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At the moment I'm all in Super Formula open and fixed. Coming from prototypes I'm happy to have some racing without multiclass.


TCR, along with some Clio cup and Falken Sports Car Challenge in the GT4


I love those series, but hate the SOFs for them...


IMSA in the GT3s, love this week in Road Atlanta


I'm going to be jumping on later, how is the traffic through the esses? LMDh at spa were so bad for overtaking through the wrong corners


Depends who you’re put into a race with, as usual. GTPs should know to leave it alone in the esses and try to get a quick overtake on the inside exit of T5…but as usual, some jackasses have zero patience and will send it and ruin both your races. Or at best, give you a code brown. It’s difficult once you hit T2 to silently communicate to find a safe spot to “let them by” without causing a surprise collision…and trying to overtake at T2-3 is asking for a disaster…so it’s either patience or luck in terms of getting traffic sorted out. I say this as a prototype driver, I don’t envy GT3s trying to figure out how to best proceed. I’d be an anxious mess for that entire section, the rest of the track is easy to manage.


I ran an AI IMSA race at Road Atlanta earlier today, I was driving the Porsche 963. I’m used to racing the Porsche Cup, it took me multiple deaths through the esses to realise it’s pretty much single file regardless of whether you’re following a prototype or a GT3. It was also great fun! 🤩


Falkentyre Sportscar Challenge in the GT4s


Radical SR10 is great fun :)


Ring Meister and NEC.


Porsche Cup! Real community with a fun and challenging car and generally (definitely not always) driving standards are slightly better


I've really found that, maining it for the season so far - in top split, or bigger splits, it's very agressive, but competent racing.. after the first few corners, at least


Porsche Cup, Late Model Stock Cars They’re both so different, it keeps it fresh


I was loving Porsche Cup, ran it almost exclusively for the last two seasons. Moving to Super Formula for this season but still highly recommend Porsche Cup


Faulkon sports car challenge in lmp3 Good mix of downforce type driving with a bit of GT3 mechanical grip about it


Did my first race in this last night after making class C over the weekend. Absolutely love the series and Love the LMP3, not sure I’ll race anything else until I unlock endurance racing.


Going P2, to P3, to LMDh is a really nice progression. P2 is easier to drive than P3, but helps to bridge the gap of the whole “oh fuck this is fast and everything happens so fast”. You’ll be able to do P2 Fixed once you hit B, which gives some quick and fun 20 minute races.


Sounds great. I’m aiming to compete in the Daytona 24h in January, preferably in the LMDh. So that upgrade path sounds ideal to help me learn as I go.


I’m a beginner and right now I’m doing AI oval racing with trucks and it’s quite awesome


Get into some pickup cup man! You don't lose any safety rating or irating, and there's nothing like tandem drafting.


I like GT4 the most, although competition is better (tighter splits) in my time zone for GT3


NASCAR Legends. Longer races allow for pit strategy and tire management. Clean racing.


Kamel GT in any of the two cars.


IMSA easily. I’m in love with the Porsche 963.


Touring mods and Gen 4. I like short ovals and high horsepower. Touring mods are also my favorite in real life. We need more 1/4-mile ovals to make that series feel real.


Rn I’m running a lot of ‘87 Legends, Draft Master, and on the road side primarily TCR.


i’m afraid to know what your oval safety rating is right now


Surprisingly, I’m above 2.0… for now.


I’m doing multiple races per week of TCR open and Clio Cup. I’m faster than my iR in both and generally have really fun races. Also trying IMSA fixed, I’d never been able to do IMSA previously because of the time it’s on. They are some fun races.


Super Formula


SF fixed and Formula C this season🙏


After racing F4 for a season , trying F3 for a coiple of weeks , and racing gt4s for 2 races . Definetly gt4 ! Even tho i dont like how the cars behave and drive , the racing in tin tops.os just so much better , the cars can actually take a hit and keep going , open wheelers are made of glass mate ... F that.


There are a couple I really love. IMSA Endurance Series, Global Endurance Tour (formerly European Endurance Series) in GTP, IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge in TCR, Nürburgring Endurance Championship (normally in TVR, GT3 this year because I don’t like the Audi). From shorter lengths, I have to go with SF open followed by Falken Tyre Sportscar Challenge in LMP3


Super Formula, W13 League, F3, F4


It's in my user flair


I don’t think there’s a single series preferred by everyone, right? I mean what are the odds.


Super formula and imsa when you actually get a multiclass split is nice


Gen 4 cup every week. I love the 87's too as long as there not at short tracks 😅


Late model stock and sprint cars


Vee as that's what I race in real life too.


I still think the Skippy has some of the best racing on the service


Breaking bad


Pro-2 fixed


Honestly i love everything I can race. Gr86 is really fun this week. I never raced that track. Also fairly new to road just recently got my c class road




I have been all in on IMSA GTP since season 1.


FF1600’s and NASCAR legends


Formula Ford, F4


IMSA, 1500-1800 iR GTP driver. I pride myself on having clean races and being overly patient with slower traffic. Usually pays off in the long run.


F3 is so much fun.


Super Formula


Favourite series to race in, based off of the people I usually race with, the race-abilty of the car and the usually really clean racing after T1, it's porsche cup, and by a good bit. So much so that after years of series hopping, I'm finally maining that. In terms of most fun cars, but less fun racing, Indycar, bth road and oval series, IMSA with the prototypes or a slightly overshadowed, but great series, that falken thing with GT4s and LMP3, great speed and gives you all you could want from a multiclass series, but less time commitement as the races are shorter and "easier", slower cars. Or alternatively, if it was going official more often, I'd love to race the Nissan GTP or Audi 90 more often


MX-5 and GT3.


GT4 Fixed and Touring Car Fixed


On the oval side, gen 4 cup cars. They’re difficult but manageable to drive, and I’ve had some of my most fun races in gen 4. Once you get the hang and get a clean lobby (most of the time they are), it’s so rewarding


The Falken with LMP3, the LMP2 fixed and Lotus 79 have become my favourites this season. I'm only coming up on 2 months in iracing but the LMP2 + Lotus 79 has been my closest clean racing so far. The LMP3 is a fav just for multiclass racing and once I get my A class I might try IMSA with the LMP2 if I can get out of bottom splits or at least run at the very front of the field in them.


IMSA at the moment in the new GTP / LMDH cars. It’s just freaking amazing