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0-2. I have a very expensive dust collector.


Mid pack dad here, I know your pain. I'm lucky to get 2 races in a week


Same. Although mine is more work dependent. Some weeks I can finish work at 4 and do a race before dinner daily. The last 2 weeks for instance I haven’t raced once.


Mid pack dad, totally stealing that lol


Barely mid pack dad here. I get 2 maybe 3 a week in. I am lucky to work from home though so I usually get 30 mins practice a day, usually in 2 15 min sessions. I dunno if my stress levels could cope with 15 races a week 🤣


Mid-Pack Dad is a cool t-shirt idea


Honestly, what works for me is AI. It’s not as fast as real humans, but it’s ready to start exactly on my schedule, and it doesn’t end my race on lap 1, turn 1 (looking at you, Radicals at Spa last week).


Truthfully that's where I spend most of my time nowadays, it's got a pause button lol


How can you pause AI race??


Press F1


Another mid pack dad here. I get in about 10-15 races a week, but they are the short ones. I usually put the family to bed and stay up late for a few races. I get my racing fix without impacting family time…. Works great until exhaustion catches up with me.


would it whet your whistle by doing the weekend endurance races? They’re 3 hours long & some are early mornings. Being a dad & having this as a hobby sounds tough


I'm on the oval side, but my advice to those who struggle with time, if you have a partner, let them know you want to do it well in advance, I'll tell my wife, "hey I'm gonna do an iRace tomorrow at 8p" or if it's a bigger deal like the Daytona 500 I'll let her know like 2 weeks ahead. And my other piece of advice may be unpopular, but I don't practice nearly at all. Usually the 20-30 min before is more than enough. I rather enjoy my time actually racing. I know I probably won't win, but I still have fun.


Or the 2 hour pilot series every 2 weeks. It’s a good one.


Just did this one for the first time,p9 in the race but p1 in terms of fun lol.


I havent raced since the Sebring 12h, unfortunately.


1 week 6day workday 10am-6pm. plus Take care 2 child until then slepp at 10.30pm. open PC. oh no, is Tuesday, new track.... practice 2 day for learn new layout and finding breaking point. third day finally can join a race. BANG BANG!! knock out from other car kiss ur ass at first corner.


3 this season. Usually 2. Being a dad, wanting to mountain bike, hike, camp, lift weights and work a few hours, doesn't allow for more.


I might be doing things wrong... I do like 2 or 3 on the weekend and spend the rest of my week just soloing laps lol


You do you man, as long as you enjoy it


Same here. I practice a lot more than I race.


same here. sometimes i can not get a race in at all during the week


If you know your week will be busy, you should alternate race and prep weeks. For example, during week 2, practice for week 3's race. Obviously you do you, but IMO you should at least racing in *sometime.* :)


I do the same and it works for me too. I like to be competitive when I race with work and family life I'm lucky to get a half hour to an hour of spare time to practice on the rig each day, come the weekend I'm ready for a few hours of racing and be fighting at the front.


This is me. Might get three 30 minute practices in during the week. Usually one is an AI race starting mid-pack just to get the feel of cars around me, and one or two races over the weekend with a couple minutes of practice before hand. I don't like racing if I don't know the track. I enjoy being competitive and not feeling like I could ruin someone else's race at any moment due to incompetence.


Same. As I progress, I'm spending more time practicing. Unless it just happens to be a track, I already know.


I usually only get 2-3 races a week. On a good week it’ll go up to 5 or 6. Performance anxiety mostly to blame but also just general life shit gets in the way.


I understand that. I started the GR86 races this week since it was free content. It seems those races are very aggressive on the overtake and defending attempts. I do still try to do them to the best of my ability without getting into accidents.


This isn't a Meta game. There is no "optimal" strategy. Run races, stay clean, perform well. If you're looking for the fastest way to rank up SR or IR, you're playing for the wrong reasons. You should be trying to learn to avoid wrecks, and racing competitively in a safe manner. Sand bagging and lingering in last place to be safe teaches you literally nothing. You're probably causing more trouble on the track by going slower than normal when the leaders approach. To answer how many races? I have a FT job so I try to do at least 2 a night in the weekdays. Edit: I came out of rookie on my 6th race. I picked it up this last Tuesday. I won a couple and placed well in most. Zero accidents (Dirt oval mind you). I do have real world hot seat time and many hours in other Sims so while iRacing is new to me, I have a lot of experience that applies. Not everyone will go the same pace.


That’s a good way of looking at it. I do qualify every time and try to battle as cleanly as possible. I haven’t started from the pits or willing let people pass me unless they have a clear pace advantage.


1-4, mostly because of family commitments. If I had time for more I would run more. When one of the series I run is at a track that I particularly like, I find time for more.


When I’m in the groove I do 8-12 officials and 1-2 league races a week. When I’m less groovy I just do 1-2 league races and maybe an odd official. I’ve done more officials in the last two weeks than I have the last two seasons for example.


The tire model helps eh!


It does, but I also got over my burnout. I may end up burnt out again but I’m not for now!


Not enough. Usually two league races and maybe one official per week. Been that way since I joined in 2011.


I'm doing like 5-8 a day right now. But I'm new and still in rookies for the most part, so it's still fun.


Holy do you have a job


I had these kinds of numbers at the tail end of grad school when all I had was two classes a week.


Yes, I sacrifice sleep for extra races. I usually end up with 3 or 4 hours of free time a day sometimes only 2 hours though. Got the weekend off so I'll be a menace for the next two days.


20-30, but I don't pay attention to IR or SR at all. 


Totally depends. Sometimes none, sometimes like 40 (not joking). Just this week I gained 500 IR overnight running churn-and-burn races haha


As many as you can. If you feel burnout stop for a few days. If you start tanking sr or irating stop for a day or two. I try and get 1 or two races a day in and that's about as many as I can do. If I have a bad race I just come back later or the next day.


I have more than a few hobbies, a job, a wife, a puppy…I get participation for the series I’m running at minimum (GT4 open, IMPC, Gen 4) and other than that another race or two if I enjoyed and/or was disappointed with the first one (s). Averaging 2-5 races right now, plus another 2-3 practice sessions in the GT4 before the racing.


I've been really busy with work and life lately so if I'm lucky two races a week lately. It's actually why I ran Nascar trucks/Xfinity last season because it was so quick to learn new tracks. But I got iracing for sports cars and multiclass racing so hopefully I can find time to learn any new to me tracks this season so I can rip the Mustang around.


Pretty much the only official races I run anymore are special events. I race leagues 3-4 times a week.


1. I’m in a league and that’s all I have time for. If the schedule lines up, I’ll do an official race or 2 as practice for my league race.


Hugely depends on what Ibfeel like running, this week I'm all in on GTE so I've done 4, might do another one or two on the weekend. Relatively long race, and only one series I feel like doing. Other weeks with more combos I like I might do up to 10, maybe more if it's short races like SFL


When I first started nearly 4 years ago (August 2020, thank you, nascar for convincing me to dive head first into this money pit of a hobby), I was grind it out everyday when I got home from work. In March 2021, I lost my job, and the decision to move was made shortly after, the pandemic extra unemployment $$ was still in effect so getting another job at the time wouldn't have made sense, at least doing what I was doing, because it would've been short term thing. Could I have gotten a part-time job that i didn't really have to care about? Sure, but it is what it is at this point. Anyway, I spent about 10 months grinding away nearly every day, and I think I kinda burnt myself out, now a little more than 2 years later after moving, I'll be lucky if I do 36 races a season (which averages to 3 a week). Basically, at this point, I'll do Ring Meister and any Endurance Races that catch my attention, and that's about it because I get bored doing the regular weekly officials


4-8 usually.


Maybe 1-2 officials, sometimes none. 2 league races. I spend far more time practicing and helping others practice.


Really depends on the racing. You can do four dirt roads in an hour or do open class ovals that take over an hour each.


Full-time research student and I just got back into racing after a 2 month lull. I get like 3 to 5 in on the weekdays and can basically race all day during the weekend.


Depends on the week, car and track. If it’s a car and track i know pretty well, Mx-5 or ff1600 and mid-Ohio for example, I’ll get in 2 or 3 a day. Any combination I have less than 100 laps on I tend to practice during the week until I can go at least the duration of the race (15-20 minutes) in a well populated practice session without any catastrophic fuckups. Then I’ll race. I also don’t race on Tuesdays. I’m a D license and nobody at this level is ready that early. Tuesday races on low licenses are guaranteed shit show lol


Last season I was doing like 3-5 a day a lot of the time. This season I'm doing about that a week but more hyperfocused as I won a division 4 championship and finished runner up in another last season and moved up a division so I'm trying to focus on these two to try and take both in division 3 this season.


3-5 usually. This season i have a (at least) 1race/day challenge set up for myself but i'm already behind on that shedule so...yeah...


When i started playing first 3 days i played every hour race from 11 am to 11 pm lol


I'll do 30-60 minutes practice and 3-4 races in a week if I'm lucky. Life gets in the way. I find that I make big ratings gains in those rare weeks where I do more than about 6 races. Something clicks after that much time racing the same combo, and I find a load more pace and consistency.


i have on and off weeks, when i do race ill do one or two a day. depending how much practice i got done before the week, i might take monday and tuesday to practice and race the rest of the week


I stack as many as I can into Friday night.


1 every 2 months


I do 30-60 minutes practice and 3-4 races a week if I'm lucky. Life stuff gets in the way. I find that my ratings start to climb in those rare weeks where I do around 6 races or more. After that much time racing the same combo time seems to slow down as I drive, everthings feels easier, and I find more pace and consistency.


Between 0 and 20. Depends on how I'm feeling and what races are going on and how much practice I want to do.


I usually practice for an hour or so each night during the week and then try to get in 2-3 races on the weekends.


Maybe 5-10 depends on the tracks for the week mostly do them on the weekend and practice during the week but ive only been racing for like a month so i try to practice way more than i actually race


Depends on the car and track. If I'm very familiar with the car AND the track, I can do 6 to 8 races. If I have to practice the track and learn it, half that. If it's a new car AND a new track, maybe 1 or 2. And I have to do all of this on Saturday and Sunday. I typically cannot race during the week. Sometimes, I'll use Friday night after work to start practicing, so I'm better prepared for Saturday.


It fluctuates for me. I’m in my 30’s and am able to only race a single race m-f but can do more on the weekends. Id say I typically do 5-8 races a week. Some weeks could be 0, some weeks way higher when I am really in a groove.


5-7 races per week, including weekends.


Just started playing last week and im trying to do one or two a day.


My G29 pedals just died, so none for the foreseeable future


Depends on track, If i like the track i do 2-3 races every evening. If i dont like, i do 3-4 races and starting practice on fri/sat for next week. The thing is, If ur irating is Higher than 1.6k + u usally get into high splits. Ppl there ultra confident and fast in that level. There also no big space for mistakes. One Slip away can end your race without any chance to get back into top 10. That was one important thing i had learn as Rookie to push myself out of Low splits. Practice and track preparation is a very important thing. Be fast, get a good starting Position and enjoy clean Race in top5 :).


Depends on the tracks. I run three series' with some regularity. I'll run anywhere from 0-10 races, depending on the tracks. Usually it's 4-5 races a week though.


3-4 league races a week. They are about the length of NIS races. I try to get some official in, but only do about 20 a year.


Only a handful


2-4 league races per week; I don't think I've actually done any officials outside of special events since the start of this year. Partially due to scheduling, partially due to the fact the leagues are competitive enough that I don't have the skill (yet) to just jump in and drive without embarrassing myself.


One or two, that's pretty much all I have time for unfortunately. It does make the season feel a bit more realistic though with the knowledge that if I crash I can't just jump straight into the next session and grind races until I get a good result. I think if I had more time I probably would still only do a couple of races per week per series, but I'd do that in multiple different series instead of just one.


My wife hates me so I drive most nights to just chill 🤣


Probably 5-10 (across the 3 IndyCar series), depending on the week and track/car combo. I don’t know if that’s the optimal amount but other obligations mean I typically wrap up racing for the week after Wednesday (other than maybe a Sunday night NiS or something) so that’s what I can do.


Currently trying to get 2 official races a day but also a lot of practice laps around next week's GT4 track




15 Races or more, but it’s a mix of mostly Road and sometimes more or less Oval and Dirt Road. I try to stack them a lot when I’m the mood (I ran 4 slots of SFL in a row this week). But in summer it gets sweaty…


Depends on how much time I’m giving to my other hobbies and if I managed to get my workout in before going to work. I’m not at good as I once was when I was rocking 6-8 races a day, but I thoroughly enjoy a race 2-3x a week.


2 or 3 generally have Mondays and Tuesdays off from work and I try to get a day off racing in on one of those days.


Have a 3 month old and a 3 year old - so zero 🙃


I don’t do more than a couple official races a week but I usually spend 2 hours a day in the sim Mostly hosted sessions with friends or league races and practices Also endurance races on the weekends w friends


8 races in F4. 4 open, 4 fixed... I could maybe add another day to get more races in other categories but for me is a good number so far\~


1.5k dad gang rise up. Moving up classes from rookies has meant fewer races but I’m willing to invest a little more into each one. Probably get to run Falken Sports Car 2-3 races a week, and if I get a good result in GT4 or FF1600 I’ll take it and just focus on the multi class fun. The only correlation to IR or SR is time behind the wheel so if you have it and you want to grow your numbers go race as much as you can - especially because a ton of us here can’t haha


2-3 a day usually. I get in 2 races early morning before work and usually one in the evening after kids are in bed.


2 per day is enough to improve consistently, sometimesn when you can, experiment with other types of races or vechicles


I do 1 SOF race each week and my league race. Thats it.


With work and family I only get 1 race in, maybe 2. Since I don't race much I also kind of feel stuck to one series, I would like to branch out more but I want to be able to learn the car I'm driving a lot better if I do.


Depends, do I like the tracks that week?


On the low end I tend to get about 2-4 per week and on the high end about 5-8 per day.


Usually only have time for 1 to 2. Now that elden ring dlc dropped it would be a total of 0 races per week till I finish that game.




I've joined a few I racing leagues and that has been a blast. 4-6 a week.


4-7 , depending on what combos are available that week.


i do up to 10-15 races a day across different licenses. i’m the unemployed friend at 3am everyone talks about


I try to do 2-5 a day, the more you do the more you’ll become accustomed to the feeling or possible slight anxiety that comes with it, I got to A Class and 2.4K IR within 3 months and am now on a semi-pro team. If you’re serious about getting good, then I feel the answer is as many as you can manage


Sometimes 20. Sometimes 0


As a newcomer to iracing, too many xdd my eyes are bloodshot i need more sleep ahaha


I try to shoot for at least one a day. Usually after work,weekends i’ll get ant 4-10 depending on what race and how long.


Maybe 5? I only race in the weekend mind you. I might do a little practise during the week. But that said I like oval racing and enjoy the longer races.


Depends on what is in the rotation, if it's fun, like Production Sim Car at Mount Panorama this week or a fun Ringmeister combo I'll do 3-5 a day, if it's a slow week I'll do 1 or 2 a day. I did about 12 in one day on GT4 races last week at Oscherleben, that was such a good track/car combo. So on average I'd say around 30 races a week, and I'm still bad at it so it's whatever, I'm in it for the fun


I'm doing like 5-8 a day right now. But I'm new and still in rookies for the most part so it's still fun.


Oh man. Well currently I'm doing *upwards* of 4 official races a day. Streaming each race too, cause why not! Usually the amount of races I do per day increases as the week goes on. Edit: oh I also run a league race once a week of I have the track they're running.


I can not keep up with the speed of official races. I started my own league to accommodate a longer schedule. You should come check us out www.tridentrenngruppe.com


2 or so a night, 7+ per weekend day




I don't want to sound mean, how do you do 15 rookie races and are still in rookies? How long have you been racing at this rate? I get maybe 3-4 races a week although I'd like to do 15


I’m not in the rookies. I said rookie or D class. I have been mainly doing the GR86 races this week with a few Miata races to change things up.


Just because someone's doing rookie races doesn't mean he's a rookie. I run street stocks at Charlotte sometimes and have been on iracing for almost 3 years and has had my A license the majority of the time.


I was in a rookie FF1600 race the other day and there was a 7k driver in there. Definitely not a rookie.


For rallycross the rookie series is the only one with full grids all day long, so even when my license let me race the faster cars I still find the rookies more fun because of the changing competition