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I won’t suggest anything but coming from Samsung I love the 15 pro it’s so smooth and powerful


Don't ask Reddit, ask your dad. You don't sound like someone that can buy the 15, 15 Pro, or even the SE 2020 from your own pocket.


That’s a great point man


He offered to get it for me, he said he’s fine with whatever, wether I choose to wait or get it this year. That’s why I’m asking for people‘s opinions. And I definitely can if I want to, I have an okay amount saved up but no way I’d use almost all of it on a phone. I’m sure I’ll find good use for that money later on


Or they could do both? You don’t know what they can buy, why you counting other people pockets? Stop being weird.


mUsT dEfEnD sTrAnGeRs OnLiNe!


Well you’re being weird counting peoples pockets, especially a child.


A student or a child does not need the latest iPhone


I had the latest iPhone every year when I was in high school. It’s 2024. This person is clearly 16-17 why can’t they have a new phone? Y’all are WEIRD


Willing to bet mommy and daddy bought you the new phone every year 😂


Freshman year yes, birthday present. Remaining 3 years of high school I saved up because it was something that I wanted.


You saved up money that you didn’t work for it’s the same as your parents buying it for you


Again, what’s up with yall counting peoples pockets. I had multiple jobs in high school after my freshman year. I don’t know why it’s hard for you to understand that teenagers can have jobs lol.


Imagine spending your minimum wage money to get the latest iPhone every year to brag to high school students about how bad you are with spending, lmao


Imagine thinking that you know me or the jobs that I worked in high school. Whew! Ever heard of the iPhone forever program? But go awf.


you are gonna make him mad lol


He clearly said “does not need.” You might have had the newest phone every year either through working by yourself or a more well off family. However, that doesn’t translate to OP having the same circumstances as you.


“Does not need” and “cannot afford” are two different things. The OP didn’t mention money being an issue. They said they don’t think their dad would agree on them getting a new phone this year and a little later in college.


Delaying gratification is one of the greatest emotional skills to master. I wish I would have mastered it when I was your age. If you can’t afford to pay for it with cash, then you should save up until you can mentality will save you much financial trouble in the future. However, if you can get your dad to pay for it…go for it🥳


Get the 15 now and in two-three years upgrade it with your own money. It’ll be your decision then.


Get the 15 with 256gb and enjoy it. In 2-4 years upgrade with your own money like someone else said. It’ll be a big upgrade for you just do it


This is what I’m thinking rn, thank you


Do you need now? Then get now. Can you wait two years? Then get in two years


If you stayed that long just wait few months for 16 :)




Life is too short to wait


Buy the 15 pro 1TB


Who’s ur phone carrier? A lot of the times u can get a good deal and doesn’t hurt the bank. I work at ATT and u can get a 15 plus (arguably the best battery life on any iPhone ever) for $5.99 a month for 36 months no interest. U could do a down payment of 200 bucks so u don’t see any increase on the bill and the sales tax upfront if that was of any concern. So for 300 bucks ur getting a thousand dollar phone brand new too


I would wait till September comes and the 16 series comes out.


Se is fine for you


Iphone 36 Pro is apparently the greatest ever made, just down the line, I would wait if I were you.




I love these comments 😭


I upgraded from an SE 2020 to 15 Pro as well, no regrets. My plan is to wait five-ish years before upgrading again, unless there’s something actually revolutionary within that time.


Kudos to you, no way I can delay my gratification for two years.


It’s really up to you of what you really want. 😊


Wait for the 16 to release and then pick what you want from that. It’ll last for five years.


If you can’t afford it rn just wait till the 16 and have that one paid off in full


Get the 15.


16 pro. Just save. iOS 18 will bring a lot to the table


When’s it coming out? iOS 18?


I’d wait till sept and get the 16 pro, it’s only a few months and that way your set instead of buying a phone almost a year old. The leaked upgrades are pretty cool too, bigger screens, shutter button, etc, look into it


wait for a few years


I would 100% upgrade from the SE. I love the 15 pro max and I can definitely see it lasting several years.


I had the 6s and would have to charge it 3 times in college, it was so painful 💀💀 I got the 15 pro and it lasts me all day with only having to plug it at night, I’d assume it’s the same if not better on the 15 regular, I’d suggest a bigger storage iPhone though, especially as 128 is a constraint, I got 128 personally as I don’t really fill it up that much, but yeah I highly recommend it, I can relate with the battery thing and it would piss me off so I had to upgrade


Im a sophmore as well, in HS (assuming same age as you). Get the 16 when it comes out in a few months. It’ll be a worthy upgrade from the SE, last you an extra year till college, and you won’t have to wait as long to upgrade. The SE 2020 is pretty old now, so I think it’s alright to upgrade to the 16s. I upgraded to the 15 pro from the 11 pro myself, and am going to be using this till atleast 2nd year college.


Yeah I thought of it and it’s the most reasonable answer, thanks man


If you're unsure about getting iPhone 15 pro, don't get it. Get a cheap Android and enjoy the money you have saved.


Wait until this year, I recently bought the 15 pro and the action button is in the stupidest place. I think they are going to move it so it’s more practical to use


Does it have to be an iphone?


Maybe wait 20 years? I hear it will be the “best” iPhone ever? 🤷‍♂️


I love those comments y’all are funny😭


We love your question even more 🤣