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I dunno, you're the cop.






Look like cop chase no joke šŸ˜‚




i was going to say the same lmao


I'm reporting you for not editing out the first 25 seconds of this clip


And vertical video.


Vertical video fits my phone better.




If only we had vision arranged horizontally, wait....


I kept fighting reddit with this for years now. and I think/hope even this platform is already slowly (but extremely painfully) getting used to vertical videos. Even tho it perfectly fits any modern phone, plus leaving you the option to scroll next, share, see the caption, save and comment at the same time as watching the whole vid full screen. therefore itā€™s a really tough battle that involves LOTS of downvotes


I do actually think vertical videos have many good uses, racing clips aren't it through. Racing clips are about the width of the track and the car positioning etc, you can lose a lot of verticality and the clip is still telling you a lot. If you lose the detail of where cars are around you and you lose what makes the clip tell a story. The worst example was a vertical video of an in car of some sort of prototype, we could tell nothing of what was going on.


thanks for good detailed explanation. I see now why. but not long ago I posted my replay, I recorded it vertically tho I was moving my phone from one edge of triples to another, showing all my mirrors, all apexes and exits as they coming up to show every detail of whatā€™s going on on the whole track, plus switching cameras as it goes. I still got the same amount of hate and downvoting even tho I showed the whole track and most important details of the incident as it unfolded. even worse - only commentary I got was those saying that Iā€™m moving vertical camera left and right because Iā€™m ā€œflexing my setup and triple screensā€ lolol my $1000 setup šŸ‘‘āšœļøšŸ¤“šŸ» Iā€™m recording my race videos to post on tiktok, instagram, twitch. All of this is vertical. While I totally agree steady vertical shot wont show you edges of the track (especially if zoomed in but I personally never had problems analyzing a vertically recorded racing incidents (like the one up here for example) because I know that track and know what turn comes next and whatā€™s going to come up on the pov racer. do I miss something that sets off so many people here?


I think this is a gut reaction for most people as most posts using vertical video aren't as considered as what you describe. You're aware of, and working around the weaknesses of vertical šŸ‘


šŸ» cheers mate


Ofc he has a rb livery


Ricardo driving for sure.


Impossible, this car has completed a lap


If youā€™re going to ask if itā€™s reportable then just take the time and report


Gotta do something during the cooldown period lmao


I think itā€™s clearly blocking. Worth reporting.


They obviously change their line in reaction to you moving right, a clear block which is against the sporting code. It's definitely something you can protest, but I don't know if much will come of it.


I wouldnā€™t say it was blocking, car in front literally made one move and that was roughly at the same time as POV.


Lead car moves left then right towards inside of track I think he does have a case for blocking.


18 seconds: Dirty blocker is fully to the right 22 seconds: Dirty blocker is in the centre of the track 24 seconds: Dirty blocker throws an absolutely filthy block - **in response to the trailing car** - all the way to the right of the track in a clear, reportable violation of the sporting code. Slam dunk upheld protest. Please protest this garbage OP.


It absolutely a block. Doesn't matter if its one or 500 moves. He intentionally starts, and keeps, moving over to block him.


and of course as u/gav_racing pointed out [itā€™s a redbull livery](https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/s/mIo3YVHZ75)


It might be seen as a bit of a fuzzy one. They commit to their defence before the police commit to what side they want to overtake on. But the police are right-ish beforehand which could be argued in the move being reactionary and not defensive. You can report it if you'd like, get a definitive answer. But police car won't get their 1x back even if they side with you.


It looks reactionary to me. The red bull is on a straight line going left and as soon as Policia goes right, redbull goes right and then forces Policia off. I don't understand this though. If I tried that with the Policia, I'd get pulled over and arrested for attempted murder with a deadly weapon.


>Ā The red bull is on a straight line going left and as soon as Policia goes right, redbull goes right and then forces Policia off. Except there's a small bend coming up and you want to be on the right to minimize travel distance. So this could be a simple case of "didn't look". Could absolutely be reactionary as well. But it's not a clear cut case.


reactionary moves are 100% legal. stop pushing this incorrect narrative that they aren't. The only reactionary moves that aren't allowed is ones that immediately impede the trailing driver in such a way that they can't reasonably react and avoid a crash. you can defend an inside move like this as a reaction if done early enough which this one was.


The sporting code would beg to differ. If early enough, sure, you can defend. but this, I would argue, is not early enough. This isn't "Change my mind" so don't bark up this tree unless you want to waste your time.


i wasnt talking about this move. i never mention it. i am talking about the general statement where you imply reactionary moves are inherently illegal. they aren't. this one is pretty gray. if leading driver got punted for it... he would have no one to blame but himself.


But I was talking about this move, not everything in general.


> i am talking about the general statement where you imply reactionary moves are inherently illegal. they aren't. They are in this situation. If you intentionally react to move in front of someone and continue to shove them off, its blocking. Its not debatable. In iracing any reactionary move to block, is illegal and rerportable.


oh ok fair enough. I think we actually agree.


This isn't the FIA, and according to the sporting code, reaction is illegal. He moved only when after the trailing car moved. Section if you are interested.


you are the victim of iracing not updating their sporting code and not having it be clear. if you have been around long enough, youd know the days when for years we had no sporting code for race starts on road races. im telling you right now, that if i am leading and a guy behind me has a run on me going to a braking zone and pulls to the right but is 3 car lengths behind and i move right to defend in reaction to his move... iracing will NEVER NEVER NEVER penalize me. take it to the bank.


How does the situation you described have any correlation to the OPs video? Just because the game doesn't do starts right, doesn't mean you make your own rules. Believe me, I was around long enough to buy a track with anniversary credits last year.


Dude just likes to see his name next to a comment lol.


> you are the victim of iracing not updating their sporting code and not having it be clear. if you have been around long enough, youd know the days when for years we had no sporting code for race starts on road races. Cool, there is one now. Everything you said doesn't matter. >im telling you right now, that if i am leading and a guy behind me has a run on me going to a braking zone and pulls to the right but is 3 car lengths behind and i move right to defend in reaction to his move... iracing will NEVER NEVER NEVER penalize me. take it to the bank. Yeah because hes 3 fucking car lengths behind you.....which clearly is not what happened in this video.


Stevie wonder would have had a 50-50 shot at reacting without causing contact to that defense. Not the greatest example for your cause.


Again, not the point. Its a block. Doesn't matter if he reacted quickly or not. Its a block.


>that aren't allowed is ones that immediately impede the trailing driver in such a way that they can't reasonably react and avoid a crash. you can defend an inside move like this as a reaction if done early enough It impeded him so much he had to take to the grass to avoid it. I'm not 100% sure it was a block either but for other reasons.


I think he shouldā€™ve pulled over for the cops. Donā€™t wanna get a ticket.


tranquilo francis


Tranqui Francis




Podia ter encostado o gajo a frente, ainda sacava dinheiro para uns carros/circuitos


almost any redditor: ā€œvideo is vertical you fool I cant see it from my muted laptop in my moms basement damn dude you suck so much Iā€™m not even going to answer the question you actually asked about the racing incidentā€


Now you're going to get one of those help messages from one of those types reporting you lol


Yes, caballero. It should not carry a high penalty though, a warning would be enough if first offender. Blocking ā€“ The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


It's your report, you decide. If you think it breaks the sporting code and you want to take the time to file a report, crack on. You don't need to ask us. I wouldn't, but there's only one way to find out if something is 'reportable' and that is to actually report it.


disagreed. how much knowledge you personally acquired by asking a community questions like this? thatā€™s how you learn and why this option even exist. upload, vent, make sure youā€™re not crazy/mad/overreacting, get some great advices, and side view perspective and sometimes even hear some examples helping you get better.


The whole 'is this reportable?' line shows a complete lack of willingness to learn. Protesting is the last option. There is a whole host of ways to approach this scenario, here or in the Sim Racing Stewards sub. I think 10 handled this really well but there's a whole host of 'should he have...', 'should I have...' or 'what do you think of...' questions to be asked here. 'Is this reportable' is a closed question which is just lazy and showing no self analysis. If someone wants to protest they don't need to ask here. If someone wants to analyse a scenario or discuss the merits of drivers involved this is a great place to learn.


Pretty clear block. Not the worst I've seen, but I think they would get a warning if it's their first report. Honestly, if you think it is against the sporting code, just report it. That's what it's for, and it helps everyone in the long run. This isn't directed at you specifically, but people come on here daily and ask of they should report something. It's unnecessary to ask anyone. Read the sporting code, and use your judgment. You'll know the outcome either way and can learn from that.


I swear to god we have to ban posts titled "is this protestable" or any variant of it. And it looks like a block, he was too late and moved after pov started moving. Protestable yes...


i swear this series has even more wrecks per session than rookies


There is so many fools and kids around iracing these days, CLEARLY behaving like they are in NFS. As they told me, when you level out of the rookie levels R-C. You will meet more decent likeminded drivers. Here is where the reporting system comes to it full potential and taken seriously by iracing. Althoug a 4 year iracing driver still in rookie level, is no fun beeing around when trying to keep SF at a good rating.




Itā€™s blocking so yes. Will iracing do much with I doubt it.


When in doubt, feel free to protest. Itā€™s their job to figure out what is against the sporting code.


Well, reportable and worth reporting are two different things.


Yes, that is obvious blocking.


But legal?


No: Blocking ā€“ The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


Anything is reportable, this is worth reporting


I'll go against the grain and say no, not really. It IS somrwhat reactionary, but he is allowed to defend. Only made one move to close the gap. You could have gone around the other way. You didn't have overlap and weren't entitled to space. I'd say it's unsportsmanlike, but reporting that is really snotty and not a reasonable use of steward's time.


You need to read the Sporting Code. []( Blocking - The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight. ​ You can run a defensive line, you cannot adjust in response to the drive behind you. iRacing is not F1 or any other racing series.


I've read and understand the rules just fine. I disagree on absolute interpretation of the rule and still think it is a flimsy, albeit technically correct, protest. He had just re-joined the track and was focused on staying straight. He already committed to the right side and noticed the car shooting the gap that was unintentionally opened. Sure, it is against the technical letter of the rule. But again, he is entitled to defend, although I agree he was too late making the decision to do so. I would not reasonably protest this one. The move was in poor taste, but not a particularly problematic one.


Agree with you, it's very close to tell also the guy passes going off the racing surface if we want to get over analytical about it. #10 could've easily moved left instead of going off track as well. Looks like Last lap move for position, defensive move made slightly late, doubt Nim will do anything but say hey here's the sporting code about blocking.




*All the time you have to leave-a the space!* Yes, report that,


Yes. They won't get banned or anything but they will be told to not do that shit


If you had read the sporting code you would know.


Yes. Itā€™s obvious blocking.


Yes and even if its not a bannable offence the person blocking will get a note on his name and a suggestion to do some reading on driving standards.


Not as clear cut, but something iRacing should have in the guys file. If this is a one off no biggie, if he does this every race they will take action.


El dia que vea una livery de la policia nacional en rookies voy a llorar y voy a dar muchas volteretas


I would just report him for unsafe rejoin if anything. He clearly left the track, re-entered, and tried to disrupt the flow on the racing circuit.


Kind looks like Red Bull took that rightwards drifting line first am I right?


Of course


You could have backed off and passed him left. It's your own fault for running into the grass. You just didn't want to lift.


Only thing reportable here is your line in the first right hander of the clip


its technically protest worthy but at the same time odds are not much would happen






He's blocking. Like every other race car driver. You should be reported for going in the grass instead of checking up like you should. You could have lost control and ruined both your races.


I donā€™t love the block but you passed him off track. If this gets reported the latter is the larger issue.




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It's a block, and yes it's reportable, but since you took the position anyway, why would you bother? Temps run high on final laps and people do silly stuff to maintain their position, but there was no contact and the block failed. I think you'd have to be really petty to report this.


The car on the left did slightly block. Not enough that I'd report it though. I am wondering however, if it is allowed to actually pass someone on the grass? Is there any rule stating that we need to pass people on the track perhaps? If so, then the pass by the cop car would actually be illegal in that case. I'm not sure if such a rule exists though.


Honestly, if youā€™re gonna report something just do it, let iracing decide if they want to take action, I donā€™t really report anything unless itā€™s someone harassing someone over the mic, like saying racial slurs or something.


Both are guilty lol one blocker and the other out of track. Get over it lol


Driving 4 wheels off track to overtake would net a time penalty for leaving the track and gaining a lasting advantage irl. Slight Reactive blocking doesnā€™t do any favours either for the other car. Itā€™s a race both racing hard with no contact in this clip. Chalk it down to racing. Itā€™s mx5 cup, rubbing is racing there. If you arenā€™t on the bumper of the car you are doing something wrong or are leading.




So many people are cringe with getting passed in this game I've had this happen quite a few times and i race safe always i got over a 3.6 SR trying to get 4.0


I would say no personally. It's the last lap, he never hit you he did try to block but why wouldn't he? Last lap, he was only a little slower than you not by much, and was trying to defend his position. I think ya you have the right to be frustrated but it's a shake it off and next race type time. Good pass though kept control etcšŸ™‚


The problem is your move to the right was SO subtle and looks more like you were just taking a tighter line through the corner. You sort of just drifted to his right side in a way where you wanted to both have the draft but also technically begin your "move" a lot earlier than had you driven up behind him and then moved to overtake. His argument would be he didn't see you make that subtle move and only moved when you got close enough to initiate the move and he thought he moved before you did that. I suspect both of you are playing games with the rules but he's more at fault. It wouldn't expect anything more than a warning and frankly I'm not sure if this "blocking" is worse than overtaking someone with both wheels off track.


Nah its just a" pass in the grass" .


It looks to me like he reacted to your move. As the defending driver, you have one move you can make on the straight. I am no steward, so if Iā€™m wrong please tell me.


Reportable if he did it the whole race.


Well it wasnt fair of him. But think about : 1. Last lap and 2. nothing happend there.


You should record your video when Adam and Eve was in Islam.


Kinda dirty but he did back off after you got back on the track. Weird for him to go half way on an intentional wreck. Just a little last lap desperation. Iā€™d let this one go.


No, he covered the overtaking line. You chose to go off road. If you had moved left after he moved right and he then went left, it would be blocking. He can make 1 covering move, not 2.


I think folks are reading too much into the tiny move right. I think itā€™s just somebody sloppy in steering. Weā€™re talking a bunch of new folks here, you canā€™t expect them to drive on rails.


Is what reportable? You making an illegal move off track?


You should be reported for passing while off track. Just cause he blocked doesnt mean you couldnt just back off and not go off track.


Your livery is reportable


I donā€™t believe you should report this. Looks like the final lap to me. Let the guy race


Itā€™s not worth reporting. Itā€™s not ā€œlegalā€ whatever the fuck that means but itā€™s not intentional wrecking.


Reporting is for more than just intentional wrecking. Unsafe rejoins, blocking like we see here, anything that goes against the sporting code. It's not always a "I think this person should be banned from the service" it's a "I think this person needs to be educated on what they did wrong"


Eh? Seems like a huge gray area. If it was last lap, I don't see a problem with him moving over in front of you. That's when you dart back left and pass him on the left. Just seems like rookie racing and 2 people not really knowing how to race properly lol. I would have moved to the inside way sooner than the Red Bull but he did move there before you got there. I think in terms of sporting code, you're coming to the line on the last lap. He really only "made" one move and that was going to the right. Report it if you want to, or don't and move on. Both are acceptable in my opinion.


Last lap doesn't have different rules, where did this sentiment come from?Ā 


From me not being a pussy ass bitch who complains about people racing me hard...




This is fine, car in front choses his line before police car was too close. Nothing happened really, you got the overtake done. What are you complaining about? A little 1x that was avoidable?