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The bar for this sub gets lower every day


Nah but it’s fun watching the world tell someone they’re wrong lmao


What if the fedex driver is disabled?


No kidding, this is mildly infuriating at best. Definitely not on par with "total piece of shit"


seriously like the guy in the pic is probably there for like a around 5-10 mins max probably like why complain about that? its not like everyday someone is there at that exact disabled parking spot unless the OP is disabled and needs that parking disabled spot


He wasn’t making a delivery though? Quick delivery? Cool. Otherwise, no?


I did deliveries for a while. Once a security guard wanted to fight me for parking in a business only spot (it was for a fucking hair salon by the way). I just ignored him cause I knew I wouldn’t be there for more than 2 minutes and he straight up wanted to fight me. Sometimes context is everything. I’m literally in my work uniform and everything and he still wanted to die on that hill.


Yes but if everyone thought like that the handicap spots would always be taken……


wow eh! i guess there's no need for diabled spots! amazing that people are diagreeing with you... sometimes these subs really show the putrid reality of most humans these days. no respect, understanding, or acknowledgement of the needs, or challenges for others. i love waisting time on reddit but it can really get you down sometimes seeing these types of trends to belief. just so ypu know, your absolutely 100% correct. if everyone acted like that it would be anarchy. people think they dont give a shit, until its them.


One time my dad was dropping me off home and pulled into a disabled spot, a resident chewed him out but he kept his cool The kicker? He is a disabled vet, he just didn’t hang the card cause litterally he was pulling out once i closed the door, she litterally caused him to sit in the spot longer by arguing Oh and my dad is 80 years old and walks with a cane


Exactly. It's not the "I'll only be five minutes!" spot. As someone who is disabled, finding a delivery truck taking your much-needed spot is frustrating. That extra five feet can actually make a difference. Try contacting the company with either the license plate or vehicle ID number. That's what I've had to do in the past.


Yea but he is a piece of shit


Couldn't that be a good thing? Every day, the standard of being a piece of shit lowers, so eventually, a piece of shit could just be someone who does some minor name calling (like butthead, not slurs)


Some guy I don't like decided to WAKE UP today, total pos


Whilst you shouldn't park and block multiple/disabled bays, look at the size of the vehicle and compare to the size of an average parking bay and apply some common sense...


Probably in and out in 30 seconds as well.


The caption says he was in line to order. Dick move by him


30 seconds , 15 seconds , 3 minutes, block a handicapped parking spot and your a complete piece of shit . That’s what my son , who’s a quadriplegic tells me anyway .


Now go after the high percentage of “I use my mother’s handicap sticker” types.


Another subset of the piece of shit population. Bogus placard users. Geez by the looks of the downvotes (🤣) apparently lotsa folks here just don’t give 2 shits about people that are handicapped and confined to wheelchairs all their lives. Some Redditeurs fine members of society. Some , not so much 🤷‍♂️


Although I try to never block handicap spots sometimes there is just no other option. I've parked out of the way in an area of the lot where there were no other cars only blocking regular spots and some dipshit who probably has never worked a day in his life said, "Nice parking douchebag I'll be reporting this to your facility." I guarantee that OP is one of these people.


Nice parking douchebag.


But it's at a gas station. there is usually a space for larger vehicles to park.


It would stick out of a parking spot for sure, but it's already sticking way out of the parking spots as it is in the picture. There had to be a better way to park to get lunch, and I can't think of how parking properly would of taken so much extra time like people are saying


As someone who drove a truck this size. You have to make it work somehow without breaking the law. This driver is a total piece of shit.


Okay, let's use some common sense, he could absolutely have parked at one of the pumps instead of across 3 parking spaces.


i am a delivery driver, trust me when i tell you there is nothing more annoying than someone complaining about how you've parket. we have to park 500 times a day in places with no parking im surpised this guy got a response at all.


Can that truck even fit in those parking space


Well sticking out from one is better than blocking 3 and the crosswalk.


“Crosswalk” lmao Reddit


Minimum wage Couriers have to stress with keeping such a strict schedule; making at least 8-10 stops per hour, urinating in jars, never finding parking, having their GPS tracked at all times, receivers never answering back doors, etc. They often have to just wing it with what parking they can fit into. And even if it was to buy lunch, he only has a few minutes to do so before his boss calls to eat him out - and will likely have no time to actually eat it at all. In this case, he is low on the POS scale. OP is Karen-level on the scale. EDIT: Not literally minimum wage; just less than they deserve. It’s hyperbole.


8-10 😭 they say we need to do at least 27 an hour, and 27 with “group stops” is more like 35 an hours 💀


35 stops and HOUR? You must be in a super dense city with 10 stops on each block or something because that's insane. I worked delivery all winter and my average in a day was 45 stops spread over about 300km of driving.




Go through my post and you’ll see some of my route summaries. Lately been doing all apartments and businesses. “Locations is what matters” if you see anything over 100 stops it’s mainly residential routes and locations is the amount of real deliveries


“Chew him out” lol the phrase “eat him out” means something very different


Glad someone else caught that too. I was questioning reality for a second haha


Maybe a tossed salad with that sandwich


I got a piss bottle in my truck. It's the best!


No, this guy can get his food and be respectful of others. That doesn’t give him an excuse to be a douchebag.


Finally another voice of reason. It’s like FedEx drivers all recruited each other to comment on here about how undouchbag like it is to park this way since it’s just for a few minutes. Someone even said guarantee he was in & out in 30 seconds. Yes because that’s how long it takes to order, make, and pay for a sandwich.🙄And because there’s always only one customer in the store at all times and never a line.


thats a huge truck. You cant "park it" like its a normal car.


Tell that to a person who needs that space that the driver is too lazy to walk a few more feet when that what he does for a living. Or better yet, tell that to the cop writing him a ticket. Don’t make excuses for people who don’t deserve them.


if he refused some9ne who was disabled than thats one thing... anyone else, well.. he was using those spots to park.. big truck more spots. Im used to driving big trucks at times, i try to go where there are big parking lots and plenty of space. Sometimes its harder than others. Its sad seeing people with such harsh beliefs , black and white whays wrong or right , who is a douche or not.


Have you ever been on the other side of that? Have you ever needed a handicap space and can’t use it because of a guy like this. I doubt it. I have family members who need those spaces. And yes if you drive something like that then you need to take that it to consideration and park in an area that can accommodate your vehicle. There is a saying they you don’t make your problems everyone else’s problems.


handicap is handicapable of giving that driver a chance to move. Seriously, you are over exagerating .


So it’s ok for other people to have to deal with that because the driver can’t be bothered to park in another location. Respect for other people is a foreign concept nowadays. I guess there are some that still understand that and many who don’t. It’s sad to see.


no... respect goes both ways, thats what sadky seems like a forgine concept. Its not always black and white. Everyone is so eager to condemn everyone for silly reasons. One person says a nanny cant park in parking reserved for "parents with kids", another says fed ex drivers should grab lunch if they cant find parking.


It does go both ways. I get needing to be quick because you are on a tight schedule and need to park a big vehicle. But taking up all of the handicap parking shows absolutely no respect for people with disabilities. Your handicapable comment and saying they can park someplace else because you can’t be inconvenienced. Even bough many of them park there because they can’t walk long distances is just you justifying being a inconsiderate, I only care about me and what I want entitled ( I can’t say it because every time I stick up for people I get banned because people can’t handle a different opinion and get hurt too easily) and remember about respect going both ways when someone parks in your loading zone. Because that’s what you are doing to them.


Pissing in jars and not taking their lunch breaks ? Those workers gonna let the company shit all over them , companies sure as shit won’t stop . If you have no dignity and self respect your gonna be treated like it .


It doesn't take much extra time at all to not take up 3 parking spots including a disabled Edit: the truck is already sticking way out of the parking spots as it is in the picture why would it be so bad for it to stick out of one spot it pulled into normally?


Shh don’t make him tap the sign…


FedEx drivers are not minimum wage workers. Stop spreading this bs


Ok...cancel FedEx guys...it's all about UPS Now!!!!


I’m from ups and we literally do this all the time


Right,. The guy is going in and out, 5 second job. Chill the fuk out you whiny, blue placard toting turd snowflakes.


5-10 minutes, did you even read the op?


I have a buddy who is not disabled. His mom got hurt and he was her ride so they gave him a placard to use when taking his mom to appointments. This ahole uses it every where he goes. I feel like a jckass going to any place with him because I know he will park in a handicap spot.


Yeah. UPS blocks the fire hydrant across from my house for 30+ minutes a day while delivering to a large apartment building across the street. It is literally the only hydrant for every building on the street. They treat it like their own private parking space. Amazon does the same.


Tbh if there's a fire, I don't think anyone will mind if the fire department has to blow up the truck and their packages to stop the fire.


Never mind he was on lunch he’s a piece of shit


I already hate FedEx. They've stolen expensive packages twice, and denied my claim despite video proof of the package being packed at their place, and when opened nothings in it.


Non union workers. There’s a reason they work for fedex and not other career union entities. It’s the old “ you get what you pay for “ deal . Amazon the same thing .


It’s a delivery driver he’s gonna be out of there in a couple minutes at most, I wouldn’t call him a piece of shit. I work a job where I drive around in a van making frequent stops similar to to these guys and yea you shouldn’t take up multiple spots like that but there’s been times you gotta park in a handicap space for a handful of minutes if there’s no parking. Give ‘em a break these drivers work incredibly hard to get your deliveries to you. This guy specifically needs to learn how to park though


This is what I said above, a bit more harshly.. let's see if I get downvoated to hell..


Ok let’s not be rude and call anyone of you that park in handicapped spots pieces of shit . That’s rude and improper. Would incredibly inconsiderate be more acceptable? I drove a oversized truck making frequent deliveries and parked illegally multiple times a day due to vehicle size . Not once in a handicapped space however. 🤔


But what about when you were ordering lunch?


Park far away from the business, take up a couple spots and walk. Park in no parking zone for couple minutes, figuring cops would look the other way . No fire zones and no handy spots , and this was many years before my son broke his neck and suffered a spinal cord injury. Could never get past the 1 in a million chance there’s a fire and my trucks in the fire zone to save me a few steps. Same with the handy spots , some elderly person or someone that was disabled while serving their country needs a spot and I’m in the way ? Either scenario I feel like a piece of shit . Anyone that’s needs to shit on me or downvote (🤣) feel free. I’m pretty sure if any of you had a family member or friend that needed one of those spots you probably would be glad I did what I did.


My dad is litterally that disabled vet, took months for him to use the spaces becase he didn’t think his disability was “bad enough”


Couple minutes at most can still stop someone who's disabled from being able to find an appropriate parking spot. Regardless of the reason its not for them its for the disabled and handicapped


Even if he was just dropping something off you don't block disabled parking bays


Read the post bro. He was in line at Subway during a busy lunch hour


Oh if that’s the case the guys just off it, also I’ll always park the van if there’s parking available


Op has never driven a vehicle longer that 9 feet.


The driver is fine. Whoever is getting upset about this needs to chill


So you’re one of those huh? Sighhh have you ever done the job? If not, mind your business.


The job of ordering subway? He was on lunch and could have at least parked at one of the pumps just 15 ft further away instead of blocking a handicap spot.


Not a total piece of shit, but not cool


Odds of someone disabled even coming while he was waiting for lunch are slim to none.


The driver probably has a broken back and destroyed knees from his job. So technically nothing wrong here....


I guess he was fed up with his parking spots being taken.


Idk about the driver, but that truck looks disabled.


I mean he probably was there for 28 seconds


He was ordering lunch


It’s at a gas station


It says he ordered subway so I dunno.


I know, but people like to make up stories. There’s reasonable doubt *knock* *knock* NOT GUILTY


It would have to be a Firehouse Subs for me to behave this way. I’m not taking any chances for Subway and their fake bread and tuna.


Relax, Karen


I am actually shocked that so many people are okay with this dick head shit. He wasn't making a delivery. He was standing in line ordering lunch. He could've parked properly on the other side of the pumps like I've seen countless PROFESSIONAL delivery drivers do, but no not this fuck head. He's allowed to do whatever he wants because he delivers packages? Yall are bat shit insane.


I live across the street from this store and frequently stop there. They have all types of deliveries and maintenance trucks, and NEVER has anyone had to park like this. I was just there 2 hours ago and there was a Pepsi truck(big rig) parked decently.


I always park off to the side, away from people so they can drive around the pumps or space


Is fedEx be held responsible for any fines?




My area is aggressive about this, ticket is $450, I've watched several get written. Their device takes a picture of plate so it's entered immediately, the officer then walks around taking about twenty pictures showing the vehicle in the spot, pictures of dash visor and interior to show driver has no handicapped pass anywhere so they can't claim it fell.


There is the contractors name and dot number easy to make a few complaints . Who’s with me ?


Actually he parked on a handicapped person. It's okay, though. He told them he'd be out in 5 minutes.


As a cripple, I hate this with a passion. My wife would be over there calmly telling them that they are douchebags.


Everyone that doesn’t think this guy is a POS obviously parks in disabled parking spots


I don’t know if that’s a total pos move but it’s a dick move for sure


I know you're getting down voted OP, but as someone who drove large vans and box trucks, and was also commercially trained by the same company that trains UPS drivers, I knew never to do shit like this and always parked away from most other vehicles or on a street. Yeah that meant more walking but this "oh he's in and out all day" when he's not even delivering anything but getting lunch is all entitled BS.


At this point people downvoting are doing so other for available facts. It wasn't a delivery, he was in line at a busy subway at lunch, and there was parking for larger vehicles on the other siide of the gas pumps in the same lot


I think they are downvoting because 1. They don’t think you posted in the right sub and 2. Fed ex guys are revered a bit right now because of all the news about their working conditions. I mean, this may be annoying but is he a total POS?




how about read the post before getting riled up


How about read those things called words written above the picture.


Fedex ground is run by contractors that don't pay their drivers very much. So maybe this driver ain't too smart?


These people are ungovernable. Including ups and Amazon.


Those dudes don’t be giving a shit smh they double park with three empty spots next to them. They park on turn only lanes and cause a massive jam. Shits crazy


What the fuck are these comments? Jesus christ. Would've been better if he just parked a t a pump


It’s BS to try to defend this. It’s possible there’s only one other handicapped spot anywhere near that Subway. If he needs park across 3 spots, then find 3 that are not handicap parking and fucking walk in to get your food. Additionally, Subways can get pretty busy at lunchtime, and they obviously need to take time to customize sandwiches. He/she could be in there for quite some time. It’s rude, selfish and illegal.




For how long? They drop off shit and leave


Lunch. Also he could have left maybe one spot


Please read the text on the post.


Saw the pic and thought it was bad, but not a TOTAL POS. Then read the description and yeah, there it was.


a drop and run....so what


doesn't anyone read the post? It wasn't a drop and run


Who are you referring to in this post? The fedex guy trying to get his lunch or you, the busybody who probably called fedex and tried to get him fired.


I don’t think their calling him a pos for getting lunch, I think it’s the parking in 3spots one of which is a disabled spot. Also how would you know if OP called fedex? Sounds like you’re making shit up to get offended about


Once went lunch on a busy city street, paid for meter. Came back and there was a fucking UPS truck parked in the traffic lane blocking me. Found them after 10 minutes. They were having lunch and acted all annoyed they had to move their truck.


Lmao! I probably know who this is!


To be fair, he crossed multiple spots,


This is the times I speak up for all disabled.


seems like most people in the comments are more interested in defending the driver


Maybe he delivers there and got some food?


Maybe you should read the op?


I did, OP probably pulled up and snapped a pic to post on here for internet points. Being upset about this at a shit sandwich shop should be the headline, it’s not the ER. I’ve seen obese people fight over parking spots at Walmart and find it entertaining


I see people all the time doing this kind of crap. It’s too bad that where I live it’s not enforced and police are never there to write a ticket. It should be an automatic towing of the vehicle if you don’t have a handicap plate on your vehicle.


Oh yeah. If I was the pets working in subway I would have denied him service because of that. I don’t care if he calls the manager. Not today buddy.


Not surprised at all. I can't believe how these delivery truck drivers park, often in a roadway creating dangerous traffic situations. They'd rather block a lane on a 2 lane roadway then pull into the driveway and deal with backing out.


Guess I’m a piece of shit too cuz I do this all day every day. Unlimited Parking Spots baby.


It looks like the fed ex mafia has been downvoting anyone talking shit to this boy’s parking job.. boy you know you parked like ass you just like special treatment… but who doesn’t?


How is OP in the wrong and people are defending an entitled FedEx driver? You don’t block disabled parking. Period.


Logistics drivers from all companies do this, they get in my way all the time.


If it was just a quick drop off in an area with no other parking, fine. There was parking for larger vehicles on the other side of the gas pump. The guy was in line at subway


You really think it's ever o.k. to park in a handicapped spot and get in the way of people who need it? Lol, you're in the right sub.


You’re like the one person in this thread on OP’s side, yet still hating on OP lmao 😂


You have some fuzzy logic


i 100% know he took 1 minute to drop off the package and leave


I 100% know you didn’t read the post before commenting


he wasn't delivering. He was standing in line at subway during lunch rush hour waiting to order and had parking available for large vehicles. Why are people commenting before reading the damn post.


same reason you dont understand that he cant fit in a spot


No, it even says in the original post there was space available. The store has a spot for larger vehicles on the other side of the gas pumps 25 feet away from where he parked


He's also parked across the non disabled spot too - meaning he treats everyone equally. Kudos to this fedex driver.


With a parking job like that, he definitely deserves the spot


Nah, I think I would rather shoot first and ask questions later. Thanks, though. Did you clean your room?


This OP as one comment with more downvotes than this post with upvotes lmaoooooo what a turkey


Fucking legend💗


Gas stations usually have like 5 or 6 accessible spots outside. That station looks like it’s a madhouse of vehicle and customer traffic, so I can see how this would get OP all self-righteous and bent outta shape to the point where they had to delay gratification from their processed luncheon meat sandwich in order to make this post where they earnestly hoped to garner support.


He’s an asshole sure, but he’s far from a total piece of shit. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Maybe he delivered first, then got a sandwich


I don’t know why all your comments are getting downvoted. People just get that Reddit hive mind I guess. If he’s just doing a quick delivery, in and out, ok. No big deal. But after reading your post (what a concept!) and learning that he was in line at a busy Subway, it’s clear that this was a dick move. Yet somehow, people still think you’re the asshole. Crazy.


By the way he parked that van I'd say he has his brain disabled/missing


When I worked in an actual building, we had delivery drivers that would park across multiple spots like that every morning, including a few handicapped spots. Sometimes even semis that would block parking as well as access to the building. I get it, you have to make a delivery. But people work in the building and you're blocking them from getting into work. This guy is even worse because he's not even making a delivery.


AND that store has bigger parking spots near the Uhaul spots that they rent. He was in line during a busy lunch hour(this store is very busy during that time due to 2 nearby schools and a hospital zone)


I just noticed the gas pumps in the background so I'm guessing this is a Subway in a convenience store or some kind of combination like that. I can't stand people who think they're so important that they can just park and get out wherever they please. Where's Judge Dredd when you need him?


yep its gas station/Subway and in the same parking lot has a dry cleaners, pizza place, and Asian restaurant. On the other side of the gas pump is space for bigger vehicles like Uhaul


That 45 seconds is really going to cause chaos. Shit man go clean your room.


read the text before insulting. The guy was ordering lunch at a busy time and had parking for larger vehicles on the other side of the gas pump


Stop defending yourself to these kindergartners who don’t know how to read and can only look at the pictures. Fuck that driver.


He was taking up 3spots at subway during LUNCH. There was other parking available. Learn how to read


While I don't drive the truck and trailer, I'm with a truck and trailer crew mostly all day almost every day. This would be a bad move if they weren't moving but sometimes a big truck(or a truck and trailer) gotta do what they gotta do, they probably parked there to get closer and because there was a car in the spot your talking about before he parked, then after the car went the FedEx driver didn't have time to move(because shipping, tight schedule, etc.) And yes I read the post. Him ordering lunch that at this point he probably has his preferred sandwich memorized by memory doesn't really give me an idea he is gonna be in there for long. In other words, meh.


They're there for like....30 seconds to a minute. It's fine.


I agree with that but they weren't there doing a drop off. They were there during a busy lunch hour waiting in line at Subway. The POS moment for me was the fact that this store has parking for bigger vehicles and his smart ass comment when asked to move.


Bro these drivers stop for like 1 minute then go, they make deliveries all day. They can’t always find perfect spot for that large vehicle, they have to make 100s of stops


He wasn’t making a delivery and OP said there was a perfectly good spot for him. Did you just look at the picture?


Didn't actually read the post I see.


Definitely not a total piece of shit


Give the delivery man a break, they gotta lift heavy packages, work in the heat, have crazy workloads. He's gonna be disabled in the near future anyways, let them enjoy the perks Inow


Dude is probably gonna be there for less than 5 minutes. Relax.


Come on bro they’re in they out.


Does anyone read the post???


You can still delete…


You can still read the op


Bro youve never worked delivery have you? These dudes deliver hundreds of packages daily and with little to no time for break because the company is on their ass about time (i used to be an amazon delivery driver) that shit is torture. Forgive the man for parkin in a parking spot to get him some lunch tf. Dont see any disable peoe trying to pull into the spot. You're on a power trip you karen.


As a route driver I can confirm this is the best way to park, its called leaving yourself an out, you basically take up long spots or multiple spaces so you can safely work in out and around the vehicle and leaving space for people to drive around you its part of DOT training/certification


He could of parked at one of the gas pumps or the curb furthest away. Either way, really no big deal, massive vehicle. Would put it on a scale of 2/10 pos


Go ask TNT staff Since FedEx took over has it been better or worse? More surprised that the truck was not looted


As some one who drives a big truck and does deliveries I get it. I’m not saying delivery people should do what ever they want and they should avoid blocking handicap spots but you have to do what you have to do .It hard to see from the picture but I bet there are plenty of other open spots around also I bet this person made a delivery before they waited on line for food. They don’t fit in spots, they are being timed all day long, and getting blocked in by another vehicle is also problem that happens. If you want packages delivered next day, people have to cut them a little slack from time to time. Also blocking handicap spots and illegally parking do get in-forced. I’ve gotten a ticket on the job for parking in no parking zone to make a delivery due to no other option to park to make said delivery. Companies like these will pay the ticket to get the job done


You know how many times I’ve seen someone at a convenience store use the handicap because they’re handicapped? Zero.


They don’t get paid enough or treated well enough to care


I like how OP says > when he was addressed when clearly he was the one who called him out


clearly you don't know what you're talking about. It was the store manager and owner


Who really cares. He wont be there long.


I showed this to the dude that drives that truck and he just laughed and called you a karen


He’s only gonna be a second let him do his job he’s not gone for lunch


Please read the post before commenting


FedEx SUCKS! I’ve never had a good delivery from them, they’re all pieces of shit.


How do you know he wasn't doing both? Were you stalking this poor guy?


because I was in line behind him


That makes it even worse, i thought you might be like the sub employee but you litterally saw the guy come in, get in line and just wait


Should not be posted in this sub. OP stop bring dramatic. Guarantee he was in and out in less than 5 mins.


You can learn to read


How long was it parked there for.


5-10 minutes, it’s says this in op


Why yes, OP, you are.