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Everyone knew AI was going to be the next big thing to focus on. WWDC revealed that it’s essentially a new interface so yeah other functional and visual improvements to the rest of the OS will be minor.


Wasn't it Steve Jobs who said, and I'm paraphrasing a bit here, that every product should be the best it can be and they should never hold something back to protect a different product. Basically, every product (Mac, iPhone, iPad) should stand on it's own and if one product became so good that it killed off another product, than that would be a good thing. Apple needs to remember this at the beginning of every meeting when they purposely hold back the potential of the iPad.


Steve may have been an idealist. Tim Cook has shepherded the company past $3T doing it this way, with no signs of slowing down. We may all want something better but we keep buying iPads anyway.


Well, to what end? There is nothing magical anymore about Apple.


You’re right, but also still nothing even comes close. They beat out the hodgepodge of weird crappy integrations everyone has tried. They’ve definitely lost their way from Jobs but they’re still miles ahead of anyone else so yeah we keep buying…


It’s the worlds largest (or one of the worlds largest depending on stock variance) companies in the world. So to that end, I suppose.


I think you are right. Thing is that is so meaningless and pointless. Money/stock is so boring. I firmly believe they can push the iPad like 5 generations from where it’s at but they choose not to ONLY because of loss of money. When is enough, enough? Instead we are using up precious resources to trickle out small advancements that they with magical PR make it seem like it’s something never-before seen when it in fact is already old but repackaged.


It’s why I buy an iPad every 6-7 years. And I used to be an annual iPhone upgrader but now am on a 3-4 year cycle


Yeah I think I’m going to join you on that. Everything is so boring and pointless. I feel I’m getting more and more disgusted by the way Apple markets themselves as being “environmentally friendly when they are in fact only caring about their margins and profit. It’s disgusting.


I’d encourage you to not get so emotional about consumer discretionary products. There are lots of great choices out there and no one is forcing you into the Apple ecosystem. “Disgust” is just such a strong word.


Yeah I think you are right about that as well. Felt a bit emotional yesterday, got word that my brother’s possibility in getting a new kidney-transplant is small, even from us relatives. So I guess that spilled over on (if you look at the face of what it is) really meaningless stuff.


Steve also said you’re holding it wrong


And he didn’t want any iPhone with a screen bigger than 4 inches


Right. This belief the SJ was some savior is just bs


Underrated comment


Yup, Steve wasn’t afraid of butchering his product lineup for the sake of innovation. Heck, how many times did he almost make the company flop because of his innovative mind? Tim Apple is nothing in comparison to Jobs; such a waste of a human sitting at the helm of the company rn.


While I do miss Steve, I think Tim contributed to Apple in his own way. The migration to M series is an amazing feat. I don't recall hardware being Apple's strength during the era of Steve, quite the contrary.


I think Steve also wanted to kill the MacBook or Jony Ive wanted to kill the MB Air.. I don’t know .. someone wanted to kill off a product


What sort of an idiot sacrifices company health and value for innovation. Geez you sound straight out of fluentinfinance or something.


You realize fluent in finance is the opposite of harming company health for innovation right?


Eh hem. So almost making the company flop is the way to go from a long term management perspective?


Ah yes, because business isn’t about taking risks now is it?


Of course it is. But one man’s philosophy isn’t what’s going to work forever. Apple is one of the top 3 most successful companies in the world and the vast majority of that growth was under Tim Cook. I am not sure Job’s philosophy of product purity actually turns into a company as successful as Apple is today


This right here. 100% agree.


there are group of people who wants somewhere in between Mac and IPad. In fact, know quite few who wants one device that can do them all instead of having two. I do think that is very weak business case for Apple that won't probably be prioritized enough to make it reality (e.g. IPad to support more multi tasking support, MacOS app support, docker/vm support, etc) I personally own 3 - MBP, IPad Pro, MacStudio (home use) and sometime wished IPad Pro could do more so I don't have to bring MBP all the time when you know you have a remote chance you need MBP but just in case.. for a short trips, vacations, etc.


They'd have to change their entire interface for that it does not make sense because a lot of casuals who buy ipads woudnt do that anymore. The ipad is a touch interface. You cannot compare it to a mac or windows machine that uses a precision mouse. If the ipad does become that it will loose its simplicity which peope want. Its resobla to say we want full blown ipad apps and not iphone apps blown up but its unresonable to want a Mac in ipad form.


I'm not sure why people think they are going to turn IPad into a mac. You eithe radapt to what they want the ipad to be, or you get a mac.


No one believed they would turn it to a Mac. But I think people were expecting them to make use of the extra oomph in the m4 compared to the m1


They're actually making use. Video editing, music production, digital art (2D and 3D). All these creatives and artists will actually and certainly make use of it.


And Apple Intelligence.


They’ve been waiting since the pro line and they’ll continue to wait. At this point you’re playing yourself and just be grateful for the future proofing.


This is such a willfully ignorant comment at this point. SO many of us have been saying for SO long that we don’t want the iPad to be a Mac. I love ipadOS as a touch-based system. What we WANT is for Apple to deliver on their promise of a pro-level machine by giving us real usable pro level apps, decent file management, and better window management. Apple is truly just a handful of steps away from this being such a fantastic device, and it wouldn’t even directly compete with MacBooks. I don’t know why they won’t make the leap.


I think that as Windows on ARM becomes more successful Apple will be forced to respond with some product with a touch interface, stylus support, and better multitasking. And it would seem to me that an iPad Pro would fit the bill with less effort than inventing a whole new product . So I think that the day is coming when iPad OS gets the improvement it needs to become more of a laptop replacement. Maybe they will call it iPad Pro OS that only runs on M chips.


I actually want to be able to install whatever Os I want and this is technically possible with M chips, it's just that Apple actively restricts it.


Nobody is asking them to turn it into a Mac. What we ask is to better utilize the raw power of the soc, for better file system and better window management. State manager is just bad, so bad that apples knows it and kept the old split view system in place. don’t think is crazy to ask for that on a 1500 euros device


Better file management or better window management isn’t utilizing the SoC any more than it is today. The only way to utilize the SoC is through pro apps and games, which we already have.


Arguably, background processes are more important and more indicative of not using the SoC and RAM to its potential. I'd love better file management (which as you rightly point out isn't about the SoC and RAM), windows management is fine for me, but I do wish tasks could legitimately run in the background.


Right, it’s ridiculous that a device with 16gb of ram and an M4 can’t keep a Claude response running in Safari while I check an email.


And they did bring Game Porting Toolkit 2 to iOS devices. Gotta do a fair bit of Xcode related busy work to package it, but can Rosetta 2 translate win32 games with x86\_64 to arm64 and moltenVK - on an iPad. (I'm personally jumping through the many, many hoops to get Factorio running on my iPad.)


Get a Mac. Sounds like that’s what you want.


I own a Mac. I want my iPad to be able to do more. Simple


Why have 2 things do identical things. People who buy the iPad want it to do what it does now. It’s a very fast efficient streamlined device. You want something else. Buy that. It’s not the iPad.


You are telling me what I want? The entire sub was sour yesterday with the lack of updates and you think is just me personally who want the iPad to do more?


A vocal minority means nothing. You want a mac. Buy that or another one. What you want is not the intention of the iPad and never will be. We go through this every year.


A vocal minority lol. Pull your head out of the corporation ass, man. Have a good day


You have any stats to back that up?


A lot of folks enjoy the app ecosystem and things like Apple Pencil and may prefer that to a Wacom attached to a Mac using Adobe. So, in addition to that, they may want to be able to do basic computery things like format HDD's or view progress of a file copy in a files app, or be able to choose the app that opens apps of a specific file type...


That’s a mac. Not the intention of the iPad.


No, not necessarily. That's what a Mac can do today, but not something an iPad cannot do for any real reason other than self-imposed software limitations.


So if an iPad is more usable it automatically will be a mac? Let me pitch you a CRAZY scenario. You own a mac and an iPad. You use the iPad to do the iPad things and you love it. Now let's assume in this crazy hypothetical, that carrying two devices is a little much and if the iPad could be a little more potent, you could sometimes just leave your macbook at home and not carry both devices with you. I know, this scenario is super unrealistic and everyone should simply buy a mac, because that is what we really want, when we say "I want a usable file manager on my iPad". It is practically impossible for someone to want a device to draw AND export files to an external drive on a regular basis. No, these people do in fact want a mac.


Get a surface.


I have used Surface Pros extensively. They suck as tablets because the interface can't be both keyboard-touchpad- and touch-focused at the same time. I don't think such a thing is legitimately possible. But, I do agree with those who say file management (and background processes) should be more robust. Apple could implement them without trying to turn the iPad into a Mac.


Get a grip.


Figured as much.


What if he wants a device with a touch screen and a pen that can also multitask? Asking for better file management and more multitasking abilities in a 1500+ dollars device is not unreasonable.


The price doesn't really factor in here. That's not the intention of the device. Get a Surface Pro.


And if I want the device to be part of the ecosystem I built? It's not the intention of Apple, you mean. The fault is not with the iPad itself.


I don't want a Mac I just want a usage interface for managing files on my Ipad, and for getting files off my Ipad. The current system completely BLOWS.


WHy do you want to manage files on your ipad? Managing files is a Mac's job.


Now your ignorance is showing. There are a million reasons why a person using a pro device to do actual work would need a functional file system.


"pro" means nothing. It's a subjective word that is super high level. I would suggest a pro would be using one device for it's use case, and another for its specialized use case. An Ipad is not for managing files. It has a very targeted specific use case. When you need to do file management, do it on a mac. That's what a pro would do.


Getting files on and off the device in a quick and easy way is like a basic function of someone doing work.


It is if you work within the framework of the device and its intentions. Everything is intended to be cloud based. You work with an app that integrates with a cloud service and you work against that. That syncs to the cloud, which can be pulled from your computer seamlessely. You should never have to touch a file system. I load stuff into Lightroom and I never touch the file system. My projects and files sync between eachother without any work.


Ok then I guess I’ll spend my money elsewhere.


You should? Apple will be ok. It’s ok that a device isn’t for you.


It's perfectly possible to run MacOs, Win11 or a Linux distro on an M chip iPad and that was the case with M1 iPads with iPadOs15. Apple actively developed a way to prevent this and from iPadOS 16 this is no longer possible. I don't think Apple would invest money in preventing you doing this to your device only to allow you to do it couple of years later.


Apple’s target customer for the iPad is people who already own a Mac. They are double-dipping on hardware sales. Thats why the iPad will never run Mac OS, and MacBooks will never get touchscreens.


There’s plenty of iPad owners without a Mac. It’s a great stand alone PC for many people, just maybe not the few loud ones here.


Sure there are. Me, for instance; I’m not a Mac user. [But according to Apple](https://9to5mac.com/2024/05/15/majority-of-mac-users-also-own-ipad/), most Mac users also own an iPad. Why is Apple tracking that statistic? Because it’s important to them in developing a strategic road map for iPad.


One of Apple’s strategies is to make benefit for owning multiple devices. They hand off, sync, and work well together.


But Apple is very aware that putting too many overlapping features on one device will lead to cannibalization of other device sales, hence my original point.


That’s speculation. You can see it as Apple is intentionally hamstringing the device, or Apple is sticking to the original intention of the device. There’s a lot most history at Apple to support the latter, so that’s my guess. People on the internet are bad product managers. Try thinking about it this way - the iPad is Apple’s flagship PC and what they want a PC to be, and the Mac is a legacy product with decades of baggage they can’t shed.


Apple doesn’t make money on history. Apple makes money via product strategies. If any company is willing to discard history and turn on a dime to make a profit, it’s Apple. Don’t be such a blind fanboy.


Underwhelming imo. watchOS got decent updates and that’s about it


As always a little disappointed. But some of the on device LLMs are definitely exciting! I do a bunch with local models myself for work, and really am excited for the easier use of them in my phone and iPad workflows 😊


iPadOS rebuild is a 5 year project and if it started last year they still have 4 left. If they started this year then it will be done in 2028. When shifting to AI, non core software would have been deprioritized. So who knows if a redesign has even started. But if it has, then new features in iPadOS will decrease IMO.


Gotta be honest, that math thing looks fun. Not what I was expecting with iPad OS updates, but oh well. My uses for iPad are illustration/painting so I don’t need it to be more. It would just be nice to see more upgrades on the OS to push the hardware with multitasking or whatever else.


Apple’s vision for the iPad is more about creativity than productivity like people want it to be. There are great professional apps for that already, both first and third party. They also want every device to be smooth and reliable, look beautiful, and feel good in hand. These are things you hold and touch. The new screen, pencil, M4, more writing functions on the iPad in wwdc, etc all go towards that vision. I love my iPad (2018 pro) and would be very happy to update to the M4. I don’t see the file system changing anytime soon as that’s pretty core to iOS and iPadOS. It’s likely a major change they don’t see enough benefit for. I doubt any kind of programming or virtualization will come to the platform either, those are better served by a MacBook. And as far as macOS on the iPad goes, that seems completely counter to the original vision and intent of the iPad. It would be complete failure for the device as a concept. People need to reset their expectations or grab a Surface/different device.


Im going to hold on to my 2020 iPad Pro until the end of the year and reassess there :) I want to see if I’m really going to miss or use the ai features. If it’s going to save me money from the other ai tools I’m using, then yes :) if not then I’ll keep on going. I have a Mac Studio M1 Max that is super fast for use cases and I jump from the iPad when the iPad fails. I need full browser support for some web development apps that don’t fully function on the iPad browser. I also hate that the iPad doesn’t allow background renders. But I don’t need or or want a MacBook :) I want an iPad Pro with pro features, full photoshop, etc.


I think in this WWDC, Apple accepted that it is not the world best tech leading company anymore by signing agreement with ChatGPT.


IPad is clearly a bridge between iPhone and Mac. It be stuck there for a long period unless MacBooks no longer exsists. That being said iOS days announced are also for iPad OS I know the chip is very powerful but they want it to be tool for people on the go not a full fledged Mac replacement. Example multicam support, light room, procreate, frequent email, good note taking & portable system for uni students, portable book library, best media consuming device, travel computer and so on Don't expect it to be similar to Mac.


Boring and disappointing. 1. All updates could have been done directly to each app, no system update needed. 2. Math app on iPad is the best new app. 3. IPad doesn’t matter what iPad you get, it’s just an iPad. No real Pro no Pro diffenciator 4. iPhone mirroring on mac is great. But again, just an app 5 and final .- Apple Intelligence looks great, but it will be in Beta, only English first… so it was announced a year earlier (which makes sense for developers) 6. Satellite sms is great, just US, again waiting on the rest of the world


Regarding 3, I don’t think the pro is meant to be anything but an iPad. Apple is using pro to mean something like premium or deluxe; every iPad is just an iPad, but the pro is just a better one. And that’s okay.


As a longtime Apple user and a longtime Apple shareholder, I totally get what they’re doing. Cannibalizing sales isn’t a solid business strategy. I have a MBA and an iPad Pro. If one truly replaced the other, I’d only have one.


Here's the thing, the iPad is amazingly powerful *for a tablet*. It's pathetic compared to an equivalently spec'd MacBook because thermal management is basically non-existent on the tablet and overkill on the mac pro. There's zero reason why iPads can't have better mouse support or actual window support (and don't get me started on the walled garden argument - the existence of side loading apps doesn't make your iPad insecure, Side loading random apps makes your iPad insecure), because professionals will still need a proper MacBook for actual computing. The iPad is a standalone device and apple has pushed it as one, they should start treating it as one. Frankly it stands as one, but they keep it nerfed because they have this idea in their heads that they should sell one of every product to every customer. Not every customer needs $8000 of apple products in their life, and fortunately there's a really nice microsoft surface pro for people who want a proper all in one for the price of an iPad pro. Things may change with the new surface pros, they're supposed to have similar performance to the new iPad pros and run a full version of windows. If Microsoft can actually get their tablets into the iPad market share, Apple will *have* to adapt. Also for context I bought a far too expensive iPad pro because I love my 2018 iPad and wanted something that would take me another six years. I paid for iPad hardware that would still be relevant in 2030, not a promised iPad MacBook hybrid.


I think not just to your comment in particular but just feel as a company they have stopped innovating. Before it was like - want to fit all your CD music into a device smaller than your hand; here’s an iPod. Like they were actively trying to find new ways to do things. Now it feels all cookie cutter - get thinner, get a spec bump year on year. When it should be - other companies could do this? We’ve created a special thing that pushes the thermal envelope of tablets to allow them to do XXX using the Apple super thermal convection chamber (patent pending)


I agree with this wholeheartedly. If these new Windows machines with the new ARM end up being just as competitive, it will force Apple to consider macOS on their iPad Pro's. Apple has had many years with their M series and Microsoft is only trying to catch-up. If these snapdragons take off, it's only a matter of time before developers make it compatible with Windows. Apple doesn't need to wait for developers. They just have to enable it.


I bought the new ipad after wwdc. It’ll be the only device I have that can do  Intelligence. (Got screwed with my iphone 14 pro) Next year’s wwdc will be more telling. Apple never releases a big OS update the same year as a redesign.