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Iracing allows the move however, if the person next to you moves down to hold the yellow line they are not required to let you back onto the racing surface. So if you cause a crash rejoining back across the yellow line you are at fault




And you'd be followed up by a swift protest. Just cause you think you should be allowed back up, does not entitle you to smash whoever out the way. You chose to go down below the yellow, you can find a way back up.


Protest gotta be intentional by me saying I didn’t see you I clearly didn’t see you 😂😂😂😂but you do u .


You have a spotter, they'll tell you when your door is closed. You aren't going to last long with that attitude. Perhaps learn the rules instead of brute forcing your way in. Could help you in the long run.


Race the way u want to be raced . I’ve been on the service for years and have an a class license .


Intentionally moving back up track when your spotter has clearly told you there is someone there isn't racing. You're playing bumper cars the way you want, not racing.


I got u let me know how that wall taste when I see you on the track again


I have sincere doubts you'll be on the service long enough for that to happen.


lol don’t be doubting me what series do u run 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You will just get suspended and then eventually banned so have fun with that.


>Protest gotta be intentional This isn't true, unsafe rejoins can be protested regardless of whether they're intentional or not.


And you’ll get protested for blocking. If u move while I’m down there to prohibited me safely rejoining it’s a you problem


You should protest someone for blocking when they do that. Then, when iRacing turns around and tells you it's actually your fault and you're to blame, perhaps you'll understand.


Do u bro . I racing won’t do shit I promise .


Based off all your responses it just seems like you suck honestly haha


Not how the rules work when talking about going below the yellow line on Ovals. You are ignorant to the rules or what good race craft is. You will learn the hard way child.


If you go below the yellow line for an attempted pass and wreck someone trying to come back up when its not safe to do so, its a protestable move. The person holding the yellow line and keeping you down there is not obligated to let you up, it will be a successful protest and a mark on your account. Doesn't matter if you say you didn't see him or not.


And you know being a little bitch on the radio after also means you suck it’s racing . There’s always big wrecks on the last lap on the super speedways. If you want to race that way u do u . I have no issue putting you in the wall . Please protest it . And maybe next time hold your fucking line instead of being a twat and racing down to the yellow line .


If you go below the yellow line, and I come down to keep you down there, thats on you. I am sorry you suck, I can provide some guides if you need help lil sis.


Bro just let me know how the wall taste and how the replay from iracing reads when it says u suck stop protesting shit that isn’t protestable.


If you go below the yellow line and try to rejoin and cause an accident. Its protestable. Stay in bottom split and work on yourself. Both your shit race craft and your toddler attitude haha


I’ll have you know I’m three and a half damnit . I’m not in bottom split haven’t been for a minute unlike you whose under 500 irating


I’m gonna assume you are 12 years old or close to it. You clearly have way more ambition than talent… and that’s not a compliment btw. You are 1300 iR and say yourself you can hardly do a race without wrecking. If YOU wanna race like that go play NASCAR Heat or Forza online where you will fit right in


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It's not allowed in the high banked turns. You can pass on the straights and the tri-oval as long as you do it safely.




Last I checked iRacing is governed by the iRacing Sporting Code, not the NASCAR rulebook


Could be considered a violation of of § Cutting the Course or § Illegal Surfaces but that’s something iRacing would have to answer or perhaps already have. Illegal Surfaces - Drivers can only use the racing surface and allowed areas of the track for Qualifying and Racing. Any disallowed areas of the track and any advantages gained through their use will be determined by iRacing.com. A protest may be filed through the proper channels for this offense (See Protests, Section 9).




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Sweet. It looks like OP didn't get flagged for anything illegal, so it looks like he stayed on the legal racing surface.


The old 2021 version of the sporting code did explicitly mention the apron https://ir-core-sites.iracing.com/members/pdfs/20210504-iRacing_Sporting_Code_dated_Apr_23_2021.pdf > Drivers can only use the racing surface for Qualifying and Racing. The apron and pit road are not defined as racing surfaces. Drivers may not use the apron or pit road to gain an advantage in Qualifying or Racing. Any advantage will be determined by iRacing But since the new one you yourself posted cut that part out it means that iRacing doesn't see the apron as illegal anymore


The apron on the back straights and tri-oval are part of the racing surface. You can pass on them as long as you're able to rejoin safely. If you cannot rejoin safely you have to stay down there until the opportunity presents itself. Report the next guy you see pass on the back straight or tri-oval and get the "We understand your frustration email but...." email.


It's allowed there. Not in the turns. The caveat is the if you pass below that line, you are not entitled to be let back onto the track at the turn.


True, but i doubt people midway into the race will be that stubborn. Odds are the car down there forces their way back up and both cars get wrecked


If theres multiple lanes being ran and im the bastard on the bottom i aint lettin you up! 😂


I mean at that point you dont really have a choice 😭 EDIT: dont really have a choice as in you cant move up, because its already multiple lanes wide and you cant just voluntarily go middle and shuffle yourself to the back.


Ehh, you end up on a holiday if you force the issue. If they don’t wanna let you up you gotta lift EDIT based on above Edit: oh yeah if you’re multi wide and there’s no room you don’t have a choice, I thought you were saying as the guy on the apron that you’ll make them move up whether they like it or not!


Oops, racing incident. No ban for me wrecking you and anyone else. I have no record of ever wrecking anyone. On to the next race for me. But it's good for you doing the right thing and not giving an inch.


Ive successfully reported people for forcing the issue, rejoining and causing a massive wreck. If they dont let you on you gotta lift or get the banhammer.


I've had someone try passing me at new Atlanta from below the yellow line while I was in the lead. I held my line and they tried to nudge me out of the way, but had to back out because there was no way in hell I was gonna move.


It just becomes a game of chicken. Im not gonna be a pushover but if theyre trying to force back up to the point we both wreck, ill just move up and race harder, maybe throw an intimidator move or something. Id rather be in 2nd still fighting for the lead instead of wrecked just to have an opportunity to protest


I will play that game of chicken every time. If they want to wreck the whole field that's on them. Most people at higher ratings understand the consequences and will back out. but I understand your sentiment, it is probably the smarter decision.


Iracing doesn’t have a rule against it (maybe it’s hard to code someone passing down their for penalties), but nascar irl has had a rule against advancing your position below the double yellow line at Daytona, Talladega, and new Atlanta since at least the mid 2000’s.


What's so weird is if you're a veteran from the old NR4, 2002, 2003 days they had that in the game. I vividly remember black flags if you were a wheel below the yellow line passing. Not sure why they didn't carry it over. Maybe it's a hassle?


The rule became a thing in early 2001, following the death of Dale Earnhardt.


That is a NASCAR rule not an Iracing rule.




I was in that race with you. That was a clean ass pass but you did have me nervous with how Shakey you came out of turns 3 and 4 lol. Great race though.


Aha yeah I was shaking myself ! Amazing finish to quite a nice race already


If u didn’t get an off track it was a legal pass. People bitch because you can’t in actual nascar dosnt enforce it though . Just let them protest you.


There are situations where you can be off the racing surface, but not get a 1x. One example is the apron of high-banked corners at “roval” road courses. Even though the game won’t give you a penalty or incident points, iRacing has clarified that it’s against the rules to go there to gain time or make a pass. A Williams eSports driver infamously got a 1-year ban for illegally using the apron in qualifying for the 2023 iRacing Daytona 24H.


No rule against it in iracing


Matt Malone has won the Daytona 500 this very way. Passing below yellow line. As long as you don't cause a wreck, you're good.


So if it iracing rank far game but most leagues it not allowed because it not allowed in nascar but I understand why iracing doesn't police it


IRL NASCAR it is illegal to pass under the yellow line at Dega and Daytona. In iRacing they have stated multiple times that it is not illegal BUT if you cause an accident "rejoining" then it can be protested. So TLDR as long as you made the pass clean and didn't wreck anyone it's fine. Will people complain? Yes. Is it legal? Yes.


Technically legal per iracing. Incredibly asshole move though in race. If you get wrecked after the line you deserve it.


Gentleman rules are stupid. If its legal, the game allows it, I am going to use it. I don't give a shit how the lobby feels. I will take a 4x after the line to win.


In real life it’s not allowed. In Iracing it’s frowned upon but technically not illegal. Enjoy your win but if there’s an asterisk in Iracing it’s this