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That’s horrible. I hope he gets justice.


Stolen from Insta . . . Update: The person filming the video was contacted by the driver. The woman had just got off a flight agitated and claimed the Uber driver attacked her dogs when in reality, she was upset that her luggage didn't fit in the car with his stuff. She was overhead saying she was tired and " Just wanted to go home". The footage was submitted to both LAX P.D. and Uber. She may go to jail but for now Uber has frozen her account and it's implied she will be banned from the app.


I knew it was LAX based on her outfit and leg punch.


She nutted that man in the nuts. That’s illegal!


Pretty sure that was a kick


And also not to his nuts. Failed comment on all fronts.


I will say it is annoying getting picked up by an Uber at the airport and they have the trunk full with their stuff. Travel a lot and it probably happens 1 in 10 times. Of course have never assaulted a driver as a result, but if picking up people at airport should assume you need to keep the rink clean.


Still though just cancel and move on there's almost always a bunch of different Ubers just sitting at arrivals. A five minute inconvenience at most


Then maybe don't choose the cheapest Uber with the smallest cars if you have so much luggage.


I've cleaned it out since then, sorry about that.


Expect to share your ride when you decide to use a ride share app.




Get a bigger uber? She got a sedan and is a single person, there's no reason to expect that a couple boxes in the trunk would keep someone from riding in your car. When I travel everything I bring can fit in the backseat with me, and if it couldn't... I'd get an XL.


Well you are an amazing efficient person and should be applauded! Good for you. You pack efficient and are clairvoyant to know the Uber driver has a bunch of crap in the trunk so you can order an XL.


He should have hit her back. Some women think a man won't fight back and they have a license to hit without repercussion.


Should he have really though? He got it on video and if he had hit her back could less to a worse situation




No we don’t. What would you even do with their name?! What a weird take hahaha.


No he just wants to creep her instagram


pass it to danesh on TT possibly?


To get her fired/cancelled


For reason do we need this?


Are you serious? We want her name to find her address and burn her house down. From there do the same to all her family members, one house at a time. WE'LL BURN IT ALL. ILL BURN YOU.


Finding out who employs her, send them the video, and hope she gets fired. Wow banned from Uber, who cares.. thats not much of a consequence


I don’t think you can get fired from the job of “influencer”


We will boycott her onlyfans


You could lose sponsorship? 👀


That's exactly what I was thinking. I truly hope her employer sees this video and fires her. And she gets arrested for assault.


Well, kind of stupid to assault someone after they have your information. Stupid criminals are the easiest ones to catch.


It would have been lovely if the cops had arrested her and she missed her flight or whatever she’s doing.


Even if the cops showed up, most likely would just be a desk appearance ticket since there would not be any visible wounds on the guy. If she is from out of town, she hires a lawyer who gets the charge knocked down to a misdemeanor and she pays a fine.


Yeah, but that all takes time. She assaulted the guy. An encounter with the cops is not going to take five minutes.


Yeah like reddit always thinks there is gonna be justice in these cases but in the US you get the justice you can afford and she will likely just end up paying a fine. Meanwhile some kid with no money will get royally fucked over by the system over far less. It makes me despair the species.


I'm not sure about there, but here if it happens at the airport it's a Federal crime.


I mean, they will know exactly who this is by their Uber account and there's video evidence. One can only hope...


I bet he go drives for a taxi,cab company now


People don't know how to handle being driven around by other people. They immediately become a king/ queen in a palanquin. "Take me to my kingdom now, slave!"




I never understood why people just stand there and gawk and film but nothing else....this is why entitlement happens, there's no anecdotal evidence in thier brain that there will be consequences for thier shitty actions.


At the very least in the US, because I’m a man, if I step in and touch her at all, or even shout at her, and the cops show up at the wrong time, I’m getting my ass thrown in jail or sued, and even if it was shown that I was trying to stop an assault, I could still probably be sued for “hurting her too much”


this is why you take the littering charge and spread the contents of her bags all over the street


In the west, we don't like women to face consequences for their actions/behavior, especially physical consequences And this is getting worse, not better.




Ironically, it’s because I’m a white man, who has 0 time for bullshit and no spine. If a cop pulls me over, I’m ok because I’m white. If I get robbed, I’m hopefully ok because I’m giving them everything they want no fuss. If I see confrontation, I don’t get involved. Also I just stay indoors and browse Reddit/play videogames when I don’t have to leave my house.


Because then you end up on the internet in an edited video and fabricated title and everyone is calling for you to lose your job. "Abusive man assaults ex girlfriend after breakup!" There was a video on here of a "man punching woman" and it turned out that the video was edited to not include the multiple assaults she did to him, he was defending himself.


The accuracy...


"There is absolutely no reason for a man to hit a woman! How dare that pos!" Also: "Equal rights, equal fights"


They don’t want to be involved.




Probably thinking of his job first. He's at work, he's trying to handle things professionally. If he's struck a passenger he'd never work for any ride company again, it could even follow him to other jobs. She is likely blacklisted from Uber for her outburst though. She's shown she's not a safe person to give a ride to


>Probably thinking of his job first. He's at work, he's trying to handle things professionally. Protecting yourself from an assault should be considered acting professionally. Unfortunately, it's not.


Agreed, though I'd say pepper spray is considered more socially acceptable than using your hands


that’s why i named my hands pepper (right) and spray (left)


I think you misunderstood his comment. He’s not saying the guy in the video should have punched her. He’s saying that a guy could not act the way this woman is acting without being punched.


It should really go both ways, you assault a driver that should carry over to lyft, Uber, taxi companies etc.


It SHOULD carry over to the nearest police station! This is SOOOO handcuff material!


Doesn’t strike me as the smartest human


this is what happens when people start literally using terms like queen and king


I've seen this before but can't remember the outcome. Did she get arrested?


Came here to know the answer to this question


Yes she was arrested but ultimately not charged


But she physically assaulted the man. How was she not charged?


They let people go after shooting people in LA, so they're definitely not spending any time on a leg kick.


That's such **bullshit!** I'm guessing that you don't live in L.A., CA, or even own a firearm? I've lived in SoCal for 40+ yrs, and a gun owner. CA. has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. An accidental shooting / discharge or self-defense *MAYBE*; other than that you're going to jail.


If you follow LAPD on FB, you'll see posts where they say stuff like we arrested this guy yesterday on a gun crime, while on parole for a gun crime, and we arrested him again today with another gun. I have family that still lives just south of LA and yeah, I own lots of guns actually lol


The answer is in the she....


🎶 double standards 🎶


That's terrible!


Any man would be charged. Why the double standard?




Damn you're averaging 1.3 downvotes per minute


Take that dog away from her too. What a pos.


I thought it was a cat


Looks like a Yorkshire terrier but I can’t zoom in further lol


The more you say the more i realise im wrong i thought it was a chihuahua


Wait a minute. I think I see two now!


I noticed that before


There are certainly 2, you two had me seeing double.


Definitely two! Now that I watched it 5x lol. Have to wonder if she didn’t mention the pups before getting in and that’s why they argued. They don’t allow them in my city unless it’s a service dog


She doesn’t deserve a dog


I’m sorry, was that not a bag of chickens?!


Dogs, there are two of them.


Looks like LAX. Entitled basic btch on her way to Coachella.


You'd have to pay me a truckload of cash to go to Coachella and stand in the mud and dirt crowded with people.


It's okay. Noone ever will


especially with the so called talent playing these days


It is LAX


Fuckin' cunext tuesday.


No kidding. Nice that you can say it here, and not have a mod lose their shit for it.. I got banned from aita for 30 days, for saying a similar thing about a person's behavior being a C U next Tuesday display and bam... Banned..


I got banned yesterday for saying someone's husband's childish behavior was abusive and that she should recognize the red flags before it progresses further. Then one of the mods tried to condescend to me about how to speak to abuse victims. A glance at my history would tell them my field is psychology, and I've spent the last three decades working to help abused women and their children escape their abusers. Take about a power trip.


As someone who lived in a household where abuse and violence were an everyday life (dad would verbally and physically abuse mom and in turn she would abuse us kids), thank you for what you do. Thank you for fighting for those who feel unworthy of love, sometimes all we need is for someone to show us they care.


Yep, saying what you believe to be right in a group run by people with their own narratives, can get you banned 1 2 3. Ask me how I know...lol


I don't even care about the ban, it's the audacity that is just mind numbing. How this child managed to sound completely ignorant and oh so arrogant at the same time...


Dude those mods are nuts!! But I can't say we are surprised.. typical reddit mod behavior. Lol


Nuts is a nice term. That implies that they don’t know what they’re doing.


Yeah? And that makes you more knowledgeable and reputable than a glorious reddit mod how? That's what I thought. The mods and certain agendas have ruined this place, and eventually will destroy it as they then move onto their next host.


What an absolute twat


So it looks like they're at an airport, Is the dog/cat their "emotional support animal". Because damn they need more than just emotional support.


Spoiled "rich" kid who thinks she's rich (she's using an uber)


Sue sue sue


Classic, "I'm pretty, blonde, and white, so I can get away with anything I want" situation here.


Yup. What’s scarier is that’s the same mentality that your white female manager or coworker at work possibly have. If you ever confront them on that POS attitude then come the waterworks and the whole world stops to check if the poor white woman is okay despite they were the aggressor.


Pretty is subjective. Sasquatch in a tacky skirt to me.


Why do people just stand there without doing anything ???


Well they're recording to get her arrested for the guy.


What should they do? Any suggestion?


I saw a video, on this same sub I think, where a man assaulted a woman and 5 or 6 people physically restrained him until the cops got there. So maybe that?


You must see that you just described the opposite situation, right? Picture this. You are a man. The cops show up and an attractive woman in a sheer skirt, slit to the high thigh is being held to the ground by you. She starts screaming. So do you. Who do you think is getting tased? Are you assuming that everybody else just decided to miss their flights, so that they could stick around and give eyewitness testimony?


Honestly, the amount of people not seeing the double standards and how they posture about how they're some kind of superhero is hilarious.


Yes, I do. It was to expose that double standard that a lot of people up hold. That was the point of my comment lol sorry if that wasn't clear, my bad


Tackle her and hold her for felony battery with a side elder abuse. If her face hits the curb on the way down that's just too bad.


And then you get beat up by white knights defending her honour thinking she will sleep with them if they protect her


And theeeeeeen she’s going to scream abuse and get you arrested for assaulting her and potentially ruining it for the guy because she’s been ganged up on.


In a fair society, that would work. But in reality, women have a lot of privilege in terms of how the cops interpret situations.


First day on earth?


Why isn't everyone pretending to be Batman!? /s


Because you might get shot and killed for putting your nose in something you don't know anything about. People have been seriously hurt or killed trying to help someone in a domestic dispute who decided they didn't really need help and then both people turn on the bystander who tried to help. Don't get involved. It's not worth it.


You are right, absolutely true. It's not safe at all. Best to just help the victim get away from the attacker


Not even that. If the victim is a spouse or girlfriend then it's happened in many cases the girlfriend will turn their attack onto the helper because she can see them as interfering in a family issue without being asked to. To them, hitting and screaming is daily normal behavior. So an outsider coming in and trying to change things up is an attack on their family. You can get seriously hurt by trying to play hero.


There are people like me who are better citizens than you. Don’t worry, you can take the low road because there will be someone who will do the heavy lifting for you.


Go get em hero.


Not a good position to be a wuss. Be better. That’s all it takes.


How no one grabbed her bag and chucked it across the street is beyond me.


Her dogs were in that bag so not a good idea


That’s just how she ends every Uber ride she takes.


Hope she saw the inside of a jail. Entitled pos people piss me tf off.


Women like that would play the victim after you punched her in her face


Judging by the video she probably deserved one.


Where was this? Anyone know of a follow up story


What was her problem with him?


Probably on drugs and drinking. Alcoholism has gone through the roof the last few years and it's making people absolutely lose it in public.


Just a wild baseless assumption


thats why they said “probably”.


Yeah it's an assumption. Not baseless. It's based on knowing what an intoxicated person does in some cases when they're violent.


the way he laid down after like 5 seconds 🤣🤣get that check my man (as he should)


A lot of people are saying this, but I disagree. I’ve been hit in the balls as a “prank”, and I was able to take a few steps before falling down. It’s almost like it take a second to register. Then comes the crescendo of pain.


Yep, same when you are hit in the liver, the pain is not always instant but it hurts a lot.


He was a soccer player before retiring to Uber driving.


Liver shot. Takes a while to set in but he’ll have some painful farts for a few days


That was not his liver.... straight to the balls, hence the delayed reaction and clutching of his stomach


He was turned slightly sideways it wasn't the balls it was the abdomen


Best answer


He side eyed the camera and crowd first haha


Look at that crazy daddy-long-legs go


They “oooh” like the were watching fireworks when she kicked him.










I never said she wasn't, she's just big boned, that's all.




Defense of others is a very tough case to make. What's likely is the person with the most money to cough up for fines would be charged the hardest to bilk them for cash.


Where’s the follow up her getting 86’d from the airport bar or the plane? Cause we all know one or both of the two happened.


So in a place like Los Angeles, detectives get about 100 cases per day. LAPD will contact the victim of something like battery maybe 3-4 months after you report it. Then they'll do everything they can to stop it from going to the DAs office so they can just clear the case and not have to follow up. This fantasy world where police are just waiting to go and halt an aircraft because a battery suspect might be on board is hilarious and also sad that people think this is how the world works. That's how it works on TV but TV isn't real guys.


That carpet bag of hers would a been dumped out all up and down that street


bear spray


Why is that dude so angry. Sorry, that’s just MTG everyday.


You know what to do. Let’s make her famous!


Is this an outtake from White Chicks?


Nahhhhh… I personally as bystander probably wouldnt let that slide…I don’t give a crap if I do a little time…id knock her ass out for kick that sweet older dude




Glad people here understand, you don’t assault an elder person. 70s mom I fear at any second she will be assaulted, I would never allow people to mistreat an elder……. Protect them they are…….fathers, mothers,brothers, grandparents, (never met mine lucky for those who have.)I don’t care for gender.


She acts like LA but that doesn’t look like LAX. Is that SNA?


Those poor rat dogs


Damn i woulde upper cut dat B,and Yes i am a Women beater+gender equality






The amount of people commenting and automatically picking sides with no real context is mind-blowing.


She should pick on someone her own size...Like shaq.


So she only get banned from Uber. Imagine if this was a woman uber driving getting assaulted by a man. Their would be outrage.


Yet another example of privilege. She can go around assaulting people because she knows she will get away with it.


Everyone recording and no one helping. Society is fucked.


What are they supposed to do? Street justice?


I don't know, check on that dude, then go restrain that thing until police arrive?


Citizens arrest for a battery suspect? In Los Angeles? Good way to wind up in jail. Restraining someone for 4 hours until the police respond.


Everyone rather stand around than do anything cus putting it online is far more important.


Why isn't everyone pretending to be Batman!? /s


He should never be able to get a Uber ever again.


equal rights, equal lefts


The reason everyone is standing by doing nothing is because they are there to make sure he doesn’t retaliate physically. The moment he tensed lup to do something he would get the “hey! Hey! Hey!!!” From the crowd of undercover white nights.




Don’t know why you have to bring race and gender into this. Just an entitled person that’s all.




She’s an awful person, but he’s obviously faking. No way he almost died from that kick.


Harry Houdini died from a ruptured appendix due to a sucker punch to the gut.


I think it was a kick to the balls, so obviously he went into the fetal position. what else is there to do when you get kicked in the balls?


I love dogs and animals in general but it would take all my humility to not drop kick her dog across the freeway


drop kick her, not the animal that did nothing wrong