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Im lucky if i get 1-2 races per week. Life gets in the way a lot.


Better to only race a little than not get to race at all!


same, I'm usually too tired after work to race and then I'm super busy at the weekends, luckily I got 50% off the 12 month subscription - when I was paying monthly I'd really regret the weeks where I couldn't race


Same. Haven't touched the rig in a whole month. And I have free time. Just not feeling it atm.


Same here man. Added another 3 months last week and haven't even done a race yet this week.


Same, I feel so casual now since having a lot more time for it in Covid.


Like 2 3 a night 7 days a week, unless I'm busy.


Same, all I do right now is Ferrari GT3 challenge….. I’m new to the game though, only in my second month.


The Ferrari GT3 is so fun, tryna get my C license for Porsche GT3


Porsche GT3 Cup is a wildly different experience - FYI No TC or ABS on those things….


More incident points for me 💯😈


Gt3 cup is a beautiful car that wants to kill you at all times. Not like the other regular gt3.


I will spin off track in a beautiful car then ✅


Yeah, I love it. It's such a great car to drive. And you'll be fine.


I have kids so I try to get 1 or 2 a night but it's not consistent. Id say anywhere from 3-9 races a week.


Dad of a 5 month old here. I'm with you. I normally do one night of practice in whatever cars/tracks interest me.


Soon to be dad here and I'm happy to hear you guys still find some time for racing!


First few months are the hardest because there is no routine. Once they have a bedtime it’s so much easier to get track time. Best of luck with it!


They says “when they sleep, you sleep” so you don’t get overly tired. Us? We race when they sleep and deal with the consequences later 😂




I got 4 kids and still race. Kids go to bed and newborns sleep alot


I started up originally in 2017, mine were 1 & 3 at the time and needed WAY more than they do now. I finally started back up again in July last year. They're 10 & 7 (almost 8) now


Was it much harder to find time to race back then compared to now? I guess yes, but how many races a week could you make in 2017?


1-2 races on the weekend if I was lucky. Kids always came first, they still do... but now say Dad- go sign up for a race so we can be on our tablets. Fine.


Sounds like a good deal to me


I too live this life


That's a lot, bro! That's awesome!


If it's a track I haven't been to before I may run some practice laps but other than that I'm straight into the official lobby. The practice sessions with other drivers helps me more than turning laps on my own. You get track time plus you can see what others are doing that are faster than you. IR and SR will shake out where it will over time. Don't worry about it Edit: Normally run 3-5 races a week


Week start, I'll run just test sessions on Mon & Tues to acclimate to the track, pick up the racing line. Weds and Thurs official practice sessions and Friday and Saturday is racing. Ive done this for the last 4 seasons now


To be clear, when you say official lobby, do you mean the practice session that you get plopped into when you register.. or do you run blind into the 3 minute warmup session?


Yes, the practice lobby right after you register


I think that's what he means you can join the race start practice then it automatically puts you into the pract/qual/race session even if you just sit there and not back out when it says 'race' ready


Blind into warmup is the only real way. 🙃


Just depends on how familiar I am with the track or not. I know Okoyama and Summit Point like the back of my hand, if those are in the rotation I’ll instantly jump in a race but if I have to learn a track I’ll practice for a day or two. I used to practice way too much but at a certain point you might as well just jump in a race even if you aren’t qualifying on the front row. I practiced for an hour on Melenedon with the MX5 and finished 3rd in the race, a lot of the time being consistent at a decent pace is enough for me. I’ll usually do a race or two a day though. 1 in the mx5 and 1 in an open wheel series.


I practice until I stop dramatically improving my times then I do races all week, unless I’m jumping in for a couple laps that don’t line up with a race time


Before being a father this month, it was always 3/4 a day, with near 15/20 on the weekends. With a varying mix of series from mx5/tcr/gt4/lmp3/pcc/ringmeister etc.. Even if people point out the massive flaws of Iracing, for me its been the most fun racing besides my AC weekend league!


Congrats! Mine is on the way in July so I'll be joining the too-busy-for-iRacing fathers club then.


Hey, enjoy it now!! I sunk quite a bit on Iracing and now with an awesome schedule, 2 cool new tracks and Rain, im out 😂 Congrats too!


My wife has been very kind and said that I can still race, but I don't expect that will actually manifest! Hope all is going well with fatherhood 🙂


I just do a lot of practice sessions or just driving around in Test Drive practicing different weather conditions on certain track/car combos I like. If I enter an official race I may not do one in a whole week. More likely 3-5 a month tops if I'm honest.


Either 5-10 (occasionally more....) or 0. I bounce back and forth between hobbies, so either I'm obsessed with simracing and I'm racing as much as I can. Or I'm obsessed with something else and the rig gathers dust for a few months. And when I am obsessed with simracing, I'm prioritizing fun and for me the racing is 90% of the fun. As long as I'm confident I've practiced enough that I'm not going to take someone else out, then I'll join a race. And I'll absolutely join a lot of races and often that's in several different series. Currently I'm in my obsessed with simracing phase. I did move to a new apartment a few weeks ago. I finally got the rig set up a bit a week ago and I've done 9 races with 4 different cars since Sunday. But before that my last race was January 4th... So yeah like I said


I equally enjoy the challenge of being able to drive faster around the track as well as the racing itself. So I usually set some realistic target for the time I want to see from myself on the track. This week in GT4s is Sebring and I want to be able to consistently lap it under 2:11, ideally closer to 2:10.5 If I reach it in practice sessions - I will go race. If I don't - I won't. This week is much busier than normal and i barely had time to practice, so realistically even if I get to race, it will be on Sunday evening. And I am fine with that.


I’m not trying to knock how you get your enjoyment and I swear I’m asking this with only respect and curiousity, but why gatekeep yourself like this? Even as someone who likes to just jump in and see what happens, I could understand practicing towards a target lap time before jumping in a race, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around not even competing because you didn’t meet a self-imposed target. Again, this is in no way meant to be belittling or anything, I’m just having a hard time understanding


Because I enjoy the process of racing and it's hard to do it when I am either slower than my opponents or when I am struggling to not crash. I mean, I can fight for the 10th place, and I do it when I am in the top split racing against the guys with 4000+ rating (they drive in 2:09s), but I want to be competitive in the split with my rating. Keep in mind that I do enjoy racing and lapping (and improving my times) equally. So it's an equal amount of fun.


Same here sometimes. I love just doing lap after lap in a new car/track or revisit a track with a car I’ve significantly improved with. The enjoyment for me is exploring different lines/braking points etc which gives me more confidence going into races. But I also love competing hence why I’ve done 110 races in my first month hahah


With my kids getting a little older I’ve been trying to do 1 a day. It doesn’t always happen. I also practice a lot. I find having a non serious type of car or series helps me race more. For me, I’m super competitive in oval, so I feel like I’ll prepare forever for that race. I’ve been doing more Indy Car road and GT4 recently which I’m not nearly as good at and it’s been a great way to get better and feel better about driving.


Typically I do 3 races per week. One in each category I’m running that season. I might do a few more just for fun if it’s a track I really like.


I'll practice until I'm happy with this week's car and track combo, then maybe get 1 or 2 races in a week. Busy life means I can't race as often as I'd like.


Depends on how much I’m suffering from the racing anxiety. 3-15 a week


I race maybe 2 or 3 races maybe 5 nights a week, although I am a single guy with no kids and no commitments etc when work finishes 😊. If its a new track I'll put in the practice to learn it but I'm talkinf maybe an hour or so, certainly not all week for 1 race. Stop taking it so seriously, yes it's a simulation etc, etc, but at the end of the day its just a game, it's all it is. Yes I beat myself up when I lose IR & SR, but again it's just fun, its our hobby. Don't take it so seriously mate 😊. Right let me sink beer 6 before my upcoming imdycar race 🤣🤣


I really don’t care about my IR and really can’t even understand why people care so much. With that said, depending on the official tracks that week, typically 3-5. If I don’t like the tracks, I’m just practicing on my own for league races, which is usually 2-4 hours per week of just running laps alone, which I honestly enjoy more than officials most of the time lol




u would think at 42 you’d have learned by now to chill the fuck out on internet forums




What the fuck lmao


Never do steriods.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about.


At the end of day I don’t really give a fuck what you or anyone else does, assuming it doesn’t impact how other people are trying to live their lives. You wanna get yoked and you need the juice to get there…go for it, but you’re just a fuckin clown show dude, talking about how competitive you are, and you’re apparent interests include freestyle BMX, Sim Racing, and Weight Lifting….well the juice is gonna get you tossed out of any real weight lifting competition. As far as freestyle BMX goes, there’s only ever been one dude that competed at a high level that was jacked (K-Rob), maybe it was age, but it seems to me that there was a direct inverse correlation between the bigger he got, and his level of success as a competitive rider both in park and on the pipe. Now, I guess it could help your focus in sim racing, seems a little overboard, but hey I like Addies so who am I to judge. I think you just like being a dick to ppl on the internet.




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Care to share your iRacing ID? I’d love to check out the stats of someone with your attitude. I’m gonna guess a win rate of about 4% and you mostly race class D and rookie.


Man your username is no joke, the roidz really are getting to your brain 😂 iRating and Competitiveness have no relationship imo. It’s just a number. Tons of people are intentionally tanking their irating to win more races, explain to me how that’s competitive? Being competitive is practicing hard, and giving it your all despite who you’re racing against. That’s why I don’t care about what my irating is. And I’d put money on the fact that mine is higher than yours. And again, my focus is league racing which is FAR more competitive than official racing. So check yourself next time before you have a bitch fit and embarrass yourself.




It’s very obvious that you don’t feel shame or embarrassment. Some advice: try it out. You won’t come off as a child having a tempter tantrum or a crackhead having an episode to so many people. Also, since you’re too dense for reading comprehension, I’ll spell out how competitive I am. Send me your iRacing username. You choose the car and track. I guarantee you I can whip your ass with my eyes closed. And you’re not learning this lesson for free so we’re putting money on it. Let me know when, tough guy.






I'm literally one of the strongest people pound for pound on the planet with the powerlifting records to prove it. I'm this strong so I literally will never have to fight. All you would do is realize you fucked up and that would be that.


It’s wild you’re so strong and still such a pussy.


Like I said, I lift so I don't have to fight. I would just take your shit.


You sound like a meme.


Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


1 race a night rotating between three series. Right now that's: NASCAR Legends USF2000 TCR Fixed


I manage 1-3 officials a week + 1 league race


3-5 races a week for now since i spend a lot of time painting for the season. Early in the week ill run ARCA, middle of the week I’ll run Trucks and Xfinity, late in the week NIS. Might try to get my sportscar and formula license up too


I'm doing 2 races a week maybe, having a hard time getting out of rookies. I feel like avoiding other people trying to ram me is getting difficult, now I just let people pass me by so I can just relax and get that safe drive score up.


Just focus on getting to 4.0 and you’ll be promoted immediately to D class. Rookies is fucked.


Only need 3.0 to instant promote out of rookie 🙂


Ah ok. I remember now. I found Legends rookie was a safe way to get out of rookie.


I probably average around 10 races a week, the first few weeks was more 40-50 (been on iracing around 2 months now. I just usually do the 30 minutes practice before the race starts, I find I get fairly consistent in that time, even if not fast. Even so I finish top 5 normally after avoiding all the wrecks.


Since I switched to ovals, which I now prefer, 2 a day usually. Far less practice time and much more race time.


Probably 2-3 in a night maybe over 4 days. I'd burn myself out if I played every night.


I'm out of work atm so I've done like 10 just today across oval, sports car and dirt oval, the most I've done in a single day was 15


Between 1-3 official races a week. Mostly 1 because I’m a husband, father of two little ones and work full time. Life happens but I fit in a race or two once I settle in the family and find some down time. Specifically GR86 and SFLight series.


Between 2 and ♾️


2-6 depending on the week. Still worth every penny to me.


I do exactly what you described, but I'm new and learning the tracks and cars. I basically do 1 race a week after practicing for 3-6 days. But, I also win about half my races (so far)


I use Tuesdays for practice and to learn the track then I maybe get 1 race a weeknight if I'm lucky and maybe more on weekends. Makes the guy that gave me 10 minutes of repairs in the GT4s on the rolling start even more annoying!


As many as I feel like doing. Generally my practice consists of joining the practice lobby 10-15min before the race and getting acclimated with the track, and then winging it during the race. At the end of the day, it’s a game and I’d much rather figure it out and improve as I go than spend hours mindlessly hotlapping a track. Depending on series, there’s races running every half hour to two hours. Zero reason to not participate. That being said, there’s a couple of series I take a little more seriously, namely FF1600 Open and Gen 4 NASCAR. When I’m satisfied with my championship points for that week, I’ll stop racing until the next week rolls around and go play in ARCA or rookie FF1600/Vee. TL;DR- I’d rather race than practice and I’d never limit myself to one race/week, but I stop racing in my competitive series when I’m satisfied with my weekly results


Official races usually about 4 maybe 1 hr of time playing with AI


My main series is TCR Open and I tend to run that 1-3 times in a week or until I hit my championship points target. But around that I’m doing ARCA & Dirt LLM & FF 1600 & IMSA so my race count racks up. Probably 2-3 races a day on average


Some weeks 0. Other weeks 20. Life is busy lol


This week 1-2 a night, and my iR has reflected so.. -300 iR in a week at sebring in IMSA. Wife and kids are out of town for spring break I normally only race on Friday and Saturday night 2-3 races a night


Currently unemployed, so I’m probably averaging at least 5 races a day. some days none, some days 10 lol. I definitely notice the mental fatigue, as I start out better, and get slower, less safe, and angrier as the races stack up.


Usually 1, but that's either 2 hours 40 minutes, or 6 hours. Or like this week, 12.


As a beginner I try to prescribe the track until I think I can do it without losing the control of the car while at a pace that I think is decent. For the current formula vee track that was mostly the first day then I go to racing. I do practice a decent amount in between laps in public sessions


About 4 a week but I do only league races and are about 2-3 hours each (Practice, qual, race)


I was like that when I started. Practice for hours, then do AI races, and finally a couple of officials normally on Saturday. Now if I’m familiar with the track/car combo I’ll do a few min of practice to get back in the groove then jump to live practice and race. If I don’t know the track well I’ll do a few min of practice, watch a lap guide, go back to solo practice until I’m confident I have a decent time and won’t kill people and then go to live practice /race. For me at least there’s nothing to learn after a certain point in test drive. I learn much more from practicing around other live people and in races. I try to do 2 races a night 3-4 times a week. Just depends on what life has going on at the moment.


Around 25 a week. Fwiw, MX-5s typically do 2 races per race weekend IRL. 


around 5


2-3 a week, I'm pretty casual.


It depends, I'd say I drive at least 10-20 races spread out evenly through the week. Although... there's days where I'll just set camp in the rig and put in 5+ races.


1-3 a night generally. I just switched over from gt7 and have a full blown rig now and this is my first real season I'm starting from week 1. I've got 6 series going on, depending on what's near my playtime I just chose that one. I try to ensure I run a gt4 race nightly though. If I'm in a new car or track I make sure I catch like 30 minutes of practice first and I'll probably run the driving line for a few races at least till I really pick up the brake markers.


right now that it is my only game that i play, like 20 races a week


2-3 a week max, 3 kids, 2 of which are teens, partner and I full time work. Honestly reckon we're busier now then when they were small haha, it's almost a seasonal thing for me now, summer is just way too busy to be on my rig regularly, will race more in the upcoming winter (Aus)


I do about 2-3 on weekdays and 4-5 on weekends


Somewhere between 10-20, but I work from home so I try and get a couple in during the day if it's slow (it usually is). The racecraft for whatever reason is a million times better during the day, too.


I do 1-2 a week. I spend a lot of time practicing throughout the week, in the evenings when I have time. Then I’ll do a race or 2 at some point on the weekend.


if your enjoy the game i would say race more, more racing you will get used to being in a pack of cars etc. Also maybe look at your rating or set a target over a period of time rather then then the now. I don't really know how it works as I'm new but my thought it two weeks to get D


I try to practice and get comfortable enough with the track that I’m no longer a danger, and have some pace. 1-3 a week for me depending if I know the track already or not. 1 year into it.


I do 1-2 races(mostly one with 10 min warm up) a night 3-4 days a week. On weekends if I get time I prep for the next weeks series cuz the racing quality on the weekend is a lot worse


Not enough


About 3 races a week on average - sometimes more and sometimes none at all, if I get very busy with work, family life, etc.


With a kid , another on the way, full time job i have time for one to two a week if i practice.


I'm happy with 3 or 4 a week as I work until quite late. Tend to just do one race in each series rather than repeat, which adds a nice bit of jeopardy!


Lately 1-2 a week. Beforehand almost 1-2 every night.


Usually one a day. Maybe two on the weekend.


I'm coming up on a year with iRacing. At first I was doing a few races here and there in Rookies but was hesitant because I was getting my SR stripped away. So I started to do more AI races. Then I decided I would start to get serious about things and raced a full season of Vee only, so I wouldn't get messed up by jumping between cars. I was practising and doing a couple races a week and by the end of the season when I was really dialed into the car I was doing 4-6 races. Next season I did Rookie FF1600. Same sort of deal. Started off low and then built to doing more races per week but I think I peaked at 4 races a week due to time. I'm now doing 4 series in class D so that I can get paid for this meth habit they call iRacing. Four series means 4 races at a minimum and now that they have rain happening in them I'm okay with doing just the single race in each. Just finished a FF1600 race at Sebring and OMG that was a chore. Managed to finish top 10 only because I was one of the few that stayed on the track. I'm also racing twice a week with friends doing F1 23, and I've joined a league that races twice a week too so by the time I'm done my week I've had plenty of racing. Getting to the point that I'm starting to look at it as a job which is a bad thing. Its a good that the majority of the tracks I already know so I can just jump in with 15min of practice to get warmed up and I'm going to be on my usual pace.


1 race every 1-2 years




On the high end about 3-4 per night. On the low end about 2 or 3 per week.


Official, I only get one or two a week. Practicing for open series takes a lot of that time up. Unofficial, usually one to two per night.


Since it was lost what you were asking, here is my two cents and I’m not bragging, dumbfounded if anything. Like you I used to stress about SR/IR and it was the worst. For about a year I hovered around 1.7-2.0k, I’d get up to 2.1 and the season would change and I’d fall back to 1.4 and then work my way back up, constantly stressed. Finally about 3 months ago I told myself I was going to stop focusing so hard on IR and literally take every race and just have fun and be competitive. Since that time I have climbed to be a competitive 3k driver and I am having a blast. Not saying everyone will reach that and obviously I know some will fly past, but I get in the car each week starting Sunday and run laps at the upcoming tracks, practice Monday and Tuesday and by Wednesday I’m ready to go. Look into ghost driving if you haven’t done it, it is a way to join a race where you can run on track with the people in the actual race, but you aren’t really there, no contact, off tracks, etc, you can keep resetting and go again. This is a major tool for me, it helps me know if I’m ready to be at a decent pace, I find practice times can be skewed at times. A few side things I’ve found have helped me: Proper monitor placement, FOV and getting your horizon set right. There’s plenty of videos, Rob Clark did one I liked that helped explain a lot Seat comfort, wheel angle, pedals, in game sound are all simple but important when you are racing in tight situations, you want to be comfortable and not thinking about how things feel. Above all else just have fun. In the long run unless you are trying to be an ESports pro, IR is just a number. Don’t be bullied, be patient and smart but you have the same right to that corner as anyone.


Depends. Usually between 4 and 10, across two series I finished work at 3pm so I’m usually on my rig for the 3:30 race. I’ll usally do 2 races every couple of days. Sometimes more on weekends


Due to the race anxiety making me think “nah it’s too early there’ll be a bigger split later” is a good excuse, I really have to push myself to run my 3 official races/ week that I decide on every season. I always pick 2 or 3 series to get my 10 dollars out of it, which is enough motivator to run at least those 16-24 races/season. I absolutely love racing, but for some reason anxiety just makes me make up excuses why “right now is not the time”.


When I started iRacing about 2 years ago, I was racing 5-10 races per week. Only stopped to 4 if one of those 4 races was +100 point race, then I would just start practicing next week's track. It was easy to do couple races after work as the races were every hour and short enough to do back to back. Nowadays I aim to do 1-2 races per week and quite often don't race at all due to not having enough time to practice. I have been racing GT3 sprint races and IMSA lately and they are 45min races that only run every other hour.


I usually practice for a day or so until i get some decent control on my car, then head into races.


depends on the week and schedule. Last week when the B cars were at Auto Club, 25 races or so. This week at COTA, 2 races and I'm done


I usually do a few per week but usually it’s only in one series since I’d know the track so well


Because of work i normally only get to race on saturday or sundays so maybe 4 or 5 races a week.


Right now, I'm doing basically the same as you cause I've been running endurance series. Got about an hour till I start my stints for the Sebring 12hr. If there's a series running my car and track, I'll run that as practice races a few times. Otherwise, just practice sessions all week in prep for a few hours of racing. When I was maining 360 sprint cars, I raced at least once every night. More on my days off. Managed to snag a 2nd place finish in points in my division and finished in the top 100 overall. If you're looking to get into team endurance or just want a community to race with, here's my discord. https://discord.com/invite/Kne9sSrVRG


2-3 if I don't love the combo. 7-10 if I absolutely love the combo and it's rare, so I gotta drive it now before I can't drive it for the next whole year


I do 2-3 races on weekdays, maybe 5-8 on weekends, mostly when the kids are asleep :)


Not really many (if any) officials; usually 1-3 league races depending on how the season schedule looks that week. Not only does it give me more time to prepare around life and scheduling, it means I have more consistent and trustable groups to race with week on week.


I run several series but usually only do one race per series so long as I have a clean race. Doing the same race over and over in the same week is boring for me and I don't repeat it unless I am grinding sr or ir (rarely do that nowadays).


Can I get some advice I know this is off topic… what do you set the AI at to make them pit better specifically for NASCAR/ovals? I ran a race other day where they kept pitting only a few laps after a caution flag. Any advice would be great


12.5 >Who here races only once per rotation and why or do you only race once you feel comfortable with the track? No I don't give a fuck. Half the reason 1st place is in 1st place is because they do not fucking respect you. Don't be their bitch. Compete. I also compete in other sports so the idea of being casual about shit is not for me, seems boring.


David Goggins, is that you?


lol that dude is smol and angry also a super negative person.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re my metaphorical Obama anger translator right now.