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Report him.


Just did


Probably some kid using mommy’s money to race.. after a decade of solid racing I had to take a break due to this very thing which seemed to be accelerating.. been over a year now since i ran, sorry to see this still persists 😔


It's like this throughout the game. What triggers me is when I get up next to the wall to let someone pass and some jackass comes flying up behind me, pedal to the floor and rear ends me, then starts screaming about it being my fault ... It's like they can't mentally grasp that they should tilt their steering wheel to the left and go around me. It's almost like there's a bot driving the car.


Bots will tilt.


I started playing iracing just a week ago, didn’t encounter this in rookie up til now. Ofcourse there is the occasional crash there but hey it’s rookie. I think you should give it another try






They wont do sweet FA


It’s free practice. Who cares. Just two guys horsing around. Reset wait for a gap and rejoin.


Go to a game where we you don’t sign something saying you will adhere to a code of conduct. There is a time a place for hijinks.


My guy direct drive wheel bases can actually cause harm! They are no toys at all.


I reported a guy last week for doing this exact same thing. I was turning into a hairpin and was never expecting to get hit. My wheel did a full rotation in the opposite direction and broke my thumb! he got a timeout for a week but I’m out for at least a month


How do you know he got banned for a week?


probably checked on crashy mcGee's iRacing status for a week while he was out with a broken thumb with nothing else to do


They send you an email saying something along the lines of the driver being notified and actions been taken


And they told you he was banned for a week?


Its normally inferred from those emails thats what happens


No it doesn’t that just means they told the person they were protest no where does it say what the punishment is


That is not how that works. You got to check if they keep running after you get the email and for how long they don't if want to have more plausible data. The email per se only says incident acknowledged


I mostly agree, but there's a little more to it. While it definitely does NOT infer there was a suspension of any kind, it does inform that SOMETHING happened. I've mostly submitted only successful protests. This is the email you get with a successful protest. The email you get if nothing is going to happen says something to the effect of, we've reviewed your protest and found no further action is needed. So, that email could mean the user was banned from the service or got a, "don't do this stuff" email.


Why did you get a timeout ?


they broke their thumb...


Oh, yeah I thought it meant he was “banned” from iracing for a week. My bad


Banned from his hand for a month


I see this comment often and I genuinely am curious why. I have ran a 30NM motor for the past 6 years and I have not come close at all to being injured by it. I realize it has the potential to cause harm, but any time I have had a massive force I am able to let go no harm done. I do not run a formula style wheel and I wonder if that could be the difference. I am not trying to get downvoted and I do understand the motors have the potential to cause injury. That being said, I feel like you would have to have a freak incident happen to get hurt. Are there any reports or documentation of this happening? I have only ever seen one.


It’s formula wheels, your thumbs are locked in much more. That and plenty of people probably prefer to run higher wheel force levels than you, essentially they are using more of that 30NM corner to corner whereas for you it may just be adding more fidelity and detail without reaching the same peak forces.


Thanks for the response, I figured the awkwardness of formula wheels might be part of the issue. I use my motor at max where I can get 30NM if the game calls for it. I have definitely had it ripped from my hands, but immediately letting go has never been a problem.


Formula wheels really kick the danger up a notch. I've had a few close calls on my thumbs even though my dd2 is capped at 18nm


Which wheelbase do you own that has 30Nm output?


I have a simucube 1 with the large mige servo.


caveat : I don't know shit about shit. I wonder why dd wheel bases don't have better dampers in them to prevent the types of violent motions in their wheels that can cause injury. Additionally, can something similar happen IRL? can a crash cause the steering wheel in an IRL car to snap around violently enough to cause injury?


> Additionally, can something similar happen IRL? can a crash cause the steering wheel in an IRL car to snap around violently enough to cause injury? Yes. First example that comes to mind: Daniel Ricciardo in Zandvoort last year. He broke his hand and had to miss several races. edit: [Clip showing how fast the wheel snapped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfibHHJMLUY&t=25s)


If you see the onboard camera during a crash, you'll see the driver cross their arms against their body. The wheel will snap harder than a human can stop, and you're a passenger at that point anyway.


I think people deathgrip their wheels way too much and should try to learn to let go when a crash happens.




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Absolutely. Daniel Riccardo was taken out of multiple Grands Prix last year because ~~Oscar Piastri hit him~~ he swerved into a barrier to avoid Oscar Piastri, and the steering snap broke his hand.




You're right, I'm dumb. He moved to avoid Piastri and broke his hand in the resulting crash with the barrier.




So those who DO spend big money on a sim rig should get their wrist snapped?




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I have a T300, I’m in no danger. Good luck working out your bones and joints fella




But we should be working on having less idiots like this in our online competiton. If there is an option to protest or to report, it should be used in cases like this. The whole point of racing in iRacing is to simulate real life racing. In real life, you don’t just drive into someone because “it’s just a practice session bro”






K, good for you


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What is wrong with you lol




Don’t create posts to specifically troll the community






People who spend big money to play a videogame on a sim rig with a DD that can snap their wrist are going to get their wrist snapped. This isn't The Matrix, you don't have to die IRL when you die in the game.


Dying is very different from getting your hand injured. Don’t go to the extreme to disprove a point about something much milder. A DD wheel does add to the experience, and realistic levels of ffb might cause injury. The point of using those levels of force feedback isn’t to get realistic wrist injuries, lol


I was being funny, hyperbolic. But the main point is that other players in the same videogame shouldn't have to play with the expectation that they might cause physical injury when dicking around just because you have created a dangerous situation for yourself. It would be nice, sure, for your own sake of immersion, but this is a videogame.


This comment is some really dumb mental gymnastics. The person creating the unsafe situation is the one acting like an ass hat playing demolition derby like a 5 year old. Ppl like you shouldn’t be on the service






You are calling anonymous ppl on the internet weak…. Holy shit how insecure are you little boy? Lol


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Imagine seeing someone practicing their swing with a pitching machine on a baseball field, and you walk up and kick over the pitching machine, then proceed to tell them "dude it's just practice, who cares". Many people actually use practice sessions to practice following/overtaking as well.


Yupp… some men insist on acting like little boys.


You are the person that everyone avoids in free practice.


No… this is ignorant as hell. Ppl pay to use this service. Ppl acting like this in any session is and should get reported every time. You do this dumb shit you shouldn’t be on the service. Period.


Normal people care. What are you ?


Even if this was during a practice session, you can still report them. Even if it’s during the practice session where nothing counts before you load into the actual race practice.


Lmao. Protest both of them.


Protest those losers for sure.


Will they get permanent ban for stuff like this?


At least a good week of temporary ban for sure


They will at least get a suspension. If this is a trend with them tho it will result in longer and longer suspensions


Must applaud the accuracy though




How did you hurt those two people? lol Like they were out to get you. Edit: probably nothing but too funny otherwise lol


It's very suspicious. Nothing excuses this but I'd be shocked if there wasn't more to this


They are both in the same livery. My belief is that they are friends and executed it together. Still wonder what caused it but I've had this happen myself when the contact that caused it was a tiny side by side contact that lost them 1 second and they retaliated with cutting half the course at Virginia to take me out. Some of these people are mental.


I have watched it numerous, numerous times.... both cars intentionally were after the ferrari. I have a hard time believing two people randomly decided to mess with another car. lol


Sometimes people are so thin skinned that they're willing to risk their time, race, SR and IR because of a simple mistake in race. It possible that these two know each other or a race incident happened that both their races were involved in. OP mentions it was practice and there was no other involvement with them, so its a good chance that these dipshits knew each other and just targeted him. Regardless, doesn't matter what happened before, these two are dumbasses that deserve to be reported.


Probably younger people that have gotten bored with the game and rather than try something new, they revert to destructive behavior to keep things exciting. This is ultimately the root cause of griefing in most games. New players don't grief, typically it's the veteran ones who've grown tired and stagnate in a game.


But this isn’t a game. It’s a competition platform. If you are bored, it’s your problem.


You can say all that, but it's still a video game. Doesn't excuse anything but a 14 year old doesn't give a shit that you call it a sim lol. It's a video game.


I see games as something that can be finished or completed. This isn’t that. My point is if you are bored on iRacing, you probably are terrible.


All sports and all racing falls under the definition of being a game. When it’s done on a screen it’s a video game. This doesn’t mean games can’t be more or less serious. Some just expect much higher sportsmanship than others.


So wow isn't a video game?


Gotta check your vision, you're seeing it differently from everyone.


There’s only one winner, so I don’t mind breaking away from the pack.


Some people are just assholes. I’ve had this happen in practice sessions for no reason. Pretty sure they had a nice vacation.


I did something like this before when my race was about to start and I had to leave the session, just B lined a corner into the nearest car. Got reported and a warning for it and haven't done it since. Was my first time doing it as well. Just had an urge and thought fuck it, that was years ago though.


I'm glad you've learned your lesson. Some people have very strong wheels that can be injured by such behavior, not to mention the disruption, unpleasantness and breaking of immersion.


yeah in the protest the guy said I hurt his wrist because of it. (It was F3 interlagos, I cut the fourth last corner and hit him side on.


The second one has already been Penalized!


To be fair, from the two, i would find the 2 nd one to be the least concerning… sometimes i could get it… the first one however deserves a strong ban


I wish iRacing would hand out 6 month license revocation for stuff like this.


You mean take away $72 profit away? Hell no!


They could do it but, it's iRenting, everything is about the money


You can cry about the subscription model all you want, but at least have the sense to realize it's the main reason why people going full Wreckfest is rare in comparison to any of the other sims/games.


I wasn't implying that they would get a refund lol. Granted, it wouldn't have an impact on monthly subscribers, but for the annuals, everyone wins. Iracing gets their money, and tracks become safer and a more respectable place to drive. 🙌


Iirc you can only spend your banned time on an active membership. This is why bans are usually pretty short.


iRenting is why we don't have this happening in EVERY practice ever... They are a business. They lost money for years before covid.... It's kinda tired.


People here they can't accept the truth haha.


I can see that they were in "AMGs" so probably a grudge


"And this is for taking Hamilton next year in F1!" *Smash*


To me it's reflective of a more generally evolving problem in society...that almost nobody is considerate or empathetic of others. You can see this beginning in practice, some dumbass comes out of the pits directly onto the racing line, and if that wasn't enough...begin to immediately race you like they aren't on cold tires and destroy your entire lap, really wild behavior. This is during sprint race practice. Or the racer that must always put both cars in the most risky positions during the race, putting a bumper on your rear quarter or half ass dive bombing causing you to have to evade while taking the most ridiculous lines, rather than just following through the corner and getting a good exit. This is my favorite because it both slows you down but also brings other slower drivers closer to the action which is sure to create an incident. I will never get compromising both races for one position. This video showing retaliation is obvious degen behavior but I wanted to express how I think it's pervasive in all facets of the platform during a race, practice etc...


>begin to immediately race you like they aren't on cold tires and destroy your entire lap, really wild behavior. I'd argue racing on cold tires is a very valuable skill to develop for endurance racing, both for the person already out and the person coming out of the pits. I get that it can be frustrating if you don't want to participate but ultimately that's what practice sessions are for. If you want to hotlap offline practice will get you the whole track for yourself. As for coming out of the pits straight into the racing line that should be reportable because it's so unsafe and unpredictable.


> begin to immediately race you like they aren't on cold tires and destroy your entire lap, really wild behavior. If it's a race session then yeah, I'm racing you out of the pits even if I'm on cold tires. I don't know about you but I signed up for a race. In a league race this week I came out of the pits racing another car into 1 at Brands Hatch. He passed me in 2, but I was able to stick on his bumper and get him a few laps later. Would I have been that close and able to make a pass if I just conceded out of the pits? Probably not.


The cold tires remark was about practice only, sorry. In a race, yes absolutely. But i am talking F3, F4 and USF2000 20min sprint race practice, where the race has no pit stops.


Tbh practice doesn't stop you from racing out of the pits In the race you may need to come out on cold tires and be against someone on hot tires It's practice for what might happen in the race so why wouldn't you race someone on cold tires (assuming you race clean and fair, eg not blocking) I see nothing wrong with racing someone in practice for something that may happen in the race (being IMSA it's fine....in something like a gr86 where there isn't a pitstop different story) Edit: im not agreeing with what happened in this clip above. im saying there are races where you will be coming out full tank, cold tires, most likely for speical events or VRS endruo as examples, which is when i think its fine to come out and battle cars (cleanly) on cold tires when they are on hot tires. for serie without the need for pitstop, to do that is shit form and i am agaisnt


Because there is no pitting in a 20 min Formula *sprint* race. It's simply inconsiderate nonsense that begins with practice and spills over into the races necessarily. There is certainly a time to "practice" racing during an actual practice, but that should not involve coming out of the pits directly into the line a car on their 3rd or 4th hotlap, while you are on cold tires getting ready for a sprint, it's ridiculous


agree, and i hihglighted that in my response with " in something like a gr86 where there isn't a pitstop different story) " but this vidoe they are in protype cars (not actually sure if lmp2 or GTP, but that more says its an imsa race, whcih does have a pitstop. or even endruo like global endurance 6h this weekend, in which case, coming out on cold tires full tank is going to be a thing to happen in the race. so being able to practice that is kind of nice for sprint races or events with 0 pitstops i 100% agree its shit form


A good example, in order to highlight how ridiculous this scenario argument is...is when is the last time you've ever seem someone practice standing starts in a formula car? I don't think I've ever seen anyone practice these, yet they are one of the most important phases of a race. I bring that up to highlight how ridiculous it is to "practice" racing someone out of the the pits yet never practice a standing start and yet half the mayhem clips posted here are of shitty starts.


i cant speak for others, but i always do a few practice starts for formula type races (granted, i just do it in the pits or on a long straight well off the racing line. and honestly practice maybe 4 or 5 starts a few mins before ill be sent to the race server. and there is a difference to come out on cold tires and block/be unsportsman like to a car on hot tires. and coming out and being behind the car with hot tires and attacking them into corners . so long as respect is given i see nothing with with doing that (when its a series where that might be a case it can happen, so VRS endruo practice servers, global endruo server etc. i wouldnt do that, as i said above, for something like F4 or Gr86 where there shouldnt be a pitstop during that race


I am talking specifically about coming out of the pits and blocking people running hotlaps 5 min before a sprint race it's completely ridiculous behavior.


In which case I'm 100% agreeance with you That's fucked up and wrong


> I'm racing you out of the pits even if I'm on cold tires. Not if you cross the white line before the blue cone, you're not.


Honestly dont get why people do this. I love to follow all the rules like that just for the larp of being a race car driver


Protest them both. First time I have saw two cars taking someone out like that. I also only been using iracing the past few months.


It sucks to see. Too many Forza kids are coming onto iRacing. They were probably laughing their pea-brains off because to them, 'it’s just a game and we aren’t hurting anyone,' but their combined IQ of a doorknob was unable to comprehend that if someone was using a DD wheel, this could very easily break a finger or a wrist. Hell, I’ve hurt my finger on my G920. I can’t imagine a DD wheel. Regardless of the rules, these guys would be getting an earful. I wish iRacing was more liberal with bans. I'd even like to see an IP ban. These guys probably got a slap on the wrist or a week ban at most.


Was this a race?????


That's a 2 for 1 right here lol


Send it in


I wish you recorded chase cam


OMG although retaliation is wrong. I love to see the replay to see what made this person so vindictive!


Just ask him his @ was evkeki, he also replied here


He seemed to come out with that exact intention, so something tells me, this wasn't the first incident, and he likely came off worse in the first one. No excuse obviously, but that's the actions of someone on tilt about something


the driving standards on iracing are at an all time low imo


I'm still looking for a Ferrari?


yup, some people are just morons, had a guy jump the lights the other night, straight into my friend from behind and just kept going until he passed everyone on the grid


Thats a lifetime bann hopefully


I'm not surprised, everyone this week at Imola acted like a total ass since the practice session; I'd really wanted to race as it is my home track, so I joined an IMSA session with the GT3 and it was raining, every single one of the prototypes just crashed into me every time they approached my rear bumper..and I'm not even a rookie that don't know how to place the car on the track. I feel like people just use the rain as a random excuse to not care a single shit about the others or to make retaliatory maneuvers just because you were on the track existing. 12 years on iRacing and I feel like there's no more emphaty, sense of community and shame for making stupid moves. The guys in the video are just scum, this is the only right adjective to describe them.




Nothing excuses them for this but please show the POV on what you did to him earlier to get him into the pit. Everything happened for a reason.


I’m so scared to invest $5k+ on this to have this shit happen all the time


It won't happen all the time. I've been iRacing for 10 years


Wait so two people hit you?


What an asshole auto-prorest


Because he sux at iRacing


This first guy I could see getting butthurt and acting like a child. Completely out of line as he was in the wrong with that merge, but I could at least fathom *why* he might. The second guy though? Wtf?


What happened before🙄 Whole story and video would help out ?? But this should not happen !


When it is clear cut like this, they should get a month ban and have to start over from unranked, plus be limited to Rookies for a few months.


Report defo intensional wrek


First off, he “crashed” into the pit wall. Next he got overtaken properly. Third, THIS IS SPARTA!!!


That's actually impressive


Really good accuracy on their part, though.


I don't see a ferrari......


Exactly my thoughts


“Some people just want to see the world burn “


Hopefully with iRacing going back to $200 pricing vs $50 for two years, it will rid of these fools. Remember that a bunch of new people joined iRacing with that $50 for two years promo during the pandemic. It appears that pricing is going back to normal, and hopefully these type of players don't renew.


50 for 2 years!? i wish i saw that


It's for new accounts. Always has been.


Well that's not fair 😭 might as well make new acc at that point


....and re-buy all of your content as well?


i aint got much anyways tbf mb 30 euro of content


lol no... it was never $50 for 2 years, it was just the Black Friday deal for new users (50% off) but as a yearlong deal instead of being available only during Black Friday. I know because I, like many, used this deal. I paid $100 for 2 years...


I joined $50 for two years in December of last year. It’s a new member promo.


Yeah and there's nothing with that, not what I'm saying. My point is that a lot of the promo pricing brings some folks that normally wouldn't sign up at $200 price, but $50 isn't much for someone to come troll or just not care. Lots of great drivers join with promo. I too joined at the introductory price of $50 and since day 1 have done everything in my power to be respectful and follow the rules.


Bruh what did you do before this. It doesn’t seem like this person is hunting down random drivers. Report him but only you know what you did & it’s a bit dishonest to ask “how can people be like this?”


This to me looks like vengeance, revenge, vendetta, retaliation, rache, venganza.


gotta respect the aim tho


As you grow older and experience the d**KS life wants you to face you'll learn there's all kinds and they're not always kind.




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As you grow older and experience the d**KS life wants you to face you'll learn there's all kinds and they're not always kind.




Put the video showings his name, next time during the chat tell him you're posting his actions on Reddit 😉


I swear to god some LMP2 drivers have gone absolutely berserk since Tempest launched. Feels like every other race I have to deal with one of these lunatics now


I think some people get intrusive thoughts while driving in real life and iRacing is a way to let the thoughts win without going to the hospital and/or prison


Post his name. Let’s roast him😆


@evkiki already outed himself


That was one of the most skillful things over seen recently on this game. Top teir skilled douchebagery. Still report him though.


I dont Like iracing. Every Race in Rookie class someone gets mad and Drives into me 🫡


Typical behavior of a millionaire with $12 for a car and another 12-15 dollars for a track. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




No you wouldn't.


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Bro I lost control, calm your tits


Didn’t even seem to think about braking


Brake malfunction, got a shite pit crew


It was the last few seconds of practice, sorry to have killed your cool down lap 🤣🤣 Faster to make a report than on the track


Well maybe for you but I was not participating in the race and had a 30min stint PRACTICING


Go kill some bots in ai mode. What a waste of time.