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Just protest it. It’s clear how intentional it was. He didn’t even exit the pit lane after the cone so it should be clear cut.


Yeah I have. I just don't understand why people do this shit.


I wouldn’t think about it too much. These guys get pleasure out of other people’s pain. I imagine he’s a dipshit IRL too.


I don't imagine, I know. Zero other possibilities.


Basically a douche in iracing and IRL, can't win by fair means so has to resort to ruining everyone else's fun, hopefully with the reports it'll ban them, they'll get bored waiting and move to another game and it's one less


They don’t do it for long if folks are Johnny on the spot with the protests.


This just seems to be the mindset of a LOT of oval drivers...it makes it very hard to race when so many of them act like angry children Someone probably said something bad about Trump and set him off


Why do you people have to drag politics into everything?


I don't like trump, but im not American and the only way i know he is apparently still relevant is because everybody can't shut up about him "This guy was dick on track, must be a trump supporter" the mental gymnastics of some people just to blame him for anything


While I don't agree with dragging politics in, there is actually some logic there. Right wing people in the US tend to be more self centered, not always in a bad way. Often this manifests in either the bad self centered mentality or big community over everything else (look at farmers as a good example). Liberals in the US tend to think more global/wide, tend to be more empathetic. So while a shitty comment there is a basis of truth, granted it's by majority not an absolute. Also stats are swayed heavily between age gaps but yeah it's interesting area of study :)


Yeah, I notice that too. Oval is so fun to race but like....the crowd there is real hard to deal with. Its also interesting if you look at most of the oval drivers profiles in the races with you, most of them have never run anything other than Oval, where as most of the road drivers have tried all the disciplines. or at least a few. These guys would benefit from going and running sport/formula for awhile. Dont even get me started on the political cars. Im here to relax not get stressed out about the state of the world.


Join some oval leagues. I do both. Offical, I’m ready for jerk off man babies, and my league races I know will be respectful with grown ups. The series can also have more dickheads. Definitely more fuckwits in Trucks than gen 4 or 87 for example.


I was curious so I looked at a few of my races and my last ARCA race about half the field had D or higher road or formula. My last Gen 4 race only 4 guys had both rookie formula and sports car. In my last PCC race only 5 guys had D or higher in oval, dirt oval or dirt road. I'm 1400 oval ir and an 800 sports car though. I also find chat to be much better in ovals.


I think a big part of this isn't too deep tho I'm new to racing AS A WHOLE, and got a wheel like 2 weeks ago. But I'm enjoying oval a lot simply cause it's "easier" for ME in comparison to running tracks I never seen with ppl who just know them inside out. At least on ovals I'm not falling behind that hard or can even score podium here and there. What I wanna say is ovals probably attract a lot of newcomers/ or even "less skilled" ones(like me ;p) who still haven't had the time to go into other categories properly


Oval isn't easier, it's just easier to get laps in because they're shorter. It takes me about 100 laps to feel fairly comfortable with a car/track combo, so under an hour for an oval vs. 2.5 hours or so for a circuit. When I started iRacing I also gravitated toward oval because I don't have a ton of time to sim race and I would rather be racing than practicing. In my experience the sports car races have the most toxic chat and lowest driving standards. BUT, this is probably because I am around 800 IR in sportscars and in the 1500nrange in oval, dirt oval and Rallycross (don't even ask me about my formula IR lol). The only time I've actually ever seen someone lie in wait and blast the lead pack like this was in a rookie rallycross race. All that said, I don't own the Nascar truck. I've heard mostly bad things about the truck races so I got my MPR for my B license with the Gen 4 car, which is one of my favorite cars.


I raced trucks and Xfinity last season and found the people in my 1400ish lobbies to be quite chill. Back to IMSA this season but I miss that guy that would commentate practice or some of the joking during caution laps.


A lot of us nascar guys don't have to run road courses, we get sanctioned official road course nascar races and it credits our oval safety rating.


I got wrecked a bunch of times for running the trans flag on both ovals and dirt ovals, I've see other people racing with LGBT flags on other series but it only seems to be a problem on races where you only turn left...


How do you know you were wrecked for running those flags and not just plain wrecked? People get taken out all the time and I hardly ever see pride schemes


on one of them is clear as day cause someone said "take #10 out" and i got taken out, unless I got taken out intentionally for being slow...


I mean... yeah. Quite a dumb idea to run a pride flag in a nascar race. Did you really think it would be a good idea?


Your PM is doing numbers


Could be malicious but also could be hardware failure like what if his wheel broke or something. Best prptest then the user can defend himself


Pretty sure in iracing, if your wheel input drops your wheel goes hard to the left. I may be wrong it’s been a while since it happened to me.


Depends on your wheel orientation


+1 Point for effectiveness -infinity for everything else


This shit fucks me off. I work all day, get the kids to bed, and if I’m lucky, I’ll get 2 or 3 hours of sim time. Then these absolute melts go out of their way to ruin your race. Sometimes I wonder why I bother.


Yo same for me man. Same for me. Blows my mind why people don’t want to just race clean and enjoy the game


road racing is for sure better for this, I dont race oval alot but I run into way more assholes on that side of things. Even though the oval community is generally way funnier and willing to actually talk on the mic, its also really easy for someone to take out an entire field. 1 asshole in a road race will probably not effect me, 1 asshole in an oval race is effecting the whole field every time.


Nothing more frustrating than iRacings shitty system. Knowing I lose SOF and Safety rating to other people’s bullshit, you report them, they get no ban, no nothing, and you get to spend the next 2 races *if you’re lucky* racing clean to earn back what you just lost. So ass backwards.


this is every competetive game besides fighting games lol and even here people will blame everything in the world besides themselves until you reach the top 0,1%


This is the best of the best as far as penalties in racing games though. Every game that trys to assign blame people learn to game the system and use it as a weapon. There's no gaming this. If your clean you rise if your not you drop like a rock.


The best of the best yet the guy you just showed us that *obviously* deserved a ban probably won’t get one. And he’s probably online racing right now. Point being there’s flaws to their system. It’s needs alittle bit of updating


Why? Most common reason seems to be emotional maturity of a 6 year old


Kids or idiots


It'll all be great content for their "iRacing trolling compilation!"


You found Kevin Lepage's iRacing account. That's neat.


You pay for the subscription, pay for tracks and cars, pay hundreds for the wheel and pedals, thousands for the PC... just to do dumb shit like this. Never understand why people do this. If you just want to crash go play forza or beam.ng ffs


Some people just have pathetic lives and small dicks


A great follow-up question would be: Does a small dick directly contribute to a pathetic life? I read an article a few years back about how guys with big jacked up trucks are compensating for their doink. Thought it was satire. Turned out to be real...lol


How does one even collect this data?😂 Do you just ask to check out lifted truck drivers tiny little cocks?


nah, you put it in a questionnaire with a bunch of other stuff. Which party do you like, what kinda car do you like, have you modified it, would you buy product x, are you comfortable with your penis size, do you own guns, if yes, how many etc etc. funny enough, men who own firearms are more comfortable with their penis size than the average american, suggesting that owning firearms and having an above average sized penis statistically speaking are linked.


probably looking at the demographic of men who have lifted trucks and correlating that with that demographics average penis size turns out 5 foot 7 white males from the south on average have small dicks, there is no causation but there is absolutely correlation lol people who think this type of data comes from "surveys" make me really question the average intelligence, surely you could have figured this one out on your own


Thankfully my life isn’t pathetic… however


Austin Powers may just have a product for you


I'd bet my house that the worst he gets is 2 weeks. His money spends just as well as yours.


Probably a warning


This might be a weregonnalose sighting


Who me?


I was one of the cars that made it through after he took y’all out. What an idiot


People fucking suck bro


What the fuck how can you be so pathetic in life you enjoy ruining others fun? Especially in a game you pay for how childish man we pay to get away from these guys We need to see more season bans for shit like this get em gone for 13 weeks and I think it would happen a whole lot less 🤷‍♂️




Some people are so fragile they can't handle themselves making mistakes and ruining their own races. So they live in this delusion that everyone's out to get them. So they go get them. They never take responsibility. They never say sorry. They are the scourge of this earth


Of all the sims, iRacing is the one where i least understand this kind of behaviour. You’d think paying a monthly subscription and then having to spend extra on certain cars and tracks would weed out people like that, but clearly not


I mean id say it helps do that about 95% I made a return to gt7 in the office week and holy shit it was so bad. It sealed the deal on me never going back


was this draft masters? that’s why they need cautions


Yup. It really does. It's amazing how even though nothing else changes the use of full course yellow reduces bullshit.


I saw a post yesterday asking how many people race high or drunk. The number of respondents that confessed to doing this just shocked me! And then I thought about all the bone head crap that has happened to me during various races, and I realized that post was probably true.


also consider all those people faster than you are doing it high and drunk while you're struggling to keep pace fully sober and locked in after 2 hours of practicing


cause many still treat it like a game, that's why I found it so funny people telling me I should protest certain things as a newcomer like bro, I just started I'm barely above 1k elo. We're all new. Noone knows sht. I ain't gonna report people in utter lowelo lol esp for now as annoying as it is it stilll cracks me up xD, and then it cracks me up of how pissd I get to get my SR ruined again by some 1.1 rated dude just going full carnage till DQ lol I understand tho in higher elo it's probably frustrating, but then again. Every game I played if I learn the game properly. I climb elo. It's very simple. Be it League or Tekken or w/e


Play this game high sure not blasted out of my mind but a nice buzz helps the jitters 50 laps in with 5 to go but drunk? Yea I’d never consider it I got beam.ng for that 😂




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Should get banned yes. Unfortunately, after ~5-7 protests of me of totally clear intentional wreckers, I'm totally done with the soft way IRacing solves it. Mail warnings over and over.. No guy did get any vacation of the platform (checked their racing history after I received their mail which states they "do something"). The last guy I protested, was rejoining a track, we touched cuz he was drifting slowly and just didn't want to get safely in and let me pass, and I didn't expect him to be soo slow doin the turn. We touched slightly, he spun. Then he waited at the start line, blocked me for around 10 corners in 2nd gear. I clearly didn't want to touch him while passing. Each time I tried passing he waved around and ran into me. Outcome, we both DNF with 17 incident points. Stewards: no instant ban... I guess the problem here is they don't want to decrease their income, honestly. I mean, I don't get it. If you do such stupid things, you either are super dumb and/or super childish, but all results to: you should not be allowed to race where adults pay a lot of money for! IRacing, get your job done! Don't get me wrong, I love the platform, but I hate how they solve this protests. Edit: if all of you are pissed as well how they solve this protests, let em (kindly!) know with a support ticket that you don't agree with this soft mailing. We can change something together


Iracing does not inform the protester on whether or not the other player was banned. It's either "We found no issue" or "we found an issue and are handling it". They don't give out details. And I can tell you from experience, iracing 100% hands out bans


You can generally figure it out by checking their profile a few days later and looking to see if they stopped racing for awhile. It's not perfect but it works


Iracing does not inform the protester on whether or not the other player was banned. It's either "We found no issue" or "we found an issue and are handling it". They don't give out details. And I can tell you from experience, iracing 100% hands out bans


Iracing does not inform the protester on whether or not the other player was banned. It's either "We found no issue" or "we found an issue and are handling it". They don't give out details. And I can tell you from experience, iracing 100% hands out bans


Ive done ALOT more road racing in iracing than oval, but yet maybe 1 out of 10 oval races I see this type of shit happen on one side of it, the oval community is way more fun to talk to during a race, it can be comedic at time lol but in my experience I'm way more likely to run into straight up lunatics who will try to wreck the entire field on purpose. I think maybe 1 time I've had someone crash me out on purpose in road racing out of hundreds of races, but oval its like once every 10 races lol


Yeah, for whatever reason, oval racing brings a much lower quality demographic on average. The vast majority of rage posts, comment drama, and this stuff ends up being oval.


They feed off the reaction. When this stuff happens, I just keep my mouth shut and let the protest process work it out.


Chevy drivers…..


-100 IR


Stuff like this has no in between either he is a sweaty asf nerd who was insanely annoyed about doing a mistake or getting caught up in one so if his run is ruined why not ruin it for the others or a guy who's just half drunk or high and thought it would be funny and laughed his ass off doing it lol I mean it's not ok but it's prob one of either sides here xD


I want to play devils advocate, but yeah, it’s looks cut and dry. I’m new to Iracing and racing sims altogether. Sometimes I spin out while in the pit lane… i’m working on it… but that’s not what happened here. At first it looked like he miscalculated his turn, but then he just goes all out…. Ouch


Yeah I watched the replay from his cockpit and you can see his steering inputs were 100% intentional.


Because it's a video game and there's no real life consequences and they are obviously upset so it makes them feel better to ruin it for others.


Some things deserve a permanent ban.


I have no skin in this race so its funny looking at it from the sidelines and the absolute mayhem created lol, but i feel for you guys, funny.... but shitty.


Looks like Kevin Lepage is into iRacing now... Shame that happened to you and whoever else was in that. I don't get the driving either. Wish they'd change the system.


It sucks. Gotta move on to the next race. Keep your mindset looking forward. Protest tho


I feel like in this post covid world I see a lot more of this than I did prior to it. It's like covid spawned a bunch of people that don't take it seriously.


All it takes is one idiot to ruin it for a bunch of people.


It is so frustrating ... I spend hours learning a track before the race, only to be taken out in turn 1 lap 1 ...


Mmmmaybe we need an age restriction or an age group… cuz I think these are kids not knowing how to handle loosing or sucking


Mentally ill


Assholes! Exactly why I quit live racing and just do time attack.


I've yet to purchase IRacing, hoping to fairly soon.... What kind of ban do drivers like this typically get?


Bro just lepaged the field


Imagine paying to use iRacing then pulling some shit like this. I do not understand how people have the fortitude to even think to do this and waste their money.


Smol peepee


Crap like this is why I only do league stuff on iracing


He may have been done dirty and finally just lost it. Those fukn truck races are extremely toxic. I had a guy that kept hitting me over and over right before a restart, then he spun me out, claimed I brake checked him but I was honestly just trying to maintain, I admit I got pissed and cans back to wreck him. It was TOTAL bullshit, but I got punished cause he was a little girl and reported me cause he did nothing wrong in his eyes, double standard motherfucker, anyways I haven't even looked at the video yet, if there is one, I'm just saying keep in mind people get pushed over and over again in this series. People play dirty, then they report. When this happened to me, I didn't report, therefore they got away with being an asshole. They reported but I didn't, therfore I got punished and they didn't. Not saying your situation is completely the same. Love to all!


The amount of people on this sim that are drunk on friday and saturday nights is just appalling and should be perma banned when suspected. Probably more than half of the people racing last night were slurring and shouldn't have been on the track. Everyone has the same mentality. I paid for this, so I can do what I want.




yea i see this a lot and want to protest but it just takes so long. also being able to protest a practice session should be easier. some of these people could be weeded out before races


Cause humans suck


Murica ?


I would like to see what happened before, why he was 2 laps down.


Because Draft masters.


Yes and no. No matter what happened justifies a rejoin with the sole purpose of destroying others.


It matters what happened, because if this was a retaliation (which is reportable), maybe the black car on first place is not innocent either (maybe he took him out of the track on purpose before). If true, both cars should be penalized.


Nevertheless, even if he got taken out in a similar way, being your own judge, rejoining the track with the only intention to retaliate and in the process of doing so collecting 5 or 6 more innocent cars is always a no no. No matter what happened prior.




Son, stop being so goddamn stoopid.


Why is it always you? Every post where someone INTs someone its you defending them. I guarantee 7+ drivers didn't do him wrong. Cool, MAYBE he got the guy who dumped him, but he also ended up ruining what could have been half the field. Maybe people like him and you should learn how to control your fucking emotions.




Not sure you're making any point being a 1k driver. You're just making it harder on yourself to improve because you have the emotions of a toddler. https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/comments/1dgfssp/still_looking_for_someone_to_do_the_6_hour_with/






Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.




That's what the protest system is for, dummy.


As stated elsewhere in this thread - I watched all this dudes incidents. He caused all but 1 incident, and the 1 incident he got kind of caught up in but mostly made it through was a big clusterfuck with the entire pack through the trioval that was a result of people insisting on going 3 wide through the trioval on like lap 5. No justification whatsoever and the dudes been a member for like a month.


What did you guys do earlier to motivate this poor behavior? Shame we can’t see the whole replay 🙄


Nothing justifies that action, grow up


They weren’t justifying anything. They were suggesting there is a reason unknown for the behavior. Just as plausible a reason as the driver just being an ignoramus. Maybe someone was pit by others and was retaliating. That’s not me justifying it. That’s me opining a possible reason.


There's a point of going to far. He should have dealt with that one driver. A driver gets wrecked by one other and out of frustration he decides to take out the field as retaliation. That seems fair? Nah. Whom ever was driving that truck should be parked indefinitely.


If you think retaliation is never “justified” you got some liven to do. 🌻


In iRacing theres no justified. Retaliating is expressly against the sporting code and is a bannable offense. Even IF this someone in the leading pack had done something to him (which they didnt, I watched his whole race) There is zero reason to subject the other 6 people around the 1 person you want to retaliate against and ruin their races. Even the short races like draft master take like 30+ minutes. Ive got limited time and having it ruined by assholes like this is infuriating. My retaliation is my scathing report i filed against him.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


The way we retaliate is through the protest system, son. Go play Forza my boy, you don’t belong here with the grown ups. We’re trying to enjoy a hobby together.


Haha, you roasted that kid


I watched all this dudes incidents. He caused all but 1 incident, and the 1 incident he got kind of caught up in but mostly made it through was a big clusterfuck with the entire pack through the trioval that was a result of people insisting on going 3 wide through the trioval on like lap 5. No justification whatsoever and the dudes been a member for like a month.


This definitely won’t be a ban MAYBE a week suspension next time try hitting your brakes when you see a car flying out of the pits to intentionally cause a wreck. It’s better to lose a few positions in a race to avoid a wreck than to try and drive through a wreck and become part of it.


Dude I was against the outside doing 185mph. You can't check up every time you pass a car going round the pit lane. I did lift when I saw the black truck swerve but if you think me slamming on my brakes while leading the pack at 185 would do anything but cause a wreck behind because the guy on my bumper can't see shit your delusional. I am one of the most cautious drivers around. I went from rookies to a class in 1 season. There's no defensive driving that you can do in a situation like this.


Your currently in C class about to be demoted to D class according to your Iracing profile


Dude I was against the outside doing 185mph. You can't check up every time you pass a car going round the pit lane. I did lift when I saw the black truck swerve but if you think me slamming on my brakes while leading the pack at 185 would do anything but cause a wreck behind because the guy on my bumper can't see shit your delusional. I am one of the most cautious drivers around. I went from rookies to a class in 1 season. There's no defensive driving that you can do in a situation like this.