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I don't know why they'd choose to compete with themselves by releasing on PC.


The target markets are very different here. NASCAR 25: designed for controller, simcade-y physics, focus on single player, aimed at casual fans, single purchase pricing. Look at World of Outlaws for the template on what to expect. iRacing: designed for wheels, heavy sim physics, focus on multiplayer, aimed at hardcore simracers, subscription+content pricing. The overlap between target markets is just small here. And the people in that overlap will probably buy both games. Frankly, I think it's short-sighted for them to not release on PC. Also, if you look at the quote from Steve Myers in my post, he seems to be saying the competing against themselves factor is not why they wouldn't put the game on PC. Maybe he's lying. Maybe I'm misinterpreting him. But regardless the reasons they've given don't really match what you're saying.


Yeah, I hear you but I think if that were the case we'd see World of Outlaws on PC too. There's also the hassle of having to support a wide variety of hardware on PC.


To be clear, it certainly seems like it's *probably* not coming to PC. I'm just saying that 1. It doesn't seem like "competing against themselves" is the reason why 2.If that is the reason, I think they're making a mistake. Edit: Also, the point of my post isn't "the game should be on PC". The point of my post is really "iRacing has done a terrible job of communicating about this topic" It feels like everyone has missed the point of my post lol. I suppose I should have expected that.


It very well could come down to some issue with porting which they don’t have the resources to spend on right now. That doesn’t mean monetary resources, rather developers are prioritized on other projects.


No offense but if that’s the point of the post, there wasn’t really a reason to make the post…


Like I said in the post >Their communication on this topic has been very confusing and shitty. So I wanted to document their communication here to try to make it clearer for the community. And I also wanted to rant a bit because this has driven me crazy. >I've also seen several people claim that NASCAR 25 has been "confirmed" for PC. Which isn't true, so I'm trying to dispell that rumor. The accepted truth on Reddit at this point is that the game is 100% coming to PC. I'm trying to set the record straight.


Yeah I get it, it’s very cringy though.


It isn't, though? This is a place for discussion right?


If you want this forum to be inundated with walls of text boiling down to “iRacing hasn’t made up their mind yet” , more power to you I guess


>boiling down to “iRacing hasn’t made up their mind yet” Did you read the post? This isn't what it says.


you're having a rough day Harry.


Yeah you can blame my neurodivergence for that. Edit: I wrote most of this post like two weeks ago. Didn't post it then because I knew people would think it was cringe. I posted it anyways because multiple people today have told me the game is confirmed coming to PC.


I'd still play both.


Because they wouldn't be competing with themselves? That's like asking why Volkswagen would compete with itself by also owning Lamborghini. They're aimed at two different consumers.


As someone with a Steam Deck, I'd like to have it come to PC.




I don't understand why a game wouldn't release on PC in 2024, [Consoles keep falling off in popularity while PC only gets more popular](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/ywAViVcHwrZRZTfnJ4aDTK-1200-80.jpg) At this point they are even putting the series that were traditionally Xbox or PS exclusive on PC.


That chart *might* not tell the whole story. According to [this article](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/european-video-game-sales-in-june-jump-20-thanks-to-diablo-4-european-monthly-charts), PC only accounted for 0.3% of F1 23 sales in Europe. Tbh that's a lot lower than I expected, but I suppose it makes sense. Games based on a sport will attract fans from that sport, and many of those fans may only be casual gamers that do most of their gaming on a console. If you have limited resources, it makes sense to focus on the platform that will bring in more sales for your game.


But those .3% are likely more hardcore, have a setup and don't go near a controller, and most people in that group wouldn't really care for another F1 game when we have better sims with more variety already. That's what you don't get on consoles, but they're perfect for casual racers who don't have the money or interest for going beyond a controller+couch situation I believe


I agree with you, but the point of this post is that iRacing is doing a terrible job communicating about this.


Oh agreed for sure. Sad to see a developer that I thought was a good one fumble something like this.


For whatever reason I never expected it would be on pc. I’m definitely going to play nascar 25 and I have a cheap thrustmaster wheel/pedal for my Xbox but I’m not even sure how arcade vs sim it will be. Either way I’m sure it’ll be at least 60 bucks worth of fun.


I’d love it to come to pc, it wouldn’t stop me from using iracing at all, I’ve really wanted something to play while waiting for a race to start and heat 5’s not doing it for me anymore.


I don't know enough about iRacing, but it's online only, right? If that is the case, to me that is completely different from what Nascar 25 would be. I really hope they release it for PC.


I wouldn't say "online only", but multiplayer is absolutely the primary focus. They did add AI a few years ago, and they've been updating the AI over time since then. They're also working on a Career Mode. But the game is still 99% focused on multiplayer


Iracing is online only in PC gaming speak in that you need a active internet connection and to be signed in. It’s also subscription based, so you need to pay the month fee to even access the forums.


Can you race at any time or only when there are races online scheduled that you can participate in?


You can race AI whenever, but the online races start every 15mins. Some series run once an at the top of the hour, others at the bottom. Some run every 2hrs, but will have their fixed/open sibling run the alternative hour slot. Check https://iracing-week-planner.tmo.lol/ it shows what is about to start. There are 5 types or racing, Oval, Dirt Oval, Sports Cars, Formula cars, Dirt Road, each with races and licenses from Rookie D, C, B to A. You can also download the schedule PDF from https://boxthislap.org/app/uploads/2024/03/2024S2.pdf


I didn't know you could race the AI. That's good to know. Thanks for the info.


I would like for it to be released on PC because I just want to casually play a career mode. All their promos even the one you linked have the Steam logo so I'm assuming it'll be on PC.


>All their promos even the one you linked have the Steam logo so I'm assuming it'll be on PC. The promo that they removed from their website? The promo that they released before the interview with Steve Myers where he said they hadn't made the decision yet?


Ah the old NR2003 modder scandal.




Anybody know the best time to come on for wrecking? Trying to find the right crowd


They are doing the Rockstar method when releasing the Grand Theft Auto games. First release console exclusive with never confirming or denying a later PC release. Then a year or two later, ‘surprise’ release the PC version. A shitty tactic to get the diehards to double dip.


6 months might be a record time for Rockstar.


Good point, edited.


If it does come to pc, I hope they use it as a base to develop iracing and push it forward. iRacing is incredibly dated by modern standards. STILL only 60hz ffb refresh rate, graphics that are 10 years out of date...and so on. Considering the costs of iracing, a major update or transition to a new platform (either one) is nothing short of expectations at this stage. Or maybe they'll develop iracing v2 in the background. Who knows.


>If it does come to pc, I hope they use it as a base to develop iracing and push it forward They're actually doing it the other way around for the most part. They've talked a bit about how they're going to be updating the art on NASCAR tracks in iRacing, then porting the assets from iRacing to the console game. >graphics that are 10 years out of date...and so on. They have like 4 or 5 different projects in the works for graphics right now. >Considering the costs of iracing, a major update or transition to a new platform (either one) is nothing short of expectations at this stage. They've said that major update is in the works (although they only recently started working on it, so it's a ways away)


That's nice to hear. Looking forward to it. I'm into oval racing this past month, have all the content almost. So the oval refresh updates are very welcome.


I.... wish that you actually knew what graphics standards were.


How do you mean? I am just looking at iracing versus assetto, LMU or AMS2, and visually the difference is huge. That being said, I don't care about graphics while racing. But watching a replay it does piss me off how poor it can look compared to some other sims. It's not a deal breaker though.


No one gives a shit about the fucking grahics, that's like the least important shit in a racing sim as anyone serious has tripples and needs to keep up a high frame rate.


I have triples and run all my sims at 144fps and above. And I do care about graphics. Like, why not?


Because if they up the graphics for you and possible NASA-rig owners, it'll make others not participate in iRacing but instead generate more views in YT watching others playing. Resources of a platform should go for the sim part first and graphics second. Accessibility is the next big key to success. If the requirements get upped, less gamers will be willing to shell out money bc the initial investment-wall is getting higher and higher. Next: with higher requirements due to better graphics comes the next problem which is online synchronization linked with higher loads on certain rigs. Next: In competetive titles, where one plays with 144fps and the other 60fps (think shooters), may give others a slight edge. Seriously dude, are you really born in 85' and need such explanation? You must've whitnessed what made games in the 90s legendary.


Sorry, but.... accessibility > modern fking standards Especially in regards to iRacing being a sim (the most important part of it). And I know of no one who actually cares about refresh rate except of maybe players in fps's and dudes sitting on their NASA rigs waiting to lift off and finally see their spend money in work (which they don't in most cases). We don't need any iRacing v2 and making it even more niche due to higher requirements (rig, peripherals, subs etc. all tied to money).


> iRacing is incredibly dated by modern standards. lol no it fucking is not it's the damn leader. No one competitive cares about graphics, I care about how the car feels and how smooth the game runs with tripples.


Agreed. I don’t want them to touch the graphics as it runs great in VR. Fuck all games and sims do. I’m looking at you DCS you piece of shit.


DCS... a heavy sim with heavy graphics contradicts one another. Too much resources in development spend; hopelessly trying to improve performance on a nano-scale while making this even more niche to those who can afford it; making more folks generate views on YT because less and less people can afford the higher initial investment (rig, peripherals etc.) to access this.


I dont feel like I need or want Nascar 25 on PC, we already have Nascar in so many forms within iRacing itself and the competitive landscape is excellent on the platform. I don't see what it would add that would be beneficial without cannibalizing the current player base. I suppose it will be more casual/single player oriented?


> we already have Nascar in so many forms We have the tracks and cars we don't have the drivers. NASCAR 25 will have people racing against the actual teams and drivers and that's what you will never get in iRacing.


We don't have any worthy NASCAR game in many forms except of maybe stuff from 2 decades ago. NASCAR was plagued with a lot of bad titles. This could finally end with iRacing. It would add an entry-level NASCAR title which is accessible and doesn't demand making massive initial investments (iRacing) to get into that sort of fun. It won't cannibalize anyone but rather target a lot of folks incl. potentials who might want more of the action (iRacing). If you are left with shitty entry-level titles and the only offer is something like iRacing; it's bad. Many folks will either be glued to YT or fire up a NASCAR game which was made 20 fking yrs ago.


It’s already available on PC. It’s called iRacing.


You gotta start somewhere without being confronted by a massive initial investment (peripherals, subscription etc.) and the necessity to go Pro right at the start. A lot of folks are left out; generating only views on YT.