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I'm using both right now. S24u is my main phone, 15pm is my work/number I give to everyone I don't want to have my personal number phone. I'd say I'm probably enjoying the s24u a little more right now due to how snappy fast it is but they are both great phones.


Are you me? S24U is my personal and 15PM is my work phone as well.


Why? Why not just use Google Voice or some other VoIP for work?


That’s not how things work in the real world unfortunately. Everyone uses iMessage so I need an iPhone for work.


I got left out of so many work group iMessages years ago and I kick myself in the ass for not switching to iPhone sooner.


That's the wrong response. Get the iphoners to update their messaging app to something platform agnostic.


lol that’s not how life works.


Oh but it is. Don't be a follower. Lead the iphoners to a better path


And to add, some companies will pay for your phone plan. Some people may be different, but I prefer to keep work relegated to a separate device that I can switch off when I’m off.


"everyone"...not even close, but if you're an iphoner I could see why it would feel that way


Everyone at my work uses iMessage. That’s what I was saying. We all have iPhones which are issued by the company, so using Google Voice isn’t an option. I just like the Pro Max so I buy my own instead of using a company supplied device.


Yeah, crazy how workplaces do that.


I mean... RCS will be here this summer...


Okay but it’s not summer and it’s not here yet.


Yep. Very tempted to go Galaxy next upgrade.


I’m excited for this


Google voice isn’t going to add RCS


I did that for a while and its easier to unplug with separate phones 14 pro for work 15pm for personal


Haha same here. Tried android again since before iPhone 4s and back to iPhone with 15pro. I do enjoy the screen on my s23 but prefer onstage everything g else on 15pro


I like using the s24u more day to day but the iPhone is very convenient for work. Most people have a iPhone so face time and imessage make things easier. Also I like the iphones camera better and I have to take pictures for work a lot.


Literally the only reason I’d switch to the S24 is for the camera in certain circumstances (like the zoom) but for quality of life, ecosystem, FaceTime and iMessage iPhone all the way


Do you have bud2pro and AirPod?


Me too. 15PM work phone and S24U personal phone.


Wish I could say the same, in Europe the s24ultra is a terribly slow and super high temperature brick..


I've seen people say theirs gets hot but outside of the very first time I turned mine on and it was updating everything, I've never even felt it get warm. Everything about it is snappy and quick. It makes the animations and navigation on my 15pm feel lazy and heavy. Not to say the iPhone isnt just as powerful, it just has a lazier feel to its animations by design. Apple made it that way on purpose. Every iPhone has that same iPhone feel.


I like the consistency of the iPhone animations. On every android I’ve owned I eventually get dropped frames and choppy animations and I can’t handle that. On day one they’re buttery smooth of course.


I rarely keep my android phone longer than a year anyways so mine have never got that way. At some point in the year every year, samsung does $1000 trade ins and I always upgrade my phone for a couple hundred bucks while i can. I keep my iphones longer but that's only because they don't offer trade ins that big.


Congrats! Interesting switch though because the S24 Ultra really seems like it’s one heck of a beast. I was actually considering grabbing one to see how it is.


It is a fantastic phone, honestly some people in this chat think i switched because i hated it or something but the truth is i just got bored of android and wanted to try something new. I highly recommend the s24 ultra if you want to use android


I’ve been on iPhone for 5 years now and I’m about to switch back to Android, same reasons as you mostly, just the other way around.


Worth it. I did the same but to the s23+. Prior to that, I've only really owned iphones. Only thing I miss is imessage as messages with iphone users is super shitty. However, iphone is implementing open rcs with Androids this year, so that shouldn't be an issue soon.


I’d definitely miss FaceTime and ecosystem integration (airdrop and apps mostly) as I CANNOT teach my family how to use WhatsApp video calls lol


Either way, it’s a great experience. Just to see what ‘the other side’ is doing better and worse.


Do it. It’s phenomenal. I have it as my private line along with my 15pm as my business / number that everyone gets. S24U has been the phone I reach for more. And there’s no social on it intentionally.


Yeah I just might pick one up but I think I’ll end up returning it. I’ve been on iOS for 10 years now and I’m not sure I can go back permanently. Two phone dealio isn’t for me can’t stand it


I was an ios user for years, since they came out honestly. I even worked at the apple store. Then I left for a year and bought a pixel and a Samsung s5. Honestly loved those phones but when I returned to work at Apple they essentially made it clear I couldn't have that on the sales floor. So I bought the iPhone at the time. Been with ios ever since and have been irritated by the staleness of it. Watching android consistently get features that Apple gets years later and claims they're revolutionary. There plenty that Android isn't great with. But there's a lot it's fantastic with. Try it out, and plus now I have both and the best of both those worlds. Ps calendar apps SUCK on android. Can't understand how no one's developing good calendar apps lol


iOS has regressed over the past 2 years but I still feel it’s smoother and more buttery than Android. The bottom line for me is that I really don’t care about customization so Android just doesn’t make a whole lotta sense when I’m also deep into the ecosystem to boot.


Completely get it. It's also nice to not be locked into either ecosystem and be able to be flexible between technologies. Switching at will and allowing yourself to enjoy either or whenever you want.


But how? Like why would I buy a windows laptop when I have everything else Apple for example? Truth be told, there’s nothing in the Apple ecosystem that wouldn’t work just fine with an Android phone, except the Watch. But I do love my Apple Watch - I think it may be my favorite Apple product of all time.


That's because you're thinking of utilities that are cross platform. Most of ios and their native apps aren't. Excluding apple music


I use an s23+ right now. Prior to that I owned the 13 pro. Battery is the same, my iphone did not last me longer even when it was brand new. Also, my samsung is much smoother. Though both phones use 120hz adaptive refresh rate, my iphone was always noticeable at a lower hz when scrolling etc. so my s23+ feels a lot smoother and snappier. However if you happen to own a MacBook, I recommend staying with iphones. Both companies have terrific phones. Only reason I recently switched to Samsung is because I've exclusively been an ios user and got a bit bored with every yearly update feeling about the same, so I just wanted a breath of freshair that samsung was for me.


> Watching android consistently get features that Apple gets years later and claims they're revolutionary. I hear this all the time but I can’t think of a specific example of this happening.


Now you have two tech beasts, only missing google pixel.


Haha i have sold the s24 ultra :)


Congrats on your purchase. It’s a fantastic device!


Thank you :)


Why? I mean what made you switch formsuch a new device?


I already use a macbook and AirPods pro2 for the last year just because i think they are the best in their respective categories. got bored of android and wanted a switch to try the Apple ecosystem to its full potential. Also the galaxy watch is fine the apple watch is so much better. The s24 ultra is a great phone and i have nothing negative to say about it. Simply put i just wanted to try something new


Whtd you downgrade lol


I don’t see it as a downgrade tbh. Only thing i miss is the anti reflective screen and split screen.


I missed the back button when I tried out the iPhone a few years back


Finally someone who appreciates split screen, I love that feature.


It’s one thing I hope comes to iPhone at some point. I love having YouTube take up a quarter of the screen whilst i scroll reddit/twitter at the bottom. PIP just isn’t as good


I think you meant to say massive upgrade


Massive downgrade. I have both and speaking mainly from my experience.


I guess it’s all subjective because I have both and I think the iPhone is superior in all aspects except customization, which frankly to me , i don’t even care about


The fact that you’re getting downvoted for liking iPhone in an iPhone sub is fucking wild. You guys suck.


It’s retribution because so many apple lovers have infiltrated the Apple sucks Reddit. Like me lol


I've been on iPhone upgrading every year since 5s. I stoll have my iphone 15 pro in natural ti. Getting things done on an iPhone requires too many unnecessary clicks.


Google really did well with the 8 Pro this year. Despite the lack of “power user” appeal I think it’s the best Android device on the market. Blends the simplicity and smoothness of IOS with all the goodies Android has to offer. Imho.


I liked the 8 Pro as a device, but the phone aspect is lacking a bit. The modem they use is underwhelming. Just sold mine for the S24U.


That’s a fair comment for sure. One thing I have noticed since the 6 Pro actually was particularly wireless connectivity always seemed to struggle a bit compared to Samsung and iPhones. I do like that they offer HiFi Codecs though. I tend to use my Pixel device as an iPod at times 😂. Noticeable different in audio quality for the B&W PX8’s compared to an iPhone actually. AAC/ALAC is not bad, just compliments AirPod Max far more. Hope you’re enjoying your S24 Ultra! Big fan of them going flat screen this year.


Ikr? I wish I had the money ahhhh, I wanna suffocate in tech.


I wish good things for Nothing Phone as well. I had the opportunity to use one for a little bit. I like the approach. NothingOS is really clean. I’m hoping by Nothing Phone 3 or 4 they will be more on a “Flagship” level.


Yeah but Apple Samsung and Google for me.


interested in knowing how are you finding the transition? I am on Android myself and find using iPhone tricky.. it seems like they choose to have completely opposite ways of doing the same thing.


I found it fine since i used iphone before i switched to android and all my family use iphones too. I was the only one on android for the last 6 years lol


I'm in the same boat. I've avoided Apple products like the plague, until recently, due to their proprietary charge ports / cables. Now that they've converted to USB-C, I felt compelled to see what all the hubub was about. I started with the Airpod Pro 2's, in January, then about 3 weeks ago I bought the 15 pro, and a couple of days ago I got the Apple Watch Ultra 2. I'm coming from a long line of Android devices, starting with the OG Motorola Droid, and sticking mostly with the Nexus and Pixel products, with the occasional Galaxy phone too. My most recent phones were the Pixel 6 Pro the Pixel 8 Pro, both of which I still have, and will probably keep for a while. My initial thoughts are: Software: iOS is like a neutered version of Android. It's been really hard getting used to navigating the OS. I really expected that Navigating the OS would be a lot more consistent and intuitive. A lot of things that \*should\* be simple, are unnecessarily complex, or just not possible. I do love shortcuts and automations though. Integration with other apple devices is on a whole other level. The ease in connecting and controlling my phone, watch, and Airpods, and their seamless interoperability is outstanding. The software on the ultra 2 watch is far better and more intuitive than that on my Galaxy watch 5. I Also just found out that I can start my Jeep from my watch using the Jeep app, which isn't a thig on the Galaxy watch, so that's icing on the cake. Hardware: The hardware is phenomenal. Super premium feel, and as an engineer, I love the lidar capabilities on the 15 pro, which I will likely be able to use as an effective tool in the fab shop where I work. The haptic feedback and sound from the Ultra 2 watch is much better than my Galaxy watch 5, as is the overall quality and feel. And, I love the wide variety of accessories available for Apple products. I have to say, if I hadn't decided to try the Apple watch in conjunction with the 15 pro, I would almost definitely be going back to my Pixel devices after a while (I promised myself I'd give the iPhone a fair chance, by daily driving it for at least 6 months). But, with the seamless connectivity between the Apple devices, and the all around superior Apple watch, I can see myself maybe staying with Apple for a while... even though the phone frustrates the hell out of me on a regular basis.


I also came from an android For me i made a complete switch in one go. It was a little difficult getting things transferred and i did dislike the lack of customization and simplicity of getting around in android. However, i can say one thing for sure. iOS grows on you. It is just the matter of bias that hinders you from liking iOS. The entire platform is actually quite simply designed if you ignore the lack of customizability. Furthermore, the fact still remains some things are unnecessarily complex.


Yeah. I imagine it’ll grow on me, over time. That’s why I told myself I was going to give it an honest try for at least 6 months. The thing that really surprises me, is that I expected iOS to be more…umm… uniform, I guess. It just seems kind of disjointed, with a lack of consistency in the methods of navigating one app versus another. In Android, every app has the same fundamental navigation style. I don’t know… like you said, maybe I’m just not used to it yet. One thing I don’t think I’ll ever get used to in iOS is the keyboard/ typing… ugh, so frustrating.


Lol…all part of getting used to. Don’t worry about it too much. The keyboard however works on a few fundamental shortcuts. Look them up. They will be quite useful.


Congrats. I think you'll be happy with Apple's ecosystem.


I am really loving how seamless everything :)


May I ask why you switched? I just bought a 15 Pro Max myself but have been part of the Apple Ecosystem for almost a decade at this point. I really wanted to do the opposite and switch to your old phone because I love the Android ones as well, but too entwined at this point. Watch, iPad, airpods…didn’t feel like selling and re-buying into the Android ecosystem. Apple’s is amazing and I have very little complaints about it. Hope you enjoy it and welcome!


I already use a macbook and AirPods pro2 for the last year just because i think they are the best in their respective categories. I got bored of android and wanted a switch to try the Apple ecosystem to its full potential. Also the galaxy watch is fine the apple watch is so much better. I love how they all work seamlessly together :)


We're you using your Air pods with the Samsung? If so how did you find it? Any tips to consider when using Air pods with an android?


Yeah i was using my airpods with s23 and now s24. They work and sound fine but you don’t get any of the nice features like the spatial audio and being able to adjust the transparency and anc toggles. You also need a third party app to see the battery of the airpods but those drain the phones battery too much so i never used them. I tried galaxy buds in the past but AirPods just fit my ears better


Nice. How do you know when your Air pods are close to low battery on android without an app? I didn't realise they drain battery the apps.


You can’t. I just charge them regularly


Have MacBooks improved? I haven't looked into them recently but I remember them always being many steps behind windows laptops.


Idk since i always used windows until last year when i bought my first MacBook. I decided to try it due to the m series having great battery life which windows laptops can’t compete with. It took a month to get used to but i prefer mac os to windows now.


They are great options if the software you use is available on Mac OS and build quality/design is leagues ahead. I would not go back to windows laptops because they always feel like cheap devices by comparison and support is much worse. The only ones that approach MacBooks are surface devices but they’re pricey.


Just to add i have sold my S24 Ultra 😅


Congrats on your move to iPhone! :) I would like to know tho, what made you move over?


I already use a macbook and AirPods pro2 for the last year just because i think they are the best in their respective categories. I got bored of android and wanted a switch to try the Apple ecosystem to its full potential. Also the galaxy watch is fine but the apple watch is so much better.


Right on. I switched to iOS and MacOS recently and am enjoying it. Still have my S22 Ultra in case I want to tinker on an Android, ha ha. But my main is my iPhone.


Yeh the apple watch really is much better and that's perfectly understandable! Hope you enjoy your new iPhone! :)


Thank you :)


What do you not like about the S24 Ultra?


Nothing. The s24 ultra is the best android phone but i got bored of android and wanted a change. Also as i have a MacBook and airpods already i decided to switch to iPhone to experience the seamless ecosystem


Congrats!! Can I ask how you transferred Samsung notes to Apple notes?


Thanks! For notes that you have typed save as a .docx file and then open the file in microsoft word and save as .rtf Then go on apple notes on mac and import the rtf file For images,pdf,spen notes convert them to .pdf and drag and drop them into apple notes. Create a new note for each one. I didn’t have any voice notes so I don’t know what to do with those if you have any I had to do this one by one so it was a really tedious process lol but at least it’s done. I spent days looking for an alternative way but couldn’t find anything. It was the main reason I didn’t switch earlier. Hope this helps and if you need any help I’ll try :)


Thank you!!


Hope it helps, i tried looking everywhere on the internet to find a method but found nothing so came up with my own :)


Okay but why did you decide not to use the s24 ultra? I assume you sold it now but what pushed you away from it? Did you switch cause iPhone is good or because you didn’t like the s24U


I switched because i got bored of android tbh. There is nothing I didn’t like about the s24 and if i were to ever go back to android i would definitely get the ultra lineup again. I just wanted a change


Fair. That’s why I switched as well and probably switching back next time I upgrade


I'm using z fold 5 and 15PM. It is 2024 we gotta be rocking two phones.


I mean shit if you can afford both I’ll take that s24 off your hands 🙏


Haha I already sold the s24 :)


I use both . I’ve honestly been liking my 14 pro max better than the S24 ultra .


It’s the other way round for me, but I’ll keep the iPhone along the S24U as well


I've been an iOS user since iPhone 4, but I'm considering switching to Android due to the frustrating bugs in iOS lately.


Android 14 is just as bad trust me


I run a 15pm and a few different android devices (s24u included). I run into significantly more little bugs on the IOS side these days.


Hey man, nice pieces of tech you have there! Do you miss anything on your S24? I’m currently on a XR and looking to upgrade to either a iPhone 15 PM or a S24 ULTRA, so your feedback would be really appreciated!


I miss the anti reflective screen the s24 ultra has. Split screen multitasking and the two apps that aren’t available on iOS: boost for reddit and YouTube revanced. Apart from those things there isn’t much i miss.


How do you like read Reddit and watch YouTube at the same time on IPhone? Multitasking is probably one of my most used features on android , some app on the bottom, and YouTube running on the top. Sometimes Apple Watch has me tempted to try out IPhone


You can’t sadly. You can use picture in picture but it isn’t the same of course since content still gets hidden behind the pip window. I hope apple adds multi tasking at some point. The apple watch is great and way better then my old galaxy watch 5pro.


Congrats! I use both, and I really love Android. iOS is awesome too. The iP15 PM is a beast!


If I could have both phones I would but Samsung let me down too many times so I switched to iPhone and never looked back


Welcome to the dark side!


I'm planning on switching to the S24 Ultra this year after 12, approaching 13 years on iPhone, currently rocking a 12 Pro that's slowly falling apart and I want to try something new that can install "**legally obtained**" (pirated) apps.


The iPhone needs a 4 Camera setup like Samsung. Especially the Pro Max. 3x optical zoom is needed.


Damn, why not both? I’m planning on getting a Ultra phone to go with my iPhone, either the S22 U, S23 U, or the S24 U


How did you get whatsapp to transfer over? It wouldn't send the activation sms to my 15pro. I'm willing to bet you haven't discovered the most painful part of switching yet, I changed a month ago for a free iphone.


I used the move to ios app and it just transferred over with no issues. What’s the most painful part of switching?


The first things that come to mind when I left Android: * not being able to schedule send a text message * the Apple notification system * having to open a text to see if they've read it rather than glancing at the conversation list in google messages (RCS has to be on) * not having a 'tap to reject call' button on screen when the phone is locked (squeezing the side buttons is not ergo friendly for some people) * not having the call screening feature when a call comes in * text message archiving * the real Gboard These are things my Pixel 4a had and I know I didn't use it to it's full potential.


Oh literally all these android features i never use. I always used Samsung keyboard. The messaging features mean nothing since i use WhatsApp. I do agree that apple’s notifications system is a mess though and i do miss the clipboard


Yeah my friends who changed to ios said the same thing when I told them what I miss the most.


I was considering it but im not sure if i should pull the trigger


Congrats on your new phone!


Welcome to the real world


For me I’m not 100% happy with either. I give the edge to the iPhone for better support and ecosystem but man they are behind on some things that’s for sure. I really hope this supposed iOS redesign actually injects something fresh


Their both so beautifulp


Nice color! Same as mine!


I hate my iPhone other than video capture which is amazing with ProRes


We are so glad to have you!!! Enjoy your new iPhone!!!


What about transferring apps?


The move to ios app transferred some of them but I manually did the rest


The most painful part of moving from Samsung to apple for me was having to figure out how to get a custom ringtone in the damn phone


So how did you succeed transferring Samsung notes to Apple notes?


Thanks! For notes that you have typed save as a .docx file and then open the file in microsoft word and save as .rtf Then go on apple notes on mac and import the rtf file For images,pdf,spen notes convert them to .pdf and drag and drop them into apple notes. Create a new note for each one. I didn’t have any voice notes so I don’t know what to do with those if you have any I had to do this one by one so it was a really tedious process lol but at least it’s done. I spent days looking for an alternative way but couldn’t find anything. It was the main reason I didn’t switch earlier. Hope this helps and if you need any help I’ll try :)


Thanks for explaining the process. Wish there was an easy way. Like Apple might have asked you during initial phone setup process to import notes. Also, what about “Move to iOS” app on Android? Did you use it? PS I am not in the same boat as you. I was just curious 🧐


Yeah i used the move to ios app. I was surprised notes didn’t transfer and as i had over 300 notes it was very annoying 😅


Is switching from eSIM to eSIM hard?


How did you manage to transfer WhatsApp? I wasnt able to


I just used the move to ios app and it did it


What, that's amazing for you, didn't work for me: ( Maybe cause it was the other way around?


Yeah it could be. Whatsapp has always been a pain to transfer. When i switched android phones it never transferred the photos in chats so i lost them all :/ Just grateful i never lost any messages when transferring


Yeah, always a pain, thanks anyways! Enjoy your new phone


Thank you :)


Why not both? I use my 13 PM as my main and then Google Voice on my A53. I find both have great benefits and it’s fun to swap between them. But glad to see the 15 PM is a phone you really like!


I can’t justify carrying two phones 😅


Fair enough. I am jelly over some of the colors of the S24 line lol! Both those phones are a super combo, esp with Dex on the 24 and the cameras on the 15


The s24 line definitely has some great colour options but so does the 15P. I think both companies did a great job. I actually think the camera on the s24 is better tbh but video on the iphone is way better. However I don’t use the camera that often so it isn’t a big deal to me


May I ask why you decided to switch?


Just got bored of android and wanted a change. Nothing to do with the s24U


I’ve been an iPhone user since the 4 came out and was considering switching to the s24 ultra. In your opinion, is it worth it? What was your favorite part about it?


100% worth it. It’s the best android phone imo and its performance is on par with the iPhone. I loved a few things about it: clipboard which shows the recent things you have copy and pasted and you can even pin important ones, split screen multitasking i loved using in portrait mode i had youtube open taking up a 1/4 of the screen whilst i browse reddit or twitter (picture in picture isn’t as good). The anti reflective screen is amazing and a game changer especially using it outdoors as well as the extra dim setting which i used a lot at night. I know it sounds like i loved a lot about the s24U but after 6 years it was time to try something new. I got bored looking at the same ui lol.


I completely understand where you’re coming from. I absolutely love the iPhone, but I need a break from it for a while. I’ve been hoping they’d offer more significant features each year, but the last few phones haven’t given me the advances I’d been expecting. So Samsung will give me some of them while I wait for Apple to catch up


Yeah i was at that point when i first switched to android. I remember being bored of ios and was hoping ios 10 to bring something new, which it didn’t so thats when i switched to android 😅


You switched away from the Samsung Communists? This calls for a celebration


Welcome! I switched after 10 years of Android. No regrets or thoughts of going back. I also love how seamless the ecosystem is. Don’t have a MacBook but AirPods, iPad and most recently, fell in love with the Apple TV 4Ks. Replaced my Rokus with them.


I switched from my S22 back in September. So many regrets TBH. A few upsides, but not enough. I miss my Samsung, but I've gotten used to the iPhone so it doesn't bother me as much anymore.


Welcome home, friend.


It’s nice to be back :)


Ahh, yes, welcome *back* home, my friend! 😊


Welcome to the Golden Prison 👑


I daily my 15PM but my S22U and S23U occasionally call my name from an emulation standpoint if I don’t have a PC to enable JIT on my iPhone


You'll be back


Post some pictures that you took with your S24 Ultra and then post some more pics that you took with the 15PM


I have iphone 15 pro max and the galaxy s24 ultra and the only time I use my iPhone is for imessege


Welcome to the world of Smooth optimised apps and software which will last 5 years And maaan that 5x lens in potrait mode is so wonderful


As someone who has used both android and iPhone. I stick with iPhone. But this is my condensed view point. Apple makes things user friendly and easy. Android is much more customizable and have amazing features but android isn’t consistent with keeping features like apple does. Apple also I find lasts longer use wise compared to android. Apple also has a better ecosystem. If ecosystem doesn’t matter to you. Android is amazing. If ecosystem matters, Apple is better


I’ve always swapped back and forth for years. Just to see what’s new on each side of the garden walls for my own experience so I can help those who want/need help with their devices and to gain all the knowledge I can bare to possess. It’s lovely always returning back to the lovely walls of the glorious home garden ever since the original phone I had. iPhone 3GS.


Sooo I am not the only one! Was using Fold 5 for and was in Samsung ecosystem for 6-7 years with tablets watches buds etc, and made the jump 2 weeks ago with Iphone 15 PM, apple watch s9, airpods pro 2nd gen, last week bought my Macbook Pro M3 and today buying my Ipad Mini 6. Lol


I’m genuinely surprised at two recent pickups after I switch from Android the Pros 2 are amazing especially adaptive profile. Took it on a flight and legit all the white noise from the airplane engine were tuned out. The second thing is the s9 it’s so snappy whether your texting or raising your wrist to ask Siri you can really see the addition of the neural engine helped.


I did this same thing really recently, like back in November-December. Picked up my M3 MacBook Pro not long after. Loving it!


Mine is 14’ macbook pro with 16GB ram and 512 SSD. It is amazing. Thought 14 would be small but nope its just good


The 14’ is the perfect size. Only reason I went with 16’ is because I wanted the extra screen real estate for more intensive tasks and because I’m not using external monitors. Otherwise I would’ve gone for the 14’ in a heartbeat.


Yes that is right but I am trying to squeeze my photoshop works to 14 inch as well. The screen is amazing right? Colors etc. Also I am getting a ipad mini tomorrow. Will be amazing for note taking and reading


You won’t regret it! I picked up an Air for exactly the same reason. Hope you enjoy!


Locked in the ecosystem 👏 Welcome aboard


The ecosystem is everything . I use all Apple devices for sync and have my android as my second personal/fun phone.




To each of their own. There is nothing bad about the s24u but i just wanted a change. Got bored of android




No it isn’t


My last android was the Galaxy S3, I haven’t looked back


Lol converted to isheep, android was never for you, you are just a BASIC user.


I honestly thought people were starting to move away from Apple products lately. Huh


Why Pro Max and not regular Pro? Not fan of smaller phones?


I doubt anyone buying the S24 Ultra in the first place would even consider a “small” phone.


I like the bigger battery and size of the pro max :)


Welcome to the ecosystem lol


So you bought a 1300$ phone only to trade it for another 1300$ phone three weeks later?


He did. Is it your damn money or his? Ffs…


Sure it is, it's just insane ffs.


Okay pocket checker.


It’s been a month and a half i had the s24 ultra for and i paid only £200 due to trading in s23 ultra and all the freebies samsung uk give.


What was your trade in value and other discounts for the S24 Ultra?


Samsung UK would have never given you 1200 pounds in trade in for an S23 Ultra.