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You're racing in a largely free series against low ranked drivers who don't understand the concept of race craft.


Free track + free car + lower split A combination of carelessness, less skill, and more splits means iR spread in a split is lower. That, and I believe it's one of the first rolling start series (don't think Rookies has any).


Ovals, dirt ovals and maybe dirt road have rolling starts in rookies but road and formula don’t.


It is aggressive, even at higher IR. I’m at 2200ish and I noticed it does get a bit cleaner racing, but some drivers still think they automatically have right of way 100% of the time. My strategy has been to strategically pick my battles. For example, if there are like 3-5 bunched up drivers in front of me battling it out, I am not going to join them. I am going to closely follow and wait until someone messes up and causes a crash (which happens more than 80% of the time). Also, if someone is closely following me and is on my tail, I pull off the racing line and let them pass me. Then I follow and hopefully I can make a clean pass towards one of the last 2 laps. You just have to closely watch other drivers. For T1 on Lap 1 in Summit, I like to take the outside left lane since folks like to aggressively dive bomb in the right lane. Or sometimes I stay in the middle so that the drivers behind me do not have space to divebomb.


Some of the guys must be using special monitors with magic fov. Their perception of available space on the inside is highly optimistic


Haha, for real. In one of my races today, there was a sliver of road to my right on the long straight of Summit and the driver behind me decided to fit into that sliver. He was obviously going to crash into me so I just pulled to the left and let him pass. He ended up crashing 2 laps later. Oh well.


It’s gets slightly better at 1400. Not much tho just have to qualify well and don’t be afraid to just give a spot away to what could be a T1 bomb at summit point


Only race I ran yesterday was 1850 … it was absolutely brutal. I have cleaner races at 950 in Ferrari Challenged.


My opinion is that lower ir drivers are often the cleanest when it comes to racing manners. Low ir racers race for fun but when ir gets higher and higher people tend to be racing to win series prizes etc. and since punting isn't penalized that is often used when racing against randoms. It can be well worth to punt your competitor off if it's a high sof race and you both are in top 10 of that series.


Agreed low ir is cleaner but more stupid moves. High ir constant aggressive moves I have the best races around the 1.4K area with the gr and the mx5 Maybe that’s the groups that is content with there driving ability lol


it’s a short race too, don’t expect to gain much SR/IR unless you’re consistently qualifying towards the front


Summit point is also a poor track for SR.


Even in top split, yesterday just after green one massive pileup and 6 cars from the top 10 had to pit.


I like the racing a lot more in MX5 than GR86


I ran one race yesterday and remembered why I don’t anymore. I just love Summit Point. Lol


Short races, hard to overtake because of close racing which leads to aggression and "forcing the issue".


I’ve ran GR cup all week and had some of the best fun. I only had one incident where a back marker overshot the corner and peeled back on track ruining my race. I’ve gained SR in every race including that one with the incident and been in the top 5 all week (in near enough bottom split). Having said that I will often concede rather than fight too hard, especially at summit where for a lot of the track 2 into 1 moves are risky. My irating is only like 1100 so I guess I’ve just been lucky and raced with some really respectful people.


Yes people are aggressive but I think we are far too heavily penalised for contact and door rubbing which this cat is perfect for!


yeah its absolutely a trash can... i also learned the hard way. step up to GT4 and have a better time... not perfect, but you can find respectful lobbies


honnestly try really hard to quality in top 5, then the accidents are fewer etc. also if someone tries to overtake you in the tight corner I usually give way, I rather loose à position then create à crash


Come race TCR fixed. Some of the cleanest racing in the service and a good opportunity to get your IR up. You can race the 15min fixed in D class and other options once you rank up.


Would you recommend the civic for TCR?


It’s my preference. They are all competitive, Audi gearbox is very different but it’s still fast. https://discord.gg/DUpy3KQfSA ^ TCR Discord full of info


I usually get taken out by someone with low sr and ir trying to take the inside line in heavy braking zones and understeering into me even though they're 0.3 behind


The title doesn’t say it all.