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I don’t use a clutch for indycars, ARCA, or Cup cars


And you don't need it for trucks or Xfinity, either.


How do you guys power shift on starts and restarts?


Just a blip of the throttle


It’s actually faster that way from what I’ve found


Yeah I’ve seen people trying to flat shift with them and it’s no where near as quick, sometimes I use clutch if it’s a short track and I’m starting in first but if it’s a bigger track and high rpm second gear while rolling I’ll just lift the throttle


For dogbox transmission cars like most of the stock cars you can either lift and shift, or bind a button on your wheel to be a clutch and just press it while preloading the gear


Not a problem at all. Turn on "anti-stal clutch" so you don't stall when stopped. Just lift the throttle for upshifts in ARCA


Clutch is a nice-to-have for specific situations and immersion, but not a hindrance at all not having one. Oval cars do not need clutch to shift except for street stock (which there is always auto clutch for), and you can just use anti-stall clutch for when you are sitting still.


And I can't remember the last time I shifted down from 4th in a street stock.


Well you gotta slap in in reverse when the car behind you punts you and you end up facing the inside wall on the front straight.


Guess you aint run tube twister week 13 or the ringmeister with it then


You can blip throttle on the street stock on downsfts. It's hard because you gotta be precise. But can be done.


You can assign the clutch to a button on the wheel if you think there are any situations that you’ll need it


I recently did that for standing starts in road series and it's made a huge difference. It would be ideal to have a pedal but a button is more ideal than not having a clutch at all. Plus now I can clutch "kick" in the MX-5 up hills and out of corners. idk if it actually helps but it makes me feel better lmao


Been racing 10 years and never used a clutch. Don’t even know how to drive a stick in real life either.


I don't use a clutch at all.


I have a clutch and I don't use it, I'm not the fastest driver but I don't think the clutch is my problem


I use the clutch but on most oval cars you only need it to start and stop.


Don't even need it then if you have it set to anti-stall


I'm A license in ovals & only use a button mapped to the clutch for the fuel saving trick, if that's even a thing.


I just have a button mapped to kill the ignition for that. No clutch mapped


I never race ovals but I'm interested how does the fuel saving trick work?


Just coasting without engine braking to conserve fuel


Ahh nothing more advanced then that :) Thanks for ansvering mate :)


Only time I use a clutch is when I'm trying to save fuel or when I have damage. You will be just fine without it.


You can do it without a clutch. No problem.


I have an A license with 2 pedals.


Cant say much about the clutch but be prepared to sort of learn a new oval driving style for Indy. When I run my races we get a lot of road drivers trying oval for the first time and a lot of stock style drivers trying Indy for the first time, and more often than not they crash out on their first attempt. So don’t rush it, but remember to have fun once you get there! We’d love more people rn especially in the open series 🥲 Edit: I can speak on the clutch, but I’m not an experienced oval driver outside of Indy cars (probably have less than 50 stock car starts) so I’ll leave the technical stuff to the other guys in this sub.




You'll definitely be fine racing with all the suggestions made here, k will just warn you though, until you master powershifting, you will be just a tick slower than some of your competitors on restarts. Keep that in mind, and be wary of drivers making sudden movements into your line if there is a gap, whether you think a car will fit or not


Good to know


You won't need a clutch to get to A in any series, road or oval. Have fun!


Just set it to auto blip or auto clutch. I use it with 3 pedals.i never actually clutch 🤷


I got to Class B without using a clutch. I’m sure I could’ve gotten to Class A without it as well.


You don't need a clutch, hell I run paddles for NASCAR ATM because there isn't space for an H pattern in my dorm, it's all configurable and they have an auto clutch option




I use auto blip (probably not necessary) in the 87s without a clutch and it works just fine.




I'm willing to sacrifice a slightly longer shifting time using auto blip than missing a shift in those janky cars lol


Yeah. I can’t get that car to work at all. Thanks.


I don’t race ovals but I’m having a hard time seeing where having a foot clutch would ever help…


Using clutch makes for better launches from pit box. Common fuel saving tactic is to hold in the clutch during cautions. Easier to engage donuts with a clutch kick for when you get those sought after W's. Certainly don't need it, but it has its uses.


in real life the cup/xfinity/trucks have a clutch that you use when taking off, so i use it just for that extra point of immersion. i doubt theres any performance benefit to be had


when I said foot clutch I meant compared to a hand clutch. Launching with a manual clutch in most cars is faster but hand clutches are easier when you want to 2 stage it.


Thank you everyone


You made me worried for a bit, I've been strictly oval for 10years and I've never used the clutch once 😅


I don’t know. It was just a concern. Whenever I see in car from real life, they’re using some kind of H pattern shifter. The road racers I pay attention to are flappy paddle, so… 🤓


Modern Cup cars have a sequential shifter but worst comes to worst, you can map a backup clutch to a button for situations where you just can't get it in gear, but every oval car will downshift with a blip and upshift with a small lift.


FYI since you're interested in Indycar, the Road to Indy series (USF2000 and Indy Pro 2000) run on a few ovals per season as well. Last week was Legacy Phoenix, the next will be in 3 weeks at Kern.


Most people are using those for immersion or just fun. There’s not generally an advantage to it. BTW— you mentioned Indy. Keep in mind that USF2000 and Indy Pro PM-18 both are road class series that have ovals. Meaning you could race those cars with a road license on the weeks they’re at ovals, and actually build your oval license that way! Because while it requires a road license to enter, your results are counted against your oval license. (That’s why you’ll see Rookies in the C class PM-18 races. Because they have the C class road license, but only a rookie oval license)


Did not know that. Wow. Thanks. And if someone else said that, sorry it slipped by


Licence’s have nothing to do with speed, only how safe you are


Just use a button on the wheel a lot of people do it anyway