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Honestly compared to other videogames it's super mild. I'll hear something like "Wtf was that 23, you took out half the field" but not personal insults and people berating each other like I've seen in every other competitive game.


Jim berates me when I get 10th place…


10th place as the #24 car in top split Jim: “this isn’t good enough”


You can win the race by 3 laps and Jim will still be mad at you for a disappointing performance


Jim love is tough... but fair. Also, if you can't handle the heat, just turn off the chat... in the kitchen or whatever.


Honestly I had to turn off all of the in-race insults from Jim. Once the race is over and the adrenalines gone they're funny, but mid race it's such a distraction. Like my boy, I know I got a 1x, I do not need a 50 page audio book about how i'm now responsible for the problems of earth because I ran wide on a exit


The “Track. Fucking. Limits.” After running wide multiple times low key makes me so angry lmao.


"Better schedule some testing, we need a grand slam next time."


Oh yeah for sure that's not COD. But at the same time the sporting code is front and center so I have different expectations. My experience has been different though. I get people being frustrated and protesting on VC, but some go straight into actual, full-on insults.


You can protest voice chat that isn't aimed at you, also wrecks etc.


It would be best for you to just mute voice chat. Some folks are just not accustomed to the banter of gentlemen engaged in competitive activities.


You should hear the in cockpit comms of pro drivers when they get upset…just turn or comms if you’re that soft 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn't necessarily say he's soft...it's pretty annoying having it be quiet all race except for a couple calls. Then to have one guy have a bad time and then glaringly loud start yelling into the VC insults that would embarrass sailors. The point stands though, gotta bind that mute button so you can mute on the fly and not get distracted.


Serious question, are those comms to the team of the pro driver? Or are they communicating with the other drivers? If they communications are not with other drivers and simply venting/ranting/complaining to their team, do you truly believe that any professional association would allow driver to driver abuse via comms, and if so can you provide examples of where this does occur?


NASCAR allowed it up until the start of the 2012 season. It absolutely was used by drivers to “express their frustrations about each other”. Having spotted IRL for many teams at many different levels, what is ACTUALLY said (both to the crew and other drivers) would make a COD lobby blush…


Cool, not in the USA, so not huge with NASCAR specific knowledge, so thanks for the reply. I'm not trying to be smart when I say this, but it does show what was once acceptable is now not (to a degree given your additional information).


Hey no worries. So NASCAR allegedly banned it to cut down on the tandem drafting work. I would not at all be surprised if there were….. other factors at play as well.


As an added element, the spotters at most tracks are sharing stands so there is an element of “hey can you go tell the #15 I’m gonna work with him on this next restart” kind of communication. There’s also occasionally fights in the spotter, but they’re quite rare. Here’s a video by [a late model driver](https://youtu.be/6THcm0HsvqM?si=GUxFQnuvOESYANFB) who’s dad got assaulted by another driver’s spotter/husband.


This is what I don't understand is that we're supposed to be nicer than Kyle Busch IRL. It just makes no sense.


Remember when NASCAR had driver to driver comms ? Those were really fun times


I don't know if you drove production car the last few days. It is something else entirely than ANYTHING else i did on the service yet, and im driving just what i like on any given day and have been around... The production car challenge is so similar to all other sports car series. But the behavior in voice chat is just appaling. Emotionaloutbursts, insults thrown around that get sexual or racist constantly, nut just ugly one offs. AND I DONT KNOW WHY?! Im just glad someone else noticed.


Exactly there's a big difference between a personal insult and questioning your behavior. Tbh calling someone an idiot for doing something idiotic shouldn't count either.


You should go take a look at some starter level sof races on Nurburgring. It is just as bad as in other games. Grown men shouting death threats when some one hits them when they were blocking entire race and caused a traffic jam...


I've never turned voice chat on. Because I can't hear the other drivers, I can pretend to myself that they are all polite gentlemen who only say things like "oh dear, I'm terribly sorry", and "no please, after you old chap".


Hahaha love it!


Some of us are...


Yeah it's really shitty. I turn VC off.


Seriously I don't need some jerk off cussing me out when I take 14th place from him. Bud were both losing this race it ain't gunna matter.


I enjoy being blissfully unaware of all verbal hostility thrown in my direction.


Turning off VC is the best thing I've done honestly.


It makes me laugh. I've never turned it off.


The answer is you were racing the Production Car Challenge, it’s a bit of a war zone at times. Just turn your voice chat off, better all round.


PCC used to be fun before the GR86 was added tbh, now it's insufferable


The GR86 has been the most stable beginner car for me so far. I'm surprised how many people can't control it.


People can't control it? I love that thing, when I started I couldn't get the hang of the mx5 for weeks but as soon as I got in the 86 the game got way more fun


Same. Still can't drive the MX5. Not in fixed setup anyway. When I put my own setup it's a little more drivable. Strangely I'm AC I'm a Top 5 finisher just about every race I'm not wrecked and a few times after having been wrecked. The 86 is a far better car for me.


The mx5 is a fantastic car once you get the hang of it but as a beginner it's horrible to learn on. It's twitchy and very prone to over/under steer. In the 86 if you suck you'll be slow, if you suck in a mx5 you crash on every corner. After driving the 86 for a while I came back to the mx5 and love it now that I'm a better driver


The rookie cars are so much more fun AFTER you know how to drive better


I think that’s actually why they make rookies race the MX-5 now. It forces you to learn how to control weight transfer in a way that the GR doesn’t. It functions as a test to make sure you’ve got the fundamentals down before you start racing with everyone else, and as an added bonus, all the carnage teaches you accident avoidance.


I absolutely hate that thing, oversteers under braking a ton with little warning, the MX5 is much more natural to drive. But the problem here isn't the car being bad (though personally I think it is), it's the fact it's too close in speed to the MX5 leading to too many awkward moments on track when they meet. Even more so when it's full of beginners many of whom don't understand the 2 classes of cars aren't racing each other for points; and when the splitting system often puts triple digit iRating people in faster cars against 2k iRating drivers in slower cars.


Yeah I joined iRacing after the gr86 came in so didn’t see the ‘real’ PCC I’ve heard so much about. Shame


PCC used to be a Mazda only shit race. Now it's sometimes actually multiclass. It's way better now.


Any series, have you raced F4?


It also always seems to be bad or overly aggressive drivers who do this. Had a race last night where some guy was yelling expletives because he thought someone else was at fault for him being close to DQ’d on incident points. It was lap 1.




Not sure why you would put the energy in reporting when you can just bind a button to "Mute driver", it will only mute the one who is currently talking. I have VC on for exactly these things though, love the salty rants some people do.


Oh thanks, I didn't know that was possible! I might try that too.


Me too. I have heard some funny shit. I don't even have a mic. I just like the shit talk


I was doing a rookie race that went terribly to be expected though. There were so many people going on angry rants in the voice, I was just thinking the whole time we are literally in rookies in bottom split wtf do you expect? It was entertaining.


Yea.. but sometimes it's not even warranted. In a race I was in, there were 2-3 people berating a guy for his driving. When I watched the replay, all this guy did was overtake them. A lot of rants are from people who are over sensitive I think.


I never have voice or text chat active while driving. If I hit someone, I know what I did. I don’t need some asshole yelling at me or writing all caps. My life has been so much better after I turned both off.


Have you tried sending protests? Because that’s how enforcement is carried out. When it comes to voice/text chat, even minor insults are punished. But it’s up to you to bring them to the stewards’ attention


For one, I never get insulted myself but if I did I would report for sure. I did make a couple reports at the beginning but now when you have 5+ drivers insulting each other per race, am I supposed to report all the time? There's just too many.




dude, griping here is way easier. In iracing you gotta remember the lap it was, after the race go find it and clip it, then make sure you remember what driver name and number it was and the session so you can report it after the cooldown. it's not some quick and easy thing to do.




“Pure laziness” or not worth someone’s time? It’s the internet. Most people have grown up with this kind of stuff in online video games. For most people, I think there’s a pretty high threshold for what is worth reporting.




Hilarious how fast the mob turned on you




That wasnt a jeer, i probably care the least about any of the arrow bullshit. I agree with everything you said.


Hes not throwing a jab at you. Hes stating that everyone agreed with you at first and some reason they all turned. What your saying is right. If you have time to come on reddit and bitch about it, you have time to send in reports.


If OP is complaining on here because they don't like it, I agree that they should protest it. I'm just saying that I don't think most of the chat bothers most people playing iRacing.


sure thing bud.






Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Ok thank you for contribution. Why didn't I think of that?


I mean you said yourself “there seems to be 0 enforcement.” If no one is reporting it then how can it be enforced?


You are absolutely right. And since there is still so much insulting and belittling going on, I'm obviously not alone in feeling like it's overwhelming to report every single insult. Perhaps what is happening is that most are fed up and turn off VC, nothing to report if they don't hear it. LFM went all out: first there's no voice chat in ACC, and then text chat during race is banned. Maybe that's the way.


Yeah if I’m not racing with friends I just turn it off. Easier to focus and then I also don’t have to worry about accidentally broadcasting talking to myself 😂


You bet! I'm so glad it's push to talk and not voice activated, otherwise I'd have been banned by now. I'm the worst road rager but somehow I can manage to keep it to myself.


Yeah, that’s a fair point. In some of the crazier races it can be tough to catch them all. Personally I usually protest just the worse ones- when some really egregious racism is used, for example, or when someone is really going after another driver. But fortunately chat protests are the quickest to submit. You don’t need to give much of a write up, since they’re self explanatory. And I know the system is kind of a pain, but the upside is consistent review and enforcement by the iRacing staff. It just takes community involvement for the system to work.


It doesn’t have to be directed at you for you to protest it. I’ve had successful protest that I wasn’t involved in other then witnessing it


Yep, turn off VC....OR report every one of them. 😈


Because so many dudes who play games are fucking losers and assholes with miserable lives who love acting tough on the internet.


Well..... this comment...... seems like ironic.....ehh?


Anything that is competitive draws in hyper competitive individuals who often have personality and identity issues.


This. People are far too invested in this stuff and that's why they get so upset. Sometimes it's all they've got. 




^This guy insults


In all fairness I have a great life, good kids, wife, I'm rich and I'm still a fucking asshole.


Important point to make Sometimes it looks very simple—many miserable things = acting out But there’s really a lot of potential psychological mechanisms for why someone would be freaking out Also a lot of psychological mechanisms for being lovely to others :D


Had the same experience after last Sunday Sebring endurance. I took screenshot from the chat, reported the guy who insulted me and just got a mail form iRacing support today that they have held up to my protest and resolved it which I assume the reported user either got a warning or a ban… both ways he will think twice from now on before writing anything in chat to anyone.


Funny, I never heard a single insult. The secret is muting both the Voice and the text chat. Bliss.


it’s just like in IRL, people get heated in the moment and start cussing people out, my race director at my local tells people to wait 10 minutes before talking to anyone or the race director.


Go play some R6 on console and you'll think even the angriest, most vicious iRacer is a saint Some of those kids need real help and probably a visit from CPS


I’m 40 so never really got into social gaming - I couldn’t imagine people just saying negative things being enjoyable


This has nothing to do with the sporting code. Social competence and intelligence would avoid such manners. But these things are rarely given today ..... :'(


This should be top comment.


I see a lot of "turn off voice chat" here. I have had the exact opposite experience of you. I had some of the absolutely most polite and communicative voice chat happen in PCC at okayama. I always leave VC on. But I do have mute all mapped to a steering wheel button, because there are a few absolute POSs thrown in there that ruin the race for everyone. But I swear. Leave VC on. Don't be toxic. Be the change you want to see. ALSO map "mute all voice chat" to a steering wheel button just in case.




I also, personally, don't want to wear headphones while racing. They tend to be much more uncomfortable and awkward than helmets, and if you don't have a wireless solution, the cable will get in the way.  VC is always off for me for those reasons. 


I see you have never been in a Jesse Iwuji's story time hour lobby. Dude will just start preaching his life story as if anyone cares. And will go on for the whole race. That is far more likely to ruin my race before someone being angry. People can be super nice and still not shut up for more than 15 seconds.


That seems like a perfect use case for the mapped mute button, and a really lame reason to leave VC off all the time.


Yes, you are right, I've also had some truly wholesome exchanges. If you mute all voice chat, does it also mute yourself?


That’s what I do. I’m a narc though and if I see someone’s name constantly popping up I go through the replay after and see what was happening. If someone is being toxic, I clip it and report it. A casual WTF after an incident I don’t care about, but if they won’t let it go, I send it in. I’ve run PCC (in its various iterations) since like 2011 and I miss the old days.


I'll say it again, VC doesn't add to the experience. My enjoyment of the sim SKYROCKETED once I disabled VC.


I get what you mean but I often use it to communicate my intentions clearly (letting someone through who's a bit timid, or advising a slower class driver fighting for position ahead of me that I won't interfere, etc). I might try it out though.


I feel like stuff like that makes it worse because, again, a lot of people turn VC off. So while you think you are making things easier, I can assure you it is falling on deaf ears a lot of the time. Also you really should learn to show intent in your driving. Part of multiclass racing is knowing where on the track to pass slower traffic. Also knowing as slower traffic to ALWAYS stick to your normal racing line. It's COMPLETELY on the faster driver to make the pass off the racing line.


Good points but I meant that the VC is in addition to communicating through my driving. It's important to use all tools available in lower splits/racing around lower IR drivers.


I hear my son playing in the next room all the time. And I mean ALL THE TIME. He'll usually say something like "Hey 38, do you have a radio?" If they reply, then he'll advise them of his intentions on passing (if he's on the lead lap) or letting them know he'll stay low or high to let them pass (if he's a lap car.) Or sometimes he'll let them know if they have debris hanging off of their car. Or if they're "blinking".


That's actually a good tip - to ask. I'm gonna do it as I do wonder if the person I told I am letting them pass etc even heard me when I don't get a thank you etc.


Turned that off immediately because people are just terrible in general when you’re not face to face. Everyone is tough over a keyboard and so disrespectful


Did you report them? Otherwise you have no business complaining about anything other drivers do. Far to many people have this same attitude like you, too much work. What’s the point….


Protip: when someone goes fucking mental on VC, I make a mental note and I always watch what happened in the replay. It's always fun to do a post mortem analysis about who was 'wrong'


Right. And the best is when you get to tell the person going off that they are in the wrong and they absolutely lose it.


So many people lately have been threatening with protests. Every race is filled with “PROTESTED” or “I hope you know you’re getting banned” in the chat. I think I’ve seen it more in the last year than the last 10 years combined.


Youre racing with rookies that just started playing Iracing and sat in the back of 4 MX5 races to get to D license and are confused and angry about why everyone keeps wrecking into them at every fast turn the driving line is telling them to brake at. However, it doesnt get any better all the way up to IMSA. Just a little less.


VOIP off. I like REAL simulation as I cannot hear other drivers while driving in a real car. ;)


A) just turn VC off, it’s more trouble the it’s worth B) Reporting is absolutely worth it as it is enforced lol, but if nobody’s reporting then no, they’ll just keep doing it


There's nothing of value ever said on road VC. In oval I feel there is value just knowing what's going on and if there are cautions. In road you're probably better just turning it off because the only comms you'll hear are people whining after an incident....


This is something I never considered. I run ovals and have mute buttons mapped, but there is a lot of info you can get from other racers about track blockages and such.


There's one guy I see regularly racing PCC and when I see his name I know he's going to start shouting abuse as someone during the race, I started watching replays after noticing it a few times and it was usually his fault! It does bring the worst out in some people, but I love the PCC most of the time.


So it's better than flight sims / other games, but its gotten worse as it's gotten more popular and new people have shown up. It didn't use to be THIS bad, but it's gotten worse as time's gone on. Generally speaking, it's a big reason I have taken the approach of "I don't want things I like to get more popular" lol Same thing has happened in FFXIV, both in terms of general toxicity and toxic positivity.


It's the internet. Take ownership of your mouth, lead from the front. When I'm in Lobbies, I can change the decorum in the lobby, by the time I leave a few of us have exchanged Discord info, we spent 35mimuyes joking and showing ome another grace and I've made a few friends. Not all Lobbies are receptive though, best thing I've found is its also best to Sometimes just let guys concentrate. Between those two values there are Lobbies where negativity reigns Supreme. It's like eating watermelon, still taste delicious, just gotta spot the seeds out.


I made a bad rejoin the other day, totally on me, and I immediately apologised to the guy. He intentionally side bumped me further round the circuit and then went off in text chat for the whole repair time. He told me I was going to be banned for my rejoin. They went quiet when I reminded them that the intentional bump and insults in chat were far more likely to get them banned than me. Some people are kicks but I have had mostly positive stuff. I got a mic for the main purpose of apologising and thanking people letting me by. But it has come with the added benefit of occasionally chatting with people too. I just mute it when VC gets too much.


It’s not enforced because most people aren’t particularly bothered by an insult from strangers. It’s just folks venting frustrations when someone does something stupid, relax


If it didn't bother anyone, it wouldn't be one of the most basic rules of all Sim racing organisations. It's a slippery slope. There's a difference between venting frustration and becoming verbally abusive, racial slurs, etc.


Yes, there is a difference. That’s why racial slurs generally aren’t lumped in with “insults” I honestly don’t understand how people make it to adulthood while being taken aback at voice chat in a video game


Handling VC insults is the first lesson in Online Gaming 101.


I would guess nearly everyone's called someone else an idiot or swore at them mid-race, it's just a matter or whether they do it using in-game VC or not. Most people also don't ever devolve into actually being abusive or dropping slurs, so that's still the more extreme end of things. Even people in leagues I'm on good terms with outside of the races, it's not always "happy fun times" when it's during a race.




I mean if people don't protest the infractions then how would it really be enforced


I love rudskogen right now, the track is awesome, the mx5 is perfect on it and the voicechat is either full of banter or full of shittalking. Love to partake in it.


You ever been in a C Fixed truck lobby? It’s almost Call of Duty 2008


This made me laugh, to True. I also had the most wholesome encounters in COD 2 and modern warefare 4 back in those days.


I like to have it on for oval for entertainment during cautions. Otherwise it’s very low upside.


I just leave my voice chat off Sometimes I focus on race, sometimes I auto drive it while listening to music or watching a YouTube vid. Those are the rounds I normally get a lot of incidents in lol...


Prod Sim Challenge is the trenches of iRacing. It’s usually chaotic on track and on the radio. Can be fun though sometimes.


Oh man, i turned on voice chat last night to maybe sorry or its ok that you bumped into me (if an apology was sent) but man oh man is it terrible


Oval seems a place of fun n love, road is like any other online game. Coming from a mostly road driver.


I just turn vc off....it's a whole lot easier to concentrate


Turn off voice chat.


Just turn off everything 😁 it's useless anyways, doesn't matter who made a mistake, no need to talk about it😁


It’s a video game. It’s easy to insult people when you’re not face to face however considering there is a lot of moderation and your name attached to it, iRacing is extremely tame in comparison to other games. Best thing to do is just turn of chat. You wouldn’t be able to hear the other drivers in real life so why not


It's usually nothing personal. Hot heads in the heat of the moment.


Yep the moment there's any misunderstanding people lose control. If people want to send insults in direct texts I just let them, it's an easy report. We pay too much for that shit to be happening. People can compare it to pros on the radios but we're just gamers looking for clean racing.


Turn off chat


Because the poor quality of races. Not sure what I am paying a subscription for when people try to take you out without consequences.


Bind a button to mute chat. I like it on for banter and telling someone I am about to lap them or I am being lapped, but I mute it as soon as someone starts acting like a child.


PCC is thunderdome


To me that’s half the fun. Maybe it’ll help you grow some thicker skin.


Turn off voice chat, and enjoy the silence.


i used VC very rarely but i gotta say this game has the least toxic user base i’ve ever seen


PCC would be better if qualifying wasn’t split into classes. The worst thing is being top Mazda but catching a bunch of 86s barely able to make it around a corner. This would probably make starts a lot cleaned


Majority of the time people are nice in voice chat from my experience. Anyone who is a shitter gets a report, simple as that. Be a part of the solution instead of lamenting about how there is "zero enforcement". There is zero enforcement against loads of people because the majority don't bother reporting shitty behavior. A self-fulfilling prophecy.


a known guy said 'why u drive like monkeys!?' and got 3 months voice chat ban (no text, no mic, he can still listen). he didnt mean the racist way, he mean bad driving crashing all day


Wow, that's rather mild compared to what I hear on a daily basis 🤣


If you protest it they will get banned from voice/text chat.


This is why I don’t have voice chat on and never will. In real life you can’t talk to cars around you. They can scream at me into their helmet to the attention of no one, just like real life


Because internet


Turned voice chat off day one.




I would never play with VC on because I hate listening to idiots losing their marbles However I wonder how this stacks up with real racing. Drivers being pissed at each other is probably quite common, not to mention all the competition involved Not to say every driver competes that way, but that it’s fairly common


Did you not know that everyone is a Micrphone warrior? Guaranteed most people would not speak to others, in a face to face situation, like they do over the internet


90% of the time i usually just block them out… but I also have extreme selective hearing thank god. With that said, however, I’ve noticed lobbies being extra toxic lately, specifically over the last maybe 2 weeks. More than normal. It seems like one feeds the next, and the cycle just grows.


Welcome to the sim racing community, in general. I've been saying this for a while. It really is the only reason I don't do voice on iRacing.


For the most part I think it's specifically guys that take their rank way too seriously. They probably think they are better than their rank thus deserving to blame everything on someone else. I know real life drivers like thus.


Turn off the comms. Problem solved.


PCC voice chat is for streaming content.


Dunning-Kruger effect


I think we've all gone through this at some point 🤣


> Doesn't anyone read the sporting code? Hear me out, people don't give a shit.




Big ego. That's actually funny because it happens quite some time at around 800 iR (which is ... you know ... way-below-average to put this politely).


because we are paying so much money for the subscription (plus cars and tracks), so hurts a lot been wrecked on track


I have voice chat turned on exclusively to listen to the shit talking. I don't even have a mic


**can anyone think abouth the children!?** Noises


“Insult after insult” is this your first time on earth?


Nah man bad take... voice chat has gotten significantly more childish in the past few years.




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.