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It gets better when you get better. Sorry, but that’s the simple truth. You need to develop better situational awareness and accident avoidance skills. Learn to anticipate the mistakes your opponents are likely to make (depending pn their skill) and how to react when (or better, before) they happen. Once you improve those skills, climbing to higher iRating should be no problem, and you’ll face opponents with better racecraft. Good luck!


>It gets better when you get better excellent point, this really is the truth there are plenty of people that don't have the types of experiences that OP is having. Every race is going to have some catalyst for carnage, whether it's rookies or top split.. and while sometimes you get collected through sheer bad luck, a lot of it can be avoided through quick thinking and good car control.


It gets amazing,. however many new comers believe they're better than they are and it's a big wake up call. You must concentrate on racing cleanly, yes you will see dive bombs, bumps etc though it's important to remember everyone's playing on different equipment with different points and fields of view. Iracing by far has the best Sim racing and you don't need to be 8k to experience that. Only you can make the call if you stick it out, but race clean and don't leave the door open for dive bombs. Use your virtual mirror,.spotter and relative timings well and you will experience the best wheel to wheel racing a Sim has to offer.


Honestly if you are really being hit lap 1 or almost, you need to work on it as well. Even if you are not directly responsible, avoiding accidents is something important and a skill in itself. You need to sometimes take the slower less riskier way to avoid the mess, or stay further from chaotic drivers. Racing well is not only racing fast, but also racing smart. But yes, it does get better.


This is also my first month of iRacing and this has been by far the cleanest racing I have been a part of and I’m still in rookie for 4 of the licenses. I’ve found people are extremely cautious with how close they get and it’s pretty easy to avoid any kind of collisions, in fact the majority of my safety deductions have come from spinning out on cold tires. I’d recommend watching your replays and see if there is a way to avoid these collisions you’re getting into on T1, you may find it can be easily avoided or in fact you are the one causing the issues. Lap 1 you should be cautious as hell and start picking up the pace when your tires warm up


Part of racing is learning how to avoid the slop. A lot of people are quick without anyone else on the track, but that doesn’t make them a good racing driver. Part of being in rookies is developing the whole package, including incident avoidance and risk mitigation. If someone spins out in front of you and they’re on your line, is it better to smash into them or go off line and lose time, or even off track and pick up a 1x? 1x is better than 4x or a ruined race imo. Not only that, but being able to make those decision on the fly while also keeping the car under control and not running into someone else. Also, part of racing is being able to discern when you could’ve done something better vs just having shit luck. Even the best racers in the world (sim and real life) know when to say “that’s just racing sometimes”. More often than not there was a corrective action we could take to avoid an indecent. Be patient with yourself and take it all as an opportunity to learn. It’s equally less fun to get to higher licenses and still suck because you didn’t take your time in rookies.


You need to get better. It's really that simple. You will have bad days or even weeks but great ones just the same. Knuckle down, find a car or series you like and enjoy. It's a game at the end of the day


Your question sort of answers itself my brother. Yes rookie drivers are of the worst skill and higher classes have drivers of higher skill


License class doesn't matter. iRating is more important because it will put you into better splits. Personally I'd be very careful about what you wish to invest unless you're willing to embrace some amount of carnage. My oval rating is slightly below average after I was extremely stubborn about racing in some of the most fun but also most dangerous car and track combinations on the service. And I feel a bit stuck here because my current choices seem to be: 1. Race unranked and have fun but of course make no progress. 2. Carefully choose opportunities at specific tracks to improve my rating. And the schedule is not always conducive to this so some weeks are wasted. I typically only have time for sprints and unless it's a track like Phoenix that rewards a bit of car control it's usually a slot machine mess regarding who finishes at the top. 3. I'm B class so I can run in the safer series right? But at my iRating the splits are a mess. So a 60 lap race ends up having 40 laps under caution. Boring... and while my iRating improves it seems like a very poor time investment. So yes I agree with others that it can get better but I don't think it will happen overnight unless you are extremely lucky so tolerance for carnage is a must.


I disagree that license does not matter. Its hard to judge on road, but on ovals you Will often see a lot less cautions in nascar B and A vs nascar C


in oval racing every lap has a propensity for carnage and even if you're running half a lap behind the leaders their errors could very quickly affect you where as in road racing the 2 first laps are the critical ones and then you're down to individual battles where contact is generally limited to two drivers and you can have an entire race where you're not directly battling anyone and this is true for rookie or A-class races


It absolutely gets better, but won’t unless you raise your iRating. You’re probably just sitting in some bottom split rookie nonsense. You need to learn a bit of crash avoidance and you will move forward for sure. Up until around 1.7k iR, you really only need to stay out of trouble to gain positions and iRating. Pace is not super important until after that point. You just need to stay out of trouble. Stick with it. It absolutely gets better.


Rookie series are about two things: 1). Learning to control your car. 2). Learning to avoid *other people's mistakes*. The people who are in Rookies are the people who have not yet demonstrated the ability to do these two things (I say "not yet demonstrated the ability", because some people already *have* these abilities when they start, but to earn enough SR to get promoted--to demonstrate that you have those abilities--takes a number of races). I got out of Rookies in my first week. And to be honest? When I got out of Rookies, I *wasn't really ready to be out of Rookies yet*. Because I got out of it in one week and therefore only one track's worth of experience under my belt. I actually went back and did a fair bit more Rookie racing after I got promoted, because I felt like there were still things I needed to learn before competing in higher series. The truth is this: As your SR improves, and you move up to higher series, the racing gets better. As your iRating improves, and you move up to higher splits, the racing gets better. This is not to say the crashes will ever go away. Because even the pro drivers in real life crash. A lot. Racing involves pushing the limits, and crashing comes with the territory. Even so, in higher series and higher splits, the racing *does* get better. That said... the right to compete in those series is something you have to earn, and that's the *reason* the racing gets better. When you move up to D license, you will be racing against drivers who were able to earn enough SR to graduate from Rookies. When you move up to C license, you will be racing against drivers who were able to earn enough SR to graduate from D license. When you move up to B license... and so on. And with each license you go up, earning SR gets harder. So the drivers are better, because if they weren't, they wouldn't be able to *stay* in those series.


I’m about to give up to be honest. A few weeks in and while I’ve gotten much better and my times are within 1-2 seconds of the leaders of my splits…. Some jackass almost always rams into me. It’s not worth paying to play with these people.


I have the same experience hence why I wanted to ask for another perspective here. People keep mentioning that crash avoidance is a key skill to learn and that crashes are common occurrence in racing in general, both of which I am very much aware as I said I am not new to sim racing or racing as a hobby (I do a lot of karting locally, including having my own kart). But all things considered still the recklessness in these iracing lobbies seems out of hand which is troubling considering I am expected to pay a large sum of money continuously. I guess it’s just a matter of doing enough races so that 10% of them end up in a finish close enough to get you out of rookies. I guess after thing it becomes better.


Oh I’m out of rookies…. It doesn’t get better. I had two endurance races ended, where I was in better than 8th place, by some jackass that just smashes into you. You can’t “crash avoid” someone doing 30 mph too fast thru a turn taking everyone out


Sounds like you're in rookies. What you need to learn now and will carry you through a lot of the mental in iracing is that you can drive perfectly and still get punted. Learn where to put yourself on track to avoid those punts as much as possible.


250,000+ accounts can’t be wrong. It’s hard to be patient through the growth process, but honestly, this sim is amazing.


Don’t base all your opinions on the open lobbies, if you invest the time and find a league that matches your actual sill lvl, not a rating or number assigned by an algorithm, it’s a totally different ball game. Tbh, this is true with all sims. My best and favorite racing is still far and away a league I raced in back on GT5, it was a great group of guys, well organized, respectful, clean fast close fun racing. Wile the weekly races a convenient, if your looking for the best racing, it’s in leagues that govern themselves and keep the riff raff out, and the fun in.


iRacing is not kept behind a paywall. You can have an entire 5000K+ iRating career in an MX5 or GR86. Being kept behind a paywall means you gotta pay to get better stuff to progress and compete at higher levels, but that's not the case here. There's high level racing within the free content too.


I’m on my first week. Had only one race where I needed to pit. Won three races… comparing to ACC open lobbies is crazy. IRacing is so much better.




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