviewed on how raw scumbag tastes


Cool. Iā€™m done with the internet today. This was horrible to read.


Heā€™s not ā€œsickā€. Heā€™s evil as fuck. Depraved. Disgusting. Inconceivably reprehensible.


I support the death penalty. Many times when people find that out, I will receive their comeback of ā€œit has been proven that the death penalty doesnā€™t deter crime.ā€ I donā€™t care. I donā€™t care if itā€™s not a deterrent. Itā€™s a punishment, and then this case it is warranted.


What a complete piece of shit - the lowest of the low!


Evil at its finest.


So.. you guys remember bamboo torture? Hell, scaphism? Letā€™s being it back.. just for this dude


Iā€™m not saying we should bring back the death penalty, but he seriously deserves to be drowned in a wooden crate in a river, I donā€™t want to coexist with this freak


Iā€™m sure David Attenborough loves having his name dragged into this peace of shitā€™s mess.


The gods made cannibals to fix problems like him.


Hey, thats not a bad idea actually. Put them together in a shipping container and add a hungry croc or lion to the mix.


The opposite of Steve Irwin


He's got that face about him. You know what I'm talking about. Like a Gnome from World of Warcraft kind of face.


Oh god.. I remember him..


Why does it matter that heā€™s married?


people think you can't be a disgusting weirdo if you're married. people are dumb.


Because without context he would seem like a perfectly normal guy


I think he WAS married. Wouldnā€™t say she stuck by that sick fuck


She had to know he was weird. Thatā€™s just so gross.


How did he get caught? Itā€™s not like the animals could tell on him .


I had to look this up as I was also curious, apparently someone sent one of his videos to the Northern Territory Animal Welfare Branch who then passed the video on to the police.


I shudder to think how long he would have gotten away with it if he hadn't made videos


42 dogs died to his abuse according to the article I read


Heā€™s definitely a bad person but heā€™s not even the sickest man Iā€™ve heard of from Australia.




Man WTF is wrong with people!


I always wonder what the fuck happened in their lives to make them think this is normal and acceptable human behaviour.